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JH Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Season 3

Dragon of Icespire Peak


# Prelude

The sky is dark, and the air is still. A fortress stands proud on the side of a mountain, hugging the side as if holding on for dear life, but the structure is sound, secure, it has stood here for eons and won't falter today. Inside, Ugor, the Orc blacksmith smashes down his hammer to forge a new blade. No doubt that this honed edge will slay many an enemy in it's day. Randigar and Serlink - both larger Orcs than Ugor - are keeping watch on the crenellations outside of the castle. Today is no different from any other day and Randigar and Serlink are both being complacent in their duties, very few souls even know of this place's existence, let alone will plan to attack it.

Ugor smashes his hammer down again with a thud, its resonant chime echoing through the chilled halls of the fortress. Randigar cracks a joke and Serlink laughs, a wolf's howl is heard in the distance.

Ugor raises his masterpiece infront of his beady eyes and examines his fine work, he is proud of the edge he has created and it should serve his Orc master well in combat. He dips it into a vat of water with a sharp hissing sound to quench the blade.

Serlink has said something to Randigar that he doesn't like and they start to fall out, they turn away from each other for a little while. As they have nothing better to do, they quickly reconsile and are back to poking fun at each other again.

The air outside begins to howl, it is not unusual for the wind to pick up from time to time up in the mountains, and doesn't cause any concern to inhabitant Orcs. With a sharp blow, the wind howls through into Ugor's room and blows out a few of his candles. He grunts and gets up reluctantly, he carefully relights his candles allowing him to see the room clearly again.

Ugor turns sharply.

He heard something...

Something big.

What sounded like a huge beast roaring in the distance, and almost what sounds like, flapping perhaps?

Randigar heard it too and tells Serlink to be quiet with a sharp hit to his chest. He freezes and points to the sky. Serlink tries to follow his stubby green finger to see where he is pointing, he sees what Randigar sees - heading straight towards them - and his eyes narrow...

Session 01 - 27/02/2020

Chapter 1


The frontier town of Phandalin is built on the ruins of a much older settlement. Hundreds of years ago, the old Phandalin was a thriving human town whose people were firmly aligned with the neighboring Dwarves and Gnomes. Then an Orc horde swept through the area and laid waste to the settlement, and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries.

In the last three or four years, settlers from the cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep have begun the hard work of reclaiming the ruins of Phandalin. The new settlement is home now to farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, and prospectors drawn by stories of gold and platinum in the foothills of the Sword Mountains.

The heroes are currently sat in the town green, reminiscing about their adventurers of past. Marlade, the Human Cleric is currently telling them all how great the god Savras is, but the other two do not seem interested at all. An Elf Bard, Sasha, is currently tuning her prized lute that she inherited from her noble family. The last member of this party, a hulking Goliath Barbarian named Minogar Threefury towers over them both, laughing at Marlade's futile attempts at conversion.

Harbin Wester, a sorry looking, podgy man is making his way as fast as his feeble body would allow him to shuffle towards the heroes. As he arrives, out of breath, he makes a shrewd comment about how they are "supposedly" adventurers and mentions how he only knows about them thanks to his townsfolk letting him know they are in the area.

He does have a quest to offer the group, however, and offers it forcefully, being too excitable to even wait for a response.

"Ah you must be the would-be adventurers I keep hearing the people gossip about, but I have need your help with an issue, and it must be kept hush-hush as it were" he exclaims with his posh dialect and an inflection of superiority.

"Well, you see, its the farmer's son, he has gone missing" he says with a slight frown which could be mistaken for genuine concern, but is really for his own image than that of the well being of the boy.

He mutters something to himself, forgetting that he is within earshot "Ever since that night when they came...". He realises quickly that he is not alone, "Oh, sorry! Where was I, ignore that, ahem!"

"Hes gone missing, yes, and I need you to search for the poor boy, he must
be so scared, out
there on his own,
poor thing, poor
thing. I would ask
around the town
if I were you,
something about
where he would have
got too. I would do it
myself of course, but
you know, the old
gammy leg playing up
again HAHA, the old
leg you see" \page

Harbin lifts up the bottom of his leg to show the party, it is grim. Sasha recoils slightly and wishes she hadn't looked.

Excitedly, he says "Thanks again, for doing this, just remember I will be in my house if you need me, do let me know when you have found him"

He pauses for a second and says "There will of course be, a reward" gesturing with his hands to indicate financial reward, but doesn't say how much.

Harbin retreats back to the Townmaster's hall as quickly as he came out, onto the next important task he has to do that day.

The group are left a little bewildered by that encounter, but decide to carry out his wishes and ask around town, they head over to the Stonehill Inn first.

Stonehill Inn

The Stonehill Inn is the main Inn in Phandalin (but not the only one) it is a family ran business consisting of the Father, Toblen Stonehill, his wife Trilena, and their son Pip.

Often, only the Parents are the ones running the Inn, as Pip is too young to be of much help, he is often found playing in the streets of Phandalin with his best friend Carp.

Chapter 2


Inside the Inn, the heroes are greeted with a warm atmosphere and a cosy decor. There is a man sitting alone nursing a pint and two men further into the Inn engaged in conversation, one of them looking like a knight.

Behind the bar are the two owners of the establishment, Toblen and his wife Trilena, looking at the heroes who have just entered.

Marlade immediately goes to sit with the drunk looking man, possibly due to his clerical nature in wanting to help the sick and down trodden. The other two head over to the bar and speak to Toblen.

Minogar walks up to the bar, hunching his back slightly to fit under the comparitively low ceiling, he begins talking to the barkeep - Toblen. He orders 5 ales and pays with a single gold piece. This slightly irks Toblen as he has to go the register and get lots of change out to give back to the goliath.

Sasha asks about the missing boy, Toblen and his wife mention that they didn't even realise the boy was missing.

The heroes tell the couple that the missing boy is the farmer's son but do not know his name.

"Ah, the farmer's boy is named Carp, he plays with our son Pip a lot. To be honest I haven't actually seen him for a couple of days, I never twigged that he had gone missing!" Trilena continues, "You should talk to our son Pip, he is out on the Town Green last I checked!"

The pair take their drinks and turn to sit with the knight and the farmer.

Meanwhile, Marlade is trying to talk to the drunk, but is not making much progress. The drunk is slurring his words and rocking back and forth. "A boy?", the drunk exclaims, "Missing in where you say?"

