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COMP311 circuits

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Table of contents

Designs are from slides made by Professors Brent Munsell and Montek Singh for their COMP311 and COMP411 (before it was split into 211 and 311) courses.

MUX is listed at the bottom alphabetically but is used in D flip flop and D latch, so you should read MUX first.


Use Digital, an awesome circuit creation & simulation program made by hneemann, to open and run simulations on .dig files. All of the circuit designs are in the circuits folder, and I highly recommend that you play around with the designs.

Here's the download link for Digital (from the Digital repo above). This is not my software.


For advice on running the program, see the wiki. Here's documentation from the Digital repo. You can also access it by clicking the Help button in Digital.


Here are some definitions and explanations of these common circuit designs.

I describe specific cases, such as a DeMUX with 1 select bit and a decoder with 2 select bits. It's easier to understand a specific case than the general case. You can easily generalize to $N$ bits yourself once you understand the specific case.

I also recommend understanding the behavior of a circuit by understanding the high-level circuit schematics and high-level behavioral specifications before looking at the truth table. This makes it easier to understand the truth table.

Adder-subtractor (4-bit registers)

This and the full adder are my favorite circuit designs 🙂

This section requires understanding of the full adder component. If you don't know what a full adder does, then read through that section first.

Adder-subtractor schematic

Adder-subtractor (4-bit)


  • A[3:0]
  • B[3:0]


  • Sub


  • Sum[3:0]


  • FlagC
    • C means "carry"
  • FlagZ
    • Z means "zero"

Behavior (pseudocode)

bool FlagC, FlagZ;
int temp[5];                      // Store the carry out bit
int Sum[4];                       // But this is the actual Sum register
if (Sub)
  temp[4:0] = A[3:0] - B[3:0];    // Two's complement
  temp[4:0] = A[3:0] + B[3:0];
Sum[3:0] = temp[3:0];
FlagC = (temp[4] == 1);
FlagZ = NOR(Sum[3], Sum[2], Sum[1], Sum[0]);
  • We can use a single circuit to do both addition and subtraction 🤯
  • temp[4] doesn't actually exist since we assume our registers are 4-bit. It represents the carry out of the most significant bit position.
  • Note that in the circuit and corresponding pseudocode, FlagC, FlagZ, and Sum[3:0] are determined in exactly the same way for both addition and subtraction.
    • But while tracing through a SAP program, there is an unsigned comparison table we can use as a shortcut for determining flags after A-B only, NOT A+B.

Behavior (details)

  • See Full adder if you're unsure about how the full adder components work.
  • For this example, let's assume our registers are 4-bit, and we'll interpret them as unsigned integers.
    • Note that I didn't say "unsigned registers." Registers are not inherently signed or unsigned; they're just bit patterns. But we will choose to interpret them as unsigned for these examples.


  • With Sub=0, inputting A = 5 = 0b0101 and B = 6 = 0b0110 results in S = 11 = 0b1011, as you would expect.
  • 5+6
    • Works by ripple-carry addition. See Full adder if confused.
  • What about A = B = 8 = 0b1000? $8+8$ should equal $16$, right?
  • 8+8
    • Note that the most significant bit position produced a carry out.
    • If you think of the carry out as S[4], then the circuit computes the correct result S = 16 = 0b10000. But the Sum register is 4-bit, so the Sum register stores S[3:0] = 0b0000 = 0 in actuality.
      • With 4 bit registers, 8 + 8 = 0.
    • Since 16 exceeds the limit of a 4 bit register, there is overflow. We store this information by setting FlagC=1.
    • Also, since all Sum bits are 0 (even though $8+8 \neq 0$), FlagZ=1.
    • This is the same behavior as the following C code.
      • Rather, C behaves the same as the assembly it is compiled to.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  uint8_t num = 255;
  printf("8-bit unsigned num is %d\n", num);
  printf("after adding 1, num is %d\n", ++num);
  printf("num is %s 0\n", num ? "not equal to" : "equal to");
  return 0;
8-bit unsigned num is 255
after adding 1, num is 0
num is equal to 0


