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Introducing Faults

The nemesis is a special client, not bound to any particular node, which introduces failures across the cluster. We'll require jepsen.nemesis, which provides several built-in failure modes.

(ns jepsen.etcdemo
  (:require [ :refer :all]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [jepsen [checker :as checker]
                    [cli :as cli]
                    [client :as client]
                    [control :as c]
                    [db :as db]
                    [generator :as gen]
                    [nemesis :as nemesis]
                    [tests :as tests]]
            [jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline]
            [jepsen.control.util :as cu]
            [jepsen.os.debian :as debian]
            [knossos.model :as model]
            [slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]]
            [verschlimmbesserung.core :as v]))

We'll pick a simple nemesis to start, and add it to the :nemesis key for the test. This one partitions the network into two halves, selected randomly, when it receives a :start op, and heals the network when it receives a :stop.

(defn etcd-test
  "Given an options map from the command line runner (e.g. :nodes, :ssh,
  :concurrency ...), constructs a test map."
  (merge tests/noop-test
         {:pure-generators true
          :name            "etcd"
          :os              debian/os
          :db              (db "v3.1.5")
          :client          (Client. nil)
          :nemesis         (nemesis/partition-random-halves)
          :checker         (checker/compose
                             {:perf   (checker/perf)
                              :linear (checker/linearizable
                                        {:model     (model/cas-register)
                                         :algorithm :linear})
                              :timeline (timeline/html)})
          :generator       (->> (gen/mix [r w cas])
                                (gen/stagger 1)
                                (gen/nemesis nil)
                                (gen/time-limit 15))}))

Like regular clients, the nemesis draws operations from the generator. Right now our generator only emits ops to regular clients--the nemesis just gets nil, which tells it there's nothing to do. We'll replace that with a dedicated generator for nemesis operations. We're also going to increase the time limit, so we have enough time to see the nemesis take effect.

          :generator (->> (gen/mix [r w cas])
                          (gen/stagger 1)
                            (cycle [(gen/sleep 5)
                              {:type :info, :f :start}
                              (gen/sleep 5)
                              {:type :info, :f :stop}]))
                          (gen/time-limit 30))}

Clojure sequences can act as generators, so we can use regular Clojure functions to construct them. Here, we use cycle to construct an infinite loop of sleep, start, sleep, stop, ..., which ends once the time limit is up.

The network partition causes some operations to crash:

WARN [2018-02-02 15:54:53,380] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.core Process 1 crashed Read timed out

... and so on. If we know an operation didn't take place we can make the checker more efficient (and detect more bugs!) by returning ops with :type :fail instead of letting client/invoke! throw exceptions, but letting every error crash the process is still safe: jepsen's checkers understand that a crashed operation may or may not take place.

Finding a bug

We've hardcoded a 30 second time limit into our test, but it'd be nice if we could control that at the command line. Jepsen's CLI kit provides a --time-limit switch, which is passed to etcd-test as :time-limit, in the options map. Let's hook that up now:

          :generator (->> (gen/mix [r w cas])
                          (gen/stagger 1)
                            (gen/seq (cycle [(gen/sleep 5)
                                             {:type :info, :f :start}
                                             (gen/sleep 5)
                                             {:type :info, :f :stop}])))
                          (gen/time-limit (:time-limit opts)))}
$ lein run test --time-limit 60

Now that we can run tests for shorter or longer, let's speed up the request rate. If we take too long between requests, we won't have a chance to see interesting behaviors. Let's try a tenth of a second between requests:

          :generator (->> (gen/mix [r w cas])
                          (gen/stagger 1/50)
                           (cycle [(gen/sleep 5)
                            {:type :info, :f :start}
                            (gen/sleep 5)
                            {:type :info, :f :stop}]))
                          (gen/time-limit (:time-limit opts)))}

If you run this test a few times, you might notice an interesting result. Sometimes, it fails!

$ lein run test --test-count 10
     :model {:msg "can't read 3 from register 4"}}]
Analysis invalid! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

Knossos ran out of options: it thought the only legal value for the register was 4, but a process successfully read 3. When a linearizability failure occurs, Knossos will emit an SVG diagram showing the problem--and we can read the history to see the op in more detail.

$ open store/latest/linear.svg
$ open store/latest/history.txt

This is a case of a stale read: we saw a value from the past, despite more recent writes having completed. This occurs because etcd allows us to read the local state of any replica, without going through consensus to ensure we have the most recent state.

Read consistency

The etcd docs claim "etcd ensures linearizability for all [operations other than watches] by default." This is clearly not the case--and indeed, buried in the v2 API docs is this unobtrusive note:

If you want a read that is fully linearized you can use a quorum=true GET. The read will take a very similar path to a write and will have a similar speed. If you are unsure if you need this feature feel free to email etcd-dev for advice.

Aha! So we need to use quorum reads. Verschlimmbesserung has an option for that:

    (invoke! [this test op]
      (case (:f op)
        :read (let [value (-> conn
                              (v/get "foo" {:quorum? true})
                (assoc op :type :ok, :value value))

Introducing quorum reads makes our tests pass!

$ lein run test
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ

Congratulations! You've written your first successful Jepsen test. This is the same issue I identified in 2014, and dialogue with the etcd team led them to introduce the quorum read option.

Take a quick break! You've earned it! Then, if you like, we can move onto refining the test.