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467 lines (414 loc) · 25.5 KB

DNA model space-filling curve DNA wrapped along curve

Description is a program for preparing simulations containing polymers. It is useful for wrapping polymers around an arbitrary curve. (An example of its use is provided here.) generates a moltemplate file (.LT file) containing a definition of a polymer molecule containing monomers located at the positions specified in a 3-column text file ("coords.raw" in the example below). Monomers will be rotated so that they point along the polymer axis direction (see "-dir-indices") with an optional helical twist added (see "-helix"). Users can specify one or more bonds connecting each monomer to the next monomer (see "-bond"). Similarly, 3-body and 4-body angular interactions between atoms in different monomers can either be generated automatically (using the standard moltemplate "Angle By Type" rules) OR generated manually (using "-angle", "-dihedral", "-improper" arguments).

Note: This program is both a stand-alone executable program (that can be run from the terminal) and a python module. The former is documented below. (The python API is explained later.)

Usage:  \
      [-polymer-name pname] \
      [-monomer-name mname] \
      [-sequence sequence.txt] \
      [-bond btype a1 a2] \
      [-angle    atype a1 a2 a3 i1 i2 i3] \
      [-dihedral dtype a1 a2 a3 a4 i1 i2 i3 i4] \
      [-improper itype a1 a2 a3 a4 i1 i2 i3 i4] \
      [-inherits ForceFieldObject] \
      [-header "import"] \
      [-helix deltaphi] \
      [-helix-angles helix_angles_file.txt] \
      [-orientations orientations_file.txt] \
      [-quaternions quaternions_file.txt] \
      [-axis x,y,z] \
      [-circular yes/no/connected] \
      [-cuts cuts.txt] \
      [-polymer-directions polarities.txt] \
      [-dir-indices ia ib] \
      [-padding paddingX,paddingY,paddingZ] \
      [-in coords.raw] \
      < coords.raw >

Arguments [optional]

    -polymer-name name
                   Name of the moltemplate object that will be created.
                   (By default "Polymer")

    -monomer-name name
                   Name of the moltemplate object that will be replicated along
                   the length of the polymer(s).  ("Monomer" by default).
                   This monomer should be defined elsewhere and
                   You can use the "-header" argument to specify where
                   the monomer(s) is defined.  *Note: If you are defining
                   heteropolymers or polymers with end-caps, then do not use the
                   "-monomer" argument.  Use the "-sequence" argument instead.

                   You can include rotations or transformations to the monomer
                   subunit before it is moved into position.  For example, it
                   is often useful to to use a modified version of the monomer
                   whose initial coordinates are compressed to avoid collisions
                   with other monomers.  To do this, use something like
                   "Monomer.scale(0.5,0.7,0.7)" instead of "Monomer".
                   This would compress each monomer lengthwise by 0.5
                   and 0.7 laterally. (After minimization, each monomer should
                   expand back to its ordinary size and shape.)*

    -sequence sequence.txt
                   If you are building a heteropolymer, this argument allows
                   you to specify the sequence of monomers in the polymer.
                   You can also use this argument to add *end-caps* (ie custom
                   monomer types) to the ends of your polymer, and orient them
                   in the forward and backward directions.  See example below.
                   The "sequence.txt" file contains the sequence of monomers
                   you want in your polymer(s).  Each line of this file should
                   be the name of a moltemplate object for the monomer subunit
                   you want at that location.  The number of lines in this file
                   should match the sum of all of the lengths of the polymers
                   (which equals the number of lines in the coordinate file).
                   Each type of monomer listed must be a moltemplate object
                   which contains atoms whose $atom (atom-ID) variables match
                   the a1,a2 atoms mentioned in the -bond, -angle, -dihedral,
                   and -improper arguments (if applicable).  (In the butane
                   example below, it would be the carbon atom in the backbone.)
                   As before, you can include coordinate transforms in each
                   monomer's name.  Here is an example for butane:
                   --- sequences.txt ---
                   The CH2 and CH3 moltemplate objects are presumably defined
                   elsewhere and ORIENTED WITH THE POLYMER AXIS ALONG THE +X
                   DIRECTION.  The ".rot(180,0,0,1)" makes sure the final CH3
                   monomer is oriented in the -X (opposite) direction.
                   (Additional movement and rotation commands will be added
                   to align each monomer with the direction of the curve.)
                   If you are using the "-cuts" argument to create multiple
                   polymers, then this file would resemble the file above, with
                   the sequence of multiple such polymers appended together.
                   It would include additional "CH3" and "CH3.rot(180,0,0,1)
                   end-cap monomers at places which are before and after the
                   integers specified using the "-cuts" argument.

