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Merge pull request #25 from jeff303/demo-bugfixes
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Demo bugfixes
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jeff303 committed Apr 4, 2024
2 parents 2427566 + cf19037 commit 90cc0a7
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Showing 7 changed files with 94 additions and 24 deletions.
31 changes: 25 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ record handling.
::kcr/value-type "json" ; the format the value should be parsed in (optional)
::kcr/value-parse-fn (fn [b] nil) ; a custom function to parse the value (passed as a byte array)
; if both are omitted, the value won't be parsed
::kcr/key->clj? true ; if true, the key will be converted to a Clojure map after parsing the bytes
::kcr/val->clj? true ; if true, the value will be converted to a Clojure map after parsing the bytes
::kcr/include-headers? true ; whether to include message headers in extra-metadata
::kcr/include-offset? true ; whether to include the message offset in extra-metadata
::kcr/include-partition? true ; whether to include the PartitionInfo in extra-metadata
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,7 +161,16 @@ can simply be ignored/not passed along from the `map-record-fn`
There is an uberjar build of `kc-repl` that is capable of running basic operations using `java`. To use this mode,
download (or build) the uberjar, then run:

`java -Dclojure.core.async.pool-size=1 -jar kc-repl-*.jar /path/to/`
#### Without Custom Type Handlers

java -Dclojure.core.async.pool-size=1 -jar target/kc-repl-<version>-standalone.jar /path/to/

#### With Custom Type Handlers
rlwrap java -Dclojure.core.async.pool-size=1 -cp type-handlers/avro/target/kc-repl-type-handler-avro-<version>-avro-handler.jar:target/kc-repl-<version>-standalone.jar us.jeffevans.kc_repl.java_main /path/to/

The syntax for the Java runtime is more similar to the original Kafka command line tools. You can type `help` for a
more complete list.
Expand All @@ -186,11 +197,13 @@ advancing, such as `seek-while` and `seek-until`).

#### Extension

The current key and message types that can be parsed are limited (only text and JSON). There is a multimethod,
`parse-type`, that provides an extension point through which parsing of new types can be supported. In the future,
support for some of these will be added to this project (as submodules that can be built separately and loaded as
needed). In theory, any Clojure code that defines a new method for this multimethod can take advantage of this
mechanism to read additional types (provided the bytecode is available on the classpath).
The base implementation supports type handling for text and json data. Additional type handlers can be added by:
* extending the `us.jeffevans.kc-repl.type-handlers/type-handler` protocol
* defining a `us.jeffevans.kc-repl.type-handlers/create-type-handler` multimethod implementation
* adding a `kc-repl-handler-ns.txt` file to your classpath (ex: in `resources`) that indicates the namespace that
should be loaded to allow for this type handler to be picked up at runtime

Refer to the `avro` and `protobuf` implementations under `type-handlers` for reference implementations.

### Building the Uberjar
`clojure -J-Dclojure.core.async.pool-size=1 -T:build ci`
Expand All @@ -202,6 +215,12 @@ mechanism to read additional types (provided the bytecode is available on the cl

Bugs and enhancement requests will be tracked in the GitHub project (via issues).

## Demo Videos

* [Java Main demo](
* [Clojure nREPL demo - mapping and reduction with Avro data](
* [Clojure nREPL demo - conditional seeking with Avro data](

## License

Copyright © 2022 Jeff Evans
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68 changes: 57 additions & 11 deletions src/us/jeffevans/kc_repl.clj
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(.toArray headers))))

(defn- parse-type-fn-with-handlers [^String type-name type-handlers]
(defn- parse-type-fn-with-handlers [^String type-name type-handlers v->clj?]
(if-let [handler (get type-handlers type-name)]
(partial th/parse-bytes handler)
(if v->clj?
(fn [topic v]
(->> (th/parse-bytes handler topic v)
(th/->clj handler)))
(partial th/parse-bytes handler))
(throw (ex-info (format "no type handler registered for %s" type-name) {::type-handler-keys (keys type-handlers)}))))

(defn- make-default-record-handler-fn [^String value-type type-handlers]
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(defn- make-record-handler-fn [{:keys [::key-type ::key-parse-fn ::value-type ::value-parse-fn ::map-record-fn
::include-headers? ::include-topic? ::include-partition? ::include-offset?
::include-timestamp?] :as record-handling} type-handlers]
::include-timestamp? ::key->clj? ::val->clj?] :as record-handling} type-handlers]
(let [k-parse-fn (cond (fn? key-parse-fn)

(some? key-type)
(parse-type-fn-with-handlers key-type type-handlers)
(parse-type-fn-with-handlers key-type type-handlers key->clj?)

;; by default, don't try to parse the key
Expand All @@ -74,7 +78,7 @@

(some? value-type)
(parse-type-fn-with-handlers value-type type-handlers)
(parse-type-fn-with-handlers value-type type-handlers val->clj?)

