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CakePHP MultiSelect Plugin

The MultiSelect plugin is a collection of tools that make it easy to implement Session-based persisted selected checkboxes. This is useful if you have paginated data that you wish users to be able to select multiple items between pages and remember what they have selected.


There are two main parts of the plugin that integrate together. The first helps you construct the checkboxes - the MultiSelect helper. Much like the FormHelper, to create a group of items that are to be included in the MultiSelect process you must wrap your table in MultiSelectHelper::create() and MultiSelectHelper::end().


  • MultiSelect requires JavaScript and Sessions to work
  • Even though there are test cases, things can still get missed. File a ticket if you find something wrong!


For example, to apply a "delete" action on a simple list of users:


In order for the MultiSelect to work, you need to wrap your table in the create() and end() methods and use its checkbox() method to create checkboxes.

echo $this->MultiSelect->create();
// table goes here, and where you want a checkbox that selects a user id
<td><?php echo $this->MultiSelect->checkbox($result['User']['id']); ?></td>
// the rest of the table
echo $this->MultiSelect->end();

The helper also comes with 'check all' functionality. Simply pass 'all' to MultiSelectHelper::checkbox()'s value. The function of the 'check all' box depends on if you have the $usePages option set on the component (see more info below).


Now that we've set up the view, let's look at the controller code. To pull the selected checkboxes, you need to use the MultiSelectComponent. Here's the delete function that works with the MultiSelectComponent.

var $components = array('MultiSelect.MultiSelect');
var $helpers = array('MultiSelect.MultiSelect');

function delete() {
    $selected = $this->MultiSelect->getSelected();
    // $selected is an array of ids that were checked
    foreach ($selected as $deleteMe) {

    $this->Session->setFlash(count($selected).' Users deleted.');
    $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));

The MultiSelect plugin uses tokens to handle multiple sets of MultiSelect data being saved at once (i.e., having two browser tabs open and MultiSelecting both tables). To handle this in your links and controllers, you'll have to pass a named parameter mstoken.

// pass the current token to the controller action
$this->Html->link('Delete selected', array('action' => 'delete', 'mstoken' => $this->MultiSelect->token));

And then in your controller

function delete() {
    $selected = $this->MultiSelect->getSelected();
    // do stuff

Persisting across POST requests

MultiSelect considers POST requests to be new requests and therefore resets. This is useful for filter forms. Sometimes, however, you may want a POST action to take advantage of the selected items, such as a bulk edit function. To persist the MultiSelect session, pass the mspersist:1 named parameter to your action.

$this->Html->link('Bulk Edit', array(
  'action' => 'edit',
  'mstoken' => $this->MultiSelect->token

In your edit form, include the named parameter:

  'url' => array(
    'mspersist' => 1
echo $this->Form->input('status');
echo $this->Form->end('Submit');

When the form is submitted, MultiSelect will use the current session rather than starting a new, empty one.

Component options


The $usePages option on the component dictates the behavior of the 'check all' box.

When $usePages is true, the check all box will treat "all" as "everything on that page". When you click it, the entire page is added to the selected items.

When $usePages is false, the check all box mark that everything should be selected. Then you'll need to check for this case in your controller.

function delete() {
    $selected = $this->MultiSelect->getSelected();
    if ($selected === 'all') {
        // find all from a saved search
        $search = $this->MultiSelect->getSearch();
        $results = $this->User->find('all', $search);
        $selected = Set::extract('/User/id', $results);
    foreach ($selected as $deleteMe) {

    $this->Session->setFlash(count($selected).' Users deleted.');
    $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));


Some things I'd like to do in the future:

  • Contextable actions. This would be nice for actions that you wouldn't want to show or enable if, say, nothing was selected.
  • Getting a count of what's selected. If users don't know that their checkboxes are persisted from page to page, it could be confusing
  • Turn off persistence. Maybe you don't want the selected items to be persisted from page to page but still want to store a list of selected boxes for the current page and perform an action on those


Licensed under The MIT License Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.


CakePHP MultiSelect Plugin






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