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Automatic import for JS/Flow


This extension uses dude-wheres-my-module, which runs in an external process, so it won't slow down your IDE 🙂

To use it, run the Add Missing Imports command (Ctrl+Alt+I/⌃⌘I); it will scan the current editor for undeclared identifiers and add import statements for them. Unlike the TypeScript IDE, it doesn't currently suggest imports while you type.

If there is only one suggestion for a given identifier it will add the import automatically. Otherwise, it will prompt you to pick from the different suggestions.

It will add import statements if your file already contains them or has a @flow pragma; otherwise it will add require statements.


  • There are a few cases where obsolete suggested imports stick around after you delete them from the file dude-wheres-my-module got them from, or delete that file entirely.
  • dude-wheres-my-module doesn't automatically try to figure out what imports are available from packages in your node_modules yet. But the good news is that if you've imported something once in one file, it will be available in suggestions for other files. You can also manually configure preferred imports from packages in node_modules
  • It can't currently use Flow type information to rule out invalid suggestions (or decide that the way you're using a built-in idea identifier seems to indicate you meant to import something)




Selecting from multiple suggestions

Import Suggestions

After selecting a suggetion
