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jelsas edited this page May 20, 2011 · 17 revisions

JavaItertools is a loose port of Python’s itertools library to Java. This library is intended to have the similar modularity and low memory requirements, with a focus on flexible creation and composition of iterators.

There are three basic ways to use this library:

  1. Iterator decorators, in the itertools.iterators package.
  2. Static factory methods in the itertools.Itertools class.
  3. Creating a itertools.IBuilder object.

There is some overlap in functionality with Apache Commons Collections but this package aims to have more complete coverage and more flexibility. There’s also some overlap with Guava .

This library is a work in progress and in a functional but fairly unfinished state.


  1. More Examples.
  2. Add reduce functionality (maybe).
  3. Add other reduce-like functions: sum, join, others?
  4. Add tee
  5. Add analogs to python’s combinatoric generators: product, permutations and combinations
  6. More documentation.
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