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JEP-305: Publishing incremental commits as Maven releases


In order to support more rapid continuous delivery models, such as that described by Jenkins Evergreen, Jenkins core and plugin builds must be deployed into a Maven repository much more incrementally rather than waiting for a developer to manually deploy a release to the existing releases [1] repository.

A previously submitted IEP-9 paved the way for an incrementals repository to be hosted on Jenkins infrastructure, but was silent on how it was to be actually used. This JEP specifies that format and the accompanying tooling.


This proposal suggests a streamlined approach whereby the existence of a suitably published Git commit suffices to identify a component version. The version identifier is insensitive to the build environment; yet increases monotonically and so is suitable for use in version comparison logic. Decisions about whether and how to expose changes to users are made at a separate level, without touching the component repository.

Most Jenkins component repositories in GitHub are built via Maven, either as a single module or as a multimodule reactor starting at the repository root. In either case, we assume that a single reactor mvn install produces some set of artifacts with the same version number.


To work with the Incrementals repository, three (versioned) Maven profiles should be defined, typically in a parent POM in a separate repository:


This component might depend on artifacts deployed to Incrementals, so should look in that repository. Activated unconditionally, typically in .mvn/maven.config.


This component is prepared to deploy to Incrementals. Activated unconditionally, typically in .mvn/maven.config. Runs flatten-maven-plugin (see below). On its own, has no further effect: install will produce regular snapshot artifacts, and deploy will send timestamped snapshots to the regular snapshot repository.


This component is actively producing incremental artifacts. Activated implicitly by the -Dset.changelist user option; presumes that might-produce-incrementals is also activated. Like the jenkins-release profile used by maven-release-plugin, produces *-sources.jar and *-javadoc.jar artifacts. Switches the deployment repository to incrementals.

(The reference implementation currently sets these profiles up only for plugins/modules, but the same could likely be done for Jenkins core and non-module components.)

Nothing interesting need to be done to use the consume-incrementals repository: if the <version> of some declared dependency happens to be an incremental commit, Maven will treat it like any release version.

Producing incremental versions is more complex. Rather than declaring


in the project’s pom.xml, you must use a setup as described in Maven CI Friendly Versions:


The changelist property can then be overridden for each Maven command.

Basic usage

In order to ensure a consistent and reproducible version for Incrementals, a special Maven extension has been developed which is configured in .mvn/extensions.xml. When the switch -Dset.changelist is included in the command, the effect is equivalent to including the options:

-Pproduce-incrementals -Dchangelist=-rc$(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD)

You will then see output like this:

git-plugin$ mvn -DskipTests clean install -Dset.changelist
[INFO] Setting: -Dchangelist=-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ---------------------< org.jenkins-ci.plugins:git >---------------------
[INFO] Building Jenkins Git plugin 3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2
[INFO] --------------------------------[ hpi ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ git ---
[INFO] Installing …/git-plugin/target/git.hpi to …/.m2/repository/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/git/3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2/git-3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2.hpi
[INFO] Installing …/git-plugin/.flattened-pom.xml to …/.m2/repository/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/git/3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2/git-3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2.pom
[INFO] Installing …/git-plugin/target/git.jar to …/.m2/repository/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/git/3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2/git-3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2.jar
[INFO] Installing …/git-plugin/target/git-tests.jar to …/.m2/repository/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/git/3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2/git-3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2-tests.jar
[INFO] Installing …/git-plugin/target/git-sources.jar to …/.m2/repository/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/git/3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2/git-3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2-sources.jar
[INFO] Installing …/git-plugin/target/git-test-sources.jar to …/.m2/repository/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/git/3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2/git-3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2-test-sources.jar
[INFO] Installing …/git-plugin/target/git-javadoc.jar to …/.m2/repository/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/git/3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2/git-3.8.1-rc1652.cd45427eb4e2-javadoc.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

As far as the Maven build is concerned, this was a release version build, not a snapshot version. (An error is signaled if there were any local modifications since the cd45427eb4e2 commit.)

