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A modified version of apgsearch that supports skipping some soups with a high population or take many generations to stabilise


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This program searches random initial configurations in Conway's Game of Life and periodically uploads results to a remote server. You can read more information about the distributed search at the following URL:

An automatic live Twitter feed of new discoveries found by the search was established by Ivan Fomichev:

There is also an automatically-updated summary page, with animations of interesting objects and various charts:

The search was originally performed by people running instances of a Python script; this repository contains the source code for a C++ program which is 20 times faster. The prefix 'apg-' stands for Ash Pattern Generator and the suffix '-luxe' refers to the capabilities vis-a-vis previous versions (apgmera, apgnano, and apgsearch).

Compilation and execution

Note: apgluxe can only run on x86-64 machines. If you have an ancient computer, then the recommended alternative is the Python script.

This program is designed to be compiled using gcc or clang. If you have one of these compilers installed, then building apgluxe is as simple as running:


in the repository directory. If compilation succeeded, the last two lines should resemble the following:

apgluxe v5.0-ll2.2.0: Rule b3s23 is correctly configured.
apgluxe v5.0-ll2.2.0: Symmetry C1 is correctly configured.

which means you are ready to run the program like so:

./apgluxe [OPTIONS]

The options may include, for example:

  • -k mypassword Upload soups where 'mypassword' is your key
  • -n 5000000 Run 5000000 soups per upload
  • -p 4 Parallelise across 4 threads
  • --rule b36s245 Run the custom rule B36/S245
  • --symmetry D2_+1 Run soups with odd bilateral symmetry
  • -L 1 Save a local log of each haul
  • -t 1 Disable uploading to Catagolue
  • -i 10 Upload exactly 10 hauls before exiting
  • -v 5 Peer-verify 5 hauls for every haul uploaded
  • --maxpop 10000 Skip soups with a maximum population larger than 10000
  • --maxgen 180000 Skip soups that run for longer than 180000 generations

Example usage

This invocation will upload results every 20 million soups:

./apgluxe -n 20000000

If you want to upload soups non-anonymously, use the -k flag and provide a valid payosha256 key. The correct syntax is as follows:

./apgluxe -n 20000000 -k mykey

where 'mykey' is replaced with your payosha256 key (available from -- note the case-sensitivity). Omitting this parameter will cause soups to be uploaded anonymously.

If you have a quad-core computer and would prefer not to run four separate instances, then use the -p command to parallelise:

./apgluxe -n 20000000 -k mykey -p 4

This will use C++11 multithreading to parallelise across 4 threads, thus producing and uploading soups approximately four times more quickly. Note that this does not work on Cygwin.


Linux / Mac OS X users

Compiling and running apgluxe is easy, as explained above. To download the source code, use the following command:

git clone

Then you can enter the directory and compile the search program using:

cd apgmera

If the online repository is updated at all, you can update your local copy in-place by running:

git pull

in the repository directory.

Apple M1 (Silicon) users

Apple M1 chips use a different instruction set, namely ARMv8, so emulation is required to use apgsearch. In particular, you need to ensure that Rosetta 2 is installed and use the arch command as follows:

arch -x86_64 ./

Even though this uses emulation (traditionally slow), the Apple M1 chip is surprisingly fast at emulating an x86_64 processor and runs apgsearch at a comparable speed to a pre-Haswell processor.

Windows 10 users

Even though the Cygwin64 solution above will work perfectly on Windows 10, one user noted that it does not fully utilise the processor. Instead, you are encouraged to use WSL bash as described here.

It seems that the order of magnitude difference quoted above is on the extreme side; other users report a 20 percent difference between WSL, VirtualBox, and Cygwin64 (in descending order of speed).

Moreover, these comparisons were performed with the old threading model (OpenMP threads), whereas apgluxe has subsequently migrated to pure C++11 threads for increased cross-platform support.

Windows users (pre-Windows 10, precompiled)

There is a precompiled Windows binary, only for b3s23/C1, available from here. When executed, it will prompt you for the haul size, number of CPUs to use, and your payosha256 key. For finer control, it can be run from the Command Prompt with any combination of the options mentioned in the Example Usage above.

Compiling from source has the advantage of allowing other rules and symmetries to be explored. Moreover, it allows certain optimisations to be applied to specifically target the machine you're using, conferring a marginal speed boost.

Windows users (pre-Windows 10, Cygwin)

Install Cygwin64 (from, ensuring that the following are checked in the list of plugins to install:

  • git
  • make
  • gcc-g++
  • python (2 or 3)

Open a Cygwin terminal, which will behave identically to a Linux terminal but run inside Windows. This reduces your problem to the above case.