  • How does an adder circuit do subtraction?
  • Two's complement 😈
    • $A - B = A + (-B) = A + \sim B + 1$
  • When Sub=1,
    • inverse the bits of B by applying a bitwise $\oplus 1$.
      • See the XOR explanation in Full adder if this doesn't make sense.
    • add the 1 by feeding 1 into $C_{in}$ of the least significant bit position.
      • This is why the LSB can't be a half adder (without a $C_{in}$ input) if we want to do subtraction.
  • Otherwise, when Sub=0,
    • preserve (don't change) the B bits by applying a bitwise $\oplus 0$.
      • Again, see the XOR explanation in Full adder if this doesn't make sense.
    • feed 0 into $C_{in}$ of the least significant bit position, doing nothing.
    • That is, when Sub=0, normal addition will occur, as described above.
  • With Sub=1, inputting A = 5 = 0b0101 and B = 6 = 0b0110 results in S = 15 = 0b1111.
    • If interpreting registers as unsigned, $5-6=15$.
  • 5-6
  • What about A = B = 8 = 0b1000 (i.e. the numbers we're subtracting have the same value)?
  • 8-8
    • All Sum bits are 0, as we might expect, but why is FlagC=1?
      • What's going on under the hood is 0b1000 - 0b1000 = 0b1000 + 0b0111 + 1.
      • But note that 0b1000 + 0b0111 = 0b1111.
        • If we add a number to its inverse, then the result is all 1's.
      • Then when A == B, the carry in 1 from 2's complement will always ripple through to the MSB carry out position and set all Sum bits to 0 along the way.
        • This sets FlagC=1 and FlagZ=1.


  • Why do we need the flags? Well, if you're in COMP311, the SAP instructions JC and JZ are a huge part of the class.
  • But beyond that, programs evaluate boolean expressions by checking flags resulting from ALU subtraction, just as we're about to do here.
  • Again, note that in the adder-subtractor, FlagC and FlagZ are determined the same way for both addition and subtraction since they occur in the same circuit.
    • FlagC is 1 if the MSB produced a carry out, 0 otherwise.
    • FlagZ $=\overline{S_3+S_2+S_1+S_0}$
      • NOR all Sum bits, however many there are.
  • But there are some shortcuts that we can use to determine flags set by A-B. Just note that these shortcuts DO NOT APPLY to A+B.


  • It should make intuitive sense that when we want to compare two numbers, we should subtract them. If $A\lt B$, then $A-B\lt 0$. If they're equal, then $A-B=0$. I leave figuring out the third case as an exercise for the reader.
  • We have an unsigned comparison table that evaluates these conditions using FlagC and FlagZ but only after an ALU subtraction A-B, NOT ALU addition A+B.
    • Again, note that FlagC = MSB produced carry and FlagZ = big NOR(Sum bits) from the circuit hold for both addition and subtraction. But the unsigned comparison table holds only for A-B.
Unsigned comparison table for ALU subtraction
Condition Symbol Equation
EQ $==$ $Z$
NE $\neq$ $\overline Z$
LTU $\lt$ $\overline C$
LEU $\leq$ $\overline C + Z$
GEU $\geq$ $C$
GTU $\gt$ $\overline{\overline C + Z}$

