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Adding Basic ADMM optimization library
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jegonzal committed Jul 12, 2014
1 parent 21e656f commit 09caa96
Showing 1 changed file with 212 additions and 0 deletions.
212 changes: 212 additions & 0 deletions mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/optimization/ADMM.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
package org.apache.spark.mllib.optimization

import org.apache.spark.Logging
import breeze.linalg._
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vectors, Vector}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector => BDV, SparseVector => BSV, Vector => BV, norm}
import breeze.util.DoubleImplicits

import scala.util.Random

* AN ADMM Local Solver is used to solve the optimization problem within each partition.
trait LocalOptimizer extends Serializable {
def apply(data: Array[(Double, Vector)], w: BDV[Double], w_avg: BDV[Double], lambda: BDV[Double],
rho: Double): BDV[Double]

class GradientDescentLocalOptimizer(val gradient: Gradient,
val eta_0: Double = 1.0,
val maxIterations: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
val epsilon: Double = 0.001) extends LocalOptimizer {
def apply(data: Array[(Double, Vector)], w0: BDV[Double], w_avg: BDV[Double], lambda: BDV[Double],
rho: Double): BDV[Double] = {
var t = 0
var residual = Double.MaxValue
val w = w0.copy
val nExamples = data.length
while(t < maxIterations && residual > epsilon) {
// Compute the total gradient (and loss)
val (gradientSum, lossSum) =
data.foldLeft((BDV.zeros[Double](w.size), 0.0)) { (c, v) =>
val (gradSum, lossSum) = c
val (label, features) = v
val loss = gradient.compute(features, label, Vectors.fromBreeze(w), Vectors.fromBreeze(gradSum))
(gradSum, lossSum + loss)
// compute the gradient of the full lagrangian
val gradL: BDV[Double] = (gradientSum / nExamples.toDouble) + lambda + (w - w_avg) * rho
val w2: BDV[Double] = w
// Set the learning rate
val eta_t = eta_0 / (t + 1)
// w = w + eta_t * point_gradient
axpy(-eta_t, gradL, w)
// Compute residual
residual = eta_t * norm(gradL, 2.0)
t += 1
// Check the local prediction error:
val propCorrect = { case (y,x) => if ( * (y * 2.0 - 1.0) > 0.0) 1 else 0 }
.reduce(_ + _).toDouble / nExamples.toDouble
println(s"Local prop correct: $propCorrect")
println(s"Local iterations: ${t}")
// Return the final weight vector

class SGDLocalOptimizer(val gradient: Gradient,
val eta_0: Double = 1.0,
val maxIterations: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
val epsilon: Double = 0.001) extends LocalOptimizer {
def apply(data: Array[(Double, Vector)], w0: BDV[Double], w_avg: BDV[Double], lambda: BDV[Double],
rho: Double): BDV[Double] = {
var t = 0
var residual = Double.MaxValue
val w: BDV[Double] = w0.copy
val nExamples = data.length
while(t < maxIterations && residual > epsilon) {
val (label, features) = data(Random.nextInt(nExamples))
val (gradLoss, loss) = gradient.compute(features, label, Vectors.fromBreeze(w))
// compute the gradient of the full lagrangian
val gradL = gradLoss.toBreeze.asInstanceOf[BDV[Double]] + lambda + (w - w_avg) * rho
// Set the learning rate
val eta_t = eta_0 / (t + 1)
// w = w + eta_t * point_gradient
axpy(-eta_t, gradL, w)
// Compute residual
residual = eta_t * norm(gradL, 2.0)
t += 1
// Check the local prediction error:
val propCorrect = { case (y,x) => if ( * (y * 2.0 - 1.0) > 0.0) 1 else 0 }
.reduce(_ + _).toDouble / nExamples.toDouble
println(s"Local prop correct: $propCorrect")
println(s"Local iterations: ${t}")
// Return the final weight vector

class ADMM private[mllib] extends Optimizer with Logging {

private var numIterations: Int = 100
private var regParam: Double = 0.0
private var epsilon: Double = 0.0
private var localOptimizer: LocalOptimizer = null

* Set the number of iterations for ADMM. Default 100.
def setNumIterations(iters: Int): this.type = {
this.numIterations = iters

* Set the regularization parameter. Default 0.0.
def setRegParam(regParam: Double): this.type = {
this.regParam = regParam

* Set the local optimizer to use for subproblems.
def setLocalOptimizer(opt: LocalOptimizer): this.type = {
this.localOptimizer = opt

* Set the local optimizer to use for subproblems.
def setEpsilon(epsilon: Double): this.type = {
this.epsilon = epsilon

* Solve the provided convex optimization problem.
override def optimize(data: RDD[(Double, Vector)], initialWeights: Vector): Vector = {

val blockData: RDD[Array[(Double, Vector)]] = data.mapPartitions(iter => Iterator(iter.toArray)).cache()
val dim = => block(0)._2.size).first()
val nExamples = => block.length).reduce(_+_)
val numPartitions = blockData.partitions.length
println(s"nExamples: $nExamples")
println(s"dim: $dim")
println(s"number of solver ${numPartitions}")

var primalResidual = Double.MaxValue
var dualResidual = Double.MaxValue
var iter = 0
var rho = 0.0

// Make a zero vector
var wAndLambda ={ block =>
val dim = block(0)._2.size
(BDV.zeros[Double](dim), BDV.zeros[Double](dim))
var w_avg: BDV[Double] = BDV.zeros[Double](dim)

val optimizer = localOptimizer
while (iter < numIterations || primalResidual > epsilon || dualResidual > epsilon) {
println(s"Starting iteration ${iter}.")
// Compute w and new lambda
wAndLambda = blockData.zipPartitions(wAndLambda) { (dataIter, modelIter) => { case (data, (w_old, lambda_old)) =>
// Update the lagrangian Multiplier by taking a gradient step
val lambda: BDV[Double] = lambda_old + (w_old - w_avg) * rho
val w = optimizer(data, w_old, w_avg, lambda, rho)
(w, lambda)
// Compute new w_avg
val new_w_avg = blockData.zipPartitions(wAndLambda) { (dataIter, modelIter) => { case (data, (w, _)) => w * data.length.toDouble }
}.reduce(_ + _) / nExamples.toDouble

// Update the residuals
// primalResidual = sum( ||w_i - w_avg||_2^2 )
primalResidual = Math.pow( { case (w, _) => norm(w - new_w_avg, 2.0) }.reduce(_ + _), 2)
dualResidual = rho * Math.pow(norm(new_w_avg - w_avg, 2.0), 2)

// Rho upate from Boyd text
if (rho == 0.0) {
rho = epsilon
} else if (primalResidual > 10.0 * dualResidual) {
rho = 2.0 * rho
println("Increasing rho")
} else if (dualResidual > 10.0 * primalResidual) {
rho = rho / 2.0
println("Decreasing rho")

w_avg = new_w_avg

println(s"Iteration: ${iter}")
println(s"(Primal Resid, Dual Resid, Rho): ${primalResidual}, \t ${dualResidual}, \t ${rho}")

iter += 1



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