Marlade groans and continues his endeavour.

Sasha and Minogar have not been noticed by the Knight and Farmer who are talking between themselves, and so they interupt the Knight who is currently talking. He tries to ignore them initially and carry on his conversation, but the pair are persistent and he turns to them, "Do you mind? We are trying to have a conversation here, can you not find somewhere else to sit?".

They ask the knight who he is and what gives him the right to speak to them like that.

"I am a knight of Neverwinter", he says churlishly, "On official business by Lord Dagult Neverember, I am not about to disclose it to peasants such as yourselves. Now if you will excuse me."

He turns back to the farmer and continues his conversation. The adventurers try to instead appeal to the farmer and persuade him to begin a dialog. They ask him about the missing farmer's boy.

"Carp has gone missing?", he asks with a panic, "How long has he been gone?". The pair tell him two days, "Two days?! Wait. Are you sure? He can't have been missing that long. I saw him on the farm yesterday... I was helping him tend to the fields."

They tell him that they are sure he is missing, but he cannot aid them with any information other than what they already know. So they go and sit back with Marlade.

Marlade's patience had grown very thin with the drunken man by this point, however, and he grabs him by the scruf of his neck and leads him out of the Inn. The group follow in a hurry.

A seemingly possessed Marlade, looks around frantically on the doorstep of the inn. He asks the group if they know of any body of water nearby, but they do not. In the center of the town he notices a shrine with a lady kneeling infront of it.

Dragging the reluctant drunk over to the shrine, he notices something odd about the shrine. \page

Shrine of Luck

In the centre of Phandalin is a small outdoor shrine in the shape of a female with her eyes closed. It is dedicated to the goddess Tymora - the goddess of luck - the shrine was built by an inhabitant of the town in order to make it easier to worship.

Angrily, Marlade quickly changes course when he realises the prayer bowl that the elf lady was using is not big enough for what he wants.

Confused, the other two follow him as he drags the poor drunk in the direction of Phandalin's farm.

At the farm, still possessed and quick tempered, Marlade comes up to a water trough - intended for the horses - and throws the drunk down.

Mercilessly, the cleric grabs the back of the drunkards scalp and forces him down into the water, the drunk begins to drown. Nearing his last breath, Marlade lifts his head back out of the water and asks him his name.

Due to this treacherous scenario the drunk finds himself in, he quickly sobers up. "Lanar!! My name is Lanar!!" he exclaims.

Again, the cleric dunks the hapless man, and the other two look on at this spectacle.

Marlade asks him repeatadly where the boy is hidden. Lanar begs the cleric "I do not know, I do not know".

But Marlade isn't satisfied, he knows that Lanar knows something... And will not stop until he knows it too.

This tortuous exercise continues for what seems like an eternity to Lanar, and eventually, he relents. "The boy! The boy! They have taken him into the cave! Please thats all i know!". Marlade asks him who has taken to the cave, "They will kill me if I tell you, I can't".

Back under the water Lanar goes, as Marlade shoves his head down once again. Upon surfacing Lanar trembles, "Please! Please! Im telling you thats all I know, these cultists in black robes took him from the farm! They went into a cave, but I was too scared to follow! Please! I am but a coward!"

Marlade stops, feeling pity and a little disgust for the poor man. The group decide to keep Lanar with them and head to the cave, Lanar is forced to lead the way.

Chapter 3


Lanar leads the group to the base of the woods south of the ruins of Tresendar Manor.

Tresendar Manor

More of a castle than a house, Tresendar Manor stands at the east edge of town on a low hillside amid woods and thickets. The ancient manor has long been abandoned, and is completely open to the elements nowadays.

As they approach the woods, they see a campfire, reduced to embers. Huddled around this campfire, laughing and snickering, are three Goblins. They are far enough away not to have noticed the adventures, who ready their weapons for combat.

Sasha contemplates what to do for a second and decides to rush in and attack the nearest Goblin with all the might she could muster.

Unfortunately, being a humble bard her attack glances on the Goblin's armor causing no damage and angering it and his accomplices.

Seeing this, Minogar launches a javelin towards the Goblins but it lands short. Meanwhile, Marlade decides to start concentrating on a spell to buff his allies.

The Goblins immediately start wailing on the poor Bard, knocking her unconscious in seconds and one turns his attention to Minogar.

Sasha begins to fade away into the abyss, and Minogar rushes in - his blood boiling. Taking his mighty greataxe in both hands he brings it down hard on the nearest goblin, who is cleft in twain.

Marlade fires his crossbow from distance, and launches an arrow like a bullet straight into the eye of another Goblin, killing it instantly.

Sensing her time is short, Minogar drags Sasha back to the group and Marlade plants his shield in the dirt between her and the remaining Goblin.

Lanar rushes in seeing Sasha's condition to stabalise her.

Sasha is still unconscious, but thanks to the other two's tremendous bravery, it looks like she might make it.

The remaining Goblin ponders for a second and sees his accomplices dead on the forest floor, he decides to turn tail and run away.

Still raging, Minogar charges through the forest javelin in hand and blood in his eyes for the fleeing Goblin. The Goblin manages to run about 10 feet before it lands right through his vital organs and pins him to the ground. The Goblin writhes for a few seconds, then becomes motionless.

Marlade is tending to Sasha's wounds with his medical kit and manages to just about stabilise her. She gets up slowly, still gravely wounded, but it looks like she has made it and is still alive. For now...

The group turn their attention towards the woods, how will they be press on now? \page


## Session 02 - 05/03/2020 ### Chapter 4 ##### Cave

The group decide to head towards the cave, but first they check the bodies of the goblins. One of the goblins has a pouch of gold, which the name "Jayon" written on it, presumably stolen. Another has a letter which reads:


Take Jogtigs and Pymat and position yourself at the southern most point of Tresendar Woods, do not allow any intruders past this point, lest they find the entrance to our hideout.

I do not need to tell you that our operations would be in jeopardy if we were to be found out.

Once again, if you let me down once more, the punishment is death... So don't!


Pondering the note, the group pause and look around for more threats, before realising that the letter is addressed to the goblins that they had killed.

Lanar leads the group through the woods north and they arrive at the mouth of the cave, Lanar complains that without a weapon he is defenseless. The group don't really want to arm their captive, but give him one of the goblin's schimitars to shut him up, the group light torches and peer inside.

