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Imbalance reduction techniques applied to the ECG classification problem

Code with models used for experiments in paper Imbalance reduction techniques applied to ECG classification problem submitted to the Special Session of IDEAL conference: Machine Learning Algorithms for Hard Problems.

Repo organisation

The repository is organised as follows:

  1. Residual Network used as a baseline for experiments can be found in
  2. Multiclass UMCE code can be found in ensamble directory
  3. Used oversampling methods are in oversampling folder
  4. Code used for experiments are the files in the main directory with '_experiment' suffix
  5. Value of metrics for all folds and the code for statistical tests can be found in the results folder
  6. Directories: dataset_utils, experiment_utils, utils contain code used in main parts

ECG imbalance problem

The dataset used for this study was MIT-BIH from kaggle. ECG signals there are normalised to fit [0,1] interval and padded with zeros to 187 samples length. Here are some examples of how these singlas look like:

In this dataset there are 5 classes ('N': 0, 'S': 1, 'V': 2, 'F': 3, 'Q': 4). They are identfied with certain groups of arrhythmia entities. As often in case of medical datasets MIT-BIH is heavily imbalanced.

Label Number of learning examples Imbalance ratio
0 72470 -
1 2223 32.6 : 1
2 5788 12.52 : 1
3 641 113.06 : 1
4 6431 11.27 : 1

In our work we explore the impact of the traditional imbalance reduction techniques on the performance of deep learning models.


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