Since this incremental release is in your local repository, you are free to begin using it from downstream components immediately (with consume-incrementals configured):


Note that this workflow requires no Internet connection. Of course the upstream commit should be pushed, and preferably deployed to incrementals, before you share this dependency with others.

Relationship to snapshot dependencies

While actively developing changes coördinated between repositories, you should use Maven snapshot dependencies. Incremental releases allow you to make a downstream commit which atomically consumes one or more upstream commits. If further upstream changes are needed, and these need to be used or tested downstream, then the dependency should be switched back to a snapshot.

There is expected to be tooling, in a format to be determined but easily run by developers, which would help automate routine workflows such as:

  • commit upstream; push upstream; build upstream incremental artifacts; switch downstream dependency from snapshot to incremental

  • build upstream snapshot artifacts; switch downstream dependency from incremental to snapshot

Interaction with maven-release-plugin

Since maven-release-plugin (MRP) continues to be a required part of the workflow for most components, interoperability with it is important.

A repository activating consume-incrementals should pose no issues for MRP. Note that the standard MRP behavior of aborting when snapshot dependencies are detected will not detect accidental inclusion of incremental dependencies in a formal release. If necessary, this could become a custom Maven Enforcer rule activated in the jenkins-release profile.

A repository activating might-produce-incrementals is more trouble due to the <version> declaration. MRP can be run, and produces a valid release with the expected number (1.23 in the example above). However the “prepare for next development iteration” commit just sets


since MRP does not understand the “CI-friendly” versions. Thus, it is necessary to fix up the POM to read


There is expected to be a tool to “reincrementalify” the POM after using MRP. Note that there is no harm done if this is forgotten for a while; it is just not possible to make incremental releases until it is. (-Dset.changelist will define changelist but the version will still be 1.24-SNAPSHOT.)

Deployment to Artifactory

To be available for use by other people or CI processes, incremental releases must be deployed to this repository somehow. The security section discusses several possible approaches to automating this (or not).

Usage from the update center

The current Jenkins update center generator consumes artifacts from the releases repository, and automatically selects the latest versions to publish based on scanning the Artifactory index.

For Evergreen, some “bill of materials” to be determined will determine exact versions of components. For plugins, the current prototype merely refers to traditional releases. This format could be interpreted to allow incremental releases merely by including the incrementals repository in the download path.

It may also be desirable to publish incremental releases to the regular Jenkins update center. If so, update-center2 could be modified to include a static list of plugin versions permitting incremental versions, much as there are already manual overrides for some configuration.

In that scenario, a developer would publish a plugin “release” not by running MRP and waiting for repository reindexing, but by filing a pull request to the update center repository specifying the desired version. This would align with the JEP-400 “Jenkins-X” environment model and allow a more “GitOps” workflow, with several advantages:

  • Simultaneous (atomic) release of large feature sets becomes possible, simply by filing one larger PR.

  • There is a clear audit trail of who requested an update, when, why, and who approved it, when.

  • Emergency rollbacks are as simple as git revert.

  • A PR builder could perform unlimited sanity and consistency checks on the proposed update, even running acceptance tests.

  • There is no need for the Artifactory index, which has been a source of performance issues.

If all releases of a component like a plugin were switched to the new system, dropping support for MRP entirely, then the ${version} could even be omitted and the Maven version become something like simply 1652.cd45427eb4e2. This of course drops any pretense of supporting SemVer in component versions, though in practice SemVer has never been used consistently in core areas of Jenkins anyway.

Since broad adoption of such a workflow would require extensive communication and testing, it is not proposed in this JEP but left for experimentation and a possible future follow-up. Nonetheless, this JEP is designed to create the infrastructure that would make it possible, with Evergreen exercising the concepts initially.


The Jenkins source base is spread across numerous GitHub repositories: jenkinsci/jenkins itself for the core; a number of libraries or components like Stapler and Remoting; several modules; and of course the ~1700 plugins. Contributions which can be limited to a single repository can be built, tested, merged, and released entirely in isolation.

