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Now using zsh instead of bash. No longer supporting emacs in favor of LunarVim

On MacOS:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install stow fzf zsh font-meslo-nerd-font font-arimo-nerd-font font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font font-jetbrains-mono font-fira-code-nerd-font font-blex-mono-nerd-font font-lekton-nerd-font font-liberation-nerd-font neovim rlwrap spellcheck shellcheck wget git python python3 gawk java gpgconf gpg rustup rustup-init cmake ripgrep fd
# after installing [node/nvm]( (any system):
npm i -g lib language-server bash-language-server create-next-pwa eslint_d eslint expo-cli fixjson hardhat-shorthand neovim npm prettier shellcheck solhint-plugin-prettier solhint tree-sitter-cli yarn


Clone and run this on new instances for headless/interactive setup, Windows, *nix, or MAC OS to configure ssh, bash, zsh, node, and lvim development environment as follows:

mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone
ln -sb dotfiles/.screenrc ~
ln -sb dotfiles/.vimrc  ~
ln -sb dotfiles/.z*  ~
ln -sb dotfiles/.jshintrc  ~
ln -sb dotfiles/.eslintrc  ~
ln -sb dotfiles/.git_template  ~
cat dotfiles/ssh-config-* >> ~/.ssh/config
nvm current > ~/.nvmrc

See also syssetup to install prerequisite programs. If all goes well, in addition to a eternal history on zsh, these files may be used to setup headless systems. The macOS-defaults configures a Mac from the command line. This was originally developed for Startup Engineering Lectures and adapted from bash to zsh.