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This is an R package to calculate Gittins indices for the multi-armed bandit problem.


This project contains functions written in R to calculate Gittins indices for the Bayesian multi-armed bandit problem with Bernoulli or Normal rewards. Detailed information on the methodology as well as the effect of different computation parameters on speed and accuracy can be found in this paper and in my thesis (in Chapter 5).


Install the gittins package from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


There are two main groups of functions, those for the multi-armed bandit with bernoulli rewards (begin with bmab_) and those for the same problem with normal rewards (begin with nmab_).

The functions bmab_gi() and nmab_gi() will calculate the gittins index of a single arm state, while bmab_gi_multiple() and nmab_gi_multiple() will calculate indices for the multiple states that will be encountered in a multi-armed bandit problem.

The package also contains functions to calculate other indices, the KGI and GI+, which provide lower and upper bounds for the Gittins index.

Bernoulli Rewards

The following calculates the Gittins index for an arm which has a Bayesian state (prior plus observed) of two observations and one success.

bmab_gi(1, 2, gamma = 0.9, N = 80, tol = 5e-5)

The other arguments used are: the reward discount factor gamma of the problem, the desired accuracy tol, and the horizon N of the dynamic program. The first of these is a feature of the problem while the last two affect the calculation accuracy and speed.

The alternative function bmab_gi_ab() gives the arm state in alpha/beta values (success/failure counts).

For multiple states, give the starting state of the problem (here using alpha/beta terminology) and the number of actions that will be taken. These define the possible states the arm could take and therefore the states for which Gittins indices are needed. The following function gives these results in a data frame:

bmab_gi_multiple(alpha_start = 1, beta_start = 1, num_actions = 10, gamma = 0.9, N = 80, tol = 5e-5)

Normal Rewards

This is similar to the Bernoulli case but with extra parameters. For a a single state:

nmab_gi(0, 1, gamma = 0.9, tau = 1, N = 30, xi = 3, delta = 0.02, tol = 5e-4)

The arguments gamma and tau are problem setting parameters, while the remaining arguments affect the solution accuracy and speed. Calculations for the NMAB can be much slower than for the BMAB especially if high accuracy is required.

For multiple states, Gittins indices are only needed for a single vector of states given by the parameter n since indices for different mean beliefs can then be can be found by a simple transform.

nmab_gi_multiple(n_range = 1:10, gamma = 0.9, tau = 1, N = 30, xi = 3, delta = 0.02, tol = 5e-4)


R package for calculating Gittins indices