A cold breeze fills the large natural cavern, carrying with it the faint scent of decaying flesh. A crevasse divides the cavern and is flanked by two rough stone columns that support the twenty foot high ceiling. Two arched wooden bridges span the chasm. There appears to be bones of some description to the east of the chasm, between the two bridges.

The group listen and can hear the faint sounds of torture and various magical effects.

Minogar bravely heads down a corridor to his left on his own, at the end of the corridor he sees two doors, one to his left leading south and one to his right to the north. He decides to listen at the southern door, but cannot hear anything on the other side.

He then walks over to the northern door, and listens again, inside this room he hears people shouting and what sounds like the same people playing a game involving dice - it sounds like they are merry and one of them has just lost a lot of money.

The rest of the group decide to head a bit further north back in the cave and head down another corridor, also heading left. This corridor also has two doors at the end of it, both pointing north and south. They use Sasha to send messages between themselves and deduce that the southern door for them may link to the door that Minogar is listening too.

The group listen to their door, the one pointing south, and also hear the game being played that Minogar could hear, but louder.

They decide that they should do a pincer movement and both sides prepare to burst through their respective doors with intent to kill whoever is inside.

Minogar bursts into the room and sees
several worn tables and chairs scattered around
this large room. Wooden benches are drawn
up against walls decorated with
draperies of brown and red, and
several ale kegs are propped up and
tapped. Four human figures wearing
robes of purple and black are gathered
around one of the tables. A stack of
coins and trinkets is heaped upon the
tabletop between them.

He throws a javelin at the
closest figure and hits him in the
neck, the human proceeds to bleed
to death, Minogar also takes his axe
and slices the head off another in
a brutal display of barbaric rage.
The unfortunate human's head
rolls over to the other two cultists,
who appear to be drunk and don't
quite realise what is happening

The rest of the group burst
into the room and Marlade
puts his crossbow point
blank to back of the head
of one of the remaining two cultists. He
fires but it jams, and he instead whacks the human in the head with the butt of his crossbow.

Lanar lifts his schimitar high above his head and attempts to attack the remaining cultist, but can barely swing it and misses.

Sasha stabs the one that Marlade hit earlier with her longsword and kills him, she then throws a dagger at the other one and hits him right between the eyes, killing him instantly.

The group collect themselves and search the bodies, they hold nothing of value but the game they were playing sure does. It looks like the cultists were playing a game involving betting and there is a lot of money on the table, which the group take. \page

Chapter 5


After their resounding victory the group are feeling fearless and confident, they head to the door Minogar found to the south, and Sasha listens to it.

She recoils slightly and says she can hear a language being spoken that she cannot understand, and it sounds demonic.

Knowing Abyssal, Marlade puts his ear to the door and hears the following conversation between three people, which he translates to the group:

Person 1: "Why did he capture that boy, he is going to expose the lot of us?"
Person 2: "Silence, Iarno knows what he is doing, he obviously has plans for that retched scoundrel"
Person 3: "Yeah, hopefully use him to clean up around here, this place is a mess, or at least sacrafice the insulent whelp, get some use out of him"
Person 1: "But how can you trust Iarno when he couldn't even keep his old master alive?"
Person 2: "Nezznar was weak and short sighted, we are much better serving under (unintelliagable demonic words), he will bring the dawn of a new age!"
Person 1: "I hope you are right, for all our sakes..."

Marlade then kicks the door down, miraculously the inhabitants do not notice, he sees a barracks that contains four roughly built wooden bunks. In the centre of the room is a pile of skulls surrounded by dimly lit candles. Four humanoids in hooded cloaks are stood equal distance around the skulls, murmurring under their breath.

Marlade attacks the nearest one, and shoots a bolt at the back of his head, the cultists barely flinches as blood trickles down the back of his neck from the arrow, the cultist slowly turns around and Marlade sees his face, the stench of death fills the room and his horrifying visage is burned into Marlade's mind forever. The cultist's appearance is that of a corpse, his eyes milky white and his jaw dropped slightly on his dark grey wrinkled face, the purple magic eminating from the skull in the centre of the room spirals around the four cultists and almost appears to be propping them up.

The cultist lets out a demonic shout and fires purple lightning from his fingers, hitting Marlade. Marlade is raised up into the air and cannot move an inch.

Sasha then tries to come to Marlade's aid and throws a dagger at the cultist, hitting it in the eye and sticking there. The cultist just tips his head to the side and throws the same purple lightning at Sasha, she takes her longsword and deflects the blast but is knocked backwards.

Another cultists turns towards the elf and also casts the purple lightning, unfortunately, Sasha is not quick enough to deflect again and is suspended in the air, suffering the same fate as Marlade.

Minogar goes into the room and attacks, Lanar sees his oppurtunity and says "I told you they would kill me!" and runs back into the cave, abandoning the party.

The barbarian takes his axe and slams it into the cultist's torso with all his might, it gets lodged into it's torso and the cultist screams demonic noises and launches Minogar into the air with purple lightning. The whole party is now suspended in the air, paralyzed.

The cultist slowly removes all the weapons embedded into his body and throws them to the ground, he begins to speak common - laughing at the party. He hovers over to Marlade, "Your gods can't save you now, cleric!", his speech is gutterall and deep, otherworldly. With a thud he knocks out Marlade and releases him from the spell, the cleric lands in a heap on the floor, out cold.

The demonic cultist then turns to Sasha, "Aren't you a bit far from home, little elf?", and knocks her out same as Marlade. Finally he turns to Minogar, "Big and strong Goliath, where did that get you?", and knocks him out all the same.

All the group can see is blackness, the eternal void. They can hear something though...

They hear gnashing, scraping, the clanging of weapons and demonic screams, they hear sounds of slaughter but also the unmistakeable sound of dragon fire.

Marlade is awoken, not by his own accord but by the figure currently looming over him. As his vision focuses, he sees a Red Dragonborn clad in plate armor kneeling over him, "Are you OK friend?" the Dragonborn asks, his voice harsh but kind.

Marlade sits up and the Dragonborn goes over to Sasha, he places his hand on her chest and Marlade swears he can see his hand glow when he does this, Sasha slowly sits up, dazed and confused.

