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AI Content Detector: Human versus AI Distinguishment

This project is a part of the AAI-590 Capstone Project course in the Applied Artificial Intelligence Program at the University of San Diego (USD).

Project Status: Completed 4/15/2024

Flask Web Application

  • Note - This web app will only be available for up to 30 days following project completion.

Flask app screenshot.


Presentation title slide.


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Project Intro

With recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between human versus AI-generated content, which creates challenges in verifying content authenticity. This presents concerns in areas such as news feeds, social media, and academic integrity where content authenticity is crucial. This project aims to address this issue by developing and comparing the performance of both traditional machine learning algorithms and multiple deep learning models in a binary classification task (i.e., human versus AI-generated text).

Project Objectives

  • Primary Goal
    • Develop a Machine Learning (ML) model that can predict and provide the probability of text being human or AI-generated
  • Secondary Goal
    • Develop an interactive web app for users to interact with the model


Methods Used

  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Containerization


  • Python
  • PyTorch
  • DistilBERT
  • Flask
  • Gunicorn
  • Azure
  • Docker

Project Description

As part of this project, we approach the problem by developing multiple models for comparison. We develop models utilizing more simplistic, traditional algorithms, as well as a custom transformer model using the PyTorch machine learning framework. Additionally, we also use a pretrained DistilBERT transformer model to provide a comprehensive performance comparison across multiple model architectures.

Following model selection, we develop an interactive web application that allows users to input text and receive predictions on whether it was human or AI-generated, along with the associated probability. An application such as this can be used in the real-world for educators, content moderators, and the general public to combat some of the aforementioned growing concerns.

Ultimately, the team's efforts resulted in selection of our custom transformer model as the best option. We proceed to develop a Flask web application with an HTML front-end and Gunicorn as a Python Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) HTTP Server for UNIX. We then utilize Docker in our local development environment to build a Docker image, run a container, and test web app functionality. Afterwards, we push the container to a private Azure Container Registry (ACR) which is part of a resource group available to the web app. We create the web app, specifying the container, and deploy to the Azure cloud platform to make it publicly available.

Data Sources

Kaggle - AI Vs Human Text

Classes of the dataset include:

  • 0 - Human
  • 1 - AI

Kaggle - Detect- AI Generated VS Student Generated Text

  • Note - This dataset was only used for additional inference testing, as it provided more text diversity (i.e., variable length, writing styles).

Classes of the dataset include:

  • student - Human
  • ai - AI

Project Repository File/Folder Structure

  • LICENSE: Repository license

  • Project documentation in Markdown

  • documents/: Directory containing document files

    • AAI-590 Human versus AI Distinguishment - Final Report.docx: Final report in DOCX format
    • AAI-590 Human versus AI Distinguishment - Final Report.pdf: Final report in PDF format
    • AAI-590 Human versus AI Distinguishment - Presentation.pdf: Final presentation in PDF format
    • AAI-590 Human versus AI Distinguishment - Presentation.pptx: Final presentation in PPTX format
  • notebooks/: Directory containing notebooks

    • Baseline_Model.ipynb: Development for baseline model
    • Baseline_Model_EDA.ipynb: EDA for baseline model
    • Custom_Transformer.ipynb: Development for custom transformer model
    • Data_Cleaning_EDA_1.ipynb: Initial data cleaning and EDA
    • Data_Cleaning_EDA_2.ipynb: Additional data cleaning and EDA, focusing on feature engineering
    • Pretrained_Model.ipynb: Development for pretrained DistilBERT model
    • experimentation/: Directory for preliminary or experimental notebooks
      • Ensemble_Model.ipynb: Development for ensemble model (experimental)
  • screenshots/: Directory containing screenshots

    • flask_app_screenshot.png: Screenshot of Flask application
    • presentation_title_slide.png: Screenshot of presentation title slide
  • webapp/: Directory containing files for web application

    • .dockerignore: Docker ignore file to exclude unwanted files during image build
    • Python application code
    • Module with classes and functions to load and return model
    • Dockerfile: Docker configuration file for containerizing web app
    • Configuration file for Gunicorn, a WSGI HTTP server
    • requirements.txt: File listing required packages for web app
    • vocab.pkl: Custom vocabulary file used with custom transformer model
    • templates/: Directory containing website HTML templates
      • website.html: HTML template for web app


MIT License


Thank you to all the USD professors. Special thanks to Professor Marbut for your continued dedication, guidance, and support throughout this course.


Deploy a containerized Flask or FastAPI web app on Azure App Service. (2023, December 7). Microsoft Learn.

Language modeling with nn.transformer and torchtext. PyTorch. (n.d.).

Ongko, G. C. (2022, February 3). Building a machine learning web application using flask. Medium.

Paszke, A., Gross, S., Massa, F., Lerer, A., Bradbury, J., Chanan, G., Killeen, T., Lin, Z., Gimelshein, N., Antiga, L.,
         Desmaison, A., Kopf, A., Yang, E., DeVito, Z., Raison, M., Tejani, A., Chilamkurthy, S., Steiner, B., Fang, L.,
         … Chintala, S. (2019). PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library. Advances in Neural
         Information Processing Systems 32, 8024–8035.

Sanh, V., Debut, L., Chaumond, J., & Wolf, T. (2020). DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT: smaller, faster,
         cheaper and lighter.


AAI-590: Capstone Project - AI Content Detector - 4/15/2024







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