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Laravel Make Commands

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This package is aimed to be a suite of artisan commands and tools to help make the work easier.


$ composer require jfheinrich-eu/laravel-make-commands

To publish the assets and config file, run following command:

$ php artisan make-commands:install

This install the config file to [Project root]/app/config/make-commands.php and the stubs to [Project root]/stubs/make-commands.

To install only the config file, use this command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag make-commands-config

To install only the stubs, use this command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag make-commands-assets

Make interface (make-commands:interface)

Creates a new interface in app\Contracts

php artisan make-commands:interface Interface


$ php artisan make-commands:interface TestInterface
$ cat app/Contracts/TestInterface.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Contracts;

interface TestInterface


Make repository (make-commands:repository)

Creates a new repository.

Optionally you can give the model on which the repository should based on. In this case, the command creates a repository with

  • a protected property for the model, which can be created by dependency injection, over the constructor.
  • it create a CRUD skeleton
    • all() : returns all records as a Eloquent collection

    • create(): creates a new record and returns then new record as Eloquent Model. The data for the record will be given by the generic RepositoryDto class as attribute collection.

    • update(): updates a existing record and returns boolean. The data to update will be given by the generic RepositoryDto class as attribute collection.

    • delete(): deletes a existing record and returns boolean. The deletion runs over the primary key.

    • find(): returns a Eloquent model, found by primary key. Is there no record with given primary key, a ModelNotFoundException will be thrown.

The generic class RepositoryDto:



namespace JfheinrichEu\LaravelMakeCommands\Dto;

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

 * @property int $id
 * @property Collection<int,array<string,mixed>> $attributes
final class RepositoryDto extends DataTransferObject
     * @param null|int $id
     * @param null|Collection<int,array<string,mixed>> $attributes
    public function __construct(
        protected ?int $id = null,
        protected ?Collection $attributes = null
    ) {

The attributes property of RepositoryDto gets the required columns from the model as illuminate\Support\Collection.

This collection can be constructed like this:

$dto->setAttributes(collect(['id' => 42, 'email' => 'dummy@localhost.tld']);


$ php artisan make-commands:repository <Repository name> --model=<Modelname>


$ php artisan make-commands:repository UserRepository --model=User


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Repositories

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use JfheinrichEu\LaravelMakeCommands\Dto\RepositoryDto;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;

class TestRepository
    public function __construct(protected User $user) {}

    public function all(): Collection
        return $this->user::all();

     * @inheritdoc
    public function create(RepositoryDto $dto): Model|User
        return $this->user::create($dto->attributes->toArray());

     * @inheritdoc
    public function update(RepositoryDto $dto): bool
        return $this->user->whereId($dto->id)

     * @inheritdoc
    public function delete(int $id): bool
        return $this->user->whereId($id)->delete($id);

     * @inheritdoc
    public function find(int $id): Model| User
        $model = $this->user->find($id)
        if (null == $model)
            throw new ModelNotFoundException("Resource not found");

        return $model;

Make a service (make-commands:service)

Creates a new service class, which can optionally implement a existing interface and can based on a existing repository.

php artisan make-commands:service name [--interface=Interface] [--repository=Repository]


Use existing interface App\Contracts\UserPostInterface

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Contracts;

interface UserPostInterface
	public function get( string|array|null $title, ?int $userId = 0): array|string;
$ php artisan make-commands:service UserPostService --interface=UserPostInterface --repository=UserRepository




namespace App\Services;

use App\Contracts\UserPostInterface;
use App\Repositories\UserRepository;

class UserPostService implements UserPostInterface
    public function __construct(protected UserRepository $userRepository)

    public function get(array|string|null $title,?int $userId = 0): array|string
        // Implementation


Data transfer object (DTO) (make-commands:dto)

Based on the great work of Steve McDougall with his package laraval-data-object-tools.

I extend this package with implementation of „JsonSerializable“.


To generate a new DTO all you need to do is run the following artisan command:

php artisan make-commands:dto MyDto

This will generate the following class: app/Dto/MyDto.php. By default this class will be a final class that implements a DtoContract, which extends JsonSerializable, which enforces two methods

  • toArray so that you can easily cast your DTOs to arrays
  • JsonSerialize so that you can easily serialize your DTOs

If you are using PHP 8.2 however, you will by default get a readonly class generated, so that you do not have to declare each property as readonly.


$ php artisan make-commands:dto MyDto




namespace App\Dto;

use JfheinrichEu\LaravelMakeCommands\Dto\DataTransferObject;

final class MyDto extends DataTransferObject
    public function __construct(
    ) {}

Work with the hydration functionality

To work with the hydration functionality you can either use Laravels DI container, or the ready made facade.

Using the container:

class StoreController
    public function __construct(
        private readonly HydratorContract $hydrator,
    ) {}

    public function __invoke(StoreRequest $request)
        $model = Model::query()->create(
            attributes: $this->hydrator->fill(
                class: ModelObject::class,
                parameters: $request->validated(),

To work with the facade, you can do something very similar:

class StoreController
    public function __invoke(StoreRequest $request)
        $model = Model::query()->create(
            attributes: Hydrator::fill(
                class: ModelObject::class,
                parameters: $request->validated(),

Object Hydration

Under the hood this package uses an EventSauce package, created by Frank de Jonge. It is possibly the best package I have found to hydrate objects nicely in PHP. You can find the documentation here if you would like to see what else you are able to do with the package to suit your needs.

JSON database seeder

The database seeder in this package

  • DatabaseJsonSeeder
  • JsonSeeder

are designed to seed a table from a json data file.


All what you have to do is to integrate DatabaseJsonSeeder in Database\Seeder\DatabaseSeeder

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Database\Seeders;

use Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds\WithoutModelEvents;
use JfheinrichEu\LaravelMakeCommands\Support\Database\Seeder\DatabaseJsonSeeder;

class DatabaseSeeder extends DatabaseJsonSeeder
    use WithoutModelEvents;

    protected array $nonJsonSeeders = [
        // Database\Seeders\MyNonJsonSeeder::class,

     * Seed the application's database.
     * @return void
    public function run(): void

        // run the non JSON seeders

After that, enter the models to be considered by the JsonSeeder into config/make-commands.php and configure the paths to the seeder classes and the seeder data files, below the key seeders. The order of the models must be specified according to the dependencies.

The JsonSeeder classes will be created automatically if they do not exist yet.



return [
     * List of all commands to be registered.
    'commands' => [
    'seeders' => [
        // Path to the seeder classes, must match the namespace Database\Seeders.
	    'path-seeder' => database_path('seeders'),
        // The directory where the data files goes in.
        'path-datafiles' => database_path('seeders/data'),
        // The models which will be used by the JsonSeeder.
        'models' => [

Now you need to create the data files in JSON format. The file name must match the table name of the model.

Here is an example for the User Model.


        "id": 1,
        "name": "Bastard Operator from hell",
        "email": "",
        "email_verified_at": "2023-01-01 12:00:00",
        "password": "$2y$10$9wMEaiSx1KpwmHnbpH33pecbGd/FrRaY5SJXoqhdZ4mZnRVZmv0Ke",
        "two_factor_secret": null,
        "two_factor_recovery_codes": null,
        "remember_token": null
        "id": 2,
        "name": "backend",
        "email": "",
        "email_verified_at": "2023-01-01 13:00:00",
        "password": "$2y$10$VvIem6s7FgZIvdSiGqwG4.i0nEYYC.quHyb6SQkeALxa8lZXQnf6K",
        "two_factor_secret": null,
        "two_factor_recovery_codes": null,
        "remember_token": null

After that, you can run the seeders with

php artisan db:seed

Create JSON datafiles from database (make-commands:seeder-data)

You can create the seeder JSON datafile directly from the database.

Use therefor the command

php artisan make-commands:seeder-data [Model…]


$ php artisan make-commands:seeder-data \App\Models\User \App\Models\UserPost
  App\Models\User(users.json) .............................................................................................................. RUNNING
  App\Models\User(users.json) ........................................................................................................ 74.14 ms DONE

  App\Models\Right(rights.json) ............................................................................................................ RUNNING
  App\Models\Right(rights.json) ....................................................................................................... 2.43 ms DONE

This creates the files users.json and user_posts.json into the configured seeder data directory.



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