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The GitHub Release plugin provides pipeline steps to create and query GitHub releases.



Step is used to create a new release in a GitHub repository.

Create a release using a markdown file for the body

writeFile file: '', text: 'This is a test message.'
        credentialId: 'a1234',
        repository: 'jcustenborder/xjc-kafka-connect-plugin',
        tag: 'v1.2.9',
        commitish: '17b5676aaab28e334c0a9befc86e7615a7539c32',
        bodyFile: '',
        draft: true


Step is used to list the releases in a GitHub repository.

List releases that are not drafts

def releases = listGitHubReleases(
        credentialId: 'a1234',
        includeDrafts: false,
        repository: 'jcustenborder/xjc-kafka-connect-plugin'
if (!releases) {
    throw new Exception("Releases should not be null.")
if(releases.size() != 3) {
    throw new Exception("3 Releases should be present.")

Find the latest symantec version and increment it.

def releases = listGitHubReleases(
        credentialId: 'a1234',
        repository: 'jcustenborder/xjc-kafka-connect-plugin',
        sortBy: 'SymantecVersion',
        sortAscending: false,
        tagNamePattern: "^0\\.2\\.\\d+"
if (!releases) {
    throw new Exception('Releases should not be null.')
if(releases.size() != 1) {
    throw new Exception('1 Releases should be present.')
def release = releases[0]
def tagVersion = release.tagName

def nextVersion = release.nextSymantecRevision()

def expectedVersion = "0.2.14"

if(nextVersion != expectedVersion) {
    throw new Exception("Expected version is ${expectedVersion} but ${nextVersion} was returned. Input version ${tagVersion}")


Step is used to upload assets to an existing GitHub repository.

Upload assets from the workspace and attach to the GitHub Release

        credentialId: 'github-token',
        repository: 'jcustenborder/xjc-kafka-connect-plugin',
        tagName: 'v1.2.9', 
        uploadAssets: [
                [filePath: ''], 
                [filePath: '']