However, when a proposed change requires patches to multiple repositories (such as new APIs), the process becomes much more complicated. Multiple pull requests are involved, and special procedures are needed to allow Maven to make sense of which versions of which components are required.

Further issues arise when changes are accepted and proposed for release. Publishing a change to users requires a separate step using the Maven Release plugin and special credentials; then an update center process runs at intervals searching for new releases.

While this process has always been cumbersome, it is particularly onerous for use from JEP-301 “Evergreen” as laid out in JEP-300 “Evergreen”:

Greatly reduced time between core and "foundational" plugin changes landing, and being adoptable by downstream components.

Small-batch changes, automatically distributed to Jenkins instances…

The status quo is a combination of maven-release-plugin (MRP) for component versions delivered to users, and Maven timestamped snapshots for advance integration testing.

MRP issues

The problems with MRP are exhaustively enumerated on the Internet, but several are notable for Jenkins.

Most obviously, every release produce two dummy commits: “preparing for release” and “preparing for next development iteration”. These add noise to Git history and can trigger spurious Jenkins CI builds as well. Currently that is not a big issue but if we wanted to deploy much finer-grained releases for Evergreen this could be magnified greatly, as the MRP commits could outnumber real development commits!

MRP is not atomic. Tests are run, commits are created, then pushed, then more building is done, then artifacts are deployed. An error or even WiFi outage occurring any time after the initial phase can leave things in an inconsistent state that must be manually cleaned up. In particular, artifact deployment is quite likely to fail for various reasons: a stale password, or a missing entry in repository-permissions-updater. There is a constant stream of requests to the Jenkins developer list asking for assistance with MRP.

Timestamped snapshot issues

Unlike the foo-SNAPSHOT.jar artifacts installed into the local repository (and constantly being overwritten with rebuilds), when you mvn deploy a project with a snapshot version, Maven will upload an artifact with a unique version such as 2.27-20180402.200639-11. This may be consumed as a dependency in a downstream POM, supposedly ensuring a reproducible build.

However, there are several problems with this system. First of all, the timestamped artifact is not installed into the local repository! It is only uploaded to the remote repository. If you declare a dependency on it in a downstream POM and then do a downstream build, Maven will download the same bits. Thus if you rename one method in Jenkins core and wish to make a plugin commit matching that rename refactoring, you must first upload around 95Mb of artifacts (perhaps from Starbucks), then download the same 95Mb before you can compile again.

You must also scroll back into the deploy log to even find the selected timestamp so that it can be copied and pasted into the downstream POM.

Java IDEs generally have solid support for plain snapshot dependencies (since this is so critical for incremental development of cross-module changes), but timestamped snapshots are less commonly used and understood and so support can be spotty.

Finally, there are simply various outstanding bugs related to timestamped snapshots. Maven treats them specially in numerous places deep within its code, and the behavior has changed historically for example with the switch to Aether, so support is not a trivial matter. MENFORCER-298 in particular affects Jenkins badly: when using a common Enforcer rule, Maven compilation will occasionally pick up the wrong snapshot, causing perplexing build errors that are sometimes not easy to reproduce locally.

Cross-repository complexity

Jenkins development has historically suffered when changes needed to be coördinated across repositories.


One example is the former Pipeline repository, housing around a dozen plugins. Publishing the smallest changes from this monolithic repository was very slow and tedious, and would result in no-op updates to most of the plugins.

As of 2.0 and PR 369 this was split up so that each plugin gets its own repository. The upside is that it became much simpler to develop and deploy isolated changes. The downside was that deeper changes such as API refactorings became more logistically complex, particularly due to the problems outlined above with timestamped snapshots.