;; by default, don't try to parse the value
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(print beg))))
(idle-poll! consumer)))

(defn- remove-consumer-assignment!
"Removes the given `assignment` (a TopicPartition) from the given `consumer`. If the consumer did not already
have it assigned, this is a no-op."
[active-assignments-atom ^KafkaConsumer consumer assignments]
(doseq [topic (keys assignments)]
(let [[part] (get assignments topic)
tp (TopicPartition. topic part)
cur-assignments (set (.assignment consumer))]
(swap! active-assignments-atom disj tp)
(when (contains? cur-assignments tp)
(let [new-assignments (disj cur-assignments tp)]
(.assign consumer new-assignments)))))
(idle-poll! consumer)

(defn- assign-and-seek! [^KafkaConsumer consumer assignments active-assignments-atom]
(doseq [topic (keys assignments)]
(let [[part offset?] (get assignments topic)
(let [[part ^long offset?] (get assignments topic)
tp (TopicPartition. topic part)]
(add-consumer-assignment! active-assignments-atom consumer tp true)
(if (some? offset?)
Expand All @@ -260,6 +279,10 @@
(assign-and-seek! consumer new-assignment active-assignments-atom))

(defmethod handle-repl->client-message ::unassign [^KafkaConsumer consumer {:keys [::active-assignments-atom
(remove-consumer-assignment! active-assignments-atom consumer remove-assignments))

(defmethod handle-repl->client-message ::seek [^KafkaConsumer consumer
{:keys [::active-assignments-atom
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,6 +451,13 @@
::active-assignments-atom active-assignments-atom
::new-assignment {topic [partition offset?]}}))

(defn- unassign!
[to-consumer-chan from-consumer-chan active-assignments-atom topic partition & [offset?]]
(consumer-roundtrip to-consumer-chan from-consumer-chan {::message-type ::unassign
::active-assignments-atom active-assignments-atom
::remove-assignments {topic [partition]}}))

(s/def ::consumer-record-map-fn fn?)
(s/def ::poll-xf-reducing-fn fn?)
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(s/def ::value-type string?)
(s/def ::key-parse-fn fn?)
(s/def ::value-parse-fn fn?)

(s/def ::key->clj? boolean?)
(s/def ::val->clj? boolean?)
(s/def ::map-record-fn fn?)

(s/def ::include-headers? boolean?)
(s/def ::include-topic? boolean?)
(s/def ::include-partition? boolean?)
(s/def ::include-offset? boolean?)
(s/def ::include-timestamp? boolean?)
(s/def ::reducing-fn fn?)

(s/def ::record-handling-opts (s/keys :opt [::key-type ::value-type ::key-parse-fn ::value-parse-fn ::map-record-fn
::reducing-fn ::key->clj? ::val->clj?]))