    -bond btype a1 a2
             Add a bond between successive monomers of type btype.
             between atoms named a1 and a2 (all three arguments are strings and
             omit the @bond: and $atom: prefixes in moltemplate variables)
             Multiple bonds between successive monomers can be added by having
             "-bond btype a1 a2" appear several times in the argument list.
             For example, double-stranded DNA can be implemented as a polymer
             with 2 bonds connecting separate monomers (if each "monomer
             corresponds to a base pair).  If you want to add bonds between
             atoms in non-consecutive monomers, then you can instead use the
    program to add modifications to the polymer
             later.  (That program supports the "-bond btype a1 a2 i1 i2"
             argument allowing you to specify monomer indices i1, i2.)

    -angle atype a1 a2 a3 i1 i2 i3
             Add a 3-body angle interaction between atoms a1 a2 a3 in monomers
             i1 i2 and i3.  (The atype a1, a2, a3 arguments are strings
             containing moltemplate variable names. The standard moltemplate
             prefixes "$angle:", "@angle:", and "$atom:" should be omitted.
             The i1, i2, i3 arguments are integer indices indicating the monomer
             that each atom belongs to.
                0 corresponds to the current monomer
                1 corresponds to the next monomer
                2 corresponds to the following monomer, etc...
	     (For circular polymers, the indices will be wrapped appropriately.)
             Multiple angles per monomer can be added by having:
             "-angle aname atype a1 a2 a3 i1 i2 i3"
             appear several times in the argument list with different parameters

    -dihedral dtype a1 a2 a3 a4 i1 i2 i3 i4
             Add a 4-body dihedral interaction between atoms a1 a2 a3 a4 in
             monomers i1 i2 and i3.  (The dtype a1, a2, a3, a4, arguments
             are strings containing moltemplate variable names. The moltemplate
             prefixes "$dihedral:", "@dihedral:", and "$atom:" should be omitted
             The i1, i2, i3, i4 arguments are integer indices indicating the
             monomer that each atom belongs to.  (See explanation above.)
             Multiple dihedrals per monomer can be added by having:
             "-dihedral dname dtype a1 a2 a3 a4 i1 i2 i3 i4"
             appear several times in the argument list with different parameters

    -improper itype a1 a2 a3 a4 i1 i2 i3 i4
             Add a 4-body improper interaction between atoms a1 a2 a3 a4 in
             monomers i1 i2 and i3.  (The itype a1, a2, a3, a4, arguments
             are strings containing moltemplate variable names. The moltemplate
             prefixes "$improper:", "@improper:", and "$atom:" should be omitted
             The i1, i2, i3, i4 arguments are integer indices indicating the
             that each atom belongs to.  (See explanation above.)
             Multiple impropers per monomer can be added by having:
             "-improper iname itype a1 a2 a3 a4 i1 i2 i3 i4"
             appear several times in the argument list with different parameters

    -inherits FORCE_FIELD
                   This allows you to add "inherits FORCE_FIELD" when
                   defining the polymer object(s).  (It simply adds the text
                   "inherits FORCE_FIELD" after the polymer name.) In this
                   example, "FORCE_FIELD" is the name of a moltemplate object
                   which defines any rules for creating angles, dihedrals,
                   impropers which you want to be generated automatically.
                   This FORCE_FIELD object can be defined elsewhere (such as in
                   a separate file and imported using the "-header" argument).

