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ice_launcher - Stream ffmpeg sources on demand for icecast2


This project starts an ffmpeg process on demand and sends its output to icecast2, when the icecast stream is accessed by a listener. The aim of this project was to be able to convert a stream in HLS format (HTTP Live Streaming) to an icecast stream. This was to allow playing of an HLS stream to an older internet radio, when icecast support was dropped by a large UK media organisation. Ideally this conversion of the stream should happen on demand, in order not to waste CPU power or bandwidth, particularly as we would like to convert several different streams when accessed. Therefore this project listens to the icecast server and starts and stops the converting ffmpeg process as is needed.

At present the project only supports copying an input AAC stream to an icecast stream using ffmpeg. Please note that for this purposes, the project is only for personal use. If converting a copyrighted stream for general use, the owner should give permission. Contributions to extend the functionality are welcomed. This program is in an early state of development, so improvements are welcomed.


  1. Python 3.3+
  2. Icecast 2
  3. ffmpeg

How it works

ice_launcher is a Python program which starts a simple HTTP server. This server listens to authentication requests from an icecast2 server. When icecast2 asks for authentication of a user to an unused mount, then an ffmpeg process is started to produce a source stream. When the final listener finishes, then the corresponding ffmpeg process is closed. ice_launcher uses a configuration file defines the input streams and the connection details of the icecast2 server.

Configuring icecast2

To make the icecast2 server send request to ice_launcher, include something like the following in you icecast.xml configuration file:

<mount type="default">
  <authentication type="url">
    <option name="listener_add" value="" />
    <option name="listener_remove" value="" />

By default ice_launcher listens on port 9854 of localhost.

Configuring ice_launcher

Please see the example ice_launcher.conf file included in this repository. The defaults for options are shown commented out (with #). There should be one [main] section defined with details about the icecast2 server. For each stream there should be [mount.mount_name] defined, where mount_name is the mount of the stream on icecast2 (e.g. the stream is accessed like http://localhost:8000/mount_name).

Main options

  • listen_address: IP address to listen to (default Using the default should ensure that connections can only originate from the local computer. It is not recommened to listen to an internet-wide port, as this program is not security-hardened.

  • listen_port: Port to listen on (default 9854)

  • icecast_host: IP address of icecast2 server (default

  • icecast_port: Port of icecast2 server (default 8000)

  • icecast_user: icecast2 user for sources (default source)

  • icecast_password: password for user (default password)

  • legacy_icecast: set to True for icecast older than 2.4 (default False)

  • icecast_forbid_status: disable icecast status page by forbidding access to all

  • allow_users: space-separated list of user:password pairs (e.g. "tom:pass foo:bar"). If not given, then allow all (default).

  • ffmpeg_wait: how long in seconds to wait for ffmpeg to properly start (default 1.0)

  • ffmpeg_verbose: show verbose output from ffmpeg (default False)

  • ffmpeg_agent: if set, override the user agent of ffmpeg

  • log_level: set output logging level (default info). Can be critical, error, warning, info or debug

Mount-level options

  • input: ffmpeg input (i.e. the input stream URL).

  • name: user-visible source name passed to icecast2 (optional)

  • description: user-visible source description passed to icecast2 (optional)

  • genre: genre passed to icecast2 (optional)

  • public: whether stream should be public (default False)

  • mode: operation mode (default copy_aac). Only copy_aac is supported currently.

Using icecast_launcher

By default, the program will read configuration from the file ice_launcher.conf. You can also pass an alternative configuration filename: --config=in.conf

Notes on usage

  • This code is not yet secure enough to use across the wider internet without great care!

  • If using for non-personal use, please make sure that the copyright holder agrees with its use.

  • Unfortunately, this program doesn't yet properly detect if the ffmpeg process is properly started. It just waits for a configured interval before returning to icecast.

  • Currently the program only copies AAC to an adts output stream. No transcoding is yet supported. This means devices must support AAC audio.

Tested devices

Future work

  • Add user authentication.

  • Monitor ffmpeg status and restart if necessary.

  • Detect if ffmpeg has properly started before returning.

  • Add optional transcoding.

  • Write Python setup script for installing


Launch ffmpeg processes on demand as icecast2 sources







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