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Restore default buildPlugin invocation in Jenkinsfile.
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uhafner committed Mar 19, 2022
1 parent c42239d commit 6d11a6d
Showing 1 changed file with 4 additions and 253 deletions.
257 changes: 4 additions & 253 deletions Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,254 +1,5 @@
def configurations = [
[ platform: "linux", jdk: "11" ]

Map params = [:]

// Faster build and reduces IO needs
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5')),

def repo = params.containsKey('repo') ? params.repo : null
def failFast = params.containsKey('failFast') ? params.failFast : true
def timeoutValue = params.containsKey('timeout') ? params.timeout : 60
def useAci = params.containsKey('useAci') ? params.useAci : false
def forceAci = params.containsKey('forceAci') ? params.forceAci : false
if(timeoutValue > 180) {
echo "Timeout value requested was $timeoutValue, lowering to 180 to avoid Jenkins project's resource abusive consumption"
timeoutValue = 180

boolean publishingIncrementals = false
boolean archivedArtifacts = false
Map tasks = [failFast: failFast]
getConfigurations(params).each { config ->
String label = config.platform
String jdk = config.jdk
String jenkinsVersion = config.jenkins
String javaLevel = config.javaLevel

String stageIdentifier = "${label}-${jdk}${jenkinsVersion ? '-' + jenkinsVersion : ''}"
boolean first = tasks.size() == 1
boolean skipTests = params?.tests?.skip
boolean addToolEnv = !useAci

if(useAci && (label == 'linux' || label == 'windows')) {
String aciLabel = jdk == '8' ? 'maven' : 'maven-11'
if(label == 'windows') {
aciLabel += "-windows"
label = aciLabel

tasks[stageIdentifier] = {
node(label) {
try {
timeout(timeoutValue) {
boolean isMaven
// Archive artifacts once with pom declared baseline
boolean doArchiveArtifacts = !jenkinsVersion && !archivedArtifacts
if (doArchiveArtifacts) {
archivedArtifacts = true
boolean incrementals // cf. JEP-305

stage("Checkout (${stageIdentifier})") {
isMaven = fileExists('pom.xml')
incrementals = fileExists('.mvn/extensions.xml') &&

String changelistF
String m2repo

stage("Build (${stageIdentifier})") {
String command
if (isMaven) {
m2repo = "${pwd tmp: true}/m2repo"
List<String> mavenOptions = [
if (incrementals) { // set changelist and activate produce-incrementals profile
mavenOptions += '-Dset.changelist'
if (doArchiveArtifacts) { // ask Maven for the value of -rc999.abc123def456
changelistF = "${pwd tmp: true}/changelist"
mavenOptions += "help:evaluate -Dexpression=changelist -Doutput=$changelistF"
if (jenkinsVersion) {
mavenOptions += "-Djenkins.version=${jenkinsVersion} -Daccess-modifier-checker.failOnError=false"
if (javaLevel) {
mavenOptions += "-Djava.level=${javaLevel}"
if (skipTests) {
mavenOptions += "-DskipTests -DskipITs"
mavenOptions += "clean install"
infra.runMaven(mavenOptions, jdk, null, null, addToolEnv)
} else {
echo "WARNING: Gradle mode for buildPlugin() is deprecated, please use buildPluginWithGradle()"
List<String> gradleOptions = [
command = "gradlew ${gradleOptions.join(' ')}"
if (isUnix()) {
command = "./" + command
infra.runWithJava(command, jdk, null, addToolEnv)

stage("Archive (${stageIdentifier})") {
if (!skipTests) {
String testReports
if (isMaven) {
testReports = '**/target/surefire-reports/**/*.xml,**/target/failsafe-reports/**/*.xml'
} else {
testReports = '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
junit testReports
// TODO do this in a finally-block so we capture all test results even if one branch aborts early
if (failFast && currentBuild.result == 'UNSTABLE') {
error 'There were test failures; halting early'