The Jenkins CERT team has also struggled with cross-repository changes, made worse by the need to keep all changes out of public view until the day of the security advisory. Timestamped snapshots are used, but need to be converted to release versions when staging fixes. This brings up another conceptual flaw of MRP: the definition of release artifacts is entangled with their deployment. Thus, specialized (and error-prone) workflows are needed to stage artifacts to nondefault repositories. The extra pair of commits created by MRP must be specially managed as well. A workflow in which every commit is treated as a release candidate would be considerably simpler for CERT. However, any changes to CERT workflow would be discussed within that team rather than in this JEP.


In January 2017 there was a major refactoring of the APIs underlying multibranch projects and SCM access. This blog post lays out the overview and notes that some changes were incompatible and thus forced a simultaneous update. A particular logistical problem encountered during development was that care needed to be taken to deploy (MRP) all related plugins within the same time window, before Artifactory indexing ran and started to pick up and publish updates.


Alternatives based on IEP-9

Since IEP-9 merely offers an upload location and a suggestion on artifact format, various options were investigated.

Other tools

A number of tools exist to somehow bake a Git commit (and/or other metadata like timestamps and CI build numbers) into a Maven artifact when it is built. maven-git-commit-id-plugin, git-timestamp-maven-plugin, and buildnumber-maven-plugin are examples.

These have the issue that they do not actually affect the ${project.version} as Maven understands it; they merely offer some metadata for inclusion ad-hoc inside the artifact. That is fine for simply recording what a binary was built from, say for purposes of logging or display of system information; but it does nothing to help with the retrieval of specific artifacts, especially given a known commit.

Some other schemes like this post suggest ways to automatically deploy for CD, but do not address local development workflows.

To fix that root problem you need to use “CI Friendly Versions” introduced in Maven 3.3.1, as this JEP proposes. This popular post gives an example of switching to that system, but declines to talk much about how the version should actually be picked, and does not seem to discuss multi-module reactors, much less cross-repository development.

Other version schemes

The current proposal sets the changelist variable during Incrementals builds to

-rc$(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD)

This format has two key advantages:

  • It is completely reproducible for a given commit, regardless of how the repository was cloned or is managed. (The commit can also be reconstructed from the version.)

  • Pushing subsequent commits to a line of development results in strictly “greater” version numbers (see below for details).

Experiments were run with alternate schemes. Including a Git branch name in the version was quickly rejected, as Git (unlike, say, Mercurial) does not consider branches to be intrinsic to the commit: it is perfectly legitimate (and not so uncommon) for different people or tools to check out the same commit using different references. It would be very confusing for two different artifacts to be published which were built from the same commit. For the same reason, including a timestamp in the hash was rejected for builds of “clean” commits.

$BUILD_NUMBER (the Jenkins build number) is also undesirable: not only is no such metadata available for local developer builds; but any time a Jenkins service is restored from backup, the build history could easily be reset and numbering restart from 1.

A slight variant to the rev-list setup passes --first-parent:

-rc$(git rev-list --first-parent --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD)

This scheme avoids counting commits from merged branches, and thus keeps the version number relatively small, and is adequate for comparisons within a Git branch. This was used initially but was rejected as part of JENKINS-51869 because it did not work well in complex merge graphs (typical with long-lived interdependent topic branches): in certain situations it would result in the version number decreasing after a merge, causing tools like mvn incrementals:update to select a valid but unnecessarily old release.

Another variant:

-rc$(git rev-list --first-parent --no-merges --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD)

would pick identical counts even after nontrivial merges from the target branch. While the commit hash would still disambiguate the commits, it would be harder to tell that the commit after the merge was newer.

(Note that with or without the --no-merges option, checkout scm for pull request “merge” builds will merge the base branch into the head commit if it is not up to date, producing an unpredictable commit hash and (in the current proposal) incrementing the count by one. Therefore deployment is most useful from origin branch builds, or at least PR head builds.)

It is possible to differentiate the count of commits made in the master branch from those in an (unnamed) side branch. This even works naturally after performing “ladder” merges to bring a branch up to date with master:

-rc$(git rev-list --first-parent --count $(git merge-base master HEAD)).$(git rev-list --first-parent --count ^master HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD)

That scheme behaves better with respect to the Versions Maven plugin and so on. Unfortunately it does not work after checkout scm in a Pipeline branch project build, since the master ref is unresolvable: the checkout will normally be a “detached HEAD” and no other refs will be defined. Worse, after a fast-forward merge to master, the same commit will switch from 200.4.abc123 to 204.0.abc123.