    -header 'some text'
                   This is a convenient way to insert a line of text at the
                   beginning of the file that will be created by
                   You can put any text at the beginning of the file, but
                   typically these are "import" statements.  For example:
               -header 'import "" # (<--defines FORCE_FIELD)'
               -header 'import ""     # (<--defines Monomer)'
                   The imported .LT files typically contain definitions of
                   monomers or force field parameters that the polymer needs.
                   (They must appear at the beginning of the .LT file, before
                   the polymer is defined or moltemplate will complain later.)
                   As shown in the example, you can insert multiple lines of
                   text at the beginning by using multiple -header arguments.

    -cuts cut_locations.txt
                   Cut the polymer in several places along its length.  This is
                   useful if your goal is to create many polymers of different
                   lengths instead of one long polymer.  This will simply
                   cut the polymer N times along its length.  The file
                   "cut_locations.txt" is a text file containing a list of
                   positive integers (one per line) indicating where you would
                   like the polymer to be cut.  For each integer, i, which
                   appears in this file, a cut is made between monomers
                   i-1 and i (Indexing begins at 0, so a value of 1
                   corresponds to a cut between the first and second monomers.)
                   A separate polymer object will be created for each polymer,
                   and an integer suffix will be added to the name, to
                   distinguish them from each other.  (Each of these
                   polymers will be part of a larger object defined by this
                   program.  Instantiating that object will create all of the
                   individual polymers.)
                   **NOTE** To put *end-caps* at the ends of each polymer
                   (ie. to change the monomer type at the ends of each polymer),
                   you *must* use the "-sequence" argument.  You must supply a
                   text file with the monomers you want to put at the beginning
                   and ending of each polymer listed at the appropriate place
                   in this file. (You also have the option to apply different
                   rotations to the monomers at either end of each polymer
                   to orient them in the forward and backward directions.)
                   See the description of the *-sequence* argument for details.

    -axis x,y,z  direction of the polymer axis in the original monomer object.
             These three numbers (separated by commas with no spaces)
             define the direction that the monomer subunit is pointing in.  
             By default, the three numbers are 1 0 0 (ie, the X axis)

    -helix deltaphi = Optionally, rotate each monomer around it's axis by
             angle deltaphi (in degrees) beforehand

    -helix-angles helix_angles_file.txt = Optionally, rotate each monomer around
             it's axis by specifying a list of angles contained in a file
             (eg "helix_angles_file.txt").  This file contains one number per
             line (one line per monomer).  Each number represents the
             angle of that monomer relative to the previous monomer around
             that axis.
    -circular keyword
       Inform the program that the polymer is circular.
       In order to enable interactions between monomers at opposite ends of a
       circular polymer, you must use the "-circular yes" or "-circle connected"
       arguments.  This allows you to use monomer indices in the polymer which
       may wrap around the polymer.  (Otherwise an error is generated.)
       "keyword" must be one of these choices:
             "no"          The polymer is a linear chain with the two ends
                           not connected.  (default)
             "yes"         The polymer is a circular loop with the two ends
                           connected pointing in similar directions.
             "connected"   Connect the two ends together with bonds (and angles,
                           and dihedrals, if applicable) to make a closed loop.
                           But do not adjust the orientation of the first and
                           last monomers so that they point towards eachother.
                           (Use this if you plan to simulate an "infinitely"
                           long polymer using periodic boundary conditions,
                           with the two ends are connected on opposite sides.)

    -padding paddingX,paddingY,paddingZ
                   This will cause the program to attempt to estimate the size
                   of the smallest rectangular box which encloses all of the
                   coordinates in the coordinate file.  The user must supply 3
                   comma-separated numbers (no spaces) which indicate how much
                   extra room is needed in the ±x, ±y, ±z directions.

