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Tiny portable explicit-PRNG versions of clojure.core's randomizing functions.

Build Status


[rand-cljc "0.1.0"]


Clojure and ClojureScript provides five (as of 1.7.0-beta1) randomizing functions:

  • rand
  • rand-int
  • rand-nth
  • random-sample
  • shuffle

However, these all use the system-wide pseudo-random number generator with no way to provide an explicit PRNG of your own. This makes writing repeatable code that uses randomization ugly or difficult, especially when the code needs to run on multiple hosts.

rand-cljc re-implements those randomizing functions, but all with an additional explicit rng as the first argument. The functions are otherwise exactly the same as their clojure.core counterparts.


Any PRNG that satisfies the very small IRandom protocol can be used as the first argument to the randomizing functions. For convenience, you can use the supplied (rng) function to create a platform-appropriate PRNG: Random on the JVM and Closure's PsuedoRandom in CLJS.

(require '[rand-cljc.core :as rng])
(let [rng (rng/rng)
      coll (range 10)]
    (println (rng/rand rng)) ;; 0.8188531
    (println (rng/rand-int rng 10)) ;; 7
    (println (rng/rand-nth rng coll)) ;; 6
    (println (rng/random-sample rng 0.3 coll)) ;; (3 8 9)
    (println (rng/shuffle rng coll)) ;; [3 5 2 0 1 9 4 7 8 6]

(rng) can of course also take a seed:

(let [seed 19239492
      rng1 (rng/rng seed)
      rng2 (rng/rng seed)
      coll (range 10)]
    (println (= (rng/rand rng1) (rng/rand rng2))) ;; true
    (println (= (rng/shuffle rng1 coll) (rng/shuffle rng2 coll))) ;; true


This library uses reader conditionals, so Clojure >= 1.7.0-alpha6 and ClojureScript >= 0.0-3191 are required.


The provided PRNGs are only as strong as their platform-specific backings (java.util.Random and goog.testing.PsuedoRandom), neither of which is cryptographically secure. No attempt at cryptographic security is promised or even attempted with this library.

Moreover, neither of the provided PRNGs as values are nicely serializable or cross-platform. E.g., you cannot take a PRNG on the JVM, use it for a bit, and then transfer it over the wire to a CLJS app and use it some more. Such a monstrosity could be built against the provided IRandom protocol, but is not currently included.


Currently only minimal tests are included.

To run:

# Clojure.
# leiningen.test doesn't pick up .cljc yet, so we have to manually
# specify our test namespaces.
lein test rand-cljc.core-test

# ClojureScript in browser.
lein cljsbuild once test
open test.html

# ClojureScript in headless browser.
# Requires phantomjs.
lein cljsbuild test

Related libraries

  • pprng which provides a protocol and suite of functions closer to the java.util.Random methods (next-int, next-long, next-boolean and so on) and is written in cljx.


Copyright © 2015 Jenan Wise

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Tiny portable explicit-PRNG randomizing functions







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