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forked from fedora-infra/fmn

A system for generic fedmsg-driven notifications for end users.


LGPL-2.1, GPL-2.0 licenses found

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Fedora Notifications

fmn is a family of systems to manage end-user notifications triggered by fedmsg, the Fedora FEDerated MESsage bus.

The "wins" here are:

  • A single place for email code to live, instead of being duplicated in every application that we write and deploy. This will ostensibly reduce the amount of code we have to maintain.
  • Diverse kinds of notifications. Some users don't want email.
  • A single place for end-users to manage notification preferences. Instead of having to tweak preferences in bodhi, koji, pkgdb, etc.. they can choose what they do and don't want to receive at (hypothetically)

We would like to be able to serve notifications via these means, listed in order by priority:

  • Email.
  • IRC private messages directed at users.
  • Desktop popups.
  • Android notifications via Google Cloud Messaging.
  • Websocket notifications on webapps.
  • User-specific RSS feeds

For terminology's sake, refer to these as the N notification contexts.


This repository is just a placeholder and the code for the various components can be found here:


A Vagrantfile is provided as Vagrantfile.example. You can get started by installing Vagrant and starting your own Vagrantfile from the example:

$ sudo dnf install ansible vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs
$ cp Vagrantfile.example Vagrantfile
$ vagrant up

There are several configurations in the Vagrantfile you may want to alter. documentation can be found inline. Note that performing vagrant up will check out fmn.rules, fmn.lib, fmn.consumer, fmn.web, and fmn.sse out in the root of the fmn repository if you haven't already done so.


If you want to set up fmn for development, you could try something like this:

  • Set up a virtualenv:
    • $ mkvirtualenv fmn
  • Install all the subcomponents, in order, as development deps:
    • $ for i in rules lib consumer web; do git clone$i.git; done
    • $ for i in rules lib consumer web; do pushd fmn.$i; python develop; popd; done
  • Do the base libs tests pass?
    • $ pushd fmn.lib; python test; popd
  • Create some dev data for the webapp:
    • $ pushd fmn.web; python ../fmn.lib/ --with-dev-data; popd
  • Start the webapp:
    • $ pushd fmn.web; python fmn/web/; popd
  • Run the consumer to give it a try:
    • $ pushd fmn.consumer; fedmsg-hub; popd


|                        +--------\
|                   read |  prefs | write
|                  +---->|  DB    |<--------+
|                  |     \--------+         |
|        +-----+---+---+            +---+---+---+---+   +----+
|        |     |fmn.lib|            |   |fmn.lib|   |   |user|
v        |     +-------+            |   +-------+   |   +--+-+
fedmsg+->|consumer     |            |central webapp |<-----+
+        +-----+  +---+|            +---------------+
|        |email|  |irc||
|        +-+---+--+-+-++
|          |        |
|          |        |
v          v        v

For each user, the central data store will keep N distinct profiles, one for each notification context.

Specification of a Profile

Here's a proposal:

A user's account has a series of messaging contexts. A messaging context is one of 'Email', 'IRC', 'Android', etc..

For each context, a user has an unlimited number of filters.

Each filter has an unlimited number of rules.

A rule is something like: "is a bodhi message" or "pertains to a package owned by me." They will be implemented as python functions. The database model will refer to them in some form like fmn.rules:pertains_to_me or fmn.rules:is_a_bodhi_message. They can optionally take arguments, which will be tricky. For instance, fmn.rules:pertains_to_a_package_owned_by needs a username for it to make any sense.

User ---+-------------------------+------------------+
        |                         |                  |
        V                         V                  V
       Email                     IRC               Android
        |                         |                  |
        +--->Filter1               +--->Filter1        +----->Filter1
        |       |                        |                    |
        |       +-> is a koji build      +-> pertains to a    +-> pertains
        |       |   completed message        package owned        to the
        |       |                            by me                package
        |       +-> pertains to a package                         'nethack'
        |       |   owned by me
        |       |
        |       +-> does not pertain to
        |           package 'nethack'
                +-> is a bodhi message
                +-> pertains to a package
                    owned by 'lmacken'

If all the rules match for any filter in a given context, a notification is deployed for that context. In other words, the filters are OR'd together and the rules that make up a filter are AND'd together. If multiple contexts have a filter that succeeds, notifications are deployed for all of those contexts.

Context-specific Delivery Metadata

  • context-specific delivery data?
    • For instance, my FAS username is ralph but my irc nick is threebean. How will the irc daemon find that out? Do we store it in the notif profile? Or does the irc daemon query FAS? If we store it in the notif profile, then it is public. The data store is world readable.
    • The android notifications need a "device id" tied to each user. Can this be public?

Future Features

Things that we would like to have, but don't necessarily need to be in a first release can be listed here.

  • Templates for new users. Packagers should start with a "packager" profile for their email context. You should be able to "clone" one of your context from one of a few existing templates.


A system for generic fedmsg-driven notifications for end users.



LGPL-2.1, GPL-2.0 licenses found

Licenses found






No releases published




  • Python 98.9%
  • Other 1.1%