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Jetstack Secure

Jetstack Secure manages your machine identities across Cloud Native Kubernetes and OpenShift environments and builds a detailed view of the enterprise security posture.

This repo contains the open source in-cluster agent of Jetstack Secure, that sends data to the Jetstack Secure SaaS.

Wondering about Preflight? Preflight was the name for the project that was the foundation for the Jetstack Secure platform. It was a tool to perform configuration checks on a Kubernetes cluster using OPA's REGO policy. We decided to incorporate that functionality as part of the Jetstack Secure SaaS service, making this component a basic agent. You can find the old Preflight Check functionality in the git history ( tagged as preflight-local-check and you also check this documentation.


Please review the documentation for the agent before getting started.

The released container images are cryptographically signed by cosign, with SLSA provenance and a CycloneDX SBOM attached. For instructions on how to verify those signatures and attachments, refer to this guide.

Local Execution

To build and run a version from master:

go run main.go agent --agent-config-file ./path/to/agent/config/file.yaml -p 0h1m0s

You can find the example agent file here.

You might also want to run a local echo server to monitor requests the agent sends:

go run main.go echo


The Jetstack-Secure agent exposes its metrics through a Prometheus server, on port 8081. The Prometheus server is disabled by default but can be enabled by passing the --enable-metrics flag to the agent binary.

If you deploy the agent with Helm, using the venafi-kubernetes-agent Helm chart, the metrics server will be enabled by default, on port 8081. If you use the Prometheus Operator, you can use --set metrics.podmonitor.enabled=true to deploy a PodMonitor resource, which will add the venafi-kubernetes-agent metrics to your Prometheus server.

The following metrics are collected:

  • Go collector: via the default registry in Prometheus client_golang.
  • Process collector: via the default registry in Prometheus client_golang.
  • Agent metrics:
  • data_readings_upload_size: Data readings upload size (in bytes) sent by the jscp in-cluster agent.

Release Process

The release process is semi-automated. It starts with the following manual steps:

  1. Choose the next semver version number. This project has only ever incremented the "patch" number (never the "minor" number) regardless of the scope of the changes.
  2. Create a branch.
  3. Increment version numbers in the venafi-kubernetes-agent Helm chart. (the jetstack-secure Helm chart uses a different version scheme and is updated and released separately):
    1. Increment the version value in Chart.yaml. DO NOT use a v prefix. The v prefix breaks Helm OCI operations.
    2. Increment appVersion value in Chart.yaml. Use a v prefix, to match the Docker image tag.
    3. Increment the image.tag value in values.yaml. Use a v prefix.
    4. Commit the changes.
  4. Create a pull request and wait for it to be approved.
  5. Merge the branch.
  6. Push a semver tag with a v prefix: vX.Y.Z.

This will trigger the following automated processes:

  1. Two Docker images are built and pushed to a public registry, by the release-master workflow:

    • is pulled directly by tier 1 Jetstack Secure users, who do not have access to the Jetstack Enterprise Registry.
    • is mirrored to a public Venafi OCI registry for Venafi TLS Protect for Kubernetes users.
  2. The Docker images are mirrored by private Venafi CI pipelines, to:

    • Jetstack Enterprise Registry: for Tier 2 Jetstack Secure users. Tier 2 grants users access to this registry.
    • Venafi private Registry: for Tier 2 Venafi TLS Protect for Kubernetes users. Tier 2 grants users access to this registry.
    • Venafi public Registry: for Tier 1 Venafi TLS Protect for Kubernetes users. Tier 1 users do not have access to the private registry. (TODO)

Helm Chart: venafi-kubernetes-agent

The venafi-kubernetes-agent chart is released manually, as follows:

export VERSION=0.1.43
helm package deploy/charts/venafi-kubernetes-agent --version "${VERSION}"
helm push venafi-kubernetes-agent-${VERSION}.tgz oci://

ℹ️ To test the Helm chart before releasing it, use a pre-release suffix. E.g. export VERSION=0.1.43-alpha.0.

The chart will be mirrored to:

  • (Public)
  • (Private, US)
  • (Private, EU)

Helm Chart: jetstack-agent

The jetstack-agent chart has a different version number to the agent. This is because the first version of this chart was given version 0.1.0, while the app version at the time was 0.1.38. And this allows the chart to be updated and released more frequently than the Docker image if necessary. This chart is for Jetstack Secure.

  1. Create a branch
  2. Increment version numbers.
    1. Increment the version value in Chart.yaml. DO NOT use a v prefix. The v prefix breaks Helm OCI operations.
    2. Increment the appVersion value in Chart.yaml. Use a v prefix, to match the Docker image tag.
    3. Increment the image.tag value in values.yaml. Use a v prefix, to match the Docker image tag.
  3. Create a pull request and wait for it to be approved.
  4. Merge the branch
  5. Push a tag, using the format: chart-vX.Y.Z. This unique tag format is recognized by the private CI pipeline that builds and publishes the chart.

The chart will be published to the Jetstack Enterprise Registry by a private CI pipeline managed by Venafi.