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Added with to Python's keyword2 list
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jesjones committed Jun 28, 2012
1 parent b710e4d commit 91537fd
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Linguist/languages/Python.lang
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Globs: *.py *.cfg SConstruct wscript wscript_build *.mako
Comment: \x23 .* $
Keyword: \b(?: and | del | for | is | raise | assert | elif | from | lambda | return | break | else | global | not | try | class | except | if | or | while | continue | exec | import | pass | yield | def | finally | in | print | as | None)\b
Keyword: \b(?: self | property | True | False)\b | \@property
Keyword2: \b(?: abs | divmod | input | open | staticmethod | all | enumerate | int | ord | str | any | eval | isinstance | pow | sum | basestring | execfile | issubclass | print | super | bin | file | iter | property | tuple | bool | filter | len | range | type | bytearray | float | list | raw_input | unichr | callable | format | locals | reduce | unicode | chr | frozenset | long | reload | vars | classmethod | getattr | map | repr | xrange | cmp | globals | max | reversed | zip | compile | hasattr | memoryview | round | __import__ | complex | hash | min | set | apply | delattr | help | next | setattr | buffer | dict | hex | object | slice | coerce | dir | id | oct | sorted | intern)\b
Keyword2: \b(?: with | abs | divmod | input | open | staticmethod | all | enumerate | int | ord | str | any | eval | isinstance | pow | sum | basestring | execfile | issubclass | print | super | bin | file | iter | property | tuple | bool | filter | len | range | type | bytearray | float | list | raw_input | unichr | callable | format | locals | reduce | unicode | chr | frozenset | long | reload | vars | classmethod | getattr | map | repr | xrange | cmp | globals | max | reversed | zip | compile | hasattr | memoryview | round | __import__ | complex | hash | min | set | apply | delattr | help | next | setattr | buffer | dict | hex | object | slice | coerce | dir | id | oct | sorted | intern)\b
Number: (?<= \W) (?: 0[xX])? \d+ [lL]? (?= \W)
String: """ (?: [^\\] | \\.)*? """
String: r? " (?: [^"\r\n\\] | \\.)* "
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