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			Build Notes for HDDS Tools
	    		    Richard Jones
	    		  September 10, 2003
                     last updated July 23, 2015

This document is intended as a quick-start guide for building and using
the hdds tools.  For more information and for discussion of features and
bugs, please go to and select "forums".

1) Since you are reading this, you have already done the first step.
   From within your hdds work directory you typed:

   halld> cvs checkout hdds
   halld> git clone
2) Download the xerces-c xml library from and unpack
   it somewhere on your system or GlueX working area.  Getting the sources
   and doing the build yourself (next step) makes sure that you have a
   working installation for your configuration.

3) Build the xerces xml library for your system.

   This is pretty simple.  The instructions are found on the
   web site.  There are just three steps: define XERCESCROOT to point to the
   base directory where you unpacked xerces-c, then runConfigure and gmake.
   The result is a shared library in the directory xerces-c/lib.

4) Somewhere, perferrably at the top of your GlueX work directory you
   should make a script called setup that sets up some environment
   variables that are needed to locate the XML libraries on your system.
   What that looks like depends on your shell, but for tcsh it looks like:

   halld> cat setup
   setenv HDDS_HOME <your local source directory path>
   setenv XERCESCROOT <your Xerces-C installation path>

   For the bash or ksh shells you should use the export command instead of
   setenv.  You will need to source this file before every session, (or
   invoke it with the . operator for ksh or bash).

6) Now if everything was installed correctly, you can build the hdds tools
   by going to the hdds directory you created in step 1 and doing make.

   halld> cd $HDDS_HOME
   halld> scons install

7) For information about the design and use of the hddm tools, see the
   documentation in index.html.

Note added April, 13, 2019

We have introduced two new branches named PrimEx_He_target_spring_2019 and PrimEx_Be_target_spring_2019 for these two target configurations. The names of the geometry xml files remain the standard ones in these branches, which allows an unambiguous correspondence to the tables in ccdb. Sasha is working on making two more new branches (empty Be target, removed target without cell present; and empty He target, drained with cell present) which I will name PrimEx_He_empty_spring_2019 and PrimEx_Be_empty_spring_2019.