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Releases: jelizaga/instally

instally v0.23.5

05 May 22:01
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instally should be capable of running on any distro capable of parsing Bash scripts.

instally has been successfully tested and ran on:

  • Linux:
    • Debian-based:
      • Debian 11
      • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
      • Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS
    • RHEL-based:
      • Fedora Linux 37
      • CentOS Linux
    • SUSE-based:
      • openSUSE Tumbleweed

Have fun, and feel free to submit a bug issue if you encounter any bugs.

This is a v0 release due to missing some polish, like --help and -v options, but it's not like anyone needs any of that for a Bash script this simple. As instally's metastasized I realized that something like this might be better served as a TUI Python program. instally stands as its own thing, though—a simple but sophisticated-enough Bash script.