Finally, the Dragonborn goes to
Minogar and helps him up, the group
stand up and dust themselves down.
They are still in the same room as the
cultists, but it looks like they met their
end, they are in pieces scattered
around the room. The glowing skull
from earlier is now faintly
humming pink and there
appears to be no more
magic in the air. \page

Chapter 6


The Dragonborn speaks to the party, "Hello, my name is Urzal, Urzal Desecrate - I am a Paladin of the Lord's Alliance. I have been following you since you left Phandalin, you see I have been tasked with finding the leader of these cultists - the Zhentarim - and bringing him to justice for his crimes in Neverwinter. My findings lead me to this hideout and I saw you taking on those Goblins earlier. I must say I was impressed how you handled them, especially you Goliath! It is a good job I was following you, you didn't stand a chance against these four, they were casting a Ritual of Undeath and were effectively immortal. I would advise you to exercise a little more caution when travelling around hideouts or dungeons you aren't familiar with!"

Urzal lets out a hearty laugh, the group decide to stick together with the Paladin, and head north past the other cultists they killed earlier and listen to the northen most door. Urzal hears bubbling coming from the room and is confused but says he feels like he can almost hear the sound of a small boy sobbing. The group exclaim that they are searching for a small boy, and Marlade goes to kick the door in.

Urzal rages and stops Marlade from lurching forward, "What are you doing?! We need to be more stealthy in this place if we are to be successful! Tyr's sake, how did you get this far in this dungeon doing that?!". The Dragonborn turns back to the door and advises the group open it slowly and peer in, as they can't possibly know what is inside.

Sasha slowly pokes her head in, she sees a room that appears to be a wizard's workshop. There is a large worktable set up with alembics, retorts, distillation coils and other alchemical devices, all of it stewing and bubbling away. Bookshelves are crowded with sheaves of parchment and strange-looking tomes. In the corner of the room is a small cage, with a boy stuffed into it, barely fitting, he is looking down and hasn't noticed the party.

Urzal the barbarian - or is it paladin now?

Urzal was a member of an adventuring party who five years ago set out to find the Lost Mine of Phandelver and recover the Forge of Spells before an evil drow mage named Nezznar could take it for himself.

Back then, he was a Barbarian and often consumed by rage, it appears that since then he has found strength in the light and has taken an oath to become a paladin, although he still carries his trusty two-handed axe named Carn, perhaps his old Barbaric tendencies haven't completely left him after all?

Marlade looks around the alchemy table and pockets some items he think may be of use in the future, Sasha goes over to the boy in the cage, but he is unresponsive with his head down.

She tries to open the cage but as soon as her hand touches the cage, it passes through as though it isn't there, she realises the cage is sealed with a spell, they will have to find the mage that cast it.

The group see a door to another room next to the cage, they start to listen to it, Marlade decides to back track through the dungeon and try and create a pincer situation again.

Minogar listens to the door and can hear two voices, but cannot totally make out what is being said, one is completely foreign to him, but one seems to sound like Lanar...

Chapter 7


As Marlade heads back into the original cave entrance he tries to cross a chasm in the cave using a rickety bridge, it feels very unstable as he crosses but he makes it to the other side, he then heads north into a store room.

This area is the north end of the large natural cavern, but it has been finished with dressed stone block walls and a flagstone floor. Several barrels are stored against the walls here, along with a number of empty crates, straw for packing, hammers, pry bars, and nails.

Marlade takes some of the hammers for later and inspects the room, as it appears to be a dead end.

To his left however, he sees light peering through the wall in the shape of a door, it is a secret door made of stone!

The rest of the group are still listening to the other door, and decide to turn the handle to see if it is unlocked. The door is unlocked, but Sasha turning the handle alerts the occupants inside! "Who goes there?" one of them shouts.

With little options left, the group decide to just burst in and try to surprise the occupants. Inside they see a bedchamber walls of which are covered with drapes of scarlet cloth. The furnishings include a small writing desk with matching chair, a comfortable-looking bed, and a wooden chest at the foot of the bed. Standing to their left is a short, dark-bearded human male in robes, he wears a princely mantle of ermine. A beautiful glass staff is in his hands and he is speaking to none other than Lanar.

Lanar's eyes narrow and thinks fast
"Please save me heroes, this mage
has me captive!".

Marlade meanwhile, tries to
open the door he found, but is
struggling to find the

Urzal attacks the mage
first, but the mage swiftly
moves out of the way of
his greataxe, the mage
casts a spell on himself
using a staff and he begins
to glow with a blue aura,
almost like armour. The
mage then retaliates by
casting purple magic missiles at
Urzal, but they deflect off his
armour. \page

Minogar then rages and follows up behind Urzal attacking the mage, he lands a decisive hit and the mage reels backwards.

Suddenly, Lanar gets enraged by this and starts to change...

His skin turns dark blue and his eyes become a solid orange, he begins to growl uncontrollably and attacks Minogar with claws. Minogar is able to endure the first swipe thanks to his rock hard endurance afforded to him from his Goliath ancestry, and moves out of the way of the second swipe.

Marlade is still struggling with the stone door, he curses as he can hear his friends engaged in combat inside.

Chapter 8


Urzal slashes at the monstrosity that was once Lanar and shouts "Doppelganger!!" as his axe slashes in the direction of the doppelganger, it lurches backwards and avoids the hit.

Minogar aids Urzal and lands a hit on the doppelganger, it lets out a scream and grabs Minogar and begins brutally slashing with it's claws.

With a thud, Minogar falls to the ground gravely wounded, and unconscious from blood loss. Urzal kneels down, Sasha sees his hand begin to glow as he places it on Minogar's chest. With renewed vigor, Minogar rises again.

Sasha tries to keep the mage busy while this is happening and attacks with her shortsword, mortally wounding him, the mage drops to his knees.

Minogar then swings his axe at the doppelganger once again, slicing his left arm clean off. Sasha follows up and stabs at it's other arm with her dagger, sticking it in it's bicep.

Marlade meanwhile, gets angry at not being able to budge the door and cries out for power from his chosen deity - Savras. Suddenly, he is granted immense strength and shatters the stone door to pieces, he expects to see group but instead sees another stone wall.

To his right leading down a staircase, he sees another stone door, he curses and begins to open that one same as before.

The doppelganger is now foaming at the mouth and lashes out at Minogar with his lone arm, his claws dig into the Goliath's flesh and Minogar lets out a roar. Urzal places his hand on Minogar's shoulder and heals the damage, he nods at Minogar.

