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Artifact For "Feature-Sensitive Coverage for Conformance Testing of Programming Language Implementations"

This artifact is for PLDI 2023 paper: "Feature-Sensitive Coverage for Conformance Testing of Programming Language Implementations" and includes jestfs, a JavaScript conformance test generator using feature-sensitive coverage. We developed jestfs by extending a JavaScript mechanized specification extraction tool ESMeta and a JavaScript conformance test generator jest with feature-sensitive coverage.

Table of Contents

Getting Started Guide

We support two ways to use jestfs:

  1. Using a Docker container
  2. Building from source

However, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND you use the Docker container because it requires you to install not only the artifact but also JavaScript engines and transpilers.

Using a Docker Container

We provide a Docker container with jestfs and its dependencies. You can install the docker by following the instruction in and download our docker image with the following command:

WARNING: The docker image is 16GB large. Thus, be patient when you download it, and please assign more than 16GB of memory for the docker engine.

docker pull jestfs/jestfs
docker run --name jestfs -it -m=16g --rm jestfs/jestfs
# user: guest, password: guest

Building from Source

Our framework is developed in Scala, which works on JDK 8+, including GraalVM. So before installation, GraalVM Community Edition 22.2.0 and sbt, an interactive build tool for Scala.

Then, to set the execution environment, insert the following commands to ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc):

# for jestfs
export JESTFS_HOME="<path to jestfs>" # IMPORTANT!!!
export PATH="$JESTFS_HOME/bin:$PATH"  # for executables `jestfs` and etc.
source $JESTFS_HOME/.completion       # for auto-completion

The <path to jestfs> should be the absolute path of the jestfs repository.

Finally, please type the following command to 1) update the git submodules, 2) generate binary file bin/jestfs, and 3) apply the .completion for auto-completion.

cd jestfs                   # enter the jestfs repository
git submodule update --init # update the git submodules
sbt assembly                # generate binary file `bin/jestfs`
source .completion          # apply the `.completion` for auto-completion

For evaluation, you need to install JavaScript engines and transpilers. Please refer to the Installation Guide for more details.

Basic Commands

You can run this framework with the following command:

jestfs <command> <option>*

It supports the following commands:

  • help - shows help messages.
  • fuzz - generates JavaScript programs for fuzzing with the following options:
    • If -fuzz:log-interval={number} is given, turn on logging mode and set logging interval (default: 600 seconds).
    • If -fuzz:debug={number} is given, turn on debug mode with level (0: no-debug, 1: partial, 2: all)
    • If -fuzz:timeout={number} is given, set the time limit in seconds (default: 1 second).
    • If -fuzz:trial={number} is given, set the number of trials (default: INF).
    • If -fuzz:duration={number} is given, set the maximum duration for fuzzing (default: INF)
    • If -fuzz:seed={number} is given, set the specific seed for the random number generator (default: None).
    • If -fuzz:k-fs={number} is given, set the k-value for feature sensitivity (default: 0).
    • If -fuzz:cp is given, turn on the call-path mode (default: false) (meaningful if k-fs > 0).
  • conform-test - performs conform test for a JavaScript engine or a transpiler with the following options:
    • If -gen-test:debug is given, turn on debug mode for test generation.
    • If -gen-test:engines={string} is given, list of engines to test, separated by comma.
    • If -gen-test:transpilers={string} is given, generate conformance tests for transpilers (names should be separated by comma).
    • If -gen-test:use-cache is given, use cached transpiled code from previous run.
    • If -gen-test:only={string} is given, only run files containing test names.
    • If -gen-test:skip={string} is given, skip files containing test names.
    • If -conform-test:debug is given, turn on debug mode for conformance testing.
    • If -conform-test:msgdir={string} is given, set the directory for log messages.
    • If -conform-test:save-bugs is given, save found bugs to database.
  • test262-test - tests Test262 tests with harness files.
    • If -test262-test:k-fs={number} is given, set the k-value for feature sensitivity. (default: 0)
    • If -test262-test:cp is given, turn on the call-path mode (default: false) (meaningful if k-fs > 0).
  • categorize-bug - categorizes detected bugs.
  • draw-figure - draws various figures based on coverage.

and global options:

  • If -silent is given, do not show final results.
  • If -error is given, show error stack traces.
  • If -status is given, exit with status.
  • If -time is given, display the duration time.

