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JavaScript Delayed Triggers

This package is designed to provide a simple solution to being able to trigger certian hidden iframes, i.e. pixels, at certian points in time from after the page has loaded.


You simply need to copy the code within index.min.js into the body of the website, and follow the usage instructions outlined below. The minified code has been copied here for ease:

    (function(w,d,s,u){var e=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];for(var i in u){
    setTimeout(function(w,d,a,e){var j=d.createElement('iframe');j.width=1;
    j.height=1;"display: none;";j.src=a;e.appendChild(j);},(i*1000),
        0  : '',
        5  : '',
        10 : ''


All that's needed is that the options within the above snippet are modified for your needs. For example, let's use the following scenario:

  1. Trigger a call to after 7 seconds of the user being on the page, and
  2. Trigger a secondary call to after 20 seconds of being on the page.

The above would provide the following options, with the key's being time (in seconds) and the values being the endpoint to trigger:

    7  : '',
    20 : ''

Which, when added to the main core of the script, would produce the following which should be added to the page:

    (function(w,d,s,u){var e=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];for(var i in u){
    setTimeout(function(w,d,a,e){var j=d.createElement('iframe');j.width=1;
    j.height=1;"display: none;";j.src=a;e.appendChild(j);},(i*1000),
        7  : '',
        20 : ''


jedkirby/js-delayed-triggers is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.