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Jenkins-x app for processing Jacoco coverage reports


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jx-app-jacoco provides a means for transferring a JaCoCo XML code coverage report from a Jenkins X build to a Fact in the PipelineActivity custom resource.

You must have a Jenkins X cluster to install and use the jx-app-jacoco app. If you do not have a Jenkins X cluster and you would like to try it out, the Jenkins X Google Cloud Tutorials is a great place to start.

Table of Contents


Using the jx command line tool, run the following command:

$ jx add app jx-app-jacoco --repository

NOTE: The syntax of this command is evolving and will change.

After the installation, you can view the status of jx-app-jacoco via:

$ helm status jx-app-jacoco


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the App their default values.

Parameter Description Default
logLevel Log level ([trace debug


The current usage of jx-app-jacoco is limited to Maven projects. You must configure the build section of your Maven POM file for JaCoCo to generate an XML report in addition to the default jacoco.exec file.

Example Maven POM file:


NOTE: We have an open issue to not have to generate the XML report in the project.

Ensure that your Jenkinsfile includes the following command, so the JaCoCo XML report is stored for later retrieval by this app.

sh "jx step stash --pattern=target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml --classifier=jacoco"

JaCoCo code coverage facts for each build will now be stored in a Fact custom resource. You can retrieve a given Fact using kubectl:

$ kubectl get fact -o yaml jacoco-jx.coverage-<org>-<repo>-pr-<pull-request-number>-<build-number>

apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: Fact
    creationTimestamp: 2019-03-04T12:03:58Z
    generation: 1
    name: jacoco-jx.coverage-hf-bee-spring-boot-test-pr-6-1
    namespace: jx
    resourceVersion: "8407549"
    selfLink: /apis/
    uid: 97ba797d-3e75-11e9-90f5-42010a9c0193
    factType: jx.coverage
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 3
      name: Instructions-Covered
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 5
      name: Instructions-Missed
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 8
      name: Instructions-Total
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 1
      name: Lines-Covered
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 2
      name: Lines-Missed
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 3
      name: Lines-Total
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 1
      name: Complexity-Covered
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 1
      name: Complexity-Missed
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 2
      name: Complexity-Total
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 1
      name: Methods-Covered
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 1
      name: Methods-Missed
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 2
      name: Methods-Total
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 1
      name: Classes-Covered
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 0
      name: Classes-Missed
    - measurementType: count
      measurementValue: 1
      name: Classes-Total
    name: jacoco-jx.coverage-hf-bee-spring-boot-test-pr-6-1
      mimetype: application/xml
      - jacoco.xml
    statements: []
      kind: PipelineActivity
      name: hf-bee-spring-boot-test-pr-6-1
      uid: ec22d6aa-3e69-11e9-821a-42010a9c00e6
    - jacoco
  status: {}
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""
  selfLink: ""


The following paragraphs describe how to build and work with the source of this application.


The project is written in Go, so you will need a working Go installation (Go version >= 1.11.4).

The build itself is driven by GNU Make which also needs to be installed on your system.

Compile the code

$ make `uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`

After successful compilation the jx-app-jacoco binary can be found in the bin directory.

Run the tests

$ make test

Check formatting

$ make check


$ make clean

Running the app in development


  • Setup a Jenkins X environment


You can run the compiled binary locally for easy development. To do so, you need to export the required configuration options in your shell.

$ make run

In Dev Pod

  • Open a Dev Pod

  • In Dev Pod

    # Run once
    $ helm install --name jx-app-jacoco --set image.repository=$DOCKER_REGISTRY/jenkinsxio/jx-app-jacoco charts/jx-app-jacoco/
     # Run after successive changes
     $ make skaffold-run
     # To delete
     $ helm delete --purge jx-app-jacoco

TIP: If you get an error of the form Error: pods is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:jx:knative-build-bot" cannot list pods in the namespace "kube-system”, run the following patch command:

$ kubectl patch clusterrole/knative-build-bot --type 'json' -p '[{"path": "/rules/2/verbs/1", "value": "list", "op": "add"}]'

How to contribute

If you want to contribute, make sure to follow the contribution guidelines when you open issues or submit pull requests.