Other formats like

-rc$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)

are readable but nondeterministic.

The rc component is included to make sure that incremental versions sort before regular releases. According to hudson.util.VersionNumber, used in the Jenkins plugin manager and associated tooling:

  • 1.1

  • 1.2-SNAPSHOT

  • 1.2-rc13.8ab

  • 1.2-rc14.de3

  • 1.2-rc15.6a6

  • 1.2-rc100.ab1

  • 1.2

org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ComparableVersion, used throughout Maven, sorts similarly except for -SNAPSHOT handling:

  • 1.1

  • 1.2-rc13.8ab

  • 1.2-rc14.de3

  • 1.2-rc15.6a6

  • 1.2-rc100.ab1

  • 1.2-SNAPSHOT

  • 1.2

Snapshot handling is under investigation in JENKINS-51594.

Systems not based on IEP-9

Some other approaches to the problems of cross-repository coördination and incremental releasing were considered.


An ingenious service JitPack exists to allow any commit of a Git/Maven project to be treated as a release artifact. After adding a special source repository to a downstream POM, you can simply refer to an upstream component via a special version scheme and the service will build it for you and serve it as a Maven artifact.

Some support for JitPack already exists in the Jenkins plugin parent POM. Unfortunately, some experiments with this system quickly pointed to a number of issues.

First, running upstream builds is very slow. This makes downstream builds wait for a long time, opaquely in the Maven download phase. This delay can also block local/offline development, as there is no simple way to create an equivalent artifact locally.

Little about the build environment can be customized. For Jenkins components, which tend to use generic Maven idioms, this is not a critical problem.

The free service will only build public repositories. For companies wishing to integrate incremental releases into their own workflow for proprietary components, that presents a boundary between two systems.

Most of the above issues could be addressed by purchasing a commercial subscription or even hosting the service on The most intrusive aspect of the service, however, is part of its core behavior: it requires that the groupId and artifactId of upstream artifacts be modified to point to GitHub coördinates when referred to downstream. When regular and “jitpacked” artifacts are mixed together in complex applications, as Jenkins does, mayhem can result since Maven does not think of these artifacts as comparable. In particular, Jenkins plugin infrastructure normally treats artifactId as the plugin shortName. Many of these issues can be worked around, as was done in the experimental support linked above, but at the cost of a lot of confusing behavior and extra work when switching versions back and forth.

SCM-level aggregation

A radically different approach to some of the problems outlined here is to move component sources into a single Git monorepo; or to simulate such an arrangement using Git submodules.

Either mode certainly makes some development logistics conceptually simpler: for example, a rename refactoring across components just becomes a single commit (or an aggregation commit faking it using a set of submodule commits). Targeting plugin versions for deployment to Evergreen would cease to exist as a concept: the manifest (if in the same monorepo) would not need to specify versions at all; it would simply pick up whatever sources were in the same mono-revision. git bisect works across everything at once.

Besides the dramatic change in workflow, such a system introduces its own set of thorny problems. Running integration tests on the monorepo is theoretically very simple: just run an overall test suite command at the root and you will see if any changes in one area broke another. In practice, this would be intolerably slow (or expensive, with parallel hardware), so some sort of build system with smart incremental build features is needed. Somehow or another, this winds up creating a kind of cache system, which is basically an opaque version of what we already know as an artifact repository. If you just want to casually check out and try patching one plugin, you are pretty much out of luck: you need to download a massive repository and run a long build.

