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Mindful Bites


Mindful Bites is a web app designed to improve mental health and well being. People are able to track their moods and get guided meditations based on how they are feeling.

Feel free to view Mindful Bites on Heroku.

Installation Process


This project relies on Docker to run the PostgreSQL server. You must install Docker first before continuing.

Use one of these methods to download Docker:

Once you've installed Docker Desktop, you'll need to launch the app. On macOS, it's located in /Applications/Docker.

Node and npm

You'll need to install Node v14 and npm v8 or above.

Fork and Git Clone or Create a New Repository

Fork and learn to Git Clone my repository

Generate a new repository from this project.

See GitHub documentation for more details.

Set Up the Development Environment

  1. If you haven't already, run Docker

  2. If you haven't already, fork and clone this repository

  3. Then create a .env file in the app/ directory & add these lines:

REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=<copy/paste your api key here>
REACT_APP_AUTH0_AUDIENCE=<copy/paste your api key here>
  1. In your command line interface, in the root directory...

Install and Run NPM Packages

npm install
  1. Navigate into /app with cd app & run npm install

  2. Navigate back to the root directory & run npm run db:init

Start the Development Environment

npm start

You should see the development environment display on http://localhost:3000.

Shut Down the Development Environment

  1. Ctrl-C to stop the Express and React development servers.
  2. npm stop to stop and destroy the PostgreSQL Docker container. Don't worry, your data is safe.

Test the Web App on Heroku

Here are some designated test users you can log in with to try out this app.

Dylan Miles


Password: dAFP?7\'

Date of Birth: February 12, 2005

Bio: Dylan Miles is a high school student at Oakridge High School. His school social worker recommended to use Mindful Bites to track his moods to understand his triggers more of when they tend to feel more anxious during the day.

Diana Kim


Password: >y8W6J(S

Date of Birth: November 8, 1991

Bio: Being a working adult, even after work Diana still felt stressed! She wondered why?! Diana started tracking her mood and started meditation. She found that the app helped managed her stress and helped her identify her triggers for when she felt stressed during meetings at work.

Tech Stack (PERN)


  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • VS Code
  • TDD (Jest & RTL)
  • Scrum
  • Terminal
  • Git
  • GitHub


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


  • PostgreSQL
  • Express
  • React.js
  • Node.js

MVP (Minimal Viable Product)

  • User registration
  • Form that tracks mood
  • User receives a guided meditation based on mood entered

Nice to Haves

  • Add note component to mood tracker form
  • Add photo component to mood tracker form
  • Goals tracker
  • Journal entry component
  • Metrics gathering through like and dislike buttons
  • Mood chart
  • Export/downloaded mood history

Data Schema



Lotus icon by Icons8

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Abigail Edwards

🐛 🤔 💬 📓

Andrew Peterson

💻 🧑‍🏫


🚇 👀 📓

Brie Klassen

🐛 📖 🤔 💬 👀 📓

George Song

💻 📖 🚇 🚧

Jen Huynh

🐛 📓





Tabitha O'Melay

🐛 💬 👀

Tara Larsen


Xiao Zhong

💬 📓 🐛


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!