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NOTE: This repo is published as documentation only

The code is intimately tied with axiom infrastructure, and is not very useful other than as an example. If/when someone develops a similar but generic tool we'll post it here.

How it works:

  • This project generates all the necessary files under /erddap/content, namely datasets.xml and setup.xml
  • We manage several ERDDAP servers for different projects. Each of these has its own region. So to generate content for a single region, we run generate_region [region_name]
  • generate_region does the following:
    • create a content folder if it doesn't exist
    • copy [region_name]/setup.xml into the content folder
    • generate datasets.xml
      • run all the generate_ scripts in the region folder. each of these scripts spits out a <dataset> snippet that goes into the [region_name]/datasets/ folder
      • concatenate everything under [region_name]/datasets/into a single file, and move that tocontent/dataset.xml`
        • If content/datasets.xml already exists, then will merge the existing file with the new one

Each of the generate_ files are specific to axiom systems. generate_gliders talks to an internal API to get a list of glider deployments as JSON, and converts that JSON into an ERDDAP dataset. generate_stations talks to an internal API to get a list of in-situ environmental sensor stations as JSON, and converts each of thos into an ERDDAP dataset; this script also looks at sensor_region_overrides and sensor_station_overrides to override metadata in the system.

ERDDAP Content

Generate the final ERDDAP content for a specific region or all regions


docker build -t erddap-content .
docker run -v $(pwd)/output:/output erddap-content  # all regions
docker run -v $(pwd)/output:/output erddap-content bash generate_region [region]  # specific region

The ERDDAP config will be in $(pwd)/output/[region]


Run the axiom/docker-erddap docker image:

# this assumes your datasets are under /mnt/store somewhere
docker run --rm --name erddap-generate-datasets -v /mnt/store:/mnt/store axiom/docker-erddap

Then in another terminal, connect to this image and run the script:

$ docker exec -it erddap-generate-datasets bash
root@1375a6083670:/usr/local/tomcat# cd webapps/erddap/WEB-INF/
root@1375a6083670:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/erddap/WEB-INF# chmod +x
root@1375a6083670:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/erddap/WEB-INF# ./ 

Testing Locally

  1. Make files in: regions/testing/datasets/*.xml.
  2. Build image: docker build -t erddap-content ..
  3. Generate the testing region: docker run -v $(pwd)/output:/output erddap-content bash generate_region testing.
  4. Run ERDDAP: docker run -d --name erddap-content-testing -v $(pwd)/output/testing:/usr/local/tomcat/content/erddap/ -v /mnt/store:/mnt/store -p 33333:8080 registry.axiom/erddap-axiom:latest

Reserved names:

Don't name your .xml files any of these:

  • regions/*/datasets/0050_regional_stations.xml
  • regions/*/datasets/007*.xml


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