If you get the error stoll is not a member of std, then you are using an old version of GCC. Run the Cygwin setup program to ensure that gcc-g++ is updated.

Note that the -p option for parallelisation does not work in Cygwin.

Speed boosts

There are several compilation flags that can be used for accelerated searching.

GPU searching

If you have an NVIDIA GPU with at least 1.5 GB of memory, then it can be used as a 'preprocessor' which discards uninteresting soups and delegates the interesting soups to the CPU search program. Compilation uses:

./ --cuda

Note that the program will upload to a different census (b3s23/G1 instead of b3s23/C1) as the process of discarding uninteresting soups heavily distorts the census results. Work is in progress to allow the GPU to census soups itself, thereby allowing CUDA-accelerated searching of b3s23/C1.

It will default to using the whole GPU (device 0, unless you explicitly change CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES as explained in the next section) as a soup preprocessor and 8 CPU threads to census the interesting soups. If you have a very powerful GPU and it is under-utilised, you may want to increase the number of CPU threads using the -p flag:

./apgluxe -n 1000000000 -p 12 -k mykey

This is particularly pertinent for the NVIDIA Volta V100 and RTX 2080 Ti GPUs, which can each manage 1 080 000 soups per second if sufficiently many CPU threads are being used. The Ampere A100 should theoretically be able to manage considerably more than that, provided the number of threads is high enough.

You can see the CPU usage using htop and the GPU usage using:

watch -n 0.1 nvidia-smi

If the GPU utilisation is significantly below 100% for a significant amount of time, then increasing the number of threads is recommended.

Multi-GPU searching

Each process can only utilise a single GPU. The CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable allows you to select the GPU to use (this is a standard part of the CUDA runtime, and not a feature of apgsearch specifically). For example, to run a process on GPU 3, use:


This requires you to have firstly compiled with ./ --cuda as described in the previous section.

To search on multiple GPUs, run one process on each GPU. You might want to create a Bash script resembling the following (with one line per device) so that you can conveniently run a process per GPU:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ./apgluxe -p "$CPU_THREADS" -n 1000000000 -k "$KEY" &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 ./apgluxe -p "$CPU_THREADS" -n 1100000000 -k "$KEY" &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 ./apgluxe -p "$CPU_THREADS" -n 1200000000 -k "$KEY" &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 ./apgluxe -p "$CPU_THREADS" -n 1300000000 -k "$KEY" &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 ./apgluxe -p "$CPU_THREADS" -n 1400000000 -k "$KEY" &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5 ./apgluxe -p "$CPU_THREADS" -n 1500000000 -k "$KEY" &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=6 ./apgluxe -p "$CPU_THREADS" -n 1600000000 -k "$KEY" &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 ./apgluxe -p "$CPU_THREADS" -n 1700000000 -k "$KEY" &

Warning: The output to the terminal may look confusing and bizarre because it contains the interleaved output from all of these processes. This is to be expected and is no cause for concern.

Profile-guided optimisation (CPU only)

Profile-guided optimisation can be enabled with:

./ --profile

This is only supported for the compilers GCC and Clang, rather than nvcc, so is specific to CPU searching. The benefits are relatively mild.

Space-invaders Symmetries

These can be enabled by using the --maxpop and/or the --maxgen arguments as such

./ --maxpop 10000 --maxgen 180000

This is useful for searching rules that may explode on some soups. The hauls will be uploaded to separate symmetries such as C1_spaceinvaders to avoid mixing hauls with regular symmetries.

Credits and licences

The software apgluxe and lifelib are both written by Adam P. Goucher and available under an MIT licence. Thanks go to Dave Greene, Tom Rokicki, 'Apple Bottom', Darren Li, Arthur O'Dwyer, and Tod Hagan for contributions, suggestions, testing, and feedback.

All third-party components are similarly free and open-source:

  • 'CRYSTALS-Dilithium: A Lattice-Based Digital Signature Scheme' is Licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0;
  • The SHA3 (Keccak) hash function implementation, by Dr. Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, is available under an MIT licence;
  • The SHA-256 hash function implementation, by Olivier Gay, is available under a BSD 3-clause licence;
  • The 'RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm' reference implementation can be copied, modified and used under the condition that the copyright notice is included;
  • The 'HappyHTTP' library, by Ben Campbell, can be copied, modified and used under the condition that the copyright notice is included.


A modified version of apgsearch that supports skipping some soups with a high population or take many generations to stabilise








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