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Code for BlackboxNLP paper "Test Harder than You Train: Probing with Extrapolation Splits", Kunz and Kuhlmann (2021).

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Instructions to reproduce results

Tested with Python 3.9.1. Needs packages: torch (tested with version 1.8.0), transformers (4.3.3). Expects files 'en_ewt-ud-train.conllu' and 'en_ewt-ud-dev.conllu' in the same directory (unless the specs are changed in create_objects_ud).


  1. Create files with Sentence objects by running create_objects_ud.

    Alternatively, replace pickle loader in main by:

    s_ld = read_conllu(i, 'en_ewt-ud-train.conllu'); sentences = random.sample(s_ld, 1000); s_ld_dev = read_conllu(i, 'en_ewt-ud-dev.conllu'); sentences_dev = random.sample(s_ld_dev, 1000).

    You will also need to import random; random.seed(42), before entering the loop.

  2. Specify the scoring function in main by modifying the last import statement ("from scoring_functions.x import make_sets"). The following options for x exist:

    POS Tagging:

    • pos_sen_len_ling: Sentence length, linguistic splitting criterion
    • pos_sen_len_stat: Sentence length, distributional splitting criterion
    • pos_mft: Most frequent tag; binary
    • pos_tag_stats: Distribution of the tags
    • pos_loss: Loss-based ranking
    • pos_train_rank: Speed of learning

    Dependency Labelling:

    • stp_sen_len_ling: Sentence length, linguistic splitting criterion
    • stp_sen_len_stat: Sentence length, distributional splitting criterion
    • stp_arc_len: Arc length after with standard splitting point
    • stp_arc_len_mod: Arc length with the modified splitting point (m_1 = 3 instead of m_1 = 2)
    • stp_loss: Loss-based ranking
    • stp_train_rank: Speed of learning
  3. Specify the task in the 'task' variable in classifier: 'stp' for dependency labelling; 'pos' for POS tagging.

  4. Run main. If you are only interested in certain layers, you can modify the loop accordingly.

More options:

  1. The control for the size of the data (section 3.3 of the paper) can be reproduced by running len_control. Modifications for on-the-fly data loading instead of using the pickle loader can be performed as described in point 1.
  2. Paths to other UD files can be specified in create_objects_ud. BERT models in other languages can be specified in the BERT class init in word_representations.


Code for BlackboxNLP paper "Test Harder than You Train: Probing with Extrapolation Splits", Kunz and Kuhlmann (2021).






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