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Message Callbacks

josemesona edited this page Jun 15, 2016 · 1 revision

Here is a sample on how to get progress and other messages during an Apply operation. You must register a method to be called by WIMGAPI and then execute the operation. You callback method is called for all kinds of messages so you'll need to determine the message type first and then cast the message as one of the message types.

using Microsoft.Wim;
using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    internal class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            // Open a handle to the .wim file
            using (WimHandle wimHandle = WimgApi.CreateFile(@"C:\test.wim", 
                // Always set a temporary path
                WimgApi.SetTemporaryPath(wimHandle, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP"));

                // Register a method to be called while actions are performed by WIMGAPi for this .wim file
                WimgApi.RegisterMessageCallback(wimHandle, MyCallbackMethod);

                    // Get a handle to the first image in the .wim file
                    using (WimHandle imageHandle = WimgApi.LoadImage(wimHandle, 1))
                        // Apply the image contents to C:\Apply
                        // This call is blocking but WIMGAPI will be calling MyCallbackMethod() during the process
                        WimgApi.ApplyImage(imageHandle, @"C:\Apply", WimApplyImageOptions.None);
                    // Be sure to unregister the callback method
                    WimgApi.UnregisterMessageCallback(wimHandle, MyCallbackMethod);

        // A callback method to be called by the WIMGAPI.  Any method registered has to have this signature:
        //    WimMessageResult FUNC(WimMessageType, object, object)
        private static WimMessageResult MyCallbackMethod(WimMessageType messageType, object message, object userData)
            // This method is called for every single action during the process being executed.
            // In the case of apply, you'll get Progress, Info, Warnings, Errors, etc
            // The trick is to determine the message type and cast the "message" param to the corresponding type

            switch (messageType)
                case WimMessageType.Progress:  // Some progress is being sent

                    // Get the message as a WimMessageProgress object
                    WimMessageProgress progressMessage = (WimMessageProgress)message;

                    // Print the progress
                    Console.WriteLine("Apply progress: {0}", progressMessage.PercentComplete);


                case WimMessageType.Warning:  // A warning is being sent

                    // Get the message as a WimMessageProgress object
                    WimMessageWarning warningMessage = (WimMessageWarning)message;

                    // Print the file and error code
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: {0} ({1})", warningMessage.Path, warningMessage.Win32ErrorCode);


                case WimMessageType.Error:  // An error is being sent

                    // Get the message as a WimMessageError object
                    WimMessageError errorMessage = (WimMessageError)message;

                    // Print the file and error code
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: {0} ({1})", errorMessage.Path, errorMessage.Win32ErrorCode);


            // Depending on what this method returns, the WIMGAPI will continue or cancel.
            // Return WimMessageResult.Abort to cancel.  In this case we return Success so WIMGAPI keeps going

            return WimMessageResult.Success;
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