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Merge pull request #192 from daniel-beck/jep-submission-telemetry
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Telemetry JEP
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R. Tyler Croy committed Aug 30, 2018
2 parents 320705c + 255b9f7 commit 3bbc770
Showing 1 changed file with 162 additions and 0 deletions.
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions jep/214/README.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
= JEP-214: Jenkins Telemetry
:toc: preamble
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| 214

| Title
| Jenkins Telemetry

| Sponsor
| link:[Daniel Beck]

// Use the script `set-jep-status <jep-number> <status>` to update the status.
| Status
| Draft :speech_balloon:

| Type
| Standards

| Created
| 2018-08-30

| BDFL-Delegate

// Uncomment if there is an associated placeholder JIRA issue.
//| JIRA
//| :bulb:[JENKINS-nnnnn] :bulb:
// Uncomment if discussion will occur in forum other than jenkinsci-dev@ mailing list.
//| Discussions-To
//| :bulb: Link to where discussion and final status announcement will occur :bulb:
// Uncomment if this JEP depends on one or more other JEPs.
//| Requires
//| :bulb: JEP-NUMBER, JEP-NUMBER... :bulb:
// Uncomment and fill if this JEP is rendered obsolete by a later JEP
//| Superseded-By
//| :bulb: JEP-NUMBER :bulb:
// Uncomment when this JEP status is set to Accepted, Rejected or Withdrawn.
//| Resolution
//| :bulb: Link to relevant post in the jenkinsci-dev@ mailing list archives :bulb:


== Abstract

Jenkins is exclusively distributed to users for installation on their own infrastructure.
This presents challenges when evolving Jenkins, as we typically only learn about problems after a change has been delivered.
This JEP proposes infrastructure for gathering usage telemetry.

== Specification

A `Telemetry` extension point is added to Jenkins (core). It allows implementations in core or plugins ("collectors") to define the following:

* Alphanumeric ID.
* User-friendly display name.
* Time period (start and end date) during which data collection is enabled on the client. Both are mandatory.
* A method returning the string content (expected to be JSON) to be submitted to the Jenkins project.

The implementation in core has the following characteristics:

* Collection and submission is possible only if the instance participates in anonymous usage statistics.
* Individual collectors can additionally be disabled, and as a result, collection code is not executed.
* Each collector is run periodically to build its content, and the central extension point will submit it to the Jenkins project infrastructure via HTTPS to a base URL, with a suffix matching the ID of the collector.
* A facility explaining what data is collected, to be shown to administrators.
* The endpoint the data is submitted to is not modifiable by implementations.

== Motivation

We are occasionally in the situation that we need to understand how Jenkins is used or configured, typically to estimate the feasibility or impact of a planned change.
As Jenkins is not a hosted SaaS, but distributed for local installation, we have very limited ways to get any information from our users in advance of actually performing the changes.
Combined with the complexity of having 1500+ plugins with virtually unrestricted access to internal APIs means the risk of problems due to major changes is rather high.
While we have _some_ tooling (mostly related to Java API use across components), that might only be a small subset of what we'd need to know.

== Reasoning

=== Combination with Evergreen telemetry (JEP-308)

Evergreen telemetry and this proposal have multiple key differences:

* Evergreen focuses on monitoring Jenkins from the outside, observing output such as log messages, while the proposed telemetry would be internal to Jenkins.
* Evergreen stores data for a large period of time, while the proposed telemetry is gathered for a specific purpose and intended to be collected for a defined, short period of time.

=== Reuse of existing anonymous usage statistics

While there are anonymous usage statistics, the data provided is fairly limited (mostly basic master/agent setup, job types and count, and installed plugins).
Additionally, its collection protocol does not allow for it to be easily extended with additional information due to length restrictions.
Even worse, the server-side processing code, as of 2018, is complex and very difficult to change.

It is also not designed to support the time limited collection of telemetry that is an important part of this proposal.

== Backwards Compatibility

There are no backwards compatibility concerns related to this proposal.

Feedback to the initial proposal indicated a desire to merge this with JEP-308.
As each collector is an independent extension implementation only operational within a defined time period, we are able to retire/version the extension point in core aggressively to support future improvements.

== Security

Collectors need to be written carefully to not collect user data, such as PII.
As each collector needs its own endpoint in Jenkins project infra, the Jenkins infra team can ensure isolation between different collected information, grant access to the collected data in a fine-grained manner, and enforce the collector start and end dates server-side.

Data submission is done via HTTPS to prevent eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

== Infrastructure Requirements

A new service needs to be added to the Jenkins project infrastructure.

* Support for multiple user-defined endpoints (URLs), each corresponding to a collector.
* Support for definition of a collection period (start and end date), outside of which submissions are rejected.

Beyond these, the service can remain fairly basic, e.g. writing submission bodies to files, similar to the logging performed in the usage statistics service.

The traffic to each individual endpoints depends on:

* The size of data gathered for each collector
* The number of instances for each collector

The latter depends on the time span defined for a collector, and the component implementing the collector (popularity and user update behavior).
For collectors defined in core, current usage statistics indicate that around 20,000-30,000 installations are on the current LTS line, and around 30,000 installations are on the most recent eight weekly releases.

This indicates a projected upper bound of 600MB of uncompressed data collected per day for a collector defined in core that is active for two months, if we expect a maximum average size of 10KB.

== Testing

Automatic tests in Jenkins core need to ensure the constraints defined for this system (administrator control via usage statistics option, collection dates, etc.).

== Prototype Implementation


== References

* link:[Initial proposal and request for feedback on jenkinsci-dev]

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