On that note, it is only safe to assume that every downstream component in a given mono-revision should be considered to depend on at least (if not exactly) that same mono-revision of all of its upstream components; making up version numbers for the components will not work too well since they are no longer enforced. (The NetBeans project tries to do that, and it is a failure.) But then you have created a monolithic system to be deployed as a unit. While this might suit Evergreen fine (that is its goal), it would potentially cause problems for other Jenkins deployment modes and OEM products, as components get otherwise gratuitous dependencies on the newest version of absolutely everything.

Deciding what exactly to include in a monorepo would be a tough call. Out of the hundreds of plugins, which make the cut? The set to be included in Evergreen would be a reasonable choice, but then you are back to square one when developing changes targeted in part to plugins currently outside the set (including OEM and proprietary extensions). And a true monorepo would make it very awkward to add or remove components as policies change over time (submodules would presumably be easier).

Finally, a monorepo pushes developer social behavior into a different mode, for better or worse. While GitHub offers some features to require approval from specific people for changes to a given subdirectory, the overall experience is of lots of people simultaneously patching things across a sprawling directory tree; it would be difficult to visually or conceptually filter the thousands of open pull requests to see what is relevant and who is in charge. All of these process changes are feasible, but at the cost of a major migration.

Backwards Compatibility

Relationship to maven-release-plugin workflows has already been discussed. The proposed version number scheme appears to be treated sanely by both Maven and Jenkins code.


Automated deployment to the incrementals repository

As tracked in INFRA-1571 we would like to have at least origin branch project builds inside deploy into incrementals so that all successful builds are consumable without requiring developers to upload personal builds. Several approaches were considered for this.

First, some background on the security requirements. Nothing from incrementals gets deployed to “production” merely by virtue of appearing there: it is only available for possible consumption. Before an artifact is used anywhere, some other versioned metadata must be edited to specifically request it. That author should then only be requesting a commit which has already been pushed to GitHub, and thus automatically built and (if successful) deployed to incrementals.

There is some risk that a developer would blindly run versions:display-dependency-updates and accept the newest available artifact, but this could be mitigated for example in Evergreen quality gates by verifying that the commit hashes of all proposed components are in fact ancestors of the current master heads.

Maven deployment from buildPlugin

The most straightforward approach would be to keep Artifactory credentials either at global scope or in the Plugins organization folder. The standard buildPlugin library function would, under certain circumstances including at least a check that the author of a PR is a trusted committer (but more likely just restricted to origin branches), run a deploy goal with these credentials.

The risk here is that a committer to some minor repository could edit Jenkinsfile and/or pom.xml to deploy phony artifacts: say, something claiming to be jenkins-core but in fact malware. We could accept that risk for this repository (whereas the regular releases repo is governed by repository-permissions-updater controls), since at least the attacks are limited to registered Jenkins committers, and they would need to push a malicious commit to some public @jenkinsci repository (or a public pull request to it).

Attempts to delete an audit trail using force-push (or deleting a fork) would not be fully successful due to organization-wide email notifications, Jenkins event hook logs, and the like.

A random person with a GitHub account could file a (forked) pull request which tries to use withCredentials from the Jenkinsfile, but this will not be honored anyway: Jenkins will use the target branch’s version instead.

The service account credentials to deploy from buildPlugin should be denied redeploy permissions, so once the official artifact has been uploaded, no one could replace it. There is still a window of vulnerability after the commit has been pushed (so its hash is known) but it has not yet been deployed; but if a malicious actor deploys that GAV first, the official CI build will later fail, leaving a visible mark that something is wrong. (Note that denying redeploy means that a master build will fail after a fast-forward merge of a branch.)

Somehow limiting access to the deploy credentials to a trusted library would not really help here. Setting aside Jenkinsfile edits, a committer could simply make the pom.xml do something strange.

REST deployment from a downstream job

In this approach the entire repository contents (including Jenkinsfile and pom.xml) are considered untrusted, so mvn deploy is not be an option. Instead, the main CI build for the plugin or other component (hereafter “upstream”) runs a simple mvn install to generate artifacts in the local repository. It then archiveArtifacts the ~/.m2/repository/io/jenkins/plugins/myplugin/1.23-rc999.abc123def456/ directory and uses build to trigger a deployment job (“downstream”).

