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EuCAP2024 - Min-Path-Tracing: A Diffraction Aware Alternative to Image Method in Ray Tracing |
jeertmans/DiffeRT2d |
eucap2024 |
/posts/eucap2024-presentation/ |
Our paper has been accepted to EuCAP 2024!
At EuCAP 2024, I presented our work Fully Differentiable Ray Tracing via Discontinuity Smoothing for Radio Network Optimization {% cite Eert2403:Fully %}. In this paper, we investigate the challenges of making a Fully Differentiable Ray Tracing software for radio propagation applications.
{% include slides.html url="/assets/slides/2024-03-18-eucap-presentation.html" %}
If you prefer, PowerPoint and PDF versions are also available.
{% bibliography --cited %}
Available on GitHub:
{: .filepath}.