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A series of scripts to calculate an origin-destination matrix across a study area using OpenTripPlanner.

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A series of scripts to calculate an origin-destination (OD) matrix across a study area using OpenTripPlanner. This can be run for a single time of the day (using '') or looping through several times in the day (using ''). Also included are scripts to further analyse the OD matrices.

These functions were used to analyse OD-matrices in the following publications:

Mayaud, J. R., Tran, M., Pereira, R. H. M. & Nuttall, R. (2018). Future access to essential services in a growing smart city: The case of Surrey, British Columbia. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.

These scripts are based on the wonderful reproducible example provided by Rafa Pereira:

Running the code

  1. Download the following files from chosen city, and add in a city-specific folder in your ‘OpenTripPlanner’ folder: a. GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) data, as a zipped file b. OpenStreetMap (OSM) data, as a .pbf file (e.g. available from Mapzen Metro extract:

  2. Download a Shape File of your city boundary and add in a city-specific folder (e.g. city administrative boundaries can be found at

  3. Download the Shape File of Routes and Stops of your city from its Transit Department website, and add in your city-specific folder.

  4. In the Terminal, run following scripts to run the matrix building files:

a. First, set the directory to your OTP folder:

cd/Users/jeromemayaud/Documents/University/BritishColumbia/Modelling/OpenTripPlanner (<--

b. Second, build the graph:

java -Xmx8G -jar otp-1.2.0-shaded.jar --cache /Users/jeromemayaud/Documents/University/BritishColumbia/Modelling/OpenTripPlanner --basePath /Users/jeromemayaud/Documents/University/BritishColumbia/Modelling/OpenTripPlanner --build /Users/jeromemayaud/Documents/University/BritishColumbia/Modelling/OpenTripPlanner

  1. Move the graph to a sub-folder within your main folder, which should be called ‘graph_folder’

  2. In R, run ‘MakingHexagonalMaps'. This outputs a CSV file (e.g. ‘points.csv’) to be used below.

  3. Move 'points.csv' into your OpenTripPlanner folder.

  4. In the Terminal, run the matrix-building python file. '' script (or '' script if you want to loop the matrix-building file several times in the day):

/Users/jeromemayaud/jython2.7.0/bin/jython -J-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -J-Xmx8G -Dpython.path=otp-1.2.0-shaded.jar

Make sure that:

  • The ‘Otps entry point’ has the same folder as where your graph is located
  • The working directory is still set to your city folder
  • The req.setDateTime is set to the right date for your particular GTFS data

This outputs ‘traveltime_matrix.csv’.

  1. Run the ‘’ script. If you have run the matrix-building file for several times in the day (i.e. using ''), and need to collapse all these into an average, run ‘’ in Python.s

This outputs ‘Analysed_traveltimematrix.csv’.


A series of scripts to calculate an origin-destination matrix across a study area using OpenTripPlanner.






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