    -polymer-directions polarities.txt
                   Change the order that coordinates are read from the file.
                   This is specified once per polymer.  You must supply a file
                   containing one line per polymer.  (Unless you used the -cuts
                   argument this file will have only line.)  Each line must
                   contain either "1" or "-1".  A value of "1" indicates that
                   you want to read the coordinates for that polymer in the
                   order they appear in the coordinate file.  (IE. the
                   normal behavior.)  A value of -1 will cause the coordinates
                   for that polymer to be reversed after reading.
                   (In other words, read the coordinates from the
                   corresponding portion of the file in reverse order.
                   This feature is probably not useful to most users.)

    -dir-indices ia ib
             The program attempts to orient each monomer in a direction that
             the polymer is pointing.  By default, the program will
             orient monomer i in the direction connecting the monomers before
             and after it (monomers i-1 and i+1).  The user can override this
             using the -dir-indices command line argument.  The ia and ib
             arguments are integer offsets.  To point monomer i in the direction
             connecting it to the following monomer (i+1), use -dir-indices 0 1.
             arguments are integer offsets.  To point monomer i in the direction
             connecting it to the previous monomer (i-1), use -dir-indices -1 0.
             (Note: If the -polymer-directions argument is used, and the current
             polymer has a direction of -1, the indices ia, ib will be flipped.)
	     For circular polymers, the indices will be wrapped appropriately.

    -orientations orientations_file.txt
             Specify the orientation of each monomer in the polymer by providing
             a 9-column text file containing a list of rotation matrices (R, 
             one for each monomer).  Each 3x3 matrix describes the orientation
             of that monomer relative to that monomer's original orientation
             (*not* relative to to the previous monomer's orientation).
             Each line in the file contains 9 numbers which are the entries of
             a matrix:
                R_11, R_12, R_13, R_21, R_22, R_23, R_31, R_32, R_33
             This matrix applies the following coordinate transformation:
               /x'\   / R_11 R_12 R_13 \ /x\
               |y'| = | R_21 R_22 R_23 | |y|
               \z'/   \ R_31 R_32 R_33 / \z/
             (This can be any linear transformation, not just a rotation.)
             Note: These transformations are applied *after*:
                1) Coordinate transformations included in the monomer's name
                   specified in the "-monomer-name" or "-sequence" arguments,
                   for example: "EthyleneGlycol.move(0.2,-0.7,0).rot(180,1,0,0)"
                2) Rotations around the axis specified by the "-helix" or
                   "-helix-angles" and "-axis" arguments (if applicable).
                   (Consequently this argument can be supplied together with
                    the "-helix", "-helix-angles", and "-axis" arguments.)
    -quaternions quaternions_file.txt
             Specify the orientation of each monomer in the polymer by providing
             a 4-column text file containing a list of quaternions (one for
             each monomer).  Each quaternion describes the orientation of
             that monomer relative to that monomer's original orientation
             (*not* relative to to the previous monomer's orientation).
             Each quaternion has 4 numbers.  The first number is cos(θ/2)
             (where θ is the rotation angle).  The remaining 3 numbers form
             a vector (of length sin(θ/2)), pointing along the axis of
             Note: These rotations are applied *after*:
                1) Coordinate transformations included in the monomer's name
                   specified in the "-monomer-name" or "-sequence" arguments,
                   for example: "EthyleneGlycol.move(0.2,-0.7,0).rot(180,1,0,0)"
                2) Rotations around the axis specified by the "-helix" or
                   "-helix-angles" and "-axis" arguments (if applicable).
                   (Consequently this argument can be supplied together with
                    the "-helix", "-helix-angles", and "-axis" arguments.)

    -in coords.raw
            The "-in" argument allows you to specify the name of a file with
            coordinates, instead of reading the coordinates from the standard
            input.  (On rare occasions, such as while debugging, this can be
            more convenient.  Most people will have no use for this feature.)


