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Homebridge VEML7700 Sensor


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Homebridge connector for the Adafruit VEML7700 Lux Sensor.

The Adafruit VEML7700 lux sensor does not natively support any API to access the information. As such, the use of this connector does require a separate Raspberry Pi based wireless solution.

How it works

How it works

The flow depicted above, shows how the contact sensor is capable of accessing the lux sensor deployed on the network near the device with a light bulb to watch.

  • A VEML7700 sensor is placed over top of a light bulb to watch.
  • The homebridge-veml7700-sensor is polling the dotnet-veml7700 web api to get the lux values from a particular device address on the i2c bus.
  • When the homebridge-veml7700-sensor gets a response value...
    • When the value is greater than the minimum required lux, the contact sensor will change to a detected state.
    • When the value is less than the minimum required lux, the contact sensor will change to an open state.