Minogar nods back, and lifts his axe swiftly from the ground, striking the doppelganger, who staggers backwards. The doppelganger taunts the group using Lanar's voice "You wouldn't hurt poor Lanar, now would you? Think of all the fun we had!"

The barbarian roars loudly and brings the axe back down, severing the head from the body of the doppelganger, it's head rolls along the floor and the body remains still for a second, before slumping into a heap. The head says it's final words and mouths obscenities towards Minogar.

Marlade manages to open the second stone door, this one is much easier than the first, he bursts in and shoots the kneeling mage in the back. "Gah, I submit! I submit! Please don't kill me!" The mage shouts.

Marlade tells the mage to start talking and to say who he is.

"My names, Iarno, Iarno Glasstaff - I will tell you anything, please. As long you spare me, I will tell you, please!"

Session 03 - 03/04/2020

Chapter 9


The group begin to interogate the mage, Minogar says to start talking.

"What do you want to know?!", Iarno pleads.

Minogar asks the mage who he is working for.

"They call themselves the 'Zhentarim' they wanted a base of operations in Phandalin, so I obliged."

Minogar asks who the Zhentarim are.

"I do not truly know!", Iarno exclaims "They threatened me if I did not cooperate!"

Minogar asks where the Zhentarim are now. Iarno looks confused and says they are in this very hideout, "How have you not come across any before now?!"

Minogar asks if those cultists they met earlier with the skull are Zhentarim.

"They are the Zhentarim 'Undying', they use young boys to keep themselves alive using their lifeforce, if all you saw was a skull, they must have been using that poor soul for a while now..."

Minogar then grows tired of these questions and hits the mage in the face with his pommel. Urzal growls at Minogar and says they should keep him alive for questioning. The goliath moans about having to keep the mage alive and gets the mage to remove his robes. Iarno complies and drops his staff and robes to the floor and stands there in his boxers, shivering. Sasha plays her flute mockingly while the mage undresses.

Marlade shows no remorse and takes the glasstaff and robes for himself.

Minogar asks the mage if there are any Zhentarim left in the hideout. Iarno grows visibly annoyed and says "How can I possibly know that?!". He pauses for a moment and asks, "Well how many have you lot killed so far?".

Marlade ignores the mage's question and changes the subject, he asks if the doppelganger that was Lanar was created by the mage.

"No, he was given to me as an aide to do my bidding... I guess he won't be doing that anymore..." \page

Marlade asks the mage why he is here, and why he would need the aid of the Zhentarim.

"Many years ago, I used to work for another. His name was Nezznar and he had great plans for this land. He set out to hunt for "the forge of spells" a long forgotten enchanted forge that could empower any weapon. Before he could find it however, a band of adventurers destroyed him, mercilessly... I seek to avenge him and bring him back from the eternal void...". The mage turns to the dragonborn and says, "I'm sure you know this story well... Urzal."

Urzal lowers his head and looks back up at the group, he explains that he was a part of that adventuring group and killed Nezznar, he explains that if Nezznar were to be resurrected, it would not be a good thing for the town.

Marlade turns to Urzal and asks what he plans to do with the mage.

"I will take him back to Neverwinter, to the Hall of Justice to stand before Lord Dagult Neverember for his crimes."

Sasha reminds the group about the boy, and asks the mage if he knows how to release him from the cage. Iarno explains that he is the one who locked the cage, and only he knows the incantation to release the boy.

Minogar notices a chest at the base of the bed in the room they are in, he goes over to it and opens it. Inside, he finds a load of gold and silver, aswell as silk pouch which contains jewels and a lustrious pearl. He investigates the chest further, and sees two parchments at the bottom. He takes them out and looks over them. Both are marked with a green wax seal that says "Property of Neverwinter", one is a scroll of charm person, the other is a scroll of fireball.

He tries to quickly pocket them, but Urzal asks what he has found. Minogar decides to be honest about what he has found, and shows them to the dragonborn. He does try to show it from far away to avoid the dragonborn seeing the mark, but Urzal asks to see them closer.

"Is that the mark of Lord Dagult?!" the dragonborn says, "Ordinarily I would take these back to Neverwinter, but I feel you may need these with time. I will allow you to keep them."

Minogar asks if this means they are stolen, and Urzal replies saying that they must be if this grubby mage managed to get his hands on them.

Chapter 10


Sasha, Minogar and Urzal decide to take Iarno forcefully back into the previous room and free the boy.

Minogar keeps Iarno restrained and Sasha gets Iarno to free the boy from his prison.

"If I free the boy, then I am of no use to you, how do I know you won't just kill me when my use to you has expired?"

Urzal says that his fate will only be decided by Lord Neverember, and he swears they will not harm the mage as long as he is cooperative.

Minogar also says to the mage that he has little options, and to just get on with it. Sasha threatens the mage with her sword, and Iarno goes up to the cage. He touches the cage and it falls away into nothingness. The boy in the cage, still unresponsive falls backwards onto the cold floor.

Sasha runs over and checks the boy. She deduces that he is alive, but not responding to any external stimuli. Urzal says that he believes it is important to get this boy to safety as quick as possible.

Minogar asks Urzal to try to heal the boy, Urzal goes up to the boy and places his scaly hand on his chest, but quickly withdraws it back. "This seems to be more than just a simple spell..." Urzal says, he looks extremely concerned.

The goliath turns to Iarno and demands to know what is wrong with the boy. "I, I don't know! The Zhentarim cast the spell on him, I only locked him away! I swear!"

Minogar asks the mage if the Zhentarim are doing to the boy what they were doing to the skull in the other room. "I don't believe so," Iarno explains "So far, I have only observed them practicing undeath magic on those recently deceased, as this boy is alive, they can't be as far as I know!"

Urzal now restrains Iarno as Minogar carries the boy, the group rush out of the dungeon as fast as they can.

Chapter 11


Meanwhile, Mirazumin, an Elf Ranger is being accompanied by one of the town's guards, Marcus. They have also been asked by the Townmaster - Harbin Wester - to search for the missing boy. Their search has also lead them to the cave entrance, just as the other group come rushing outside.

Minogar sees them approaching and asks what they are doing here, he asks if they are with the enemy. Mira says that he is not associated with this mage at all, and explains that the townmaster asked them to come. Mira turns to the dragonborn and speaks his name, recognising him.