This table works for A-B, NOT A+B

  • Evaluate the relationships between A and B before A-B occurs (since in SAP, A will be assigned the result of A-B) to determine what the flags will be.
  • For example, 5-6 will result in C=0 since $5&lt;6$. Z=0, clearly.
  • 8-8 results in Z=1 because $8==8$, and C=1 also because $8\geq 8$.
  • Z is 1 if the two numbers are equal.
  • The easiest way to determine C is by evaluating $A \geq B$. The easiest equation involving C goes with $\geq$.
  • Some explanations of the table:
    • It should be obvious that $==$ corresponds to $Z$.
    • $\neq$ is the negation of $==$, so $\neq$ corresponds to $\overline Z$.
    • I'm unsure how to rigorously prove that $\geq$ corresponds to $C$, so let's accept that for now. TODO: Prove this statement.
    • Given the above, we know $\lt$ is the negation of $\geq$, so $\lt$ corresponds to $\overline C$.
    • $\leq \iff (\lt \vee ==)$, so $\leq$ corresponds to $\overline C + Z$.
    • Finally, $\gt$ is the negation of $\leq$, so $\gt$ corresponds to $\overline{\overline C + Z}$.


  • There is no comparison table for determining FlagC and FlagZ after A+B. As mentioned above, determining the relationship between $A$ and $B$ requires subtraction.
    • Using the comparison table to determine flags after A+B is wrong.
  • For addition, think about how the flags are determined in the circuit.
  • FlagC is 1 if there is overflow after the addition. That's all.
    • If the registers are 4-bit but the result is 5-bit, then FlagC=1.
  • FlagZ is 1 if big NOR(Sum bits)=1. That is, all Sum bits are 0.
    • This can occur after overflow.
    • For example, 15+1 = 0b1111 + 0b0001 = 0b10000. This sets FlagZ=1.
    • But 15+2 = 0b1111 + 0b0010 = 0b10001 sets FlagZ=0.

How to evaluate flags in a SAP program

Operation FlagC FlagZ
ADD Carry-out NOR(Sum bits)
SUB $A\geq B$ $A==B$

Assumptions: Interpret the registers as unsigned integers. The Carry-out bit is not considered a Sum bit for the FlagZ NOR.

The ADD conditions mean that after addition, FlagC is 1 if the MSB carry-out is 1, else 0. FlagZ is 1 if NOR(Sum bits)==1, else 0.

The SUB comparisons mean that after $A-B$, FlagC is 1 if $A\geq B$, else 0. FlagZ is 1 if $A==B$, else 0.

Note: In SAP, SUB means A = A - B, where B is Mem(arg). There are two values of A: the old value and the updated value. Which do we use in the comparisons?

When checking the SUB conditions, use the value of A involved in the subtraction, not the result of subtraction. Check your understanding by testing some subtractions on the ALU.

D flip flop (rising edge)

D flip flop schematic

D flip flop (rising edge)


  • $D$
  • CLK


  • $Q$


  • Q follows D on a rising clock edge, else holds previous value.
  • For a falling edge D flip flop, Q follows D on a falling clock edge.

Behavior (pseudocode)

always_ff @(posedge clock) begin
  // Q is assigned D on every rising clock edge
  Q <= D;

Truth table

CLK $D$ $Q_p$ $Q$
Rising edge 0 x 0
Rising edge 1 x 1
Falling edge, active high, or active low x 0 0
Falling edge, active high, or active low x 1 1


  • Use two latches, one positive and one negative, to contruct a D flip flop.
  • D flip flop two latches
  • The order of the latches determines whether the D flip flop is enabled by a rising or falling edge.
  • This uses the "escapement" strategy.
  • Escapement

D latch (positive)

D latch schematic

D latch (positive)


  • $D$
  • $Q_{in}$
  • $G$


  • $Q_{out}$


  • Q follows D whenever (i.e. active high) G=1, else holds previous value.

Behavior (pseudocode)

always @ (G) begin
  // Q is assigned D as long as G is high
  Q <= D;

Truth table

$G$ $D$ $Q_{in}$ $Q_{out}$
0 x 0 0
0 x 1 1
1 0 x 0
1 1 x 1

Decoder (S = 2)

Decoder schematic

Decoder (S = 2)


  • $S_1S_0$
    • 2-bit input


  • $A_0A_1A_2A_3$
    • 4-bit one-hot output
      • One-hot means one bit is 1, and all others are 0.
      • For example, 0001, 0010, 0100, and 1000 are one-hot, and the other 12 4-bit binary values are not one-hot.


