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jethrokuan committed Apr 18, 2019
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Showing 6 changed files with 311 additions and 11 deletions.
146 changes: 141 additions & 5 deletions content/posts/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title = "Neural Ordinary Differential Equations"
title = "Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Review)"
author = ["Jethro Kuan"]
lastmod = 2019-04-01T19:45:50+08:00
lastmod = 2019-04-18T15:51:34+08:00
tags = ["machine-learning", "deep-learning"]
draft = false
math = true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ where there are \\(N\\) layers.
Because neural networks apply discrete transformations, to learn
dynamical systems with (recurrent) neural networks, one must
discretize the time steps, for example through binning the
observations into fixed time intervals. Expressing time as a discrete
variable can be unnatural, for example, in processes where events
observations into fixed time intervals. However, expressing time as a discrete
variable can be unnatural: this includes processes where events
occur at irregular intervals. This means that the current
state-of-the-art neural networks are still unable to model continuous
sequential data.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,9 +154,141 @@ solvers.

## Gradient Computation via Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis {#gradient-computation-via-adjoint-sensitivity-analysis}

If one wishes to train a Neural ODE via gradient descent, one would
need to compute gradients for the loss function
\\(L(\textrm{ODESolve}(\mathbf{z}(t\_0), f, t\_0, t\_1, \theta))\\). This
requires propagation of gradients through the ODE-solver, that is,
gradients with respect to \\(\theta\\). The paper proposes a technique
that scales linearly with problem size, has low memory cost, and
explicitly controls numerical error.

Sensitivity analysis defines a new ODE whose solution gives the
gradients to the cost function w.r.t. the parameters, and solves this
secondary ODE. <sup id="a8ae69ab153941fb09916913f187ba63"><a href="#rackauckas19_diffeq" title="Rackauckas, Innes, Ma, , Bettencourt, White, Dixit \&amp; Vaibhav, Diffeqflux.jl - a Julia Library for Neural Differential Equations, {CoRR}, v(), (2019).">(Rackauckas {\it et al.}, 2019)</a></sup>
secondary ODE. Because the gradients of the loss is dependent on the
hidden state \\(z(t)\\) at each instant, the dynamics of \\(z(t)\\) can be
represented with yet another ODE. Obtaining the gradients would
require a single solve by recomputing \\(z(t)\\) backwards together with
the adjoint. The derivations are provided in the appendix of the
paper, and will not be repeated here.
<sup id="603fb04abfb4b8763599566c9f531449"><a href="#chen18_neural_ordin_differ_equat" title="Chen, Rubanova, , Bettencourt \&amp; Duvenaud, Neural Ordinary Differential Equations, {CoRR}, v(), (2018).">(Chen {\it et al.}, 2018)</a></sup>

Since a large part of the paper's contribution is the ability to
bridge many years of mathematical advancements on solving differential
equations, it is wise to analyse the pros and cons of other solvers in
the context of training machine learning models.

Traditional adjoint sensitivity analysis require multiple forward
solutions of the ODE, which can become prohibitively costly in large
models. The paper's proposal reduces the computational complexity to a
single solve, while retaining low memory cost by solving the backwards
solution together with the adjoint. One issue that the paper has
failed to address is that their proposed method requires that the ODE
integrator is time-reversible. There are no ODE solvers for
first-order ODEs that are time-reversible, implying that the method
proposed will diverge on some systems. <sup id="a8ae69ab153941fb09916913f187ba63"><a href="#rackauckas19_diffeq" title="Rackauckas, Innes, Ma, , Bettencourt, White, Dixit \&amp; Vaibhav, Diffeqflux.jl - a Julia Library for Neural Differential Equations, {CoRR}, v(), (2019).">(Rackauckas {\it et al.}, 2019)</a></sup>

In general, while the model is agnostic of the choice of ODE solver,
the ideal choice of differential equation solver depends on the
problem to be solved. For different classes of differential equations
(under certain assumptions), some solvers will prove to be more
efficient or more accurate. A good rule of thumb is that forward-mode
automatic differentiation is efficient for differential equations with
a small number of parameters, while reverse-mode automatic
differentiation is more efficient when the model size grows bigger.

## Replacing ResNets {#replacing-resnets}

Because an ODE block is simply the continuous version of the Residual
block, it seems plausible to use ODE blocks as replacements for ResNet
blocks. The authors of the paper experimented with MNIST, and found
that using ODE blocks they were able to achieve roughly equivalent
test-error, with a third of the parameters (0.22M compared to 0.60M)
and constant memory cost during training.

{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/screenshot_2019-04-13_22-21-54.png" >}}

While this looks promising, it would be more instructive to train the
ODEnet on different datasets.

It turns out that because of the continuous limit, there is a class of
functions that Neural ODEs. In particular, Neural ODEs can only learn
features that are homeomorphic to the input space.
<sup id="906e51a18dd68f58d8e649ecf013d0b8"><a href="#dupont19_augmen_neural_odes" title="Dupont, Doucet, Teh \&amp; Whye, Augmented Neural Odes, {CoRR}, v(), (2019).">(Dupont {\it et al.}, 2019)</a></sup> The errors arising from
discretization allow ResNet trajectories to cross, allowing them to
represent certain flows that Neural ODEs cannot.

## Experiments {#experiments}

To understand Neural ODEs, I referenced several implementations.
First, I ran the [implementation provided with the paper]( With the
provided code, it was easy to reproduce the results of the Neural ODE
model for MNIST.

