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Azure Pipelines Sample App ( Oush Docker image to Azure ACR & deploy it to AKS cluster)

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Test app for demonstrating containerizing web app

Super-simple Node web app for containerization demos


  1. Create an Azure DevOps Organization first

  2. You must have access to an Azure and GitHub account

Instructions to use Azure DevOps , create a Project with Pipeline , push the docker to ACR and deploy to AKS using Azure DevOps Pipeline

  1. First, add the Azure DevOps extension to our cloud shell session:
az extension add --upgrade --name azure-devops
  1. Next, let’s add context for our shell to reference our DevOps organization
az devops configure --defaults organization=
  1. From cloud shell, we must login again, so our account can access Azure DevOps. Follow the prompts in the terminal to proceed with the login process:
az login
  1. create a new DevOps project:
az devops project create --name project1
  1. set the default project to work with:
az devops configure --defaults project=project1
  1. create a resource group, in order to logically organize the Azure resources we’ll create in the proceeding steps:
az group create --name aks-rg --location centralus 
  1. create a service principal to use for our AKS cluster. Our AKS cluster will use this service principal to access the Azure Container Registry and pull container images. IMPORTANT: copy the output of the following command to a notepad, you will need it later:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment

Example: The output includes credentials that you must protect. Be sure that you do not include these credentials in your code or check the credentials into your source control. For more information, see { "appId": "6cdbcbc1-ae3f-4f82-8020-0d4fcd255405", "displayName": "azure-cli-2020-12-17-15-47-39", "name": "http://azure-cli-2020-12-17-15-47-39", "password": "RsHncAbvQq-B9bdj0n-9ZVYan4p2Z4uy", "tenant": "9139da17-5827-48df-81f3-e7122fe090bd" }

  1. create an AKS cluster to deploy our app into (here’s where you use the output from the previous command to paste the “appId” after “–service-principal” and paste the “password” after “–client-secret):
az aks create -g aks-rg -n myakscluster \
   --node-count 1 \
   --service-principal "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
   --client-secret "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" \

create an Azure Container Registry (ACR). This will be the repository for our containers used in AKS. The ACR name will have to be globally unique, meaning nobody in the world can have the same name. Time to get creative:

az acr create -g aks-rg -n jcMyACRforAKS --sku Basic --admin-enabled true

In order to allow AKS to pull images from ACR, we must set our Azure RBAC permissions for the service principal (fill in your unique ACR name here):

ACR_ID=$(az acr show --name jcMyACRforAKS --resource-group aks-rg --query "id" --output tsv)
CLIENT_ID=$(az aks show -g aks-rg -n myakscluster --query "servicePrincipalProfile.clientId" --output tsv)
az role assignment create --assignee $CLIENT_ID --role acrpull --scope $ACR_ID

--> Github clone ( the app) before create a Personal Access Token in GitHub ( settings --> developers --> pat) Github PAT ( 522369d5cddce35ae1d2e192196f92bc5c09e334)

Fork this GitHub repo (open this link in a new tab and click “fork”):

Once forked, clone it down to the terminal session within cloud shell with a “git clone” but change the github username to your username:

~$ git clone<your-github-username-goes-here>/pipelines-sample-app.git

~$ cd pipelines-sample-app

now create a pipeline in Azure DevOps:

az pipelines create --name "pipeline1"
Follow the prompts in your terminal to set up the pipeline:

1st & 2do prompt: Enter your GitHub PAT

3rd prompt: Confirm by entering your github password again; press enter

4th prompt: Enter a service connection name (e.g. pipeline); press enter

5th prompt: Choose [3] to deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service; press enter

6th prompt: Select the k8s cluster you just created; press enter

7th prompt: Choose [2] for the “default” kubernetes namespace; press enter

8th prompt: Select the ACR you just created; press enter

9th prompt: Enter a value for image name (press enter to accept the default); press enter

10th prompt: Enter a value for the service port (press enter to accept the default); press enter

11th prompt: Enter a value for enable review app flow for pull requests (press enter without typing a value)

12th prompt: Choose [1] to continue with generated YAML; press enter

13th prompt: Choose [1] to commit directly to the master branch; press enter

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve created an Azure DevOps Project! Wait about four minutes for the app to build the container, push to ACR, then deploy to AKS.

Access your AKS cluster, by getting the kubeconfig credentials:

az aks get-credentials –-resource-group aks-rg –name myakscluster

--> Merged "myakscluster" as current context in /home/javier/.kube/config

View the Kubernetes resources your project has created:

~$ kubectl get all

Enter to the Web app with the Extrenal IP and port 8080 Example:


Azure Pipelines Sample App ( Oush Docker image to Azure ACR & deploy it to AKS cluster)







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  • Dockerfile 40.5%
  • JavaScript 30.9%
  • Pug 28.6%