if (first) {
referenceJobName = env.JOB_NAME.substring(0, env.JOB_NAME.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "master"
echo "Recording static analysis results on '${stageIdentifier}' using reference job '${referenceJobName}'"

recordIssues enabledForFailure: true,
tool: mavenConsole(),
referenceJobName: referenceJobName
recordIssues enabledForFailure: true,
tools: [java(), javaDoc()],
sourceCodeEncoding: 'UTF-8',
referenceJobName: referenceJobName
recordIssues tools: [spotBugs(pattern: '**/target/spotbugsXml.xml'),
checkStyle(pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml'),
pmdParser(pattern: '**/target/pmd.xml'),
cpd(pattern: '**/target/cpd.xml')],
sourceCodeEncoding: 'UTF-8',
referenceJobName: referenceJobName
recordIssues enabledForFailure: true, tool: taskScanner(
sourceCodeEncoding: 'UTF-8',
referenceJobName: referenceJobName
else {
echo "Skipping static analysis results for ${stageIdentifier}"
if (doArchiveArtifacts) {
if (incrementals) {
String changelist = readFile(changelistF)
dir(m2repo) {
fingerprint '**/*-rc*.*/*-rc*.*' // includes any incrementals consumed
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "**/*$changelist/*$changelist*",
excludes: '**/*.lastUpdated',
allowEmptyArchive: true // in case we forgot to reincrementalify
publishingIncrementals = true
} else {
String artifacts
if (isMaven) {
artifacts = '**/target/*.hpi,**/target/*.jpi,**/target/*.jar'
} else {
artifacts = '**/build/libs/*.hpi,**/build/libs/*.jpi'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: artifacts, fingerprint: true
} else {
echo "INFO: Skipping archiving of artifacts"
} finally {
if (hasDockerLabel()) {
if(isUnix()) {
sh 'docker system prune --force --all || echo "Failed to cleanup docker images"'
} else {
bat 'docker system prune --force --all || echo "Failed to cleanup docker images"'

if (publishingIncrementals) {
} else {
echo "INFO: Skipping publishing of incrementals"

boolean hasDockerLabel() {

List<Map<String, String>> getConfigurations(Map params) {
boolean explicit = params.containsKey("configurations")
boolean implicit = params.containsKey('platforms') || params.containsKey('jdkVersions') || params.containsKey('jenkinsVersions')

if (explicit && implicit) {
error '"configurations" option can not be used with either "platforms", "jdkVersions" or "jenkinsVersions"'

def configs = params.configurations
configs.each { c ->
if (!c.platform) {
error("Configuration field \"platform\" must be specified: $c")
if (!c.jdk) {
error("Configuration filed \"jdk\" must be specified: $c")

if (explicit) return params.configurations

def platforms = params.containsKey('platforms') ? params.platforms : ['linux', 'windows']
def jdkVersions = params.containsKey('jdkVersions') ? params.jdkVersions : [8]
def jenkinsVersions = params.containsKey('jenkinsVersions') ? params.jenkinsVersions : [null]

def ret = []
for (p in platforms) {
for (jdk in jdkVersions) {
for (jenkins in jenkinsVersions) {
ret << [
"platform": p,
"jdk": jdk,
"jenkins": jenkins,
"javaLevel": null // not supported in the old format
return ret

* Get recommended configurations for testing.
* Includes testing Java 8 and 11 on the newest LTS.
static List<Map<String, String>> recommendedConfigurations() {
def recentLTS = "2.164.1"
def configurations = [
[ platform: "linux", jdk: "8", jenkins: null ],
[ platform: "windows", jdk: "8", jenkins: null ],
[ platform: "linux", jdk: "8", jenkins: recentLTS, javaLevel: "8" ],
[ platform: "windows", jdk: "8", jenkins: recentLTS, javaLevel: "8" ],
[ platform: "linux", jdk: "11", jenkins: recentLTS, javaLevel: "8" ],
[ platform: "windows", jdk: "11", jenkins: recentLTS, javaLevel: "8" ]
return configurations
buildPlugin(failFast: false, configurations: configurations)

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