(defn record-handling-opts->poll-xf-args
"For the given record-handling-opts, and type-handlers, produce a poll-xf-args map, which can then be passed into a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -563,6 +602,7 @@
(read-from [this topic part offset num-msg record-handling-opts])
(last-read [this record-handling-opts])
(assign [this topic part offset])
(unassign [this topic part])
(seek [this offset])
(seek+ [this offset+])
(seek- [this offset-])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -594,6 +634,8 @@
(last-read* last-read-records-atom record-handling-opts type-handlers))
(assign [_ topic part offset]
(assign! to-consumer-chan from-consumer-chan active-assignments-atom topic part offset))
(unassign [_ topic part]
(unassign! to-consumer-chan from-consumer-chan active-assignments-atom topic part))
(seek [_ offset]
(seek! to-consumer-chan from-consumer-chan {::active-assignments-atom active-assignments-atom
::to offset}))
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^long ^{:doc "The offset to start reading from", :default 0} offset
^long ^{:doc "The number of messages to read", :default 10} num-msg
;; TODO: figure out how to get by with something like msg-format instead of record-handling-opts in Java
^{:doc "Record handling options (see documentation)"} record-handling-opts)
^{:doc "Record handling options (see documentation)", ::required? true} record-handling-opts)
(defop ^{:doc "Read from the current active assignments"} poll kcr-client true true
^long ^{:doc "The number of messages to read", :default 10} num-msg
^{:doc "Record handling options (see documentation)", ::required? true} record-handling-opts)
(defop ^{:doc "Add a topic/partition to the active assignments"} assign kcr-client true true
^{:doc "The topic name to read from", ::required? true} topic
^long ^{:doc "The topic partition to read from", ::required? true} part
^long ^{:doc "The offset to start reading from", ::required? true} offset)
(defop ^{:doc "Remove a topic/partition from the active assignments"} unassign kcr-client true true
^{:doc "The topic name to read from", ::required? true} topic
^long ^{:doc "The topic partition to read from", ::required? true} part)
(defop ^{:doc "Change the offset to poll from next for the given topic/partition"} seek kcr-client true true
^long ^{:doc "The offset to seek to", ::required? true} offset)
(defop ^{:doc "Increment the offset for the current assignment by the given amount"} seek+ kcr-client true true
Expand All @@ -820,16 +865,17 @@
^long ^{:doc "The number of offsets to recede by", ::required? true} by)
(defop ^{:doc "Seek forward in the message stream while some condition is met"} seek-while kcr-client false false
^{:doc "Conditional (while) function; operates on the mapped record"} while-fn
^{:doc "Record handling options (see documentation)"} record-handling-opts)
^{:doc "Record handling options (see documentation)", ::required? true} record-handling-opts)
(defop ^{:doc "Seek forward in the message stream while some condition is met"} seek-until kcr-client false false
^{:doc "Conditional (until) function; operates on the mapped record"} while-fn
^{:doc "Record handling options (see documentation)"} record-handling-opts)
^{:doc "Record handling options (see documentation)", ::required? true} record-handling-opts)
;; will revisit this once we have a better Java args parser
(defop ^{:doc "Set a config option for a type handler arr", ::print-offsets? false} set-type-handler-config! kcr-client true true
^{:doc "The type on which to set the config option", ::required? true} type-name
^{:doc "The config option's key", ::required? true} k
^{:doc "The config option's arguments", ::required? true, ::varargs? true} args)
(defop ^{:doc "Print the last read results"} last-read kcr-client true true)
(defop ^{:doc "Print the last read results"} last-read kcr-client true true
^{:doc "Record handling options (see documentation)", ::required? true} record-handling-opts)
(defop ^{:doc "Stop the client and disconnect the session"} stop kcr-client true false)
(intern (the-ns 'user) 'help print-clj-help)
(when (ifn? run-body)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/us/jeffevans/kc_repl/java_main.clj
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[us.jeffevans.kc-repl :as kcr]
[us.jeffevans.kc-repl.type-handler-load :as thl]
[instaparse.core :as insta])
(:gen-class :name us.jeffevans.KcRepl))

(defn- get-input-line []
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(let [continue? (atom true)]
(while @continue?
(let [input (get-input-line)
[op & args] (if (nil? input) ["stop"] (parse-line-as-cli-args input))
[op & args] (if (str/blank? input) ["stop"] (parse-line-as-cli-args input))
{:keys [::kcr/invoke-fn ::kcr/opts-spec ::kcr/print-offsets?]} (get @#'kcr/java-cmds op)]
(log/tracef "got input %s, op %s, args %s, opts-spec %s" input op (pr-str args) (pr-str opts-spec))
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/us/jeffevans/kc_repl/type_handler_load.clj
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(require (symbol type-handler-ns))))

(defn load-type-handlers []
(log/debug "trying to load type handlers from jars")
(log/debugf "trying to load type handlers from jars")
(doseq [^JarFile jar-file (cp/classpath-jarfiles)]
(log/debugf "checking jar: %s" (.getName jar-file))
(doseq [entry (-> (.entries jar-file)
(when (= marker-file-nm (.getName entry))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test-common/src/us/jeffevans/kc_repl/test_containers.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@

(def tc-cfg (TestcontainersConfiguration/getInstance))

(def ^:const cp-version "The Confluent Platform base version, to use for container images" "7.1.0")
(def ^:const cp-version "The Confluent Platform base version, to use for container images" "7.2.0")

(def zk-network-alias "zookeeper")

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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion test/us/jeffevans/kc_repl_test.clj
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Expand Up @@ -136,5 +136,10 @@
::kcr/reducing-fn reducing-fn
::kcr/map-record-fn map-rec-fn})))
(testing " and the new offset is correct (we should now be at offset 10 for test-topic:0)"
(is (= {(TopicPartition. "test-topic" 0) [10 true]} (kcr/current-assignments tc/*kcr-client*)))))))
(is (= {(TopicPartition. "test-topic" 0) [10 true]} (kcr/current-assignments tc/*kcr-client*))))
(testing " and we can unassign the test-topic:0 assignment and switch to test-topic:1"
;; read from partition 1 to add that to active assignments
(kcr/read-from tc/*kcr-client* "test-topic" 1 0 1 "json")
(kcr/unassign tc/*kcr-client* "test-topic" 0)
(is (= {(TopicPartition. "test-topic" 1) [0 true]} (kcr/current-assignments tc/*kcr-client*)))))))

3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions type-handlers/src/us/jeffevans/kc_repl/type_handlers.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
(ns us.jeffevans.kc-repl.type-handlers
(:gen-class :name us.jeffevans.KcRepl))
(ns us.jeffevans.kc-repl.type-handlers)

(defprotocol type-handler
(parse-bytes [this ^String topic ^bytes b])
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