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An online petition system. Ready to make a change?

Table of Contents


Empact is an online petition system that allows you create your own petitions and invites others to create arguments. It uses several argumentation schemes to enable structured discussions to be made.


Follow these instructions to learn how to install and setup the project files.


You will need the following technologies in order to run the system:

  • Java SE Development Kit 8 - Install

Note: After installing Java, ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set properly on your system. Click here to learn how.


You can download the profile files by downloading the project on the GitHub page or by cloning the project through Git.

The following steps shows how you can clone the project through Git:

  1. Open Terminal (if you are using macOS) or Command Prompt (if you are on Windows)

  2. Go to a directory or folder you wish to have the project downloaded to.

    To change directory, use the cd command.

  3. Then run the following command to download the project into that directory:

    git clone


Once you have downloaded the project, we can now start to build the project files. Below are the steps to build the project.

Note: The process of building the project may take several minutes to complete. This is due to Maven (the build automation tool) having to download the project dependencies, running the required tests and then producing the final JAR file.

If you are running macOS:

  1. Open Terminal and navigate to the root of the project's directory.

  2. Then run the following command:

    ./mvnw package

If you are using are using Windows:

  1. Open Command Prompt and navigate to the root of the project's directory.

  2. Then run the following command:

    mvnw.cmd package

    You will know if the build was a success once you see a message saying "BUILD SUCCESS".



You will need to have an internet connection in order to utilise the system, this is due to the system depending on an external database.

Once you have built the project, you can now start to use the system. To do so, follow the following steps:

  1. Open Terminal (if you are using macOS) or Command Prompt (if you are on Windows)

  2. Navigate to the root of the project's directory.

    To change directory, use the cd command.

  3. Then run the following command:

    java -jar target/Empact-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  4. Once you see the message: Started EmpactApplication in ... you can then proceed to opening the system's website. To view the website, go to http://localhost:5000

    Below shows the message you should see:


You will be shown the homepage upon visiting http://localhost:5000. It will look as follows:


Running Tests

Client Side Tests

These tests includes a combination of unit tests and snapshot tests (that are created with Jest).

In order to run the client-side tests, you will need to have the following technologies installed:

Once installed, follow the following steps:

  1. Open Terminal (if you are using macOS) or Command Prompt (if you are on Windows).

  2. Navigate to the root of the project's directory and navigate further to the src/main/app folder.

  3. Run the following command:

    yarn test --coverage

    Whilst the command is being executed, you will be able to see the tests that are passing. When the tests are finished, you will be shown a report of statistics regarding code coverage. Below shows an example of what you will see.


Server Side Tests

These tests are JUnit unit tests. They verify the functionality of the system's individual services and helper methods.

To run the server-side tests, follow the following steps:

If you are running macOS:

  1. Open Terminal and navigate to the root of the project's directory.

  2. Then run the following command:

    ./mvnw test

If you are using are using Windows:

  1. Open Command Prompt and navigate to the root of the project's directory.

  2. Then run the following command:

    mvnw.cmd test

    Once the tests are completed, you will be shown a short summary the results. They should look as follows (if successful):


External Dependencies

The system uses many open source libraries and packages. Below shows the different dependencies and how they are applied within the system.

Front End Dependencies:

  • FontAwesome - Used to display icons on the website to help users to better understand certain features.
  • D3.js - Is a dependency for react-d3-tree.
  • Moment.js - Is used for parsing timestamps from API responses and for manipulating dates to be displayed to the user.
  • React - Is a JavaScript library that is used to build the pages and the individual UI components of the system.
  • React Bootstrap - Is a React library that contains a set of components. Many components from this library have been used within the system pages.
  • react-copy-to-clipboard - Is a React component that is used for the "Share" functionality. It is found in arguments and petitions.
  • react-d3-tree - Is a React component that is used for rendering a data visualisation of the arguments made to a petition or to another argument.
  • react-datepicker - Is a React component that is used to allow users to select a date for their petitions
  • react-dom - Is used in conjunction with React.
  • react-horizontal-scrolling-menu - Is a React component that is used to display the list of arguments for a petition report.
  • react-router-bootstrap - Is used for allowing React Bootstrap link components to work with the React Router.
  • react-router-dom - Is used with the React Router.
  • react-scripts - Is a dependency of React and is used to help run certain scripts. For example, for producing the build files.
  • react-spinners - Is a library of spinners in the form of React components. They are used for when a process is being performed on the system.
  • react-toastify - Is a React library of notification components. They are used to notify the user of a successful or unsuccessful login.
  • sweetalert2 - Is a JavaScript library of alert components. They are used for displaying the outcome of any operations that are performed in the system.

Back End Dependencies:


Parts of the system has been created by following a tutorial by Rajeev Kumar Singh. The link to the tutorial is as follows: