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API for tracking plants written in NodeJS using MongoDB as the database

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An in-progress project using NodeJS and MongoDB for tracking plants.

Currently, the backend API is in develpoment. Eventually there will be a frontend written in React, as well.


  • Tracks the following information per-plant:
    • Name
    • Plant ID
    • Source (seed or clone)
    • Projected harvest date
    • Start date (date of sprouting)
    • Start date of vegetative phase
    • Start date of flowing phase
    • Harvest date
    • Start date of cure phase
    • Current stage (seedling, veg, flower, harvested, cure)
  • Projected harvest date is auto-calculated and updated with each stage change
  • Automatically generates unique plant IDs if not provided

Plant Schema

Property: Type: Notes:
name string Required
plantAbbr string Auto-generated
status active|archived|inactive See below
source seed|clone
stage seedling|veg|flower|harvested|cure
notes string
startedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
vegStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
flowerStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
potentialHarvest date (YYYY-MM-DD) Read-only
harvestedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
cureStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Archived and inactive plants are hidden by default.
  • Inactive plants are plants that have been "deleted" through the API. They are only marked as inactive so they can be "undeleted" if necessary.

Create a new plant

POST /api/v1/plants

Valid POST request parameters

Field: Type: Notes:
name string Required
source seed|clone Defaults to seed
stage seedling|veg|flower|harvested|cure Defaults to seedling
notes string
startedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD) Defaults to today
vegStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD) Must be > startedOn and < flowerStartedOn
flowerStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD) Must be > vegStartedOn

If the plant is a clone, stage will default to veg and vegStartedOn be set to the value of startedOn

Possible POST responses

HTTP 201

Successfully created plant. Response contains the newly-created plant. For example:

  "_id": "662849f8b87798f29434dc23",
  "status": "active",
  "source": "seed",
  "name": "Roma Tomato 1",
  "stage": "veg",
  "startedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "potentialHarvest": "2024-06-25T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "plantAbbr": "RT1-1",
  "createdAt": "2024-04-23T23:53:28.245+00:00",
  "updatedAt": "2024-04-24T12:39:59.743+00:00",
  "vegStartedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00"

HTTP 409

An active plant with the same name already exists. See API Errors below.

HTTP 500

An unrecoverable error occurred. See API Errors below.

Get all plants

GET /api/v1/plants

List of plants will be filtered by any request parameters provided.

Valid GET /api/v1/plants request parameters

Field: Type: Notes:
status active|archived|inactive Defaults to 'active'
name string
stage seedling|veg|flower|harvested|cure
startedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
vegStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
flowerStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
harvestedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
cureStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)
archivedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Possible GET /api/v1/plants responses

HTTP 200

Successfully found plants. Contains array of matching plant objects in response body. For example:

    "_id": "662849f8b87798f29434dc23",
    "status": "active",
    "source": "seed",
    "name": "Roma Tomato 1",
    "stage": "veg",
    "startedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "potentialHarvest": "2024-06-25T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "plantAbbr": "RT1-1",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-23T23:53:28.245+00:00",
    "updatedAt": "2024-04-24T12:39:59.743+00:00",
    "vegStartedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00"
    "_id": "98f29434dc23662849f8b877",
    "status": "active",
    "source": "seed",
    "name": "Cherry Tomato 1",
    "stage": "veg",
    "startedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "potentialHarvest": "2024-06-25T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "plantAbbr": "CT1-1",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-23T23:53:28.245+00:00",
    "updatedAt": "2024-04-24T12:39:59.743+00:00",
    "vegStartedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00"

HTTP 404

No plants found matching the request data provided. See API Errors below.

HTTP 500

An unrecoverable error occurred. See API Errors below.

Get a particular plant

GET /api/v1/plants/{plantId}

Valid GET /api/v1/plants/{plantId} request parameters

See valid request parameters for GET /api/v1/plants above.

Possible GET /api/v1/plants/{plantId} responses

HTTP 200

Successfully found plant. Contains found plant object in response body. For example:

  "_id": "662849f8b87798f29434dc23",
  "status": "active",
  "source": "seed",
  "name": "Roma Tomato 1",
  "stage": "veg",
  "startedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "potentialHarvest": "2024-06-25T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "plantAbbr": "RT1-1",
  "createdAt": "2024-04-23T23:53:28.245+00:00",
  "updatedAt": "2024-04-24T12:39:59.743+00:00",
  "vegStartedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00"

HTTP 404

Plant not found. See API Errors below.

HTTP 500

An unrecoverable error occurred. See API Errors below.

Update a plant

PUT /api/v1/plants/{plantId}

Valid HTTP request parameters

Field: Type: Notes:
name string
source seed|clone
stage seedling|veg|flower|harvested|cure See notes below*
notes string
startedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD) Must be <= vegStartedOn
vegStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD) Must be >= startedOn and < flowerStartedOn
flowerStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD) Must be > vegStartedOn and < harvestedOn
harvestedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD) Must be > harvestedOn and < cureStartedOn
cureStartedOn date (YYYY-MM-DD) Must be > harvestedOn

*If the plant stage changes, the dates will be updated accordingly. For example:

  • If the plant stage is changing from flower to veg, flowerStartedOn will be unset and veg will be set to today (unless provided in the request parameters).
  • If the plant stage is changing from veg to flower, flowerStartedOn is set to today

Possible PUT responses

HTTP 200

Successfully updated plant. Contains the updated plant in body. For example:

  "_id": "662849f8b87798f29434dc23",
  "status": "active",
  "source": "seed",
  "name": "Roma Tomato 1",
  "stage": "veg",
  "startedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "potentialHarvest": "2024-06-25T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "plantAbbr": "RT1-1",
  "createdAt": "2024-04-23T23:53:28.245+00:00",
  "updatedAt": "2024-04-24T12:39:59.743+00:00",
  "vegStartedOn": "2024-04-23T00:00:00.000+00:00"

HTTP 404

Plant not found. See API Errors below.

HTTP 409

An active plant with the same name already exists. See API Errors below.

HTTP 500

An unrecoverable error occurred. See API Errors below.


To move a plant from seedling to veg, send the following to PUT /api/v1/plants/{plantId}:

  "stage": "veg"

To move a plant from seedling to veg and set the start date to '2024-04-20', send a PUT request to /api/v1/plants/{plantId} with the following request parameters:

  "stage": "veg",
  "vegStartedOn": "2024-04-20"

To rename a plant from 'Tomato Plant 1' to 'Roma Tomato Plant 1', send a PUT request to /api/v1/plants/{plantId} with the following request parameters:

  "name": "Roma Tomato Plant 1"

Delete a plant

DELETE /api/v1/plants/{plantId}

Possible responses:

  • HTTP 204 if successful
  • HTTP 500 if an error occurred (see API Errors below)

API Errors

If an error occurs, a response will be returned with the error message in the body. For example:

{ "error": "Something bad happened." }

Completeness level

  • Creating Plants:

    • Basic functionality
    • Auto-generate plantAbbr
    • Add log entry when creating plant
    • Validate plant before creation (see Validation section below)
    • Set vegStartedOn = startedOn if source == "clone"
  • Modifying Plants:

    • Basic functionality
    • Regenerate plantAbbr if name changed
    • Update dates when changing status
      • Set "started on" dates to current date unless provided
      • Unset "started on" dates that occur after current stage
    • Add log entry when updating plant
    • Set vegStartedOn = startedOn if source == "clone"
    • Validate plant before updating (see Validation section below)
    • Add ability to update multiple plants at once
    • Add ability to mark plants as dead
  • Listing Plants:

    • Basic functionality
    • Filter based on request parameters
      • Filter based on plant status
  • Deleting Plants:

    • Basic functionality
    • Add log entry when deleting plant
  • Archiving Plants:

    • Basic functionality
    • Add log entry when archiving plant
  • Validation:

    • Set required dates based on plant stage
    • Check plant name for characters outside letters, numbers, and punctuation
      • Add support for emoji in plant name
    • Check plantAbbr for characters outside a–z, A–Z, 0–9 and -
    • Validate stage start dates in relation to each other
  • Authentication:

    • Implement OAauth and JWT-based authentication for API
    • Implement password-based authentication for GUI
  • Plant Journal:

    • Add support for plant journal entries
    • Add ability to delete journal entries

Other Planned Features

  • Frontend GUI:

    • Implement frontend GUI
      • Plants:
        • Add ability to create plants
        • Add ability to view plants
        • Add ability to edit plants
        • Add ability to delete plants
        • Add ability to move plants between stages
        • Add ability to mark plant as dead
      • Plant Journal:
        • Add ability to add plant journal entries
        • Add ability to edit plant journal entries
        • Add ability to delete plant journal entries


API for tracking plants written in NodeJS using MongoDB as the database






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