The downstream job lives in a separate location with a trusted Pipeline script and access to deployment credentials. When run, it uses the Jenkins REST API to inspect its own metadata and find the upstream build; it then again uses the Jenkins REST API to inspect the upstream build and find the associated commit.

(Note: traditional metadata from the Git plugin does not suffice for this purpose, as that merely records whatever happened in various checkout steps, which are under the control of the Jenkinsfile and potentially unrelated to the component supposedly being built! JENKINS-50777 is needed to determine the actual commit linked to this branch project build, which checkout scm would offer.)

After finding the commit hash, it retrieves only those artifacts from the upstream build which mention that hash. Then it uploads them to Artifactory using its REST API.

incrementals-downstream-publisher offers a prototype of this system.

Two vulnerabilities remain here. First, a malicious commit could generate artifacts of names unrelated to what it is supposed to be: for example, org/jenkins-ci/main/jenkins-war/2.199-rc999.abc123def456/jenkins-war-2.199-rc999.abc123def456.war. The artifact could include any contents not approved by the actual owners of the jenkinsci/jenkins repository. As above, the risk is mitigated by the fact that someone would need to explicitly consume this artifact.

Using repository-permissions-updater/permissions/plugin-*.yml as a reference to block such attempts was prototyped. Unfortunately, the current metadata in this repository are not sufficient: for example, the downstream build knows it is processing something from jenkinsci/structs-plugin, but this actually deploys to three separate repository paths, controlled separately by plugin-structs.yml, pom-structs-parent.yml, and component-symbol-annotation.yml; nowhere is there an indication that structs-plugin is the intended source repository for these. So the metadata would need to be extended to cover this use case; for example:

github: "jenkinsci/structs-plugin"

The second vulnerability compounds the first: the commit hash could be maliciously chosen to look like an actual (say, master) commit to the victim repository. Since currently Incrementals releases use a 12-digit prefix of the commit hash, this could be forged for example with git-mine-commit. Using a complete commit hash would be much harder to forge. repository-permissions-updater would also help here, but with an abbreviated hash, a “mined” commit to a fork of a victim repository could be submitted for CI in the hopes of being deployed first and being picked up in the place of the genuine commit. One full defense would be to use complete hashes (assuming SHA-1 is not easily compromised), which would be awkward to use in version numbers due to their length (40 digits); alternately, some process could detect prefix collisions in the repository and alert administrators.

An alternative defense would be to deploy only signed commits. The downstream job could use GitHub’s commit signature verification API to check that the commit was indeed signed. This can also be used to extract the committer, which could then be mapped to a Jenkins LDAP user ID and the existing metadata in repository-permissions-updater used to gate deployment. This would however mean that only people who would be permitted to perform regular releases would also be able to deploy to Incrementals, blocking certain legitimate use cases when preparing cross-component features. (That said, it may be desirable to only deploy signed commits, without checking the actual committer.)

Status quo

The alternative to all this is a policy more like what the Jenkins project currently has for formal releases: the release must be uploaded from the personal computer of a committer, whose credentials are then verified by repository-permissions-updater (assuming that tool applies the same controls to the incrementals repository as it does now to releases). This is possible but less comfortable for developers (who are likely to take shortcuts such as deploying commits without running tests), and has its own vulnerability (admittedly shared with releases) that there is nothing preventing a developer from uploading something not built from the published source code.


The current approach is to use an Azure “function” triggered by the CI build and checking repository-permissions-updater.

Infrastructure Requirements

The main requirement on Jenkins infrastructure has already been covered by IEP-9.

Reference Implementation

  • plugin-pom PR 100 is the starting point for the reference implementation; this links to examples of converting some widely used plugins to consume Incrementals, produce Incrementals, or both.

  • An analogous change to jenkinsci/pom is expected later.

  • incrementals-tools contains the central Maven extension as well as related tooling.

  • incrementals-publisher is the Azure function used to promote CI builds into the repository.