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A comment system for Ghost platform and other static site generator. Support duoshuo, Disqus and Wordpress dump file. And it's under heavy development now.

The reason to host your own comment system


Ghost don't have a built in comment support, disqus is hard to access in china, duoshuo frequently crash. The most important thing is that I would like to host my own comment data.

I found a lot of open source comment system on Github, but none of them is easy to use or adapting my needs. Java is my favourite programming language. Building a comment system on Java sounds interesting, and would be quite stable.

Function Mind Map (in Chinese)


System Requirement

  1. Java Runtime Environment 1.8+ (Openjdk is welcome on Linux)
  2. At least 300M free memory for running gossip comment system (Java consumes a lot memory, I was trying to reduce its consumption.)
  3. MySQL 5.x - InnoDB engine is required for better performance (Also support H2 database for estimation, sqlite would not be a good choice)
  4. A frontend proxy server like nginx, act as the waf for gossip.

Quick Start

Clone the gossip project from github

git clone

Switch to develop branch

git checkout develop

Make sure maven's bin file mvn could be execute from your $PATH

mvn clean packge -Dmaven.test.skip=true

A distribution package is located in target directory named in gossip-x.x-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz form. Deploy this file to your host server and follow the Basic Configuration part below to run the gossip.

Basic Configuration

Download the install file from gossip release page or building it from scratch.

Unzip the tar.gz file, your would find three different directory.

  1. is the gossip manual for user.
  2. LICENSE is the open source agreement that you should keep in the gossip root path.
  3. bin have two executable file. Run to bootstrap your gossip server.
  4. config is the configuration directory for gossip.
  5. lib is main gossip server library and other third part library.

Modify the file located in config directory to adapt your needs.

TODO frontend and proxy server configuration

Detailed Configuration

TODO, would be finished before the initial release of gossip.


Backend Server

The gossip backend part is build upon three famous framework on Java:

  1. MyBatis:
  2. Google Guice:
  3. Resteasy:

You should be familiar with them before devoting yourself into the gossip development. IntelliJ IDEA is the recommend IDE for backend server development.

lombok plugin need to be installed on your favourite IDE.

Frontend library

Our frontend library gossip.min.js required jQuery for development convenience, your should place jQuery before gossip's js on your page.

The frontend library using Gulp to package and other decoration flow like eslint, its development requires the Node.js runtime environment.

You should know the basic usage of Node.js and Gulp before the modification of gossip library.

SPA Admin Panel

Gossip backend server is built upon java, but it does't sound like a good choice to use Java to serve the page. Because java's template library like freemarker or velocity is really hard to use.

Our gossip admin panel is built on facebook's famous framework react.js and Alibaba's antd design.

You should be good at react development.

I hate angular.js, it's too ugly in its design memo.

Develop Schedule (in progress)

  • Resteasy integration
  • MyBatis integration
  • Basic gossip database schema design
  • Restful comment api
  • Restful administration api
  • Rate limit for all gossip api
  • Spam check logic
  • Gossip javascript library for frontend site reference
  • Gossip comment style design
  • Admin Panel development

User Feedback


If you have any problems with or questions about this program, please contact us through a GitHub issue.


You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.

Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.


A comment system for Ghost platform







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