If you want to see the detailed help messages and command-specific options, please use the help command:

# show help messages for all commands
jestfs help

# show help messages for specific commands with more details
jestfs help <command>

Kick-the-tires Phase

If you see the following message, jestfs is successfully installed:

# Welcome to `jestfs` - JavaScript conformance test generator using feature-sensitive coverage.
# Please type `jestfs help` to see the help message.

Then, you generate JavaScript programs via fuzzing with 1-feature-sensitive (1-FS) coverage in 60 seconds.

WARNING: Note that it may take a few minutes longer than 60 seconds because it requires extracting the mechanized specification from ECMA-262 and constructing the initial program pool for fuzzing from it.

jestfs fuzz -fuzz:duration=60 -fuzz:k-fs=1

Then, the generated programs and detailed logs are stored in logs/fuzz/recent directory, and which consists of the following files:

  • node-coverage.json - the node coverage of generated programs in the specification.
  • branch-coverage.json - the branch coverage of generated programs in the specification.
  • constructor.json - options used in the program generation.
  • default-engine - the default JavaScript engine used for syntax early error validation.
  • minimal - the minimal set of programs that cover visited test requirements.
  • mutation-stat.tsv - statistical information about mutation strategies.
  • seed - the seed used for the random number generator.
  • selector-stat.tsv - statistical information about selector strategies.
  • summary.tsv - summary of the fuzzing during program generation.

Step-by-Step Instructions

We provide step-by-step instructions to reproduce the results in our paper.

1) JavaScript Program Generation via Fuzzing (Optional)

First, you should generate JavaScript programs via fuzzing with five different feature-sensitive coverage criteria in 50 hours.

Since it requires 250 hours (approx. 10 days) with a single machine, we RECOMMEND you use the generated programs we provided in data.tar.gz:

# It is already included in the `data` directory when you use the docker image.
curl -o data.tar.gz
tar -xvzf data.tar.gz

However, if you want to generate JavaScript programs from scratch, please type the following commands:

mkdir data

# with feature-insensitive (0-FS) coverage.
jestfs fuzz -fuzz:duration=180000
cp -r logs/fuzz/recent data/0

# with 1-feature-sensitive (1-FS) coverage.
jestfs fuzz -fuzz:duration=180000 -fuzz:k-fs=1
cp -r logs/fuzz/recent data/1

# with 2-feature-sensitive (2-FS) coverage.
jestfs fuzz -fuzz:duration=180000 -fuzz:k-fs=2
cp -r logs/fuzz/recent data/2

# with 1-feature-call-path-sensitive (1-FCPS) coverage.
jestfs fuzz -fuzz:duration=180000 -fuzz:k-fs=1 -fuzz:cp
cp -r logs/fuzz/recent data/1-cp

# with 2-feature-call-path-sensitive (2-FCPS) coverage.
jestfs fuzz -fuzz:duration=180000 -fuzz:k-fs=2 -fuzz:cp
cp -r logs/fuzz/recent data/2-cp

2) Conformance Test Generation and Bug Detection

To generate conformance tests and detect bugs in a JavaScript engine or a transpiler, please type the following commands:

WARNING: Note that it may take 5-10 hours.

mkdir result

# using programs generated with feature-insensitive (0-FS) coverage.
jestfs conform-test data/0/minimal data/0/minimal-assertion
mv logs/conform-test result/0

# using programs generated with 1-feature-sensitive (1-FS) coverage.
jestfs conform-test data/1/minimal data/1/minimal-assertion
mv logs/conform-test result/1

# using programs generated with 2-feature-sensitive (2-FS) coverage.
jestfs conform-test data/2/minimal data/2/minimal-assertion
mv logs/conform-test result/2

# using programs generated with 1-feature-call-path-sensitive (1-FCPS) coverage.
jestfs conform-test data/1-cp/minimal data/1-cp/minimal-assertion
mv logs/conform-test result/1-cp

# using programs generated with 2-feature-call-path-sensitive (2-FCPS) coverage.
jestfs conform-test data/2-cp/minimal data/2-cp/minimal-assertion
mv logs/conform-test result/2-cp

Then, please compare the result directory with the expected result we provided in out.tar.gz:

# It is already included in the `out` directory when you use the docker image.
curl -o out.tar.gz
tar -xvzf out.tar.gz

Note: It is possible that the result may slightly differ from the expected result depending on the enviornment. This is fine as long as the difference in number is within one or two.

3) Categorization of Detected Bugs

Please categorize the detected conformance bugs as follows:

mkdir categorized

# for feature-insensitive (0-FS) coverage.
jestfs categorize-bug data/0/minimal result/0/fails.json
mv logs/categorize/test-summary.tsv categorized/0.tsv

# for 1-feature-sensitive (1-FS) coverage.
jestfs categorize-bug data/1/minimal result/1/fails.json
mv logs/categorize/test-summary.tsv categorized/1.tsv

# for 2-feature-sensitive (2-FS) coverage.
jestfs categorize-bug data/2/minimal result/2/fails.json
mv logs/categorize/test-summary.tsv categorized/2.tsv

# for 1-feature-call-path-sensitive (1-FCPS) coverage.
jestfs categorize-bug data/1-cp/minimal result/1-cp/fails.json
mv logs/categorize/test-summary.tsv categorized/1-cp.tsv

# for 2-feature-call-path-sensitive (2-FCPS) coverage.
jestfs categorize-bug data/2-cp/minimal result/2-cp/fails.json
mv logs/categorize/test-summary.tsv categorized/2-cp.tsv

4) Collecting Coverage Information from Test262

To extract data from Test262 tests, please run the following command:

WARNING: Note that it may take 5-10 hours.

jestfs test262-test -test262-test:debug -test262-test:k-fs=2 -test262-test:cp
mv logs/test262/* test262-result

Or, you could download it as follows:

# It is already included in the `test262-result` directory when you use the docker image.
curl -o test262-result.tar.gz
tar -xvzf test262-result.tar.gz

5) Drawing Tables and Figures

Please run the draw-figure command as follows:

jestfs draw-figure test262-result data

Then, open the Tables-Figures.xlsx file and fill in the cells colored in blue with the corresponding files as follows:

Tab Filename
0-bug categorized/0.tsv
1-bug categorized/1.tsv
2-bug categorized/2.tsv
1-cp-bug categorized/1-cp.tsv
2-cp-bug categorized/2-cp.tsv
0-summary data/0/summary.tsv
1-summary data/1/summary.tsv
2-summary data/2/summary.tsv
1-cp-summary data/1-cp/summary.tsv
2-cp-summary data/2-cp/summary.tsv
Figure 9 (a) logs/draw-figure/1-graph.tsv
Figure 9 (b) logs/draw-figure/2-graph.tsv
Figure 9 (c) logs/draw-figure/1-cp-graph.tsv
Figure 9 (d) logs/draw-figure/2-cp-graph.tsv
Figure 10 (a) logs/draw-figure/test262-cmp.csv

and compare the following tables and figures in the paper:

  • Table 1. Detected conformance bugs in JavaScript engines and transpilers
  • Table 2. Comparison of synthesized conformance tests guided by five graph coverage criteria
  • Fig. 9. The histogram of numbers of $k$-FS or $k$-FCPS TRs per less sensitive $k$-FS or $k$-FCPS TR
  • Fig. 10. Covered $k$-FS-TRs and $k$-FCPS-TRs for synthesized tests via ${\sf JEST}_{\sf fs}$ and Test262


Artifact For "Feature-Sensitive Coverage for Conformance Testing of Programming Language Implementations"






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