  • This circuit "unfolds" or "decompresses" a binary number.
  • Each possible output is one-hot.
  • The binary number $S_1S_0$ selects which bit is hot.
  • For example, for the input 01, the output has a 1 only in the 1$^{\text{th}}$ bit, $A_1$. The rest of the $A$ bits are 0.
  • This has the opposite behavior of an encoder.
  • However, looking at the circuit designs, the design of a decoder is most similar to that of a DeMUX.

Truth table

$S_1$ $S_0$ $A_0$ $A_1$ $A_2$ $A_3$
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1
  • This truth table is different (only in naming) from the one given in Brent's slides.

DeMUX (S = 1)

DeMUX schematic

DeMUX (S = 1)


  • $Y$
  • $S$


  • $A$
  • $B$


  • Use S to select which output (A or B) becomes the input Y.
  • S acts like a switch determining which input is switched to the output.
  • The design of a DeMUX is very similar to that of a Decoder.

Behavior (pseudocode)

if (S)
  A = Y;
  B = Y;

Truth table

$S$ $Y$ $A$ $B$
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0

Encoder (S = 2)

Encoder schematic

Encoder (S = 2)


  • $A_3A_2A_1A_0$
    • 4-bit input
    • The input should be one-hot (this term is defined in the Decoder section).
    • If not, then the output is xx.


  • $S_0S_1$
    • 2-bit output


  • This circuit compresses a one-hot input.
  • Given a one-hot input, the output is a binary number that tells you which bit was the hot one.
    • For example, looking at the third row where $A_3A_2A_1A_0=\texttt{0b0100}$, because the $2^{\text{nd}}$ bit is hot, the output $S_0S_1=\texttt{0b10}$ is $2$.
  • This is the opposite behavior of a decoder.

Truth table

$A_3$ $A_2$ $A_1$ $A_0$ $S_0$ $S_1$
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1
all other 4-bit inputs x x
  • All inputs that aren't one-hot (for the above 4-to-2 encoder with 4-bit inputs, there are 12 possible inputs that aren't one-hot) result in $S_0S_1=\text{xx}$ because the encoder does not care about inputs that aren't one-hot. The output doesn't matter for inputs that aren't one-hot.
  • This truth table is different (only in naming) from the one given in Brent's slides.

Full adder

This and the adder-subtractor, which uses full adders, are my favorite circuit designs 🙂

Full adder schematic

Full adder

Full adder (only AND/OR/NOT) from slides


  • $A$
  • $B$
  • $C_{\text{in}}$
    • Carry in


  • $S$
    • Sum
  • $C_{\text{out}}$
    • Carry out

Behavior (abstract)

  • The following describes how we intuitively know what the outputs of the circuit should be based on how vertical addition of two numbers works, which we're all very comfortable with.
    • Of course, the circuit doesn't have any notion of that. It follows the boolean equations given below.
  • Consider adding two binary numbers A=0b1011 and B=0b1001 vertically.

$$ \begin{align*} & \quad \quad \quad C_{in/out}\\ &1011 \quad A\\ +&1001 \quad B\\ \hline 1&0100 \quad S \end{align*} $$

  • Addition in each column is done by a full adder.
    • Addition in the rightmost column may be done by a half adder, though the adder-subtractor circuit requires a full adder for all columns.
    • $C_{out}$ of any column is fed into the $C_{in}$ of the next column (one to the left).
      • Except the leftmost column, which doesn't have a full adder to feed into. Its $C_{out}$ is the C flag of the ALU.
  • If 1 or 3 of ${A, B, C_{in}}$ are 1, then S is 1.
  • Otherwise, if 0 or 2 of them are 1, then S is 0.
  • Use a mod operation to represent this: S = (A + B + Cin) % 2
  • $C_{out}$ is 1 if at least 2 of ${A, B, C_{in}}$ are 1.

