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Fundamental programmatic Java interop tools, mainly targetted at numerical libraries. These are mostly used for higher level libraries.


Clojars Project

Project inclusion

Include it in your project :

[io.github.jeremylcfr/clj-java-commons "1.0.0"]

Testing in a REPL

Just launch

lein repl

Under the project folder after having cloned it. You will be able to test all functions.

Preliminary note about naming

This library uses some naming hints about what functions do.

First, you have to distinguish unconditionnal builders to conditionnal coercers.

Conditional coercers generally check if input is already of target type and then coerce it if it is not of the given type. This is especially true for primitive arrays since Clojure chooses to reconstruct an object anyway. For other objects, the conditional coercers are mainly functions which can adress a relatively large number of representations with opinionated choices (nil conversion, etc.). The notation for conditional coercer is always prefixed with an arrow "->". See an example above:

;; This is the clojure core function which will build a new double[] even
;; if input is already an instance of this class
,, This is what we call an unconditional builder
(double-array [1 2 3])

;; This is the conditionnal coercer version
;; It will be a lot faster for double[] but will have a (really) minor
;; loss for other types compared to double-array
(->double-array [1 2 3])

Generally, "->" functions are for internal usage and/or to provide flexibility for the user.

Secondly, 2D arrays are named with the first letter repeated :

byte-array   ===> bbyte-array
int-array    ===> iint-arrray
long-array   ===> llong-array
float-array  ===> ffloat-array
double-array ===> ddouble-array


Basically, this library contains opinionated standard ways to deal with primitives-related Java numerics or objects. This is not a math library, the scope is only programmatic and the library acts as a middleware between some Java objects and Clojure. It redefines also some clojure.core functions to be more precise or to do not break code.

;; Clojure.core redef
(/ 2 4) ;; 0.5, i.e. never return ratios as clojure.core// does
(neg? 0) ;; true, neg? means (<= x 0)
(strictly-neg? 0) ;; false, this is clojure.core/neg?
(++ 1) ;; 2 i.e. ++ = inc
(-- 1) ;; 0 (guess)

;; Opinionated builders
(->double-array [1 2 3])

;; Missing predicates
(double-array? (double-array [1 2 3])) ;; true
(ddouble-array? (ddouble-array [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]]) ;; true

;; Shared ->clj interface (defmulti)
(defn my-ns
  (:require [clj-numerics.coerce :refer [->clj]]))

(->clj (double-array [1 2 3])) ;; [1.0 2.0 3.0]
(->clj {:name "koala" :measures (int-array [1 2 3])}) ;; {:name "koala" :measures [1 2 3]}

;; Shared ->java interface, nothing there
;; Like ->clj, does nothing if no method is defined

;; Same for ->string to support parts not covered by clojure.core
(->string (double-array [1 2 3])) ;; "[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]"
;; If no dispatch is found, uses str

Integration in upper-level libraries

As it has already been said, this library is mainly used for low-level internal usage to favor performance over "clojure-is-the-king" approach. While some functions can be used as standalone (pos? etc.), the intent is mostly limited to that purpose. Additionaly, the ->clj multimethod intends to normalize representations and eventually to share among different upcoming frameworks.


This library have no dependencies apart from clojure base stuff. No dependency should be added since it is a base library, even if it requires reinventing the wheel/copy-pasting for small utilities.


Copyright © 2022 Jérémy Le Corguillé

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at