Urzal puts down the mage and laughs, "Mira! Long time no see!". Minogar turns to Urzal and asks if he knows this elf, "Yes, very well!" Urzal says "He helped us to defeat Nezznar back in the day!".

"I knew I recognised you, pitiful elf," Iarno fumes.

Mira says to Urzal that he always used to try and kill his pet, and still hasn't forgiven him for that one.


Urzal approaches Mira's panther - Misty - and pats it's head, giving Mira a wink, "Ah, it was all in good fun" and chuckles to himself.

Minogar notices that during this exchange, another figure has been approaching the group - from a distance it looks like it is in fully clad armour.

The goliath shouts out to the figure to identify itself, and as the figure walks closer they see that it is indeed a knight, and is none other than Justice Keenseeker, the knight they met in the inn earlier.

"Hail heroes, it is I, Justice Keenseeker, I see you have found the missing boy!" Justice laughs, "Urzal, I knew I could count on you!"

"Thank you sir," Urzal bows whilst Minogar sighs and rolls his eyes.

Sasha complains to the knight that she feels the group are missing out on a little credit here.

"Of course, where are my manners!" as Justice hands a note to Minogar, who proceeds to read it in a silly voice and annoys Justice. Minogar says it is revenge for him not letting him finish his pint.

Lord Dagult,

I believe I may have solved your "Thundertree" issue.

These adventurers have displayed great bravery in the town of Phandalin and I have sent them to your city for you to meet them for yourselves.

Signed, Sir Justice Keenseeker

"It is a knight's commendation," Justice continues "If you ever find yourselves visiting the great city of Neverwinter, show this to one of the guards and they will take you straight to Lord Dagult, as you have shown great bravery on this day, I believe you are the ones who can help him..."

Sasha pipes up after inspecting the boys condition and warns the group that he still needs to be seen to.

Urzal and Justice advise the group to take the boy back into town to his mother, they proceed to take Iarno away and head back to Neverwinter.

Marlade goes up to the boy and tries to see what magic has affected the boy, he believes the boy has been cursed in some way and that a potion of healing may help.

Sadly, the group do not possess a single one.

Sasha turns to Marcus and asks who he is.

He looks annoyed and says he is the person here to do a job that the group do not seem to have done properly, he also scolds the group for the way they spoke to the knight earlier. He is at least impressed that the boy is still alive at least.

Marlade again tries to heal the boy, but it appears to make his condition worse, Marcus shouts at Marlade saying the machinations of his spell are not doing the boy any good.

Minogar comes in and asks what does Marcus suggest them to do, and Marcus shrugs but says that they need to act quickly, whatever they decide to do. Minogar goes over and picks up the boy, as Sasha is growing weary and the group head back into Phandalin in the direction of the farm.

Chapter 12


The group arrive back at Alderleaf farm and see the familiar cottage with its red roof, smoke slowly seeping out the chimney. However, the curtains are all drawn and when they try the door they discover it is locked.

Minogar knocks loudly on the wooden frame, shouting that they have the boy and to let them in.

"I don't believe you, go away", a small raspy old ladylike voice cries out from inside. "I've lost my boy, let me grieve in peace."

Sasha goes up to the door and tries to persuade the old woman to let them inside, her kind words resonate with the old woman and she decides to open the door slowly.

As the door opens, Sasha sees nothing before her, confused, she then looks down and sees a small halfling woman standing there with tears down her face. Sasha turns to allow the woman to see Minogar carrying the boy and explains that while they have saved the boy, he is still very unwell.

The group ask who she is, "I am Qelline, Qelline Alderleaf, I am this boy's mother and I run the Alderleaf farm!"

The little woman is initially excited to see her boy once more, but quickly returns to being solemn once realising the state he is in. Sasha asks if the woman has any potions of healing that they could try, and she leaps into action and starts looking around her house for any potions.

She comes back to the group with her head hanging, saying she thought she had some, but alas has none left. "I know!" she shouts, "You could visit Barthen in town, he normally sells potions and what-not!"

The group decide to leave the boy with his mother and head over to Barthen's Provisions.

Chapter 13


Arriving outside they see a rather large building, Barthen's is the biggest tradepost in Phandalin . It's shelfs stock most ordinary goods and supplies, including backpacks, bedrolls, rope, and rations. The place is open from sunup to sundown.

With door being left ajar, the group head inside and see a bald man with a small white beard behind the counter, it is Elmar Barthen, the shopkeeper, he greets them with a hearty hello.

He recognises Marcus and asks how the town guard is doing. Marcus says things could be better but still good, he tells Elmar. He also lets Elmar know they have found the missing boy, but that he appears to be cursed.

Minogar asks Elmar to help the group, "I don't how I could be of help im afraid, I know very little about curses," Elmar explains.

Sasha says he can help by selling them a potion of healing, "Ah, yes... well normally I would... but you see... my shipment hasn't arrived. And to be honest, it hasn't arrived for a while now. Normally I get a shipment say, once a week from an old lady who brews them just south of the town at Umbrage hill. But no-one has heard from her for weeks."

The group seem bewildered that an old woman has not been heard from for a while and no-one has done anything about it, but decide to head south to get some potions! \page

### Chapter 14 ##### Umbrage

Built on the slope of Umbrage Hill is an old stone windmill surrounded by an iron fence. A large winged monster with a spiky tail is trying to knock down the windmill’s front door. A woman appears in a second-floor window, waves at the group, and yells, “A little help?!”

The group stand well back, the beast has not spotted them yet. Minogar turns to Mira and asks if she knows what it is. He recognises it as a Manticore, a ferocious beast that is strange to be spotted so close to a human settlement, he explains that some are known to speak common and that if they were to attack it chances are it would not end well for them.

“Manticores love the taste of human flesh. That’s why, on trips through the mountains, I always travel with human guards.”

Marthok Uldarr, dwarf copper merchant

Marlade nudges Sasha and says she should be the one to talk to the Manticore. The group all move forward and shove Sasha ahead slightly. The manticore stops attacking the door and slowly turns to the group.

The manticore begins to step towards the group and Marcus shouts asking it to leave the door alone. It explains that it needs food and is starving, normally he would just hunt around it's normal habitat but it has been kicked out.

It explains further, that a white dragon came into his lair and made it flee, this is the only piece of food it has found for days.

"I am not a piece of food!" the old woman shouts.

Sasha pleads with the manticore to leave the woman alone and find food somewhere else, "I regret to have to do this, but it is the natural way" the manticore says.