Behavior (boolean equations)

This is some magic.

$$S = A \oplus B \oplus C_{in}$$

$$C_{out} = AB + C_{in}(A \oplus B)$$

$S$ equation explanations

  • The XOR ( $\oplus$ ) operation can be understood as addition modulo 2.
$A$ $B$ $A \oplus B$ $(A + B) \bmod{2}$
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
  • Since XOR is addition modulo 2, the $S$ equation matches up with the perhaps more intuitive S = (A + B + Cin) % 2
  • Also note that $x \oplus 0 = x$ and $x \oplus 1 = \overline{x}$. You can see this from the above truth table, treating $A$ as $x$ and $B$ as $0 \text{ or } 1$, or vice versa.
    • That is, $\oplus 0$ does nothing, whereas $\oplus 1$ negates.
    • This matches with our understanding that adding 0 shouldn't change $S$, whereas adding 1 should toggle $S$.
    • So for the adder-subtractor, XOR can be used to inverse the bits of B ( $b_i \oplus 1$ ) for two's complement subtraction or do nothing ( $b_i \oplus 0$ ) for addition.

$C_{out}$ equation explanation

  • $C_{out}$ is 1 iff $\left(\text{A and B are both 1}\right) \text{OR} \left(C_{in} \text{ and either one of A or B is 1}\right)$
    • This should be intuitive
  • Why use $A \oplus B$ instead of $A + B$ in the equation?
  • Although the $C_{out}$ truth table wouldn't change (i.e. this change is functionally correct), notice that the $S$ equation also contains $A \oplus B$.
    • We can use this one XOR gate in both the $S$ and $C_{out}$ parts of the circuit to save a gate! 🤯


  • There is a full adder design that doesn't use XOR gates, but that implementation is pretty mid. The equations involving XOR are magical.

Half Adder

Half adder schematic

Half adder circuit

Half adder (only AND/OR/NOT) from slides


  • $A$
  • $B$


  • $S$
  • $C_{\text{o}}$

Behavior (truth table)

$A$ $B$ $S$ $C_{\text{o}}$
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1

Behavior (boolean equations)

$$S = A \oplus B = A \overline{B} + \overline{A}B$$

$$C_o = AB$$


  • The only difference between this and the full adder is that there is no $C_\text{in}$.
  • The rightmost column of addition never has a carry in, so in a ripple-carry adder design (similar to adder-subtractor), the rightmost full adder can be replaced by a half adder.
  • However, doing so prevents the ripple-carry circuit from being used for two's complement subtraction since the $+1$ from two's complement is normally fed into $C_\text{in}$ of the full adder in the LSB position.

Inverter clock

Inverter clock

Note: When running this circuit, you will get an error "Logic seems to oscillate," which is the intended behavior for this circuit lol

  • The simplest implementation of a clock involves simply wiring up, in a loop, an odd number of NOT gates.
    • What would happen if there's an even number of NOT gates?
    • Hint: That circuit design wouldn't cause an error during simulation.


  • None


  • Connect a wire to any part of the circuit.


  • This functions as a clock because each NOT gate (and all gates) have $t_{pd}$, propagation delay.
    • In the real world, $t_{pd}$ depends on how the inverter was manufactured and other factors, so this is not a good implementation.
  • Any wire from the circuit oscillates between 0 and 1.

Truth table



Perhaps the most important and useful circuit in this document.

MUX schematic



  • S
  • A
  • B


  • Y


if (S)
  Y = B;
  Y = A;

A MUX with more select bits would just be a long chain of else if's (of course, the final else if can be an else) or a case statement.

Truth table

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

I highly recommend understanding MUX in terms of its behavior, especially the trapezoidal circuit representation. You shouldn't need to use this truth table.


Some circuits from Computer Organization







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