To further understand the how to write solvers for ODEs and the
Adjoint method, I referenced the [implementations from a seminar]( The
example notebooks provided were small and self-contained, I wrote the
naive ODE solver using Euler's method, and swapped out the adjoint ODE
solver. Even for a relatively dataset of relatively small
dimensionality, using it to train on the MNIST dataset took an hour.
Each epoch took slightly longer than the previous, which the authors
attribute to the increasing number of function evaluations, as a
result of the model adapting to increasing complexity. Perhaps one
could place a penalty on model complexity (something like MDL), to
prevent overfitting, and maintain interpretability of the learnt model.

In general, I found that the gains from having to train a model with
fewer parameters is offset by the difficulty in training. In my
experiments conducted, the full data-set is passed for evaluation and
gradient descent is used to update the parameters. The authors have
mentioned that mini-batching, and using stochastic gradient descent is
tricky. Doing a full gradient descent may be infeasible where the
dataset is too large, and the sub-gradients cannot fit into memory.

## ODE as Prior Knowledge {#ode-as-prior-knowledge}

A use-case that I have not seen discussed with the introduction of
Neural ODEs is the ability to introduce structure to the machine
learning models.

Suppose we have collected data from some known dynamic system, and
wish to learn the system. Traditional machine learning models have no
way of specifying the structure of the dynamic system, and the model
would have to learn its model parameters solely from the data.
However, supposing we know the equations governing the dynamic system:
for example, it is a system for which the laws of physics govern the
system (gravitational attraction between objects). We can then
restrict the hypothesis class to the family of functions that satisfy
the equations, while ensuring that learning is still realizable (there
exists the correct hypothesis \\(h^\*\\) in the subclass \\(\mathcal{H'}\\)).
Restricting the hypothesis space would lead to lower sample

## Closing Thoughts {#closing-thoughts}

This paper presented a new family of models called Neural ODEs. They
naturally arise by taking the continuous limit in residual neural
networks. The paper proposes a numerically unstable, but empirically
working method for performing back-propagation through black-box ODE
solvers, making training neural ODEs feasible.

While not novel, this paper brought into the limelight the idea of
marrying differential equations with machine-learning, an area that
has seemingly a lot of potential.

From experimentation, I find that Neural ODEs are still difficult to
train beyond simple problems, and mathematical theory shows that the
choice of the ODE solver is still important.

In this review, I did not cover the applications of Neural ODEs in
other areas. First, they have a particularly convenient formulation
for Continuous Normalizing Flows. Normalizing flows is a technique for
sampling from complex distributions via sampling from a simple
distribution, and has applications in techniques like variational

# Bibliography
<a id="he15_deep_resid_learn_image_recog"></a>He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S., & Sun, J., *Deep residual learning for image recognition*, CoRR, *()*, (2015). [](#8554cd7e8a313143abfac851fd6bbfd2)
Expand All @@ -165,4 +297,8 @@ secondary ODE. <sup id="a8ae69ab153941fb09916913f187ba63"><a href="#rackauckas19

<a id="haber17_stabl_archit_deep_neural_networ"></a>Haber, E., & Ruthotto, L., *Stable architectures for deep neural networks*, CoRR, *()*, (2017). [](#9b9433cdb51d57b66e0e48760365e5e2)

<a id="chen18_neural_ordin_differ_equat"></a>Chen, R. T. Q., Rubanova, Y., Bettencourt, J., & Duvenaud, D., *Neural Ordinary Differential Equations*, CoRR, *()*, (2018). [](#603fb04abfb4b8763599566c9f531449)

<a id="rackauckas19_diffeq"></a>Rackauckas, C., Innes, M., Ma, Y., Bettencourt, J., White, L., & Dixit, V., *Diffeqflux.jl - a julia library for neural differential equations*, CoRR, *()*, (2019). [](#a8ae69ab153941fb09916913f187ba63)

<a id="dupont19_augmen_neural_odes"></a>Dupont, E., Doucet, A., & Teh, Y. W., *Augmented Neural Odes*, CoRR, *()*, (2019). [](#906e51a18dd68f58d8e649ecf013d0b8)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions org/
Expand Up @@ -189,6 +189,10 @@ For shared_ptr, std::move prevents the increment and immediate
decrement of the reference count, making it an optimization. It's not
strictly necessary. cite:so_why_move_shared_ptr

* not_null
not_null is available in GSL, and with compile-time guarantees that a
pointer is not null. cite:17_bartek

* Books to read
* Links
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions org/cpp.bib
Expand Up @@ -38,4 +38,13 @@ @misc{so_why_move_shared_ptr
title = {c++ - Why would I std::move an std::shared_ptr? -
Stack Overflow},
year = 2019,

author = {Bartek},
howpublished = {},
note = {Online; accessed 02 April 2019},
title = {Bartek's coding blog: How not_null can improve your
year = 2017,
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions org/neural_ode.bib
Expand Up @@ -251,4 +251,25 @@ @article{haber17_stabl_archit_deep_neural_networ
archivePrefix ={arXiv},
eprint = {1705.03341},
primaryClass = {cs.LG},

author = {Dupont, Emilien and Doucet, Arnaud and Teh, Yee
title = {Augmented Neural Odes},
journal = {CoRR},
year = 2019,
url = {},
abstract = {We show that Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
(ODEs) learn representations that preserve the
topology of the input space and prove that this
implies the existence of functions Neural ODEs
cannot represent. To address these limitations, we
introduce Augmented Neural ODEs which, in addition
to being more expressive models, are empirically
more stable, generalize better and have a lower
computational cost than Neural ODEs.},
archivePrefix ={arXiv},
eprint = {1904.01681},
primaryClass = {stat.ML},

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