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Clojure 101

This is the presentation done at Inaka as part of its friday's talks. The presentation was built as a Gorilla REPL worksheet.


You can load the worsheet in the online viewer using the following link: Clojure 101.

To be able to edit the worksheet you need to run it locally. First install leiningen (see the instructions below) and then run lein gorilla. This will print some messages to the console and then show a local url where a Gorilla REPL will be running.

Gorilla-REPL: 0.3.3
Started nREPL server on port 54618
Running at http://localhost:54620/worksheet.html .
Ctrl+C to exit.

Open that url in your browser, press CTRL+G CTRL+L and select the file clojure_101.clj.

Installing Leiningen

OS X / Linux

Run the following from the command line:

curl > lein
chmod +x lein
mv lein /usr/local/bin
lein upgrade


Download this script, put it in your path and your done.

Interesting Projects & Resources

  • NightMod - IDE for Games
  • 4Clojure - Solve little Clojure problems. Really useful for learning.
  • TryClojure - Run Clojure code online.


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