Minogar thinks quickly, he tells the manticore that there are some recently dead goblins near a cave in Phandalin, why not head there?

Slowly, the manticore approaches the goliath. By comparison the goliath - who is usually towering - is made to look quite meek in the manticore's presence. Minogar sees the beast's almost human face as it comes so close as to feel its warm breath on his face. The beast slowly smiles revealing razor sharp teeth of multiple rows.

Whoosh! The manticore quickly darts to it's right and launches into the air, it's monstrous wings carrying it off into the distance. Minogar unclenches and relaxes. Marcus states to the group the power of asking nicely, as they head inside the windmill to meet the old woman.

Inside, the old woman introduces herself as Adabra, and thanks the group for saving her and says the group can have a reward. The group ask her to help the boy from earlier and that they need a potion of healing from her.

She hobbles over to her desk and opens a drawer, she pulls out six potions and hands one to each member of the party, she gives Sasha a second one, "For the boy." she says. The group thank the old woman and quickly head back to town.

When they return to the farmhouse, they see that Harbin Wester - the Townmaster - is now also there, looking concerned at the boy. He thanks the heroes for their deeds as Sasha offers the potion to Qelline, the halfling takes the potion and thanks the Elf Bard. She sheepishly offers it to the boy and tips it into his mouth.

The group wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Sadly, nothing appears to happen, the boy remains still.

Harbin pipes up, saying he believes he knows of two potential ways to fix this problem. He explains they could either seek the inventive help of the Gnomes to the south in Gnomengarde, about a days journey or head further north for about five days to Thundertree and seek out an old druid by the name of Reidoth.

The group ponder for a moment and decide to try enlisting the help of the gnomes first, in the hopes they have an invention to remove the curse.



### Chapter 15 ##### Gnomengarde

As the group head out of town and south they follow a stream uphill to the base of a mountain, where waterfall erosion has carved out a natural concavity. The roaring waterfall creates a cloud of mist as it plunges into a shallow pool of water, within which rise two small islands covered with two-foot-tall red, green, and purple mushrooms. Several cave openings overlook the pool from rocky ledges twenty to thirty feet above. The mountain blocks any sunlight from reaching this place.

Choosing the eastern most entrance, the group enter into the dwelling. The corridors are dank and Minogar has to slouch slightly to accomodate his large frame. The group turn the first corner they reach to the right.

"WHAM!" the group are scattered as something BIG hits them all and throws them every which way. Stunned the group see a massive behemoth of a tank, complete with four crossbows that has just fired a huge bolt in their direction. A gnome is seen on top piloting the mech, shouting something about destroying a monster, visibly insane.

Quickly, the group rank up and begin to take out each crossbow bolt, working together as best they can. After destroying the first crossbow, Marlade swings at another crossbow, but drops his mace. Fortunately as he goes to pick it up, the crossbow fires and narrowly misses the cleric as he bends over. Marlade realises what has just happened and thanks Savras - his chosen deity.

The group continue to dismantle the machine,

Mira swoops in and attacks the final crossbow slashing it with her two swords, and the machine falls apart.

In the rubble, a female rock gnome is visible, she is currently dazed. Minogar goes over and lifts her up, asking what that was all about.

The gnome gives Minogar a surly look and explains that a few gnomes have mysteriously disappeared recently and it has made her super jumpy. She explains that to her, five unknown large figures just burst into her workshop so she felt she needed to defend herself.

Minogar asks where the leader of the gnomes is. The gnome explains that the king has locked himself away in his quarters since the disappearances started happening, reports from other gnomes say he has gone mad. He asks the gnome what her name is, "Facktore" she replies. Minogar laughs at the name and the gnome grows visibly upset.

The group ask her to lead them to the king, but she refuses, explaining that she needs to carry on with her inventions and that she now suddenly has a lot more work to do now that her mech has been so kindly destroyed.

She at least gives the group directions to the king, explaining that the easiest way is as follows; "Head south, then west, across the bridge, keep heading west - oh, and beware the fans - and the throne room is the western most point of Gnomengarde"

Minogar releases the gnome, but places her on a high shelf so she cant get down.

The group decide now would be a good time to rest, and set up camp back outside. Sasha plays the song of rest and the group go to sleep.

Session 04 - 17/04/2020

Chapter 16


The group wake up to a new day, fully recharged, Sasha complains that they ended up setting up camp in the water! They decide to resume their exploration where they left off and head back inside to Facktore's workshop.

Arriving in Facktore's workshop they see the familiar destroyed contraption from earlier, but do not see the pesky gnome at all.

They search around the room incase she is hiding, Minogar checks the shelf he left her on from before.

On the shelf is a pair of gnome shoes, where Facktore once stood. Minogar keeps looking around the room and inspects her worktable, he checks underneath but does not see anything. On top of the worktable are some blueprints in gnomish, which he cannot read.

He asks the rest of the group if anyone can read gnomish. Sasha says she can read dwarven, which does share a common alphabet, but is also unable to read it.

Sasha grabs a shoe and takes a closer look, she looks inside and notices the shoes is a bit wet, it is covered in saliva. The group realise it seems she has been eaten.

Minogar laughs and says they took her only defence away, but looks concerned.

They press on, and head south to a junction, they can see a room of barrels to the left and a room to the south. They head south, and hear a pair of voices.

"Who goes there?" The group look up and see a ledge with two gnomes stood on top of it, pointing two crossbows at the group. Minogar tries to tell them that they are friendly. \page

"Are you shapechangers? We have orders to kill shapechangers on sight!" the male one asks, the female elbows him in the ribs and says, "We aren't supposed to tell them!", she turns to the group, "Prove you are who you say you are!"

Minogar says to the gnomes that they have already killed a shapechanger before and are actually the perfect candidates to help them.

The gnomes seem perplexed, unsure whether to believe this tale, they ask what this shapechanger looked like. Minogar tells them about how they captured a drunkard named Lanar and took him on their adventures together, they laughed toghether, they cried together, they made promises for each others future together... but ultimately it was a ruse, Lanar was not real. He was a doppelganger manipulating them for it's own gain. It stabbed them in the back, and Minogar will never forget that day. Marlade laughs at the tale.

The male gnome tries to relate saying that yes, its always the ones you least suspect! Next thing you know you are being gobbled up if you arent careful! He continues on to explain that the King has hidden himself away in his chambers since gnomes started vanishing. As far as they know, at least two have gone missing!

