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Query for Alert Statuses (ITI 85)

Rowan Pillay edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 1 revision

This transaction is used by alert reporters to query the mACM Message Mediator for message delivery statuses. The query is sent as an HTTP GET request using any supported FHIR search parameters for Communication and CommunicationRequest. Depending on the query, the Message Mediator might respond with a single or collection of Communication or CommunicationRequest resources.


  • The alert reporter is responsible for triggering alerts by sending a CommunicationRequest resource to the component
  • The reporter might query the component for either CommunicationRequest or Communication resources.
  • Each channel service has its own search URL which specifies the handler for the query.

mACM Messaging Mediator

  • The component acts as an aggregator as specified in the mACM IHE profile specification.
  • If the request coming in for the Communication or CommunicationRequest resources is stored in Hearth and thus managed by the mACM Messaging Mediator, Hearth is queried for the data and the results returned to the reporter.
  • If the request coming in for the Communication or CommunicationRequest resources is managed by the external service (e.g RapidPro, Clickatell), the mediator queries the external service and returns the results to the reporter.

External service

  • The service might be used for storing and querying of the message delivery status since this may be achieved by querying the external service’s API (if available). Hearth
  • As a default FHIR store, Hearth is responsible for all default queries for Communication and CommunicationRequest resources.
  • A service may have its own implementation for the handling of message delivery status queries. In that case, Hearth will not be used for the query.