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Table of Contents

1. Goals
2. Task/Idea List
3. Dev Notes
4. Changelog
5. Credits


  • Meta Goals
    • Basic UI widgets that can be reused.
    • Separation of concerns.
    • Multi-processing: simulation separate from UI.
  • Game Goals
    • 2 teams on the field.
      • 1 player
      • 1 AI
    • Each team has one base and N number of ants.
    • "Energy" is the main resource.
    • Every N leaves brought in gives you E energy.
    • Every 1 ant carcass gives you aE energy.
    • Energy can be used to create new ants.
    • Energy can be used to create DNA.
    • User has no direct control over the ants. User only directly controls the queen.
    • Queen ants, represented by the base, produce ants on a button click.
    • The ant produced is determined by the current DNA makeup which is also determined by the player.
    • Producing an Ant costs N base amount + kD amount based on additional DNA changes.
    • Win condition: other teams have no energy and no ants.
  • Game Physics/Rules
    • Ants can't climb over each other.
      • Ants perform a short-sighted A* pathing because that's how ants behave in real life.
    • Simple terrain generation: passable and impassible.
    • Simple visual background procedurally generated.

Task/Idea List


  • In process
  • Not Started or on hold.
  • User Interface
    • Extract the minimap view from it's container view. To form the buffer, and simplify the minimap.
    • Allow preservation of aspect ratio and auto scaling via a mixin, something like: PreserveAspectRatio
      • MiniMap has the code that could be used as a basis for this.
    • Make a DebugPanel for showing:
      • fps
      • mouse coordinates
      • log statements in game.
    • Assets have the same default size and then scale according to zoom level (like 32x32 pixels, or something).
    • Views should have dirty rect capability (see pygame.display.update function for interface for passing in changed list of rects that need redrawing).
    • There should be a grid view-like capabilities. This is accomplished by allowing child views to be positioned relative to other child views or by allowing the containing parent to position the children.
  • Entities
    • Add sight (square first, than radial if we want to) and visual fog.
    • Add collision detection so that entities can not run over each other.
  • Ant-god controls:
    • Hostility level
    • Friendly index
    • Helpful level
    • Health minded ants or self sacrifice?
    • Expansion oriented or homebodies?
    • Conversion or kill?
  • Evolutionary advancements
    • vision increase (see food and enemies better)
    • conversion capability
    • Different Ant types
    • The Swarm
  • Multi-Process, Sim and Render Thread
  • Saving settings...
  • Game World
    • Procedural world generation.
  • Spatial Index:
    • Keep the seeding of the expected index, but allow dynamic creation of cells outside of the world area if/when an entity travels outside the boundaries.
      • Note: The spatial index also needs to keep an extent of max boundaries so that if a large search value is placed in, only possible cells are searched through.

Dev Notes

Third party dependencies

Dependencies are managed by pip and are stored in the requirements.txt file. To install dependencies on a new system, do:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To run the tests with nose, use the following command from the main directory.

nosetests -c nose.ini


It's difficult to map git to a traditional changelog. Logging entries should be stored with the commit:

# short entries
git commit -m "My log entry."

# long entries...
git commit
# ...and use vi or whatnot to enter the log entry.

A quick way to generate a changelog like format to standard out:

git log --oneline --decorate


anthill-1.jpg and anthill-2.jpg by Accretion Disc (found on a Creative Commons Search)

link of original image:


No description, website, or topics provided.






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