Minogar asks what exactly is attacking them, but the gnomes cannot say, anyone who comes across it seems to go missing. Mira then asks why are you so sure its shapechangers?

The gnomes explain that that is their best guess, as no one has seen any monster yet. They go on to ask the group if they have seen anything suspicious?

The group look at one another and aren't sure what to say. "We notice you came from Facktore's workshop, is she ok?" the gnome asks.

Minogar quickly deflects and ask them if they have seen Facktore.

They explain that they last saw her about an hour ago they think, she was muttering something to herself angrily that she is going to have rebuild something. "So, have you guys seen Facktore then?" the gnomes press.

They lie and say they have not.

Mira says they really do need to speak to their king though, "Ah yes, so as we said earlier, the king has locked himself away in his room." the gnomes go on to offer directions to the kings chambers and ask the group to try and negotiate with him to come out.

As they are giving directions they realise that the group are going to get stuck as the gnomes have set a trap that only someone small can disable. The male one offers to go with them and introduces himself as Pog. The other one also says her name is Ulla.

Mira turns to the rest of the group so that the gnomes can't hear and explains that shouldn't they be honest and tell them about Facktore, as it's going to become obvious soon if the gnome comes with them? Minogar says to Mira that surely they are mistaken, and that Facktore is still alive if these guards saw her an hour ago? Mira says how does he know that it didn't happen super recently? Marlade also agrees that it could have happened recently and they should assume the worst.

Minogar turns to the gnomes and swallows, he changes his story from earlier and explains that they infact may have been into Facktore's workshop. But when they went in it was already totally destroyed, they didn't do anything, honest! But they also found her shoes, covered in her saliva, they think...

Ulla says to Pog that perhaps he should check on Facktore first, Pog is scared and asks the group if they would go with him, to which they agree. They head back into Facktore's room.

Pog sees Facktore's shoe on the shelf and reaches up to try and grab it. The gnome struggles for some time before Minogar decides to pass the shoe to him, but dangles it slowly above him first.

Pog grabs it quickly, and gives Minogar a look. He inspects the shoe and says it is definitely Facktore's. He pleads with the group to help the gnomes as they are dropping like flies.

Mira asks Pog if he could take a look at the notes that Minogar tried to read earlier, Pog agrees and looks at Facktore's blueprints. "Rotate this, this goes in here, thats a question mark, gear and lever maybe needed for this bit" Pog says aloud reading what he can.

The group start to converse and try to work out where this monster could be located, they decide that they haven't tried north yet and ask Pog what is north of here. "There is a dining room, then a kitchen, oh and also a place where we store some battle crabs!" Pog also says that during this time of day, the kitchen will be very busy.

Mira asks Pog to take them to the kitchen, Pog does so, and takes them through an empty dining room first, complete with miniature tables and chairs. He explains that as it is early, the dining room is usually empty.

Pog shows them a closed door and says this is the kitchen. He advises them to knock first, as it is likely to be busy. \page

### Chapter 17 ##### Kitchen

Marlade says to Pog to go in first, but he refuses saying he doesn't want to be told off by Panana.

Minogar tells the group to stand back, he goes to get ready to kick the door down, but Mira stops him and says that they should just knock first. Minogar relents, and begudgingly agrees to just knock.

They hear a female squeaky voice on the other side, "Who is it?", the voice is agitated. Minogar says they are friends of Facktore. "Facktore? What does Facktore want now?!", the voice grows impatient. Minogar explains that they believe that Facktore has gone missing, the voice cuts him off. "Oh for Nebulun's sake! We are super busy, we have like twenty mouths to feed, can't Facktore wait!?"


Nebulun is the god of invention and luck, gnomes of Gnomengarde have him as their chosen deity. His domain is both Knowledge and Trickery and so his followers can be seen as a little chaotic. His symbol is the Bellows and a lizard tail.

Minogar says they won't be long, they just want to poke their heads in. The voice shouts back into the room, "Turvaround, come here and talk to these idiots!"

Some shuffling is heard and another female voice is heard, different to the first, "Ugh, hello?"

Minogar looks confused but answers the voice, he explains that they have lost Facktore and want to see if she is in there.

"Facktore, not again, she's always causing trouble. She is not in here!!"

Minogar says he thinks she might be dead.

The voice says, "Oh, she had died?" the voice turns back into the room and the group can hear her say, "Uhm, Panana, apparently Facktore, has, died..." The group can hear in the distance the first voice replying back, "Facktore? Facktore has died?" the voice pauses for a second, "Look at how much of a crap i DONT give!! Get back on with the cooking!!"

The voice at the door goes, "Ok" and it speaks through the door once again, "Look, unless you have ingredients or want to help us with preparing the food, we aren't interested. Go away!"

Mira tries to reason with the voice, and says they just want to be quick and take a look, they will be on their way afterwards.

The voice explains that if she did let them in, Panana would be mad. Mira asks who Panana is, and the voice says Panana is the boss, the one the group spoke to first. Minogar laughs and mocks the name.

The voice now appears to be shouting back into the room, "Im trying to get rid of them! They won't go!".

Marlade turns to Minogar and says maybe he had the right plan in the first place. Minogar says right I'm busting this door down! He goes into the door with all his might, the gnome on the other side resists it somewhat but is ultimately beaten and flung from the door. The door swings open and the group see into the kitchen.

This kitchen is furnished with gnomes in mind, so everything is either close to the floor or readily reachable by tugging on an overly complicated rope-and-pulley mechanism. Five rock gnome recluses busy themselves here as a female gnome uses a poker to stoke the fire of a hot iron stove standing against the east wall.

Another uses a complicated press-like contraption to squeeze oil out of a big red mushroom and filter the liquid into four oil flasks.

Another stands atop a low table and uses a mechanical rolling pin contraption to kneed green bread dough. The severed caps of several big green mushrooms are set around her.

A male gnome forms the dough into loaves of green bread, his tongue sticking out as he carefully shapes each loaf like a master sculptor.

Finally, another female gnome is now dazed on the floor, presumably the one holding the door just now. Minogar feels sorry for the gnome but says they won't be long they just want a quick look around. The gnome begrudingly carry on with their work.

Minogar goes to the gnome on the floor and helps her up, he offers her a silver coin. She takes it and says "What was that for?" