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Template for creating web apps with build optimizations

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Web ES6 Template

This template is aimed towards people in need of a solid development environment to create single page websites. It has a useful set of gulp tasks that will make developing a website a much frictionless process, such as auto reloading on source code changes, and generation of a deployment version with several optimizations to keep your website lightweight and compatible.

You can also use ES6 - ES2015 Javascript and have it automatically transpiled to ES5 Javascript automatically. Write the scripts for your website using the modern language features.

Table of contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Running Development Server
  4. Building Deployable
  5. Usage Guide


This template contains several build improvements and development features that will make kickstarting your website a breeze.

  • BrowserSync (Reload your application in multiple devices while developing)
  • SASS (.scss) support
  • Babel (Use ES6 - ES2015, the result will be transpiled for compatibility with current browsers)
  • Bower (Manages Front End Dependencies... JQuery and Fontawesome are included as an example)
  • Rev (Busts cache by hashing files after building)
  • Cssnano (Minifies CSS and adds cross-browser compatibility)
  • Uglify (Javascript Compressor)


Installing dependencies

This templates's dependencies are managed by npm and bower, before proceding with the cli commands below, make sure you have node.js, npm and bower installed.

####Install project dependencies npm handles the installation of the dependencies within the project. Install the dependencies with the following command.

$ npm install

Install additional dependencies

Client side dependencies are managed by bower, to add or remove bower components, use the following command. prepending the bower command with npm run bower -- ensures you are using the local bower installation, avoiding installing bower as a global dependency.

If you do have bower installed globally, you don't need to use this command. Instead refer to the default bower usage guide.

# to install
$ npm run bower -- [bower-command]

Running Development Server

BrowserSync is used to create a static server with live reloading feature when there's any file change. The local server is running by default on port 8080, with the BrowserSync management UI on port 8888.

These settings can be easily changed in gulp/config.js

$ npm start

Note: When running the server, your default browser will automatically open the website, and the terminal output will provide the local and external URLs for easy testing on other devices.

Building Deployable

Building the distributable assets

When you're all set, you can create the distributable version that you can upload to your hosting platform.

$ npm run build

The built version contains:


  • Your scripts merged into index.js
  • Your bower dependency scripts merged into vendor.js


  • Your styles merged into main.css
  • Your bower dependency styles merged into vendor.css


  • Your scripts and styles will be minified and compressed.
  • Your files will be automatically appended with a build hash to bust cache, and the hashed filenames will be updated on index.html

Usage Guide

Run the development server and start editing. All the modifications should be performed in the /src directory, unless you change the build tasks found in the gulp directory.

Editing HTML

This template, in its current state, it's meant to be used to develop one page websites. The editing of the content should be done in index.html. It will be automatically reflected on all your connected browsers.

Editing Styles

SCSS is used for styles. By default, the project includes a set of partials, such as _variables.scss, _mixins.scss and _fonts.scss, which are imported from the main.scss file. These are for example purposes only, so make sure to give the website your own touch.

To keep consistency, follow these general rules:

  • make sure to add all possibly repeated values in _variables.scss.
  • Add any CSS fonts (like Google Fonts) in _fonts.scss.
  • Add mixins to _mixins.scss.

Note that this is only a minimal organization guide, and you can tailor this to your specific purposes. To read more on how to create an organized structured for your SASS styles, Click Here

The entry point for the SASS compiler is main.scss, so make sure to @import all the partial files you create on main.scss. You can change the this setting in gulp/config.js

Important: You don't need to update the references to the css files in the index.html file. The build tasks will handle this for you seamlessly.

Editing Scripts

Write your scripts in ES6 - Read more on ES6 Features

And add the .js files to the src/js directory. You don't need to add the script tags to the index.html file, All your .js files will be transpiled to currently supported javascript and concatenated into index.js

If you need to include external javascript libraries such as jquery, underscore, timezone, etc. refer to the installation of dependencies guide to install them using bower.

Again, you don't need to include the script tags into the index.html file. All bower scripts are combined into vendor.js and added automatically to the html file during the build process.


Template for creating web apps with build optimizations






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