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Repository files navigation


  • Backend Database

    • Table Schemas:

      • students ID Name SchoolID UserID ToyID Fulfilled (T/F) Fulfilled By (DonatorID)

      • schools ID Name Address UserID

      • donators ID Name UserID

      • toys ID Name URL ImagePath(Optional)

      • all users ID Login Password Type of User

    • Associations:

      • Student.belongsTo(School); --> puts SchoolID on Student table
      • School.hasMany(Student); --> allows for School.getStudents, School.setStudents, etc.
      • Student.belongsTo(Donator); --> puts DonatorID on Student table
      • Student.belongsTo(User); --> puts UserID on Student table
      • Student.belongsTo(Toy); --> puts ToyID on Student table
      • School.belongsTo(User); --> puts UserID on School table
      • Donator.belongsTo(User); --> puts UserID on Donator table
    • OPTIONAL: wish lists (join table between students and toys) ******** ID ToyID UserID Fulfilled [{toy: Bear, fulfilled: true}, {toy: yoyo, fulfilled: false}] 1 [true, false] Bear 2 Bear 3

  • Routes

*** main/app.js

app.get('/') => Home Page (Login Here) app.use('/students') => use module router Students app.use('/schools') => use module router Schools

*** routes/students.js

router.get('/:studentId') => student's current wishlist'/:studentId') => add new toy router.delete('/:studentId') => remove toy from wishlist router.put('/:studentId') => mark toy as purchased with the donator's ID

*** routes/schools.js

router.get('/') => full list of all schools router.get('/:schoolId') => each school's wishlist

  • if you log in as student:

    • current wish list
    • add a gift form
  • if you log in as donator:

    • full list of all schools --> can filter down by your neighborhood or community
    • each school's wishlist of all toys --> can filter down by toys already fulfilled
  • *** Optional: if you log in school admin:

    • all students
    • each student's individual wishlist
    • full list of toys
  • Separation of User Types

    • student
    • school admin
    • donator/charity organization
  • Front End

    • gift forms
    • user sign up
    • displaying the gift list
    • interactive gift list


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Contributors 4