  1. Make a simple polymer, adding "@bond:Backbone" type bonds between "$atom:c2" from each monomer with "$atom:c1" from the next monomer. -bond Backbone c2 c1 < crds.raw >
  1. Make a circular twisted double-stranded DNA model, treating each base-pair as a monomer, and connecting each base-pair monomer with 2 bonds with the next base-pair. This is done using 2 "-bond" commands connecting the "O3p_a" atom with the "P_a" atom (in strand A), and the "P_b" atom with the "O3p_b" atom (from the opposite strand, B). -circular yes -helix 34.2857 \
                 -header 'import ""   #<--defines "BasePair"' \
                 -monomer-name "BasePair" \
                 -polymer-name "Plasmid" \
                 -bond Backbone O3p_a   P_a \
                 -bond Backbone P_b   O3p_b \
                 < dna_basepair_CM_coords.raw \

If you want to control the sequence of the polymer, replace the "-monomer-name" argument with "-sequence sequence.txt".

Python API

It is possible to access the functionality of from within python. To do that, you can create arrays of coordinates and python strings containing the names of the monomers in the polymer (see below). Then use GenPoly.WriteLTFile() create a file in MOLTEMPLATE (.LT) format. (If you prefer, the text in that file can be redirected to a python string using StringIO. In this way it is not necessary to read or write files to the file system.)

However, (as you can probably tell) making this possible within python was an afterthought. Currently, the easy way to do this is to pass the same command line arguments (described above) to GenPoly.ParseArgs() Then invoke the GenPoly.WriteLTFile() function.

However you can also edit the data members of the GenPoly object directly after it is created, instead of using the command-line arguments. The example below demonstrates how to specify the coordinates (coords_multi) and the names of the monomers (name_sequence_multi) so that you don't have specify this information in the argument list (or read any files from the file system). Perhaps in the future, I will clean this up.)*

class GenPoly
    Read coordinates from a file, and generate a list of \"new\" commands
    in moltemplate format with the position of each monomer located
    at these positions, oriented appropriately, with bonds (and angles,
    dihedrals, etc...) connecting successive monomers together.
    By default, only a single polymer is created.
    However this class can create multiple polymers of different lengths.
    The list of coordinates for each polymer are saved separately within
    the "self.coords_multi" member.

Usage example inside python

import math
import numpy as np
import moltemplate

N = 4
# Generate a zig-zag curve containing N points
x_orig = np.array([[i, 0.5*(i%2), 0.0] for i in range(0,N)])

# It's a good idea to generate a smoother version of this curve
# with 21 different positions along the curve (21=number of monomers).
x_new = moltemplate.interpolate_curve.ResampleCurve(x_orig, 21, 0.5)

# Optional:
# We want the spacing between monomers to be 0.332nm per monomer.
x_new *= 0.332 / ((math.sqrt(1+0.5**2)*len(x_orig)) / (len(x_new)-1))

# Now use genpoly_lt.GenPoly to generate an LT file describing
# a coarse-grained DNA molecule placed at all of these locations (x_new).
# (Note: Since there is only one polymer, the "coords_multi"
#  and "name_sequence_multi" arguments contain only one list each.
#  More generally they could contain multiple lists, one for each
#  polymer in the system.  Don't worry about this detail.)

gp = moltemplate.genpoly_lt.GenPoly()
gp.coords_multi = [x_new]

# Now specify the identity of each monomer in the polymer
# (In this case each "monomer" is a DNA base-pair, with names like "AT", "GC".)
gp.name_sequence_multi =[['AT', 'CG', 'GC', 'TA', 'AT', 'CG', 'GC', 'TA',
                          'AT', 'CG', 'GC', 'TA', 'AT', 'CG', 'GC', 'TA',
                          'AT', 'CG', 'GC', 'TA', 'AT']]

# The remaining settings are parsed from an argument list
gp.ParseArgs(['-helix', '34.2857',
              '-bond', 'Backbone', 'f', 'f',
              '-bond', 'Backbone', 'r', 'r',
              '-polymer-name', 'DNA_snippet',
              '-inherits', 'OXDNA2',
              '-header', 'import',
              '-circular', 'no'])

# Generate an .LT file and write it to the terminal (sys.stdout)
import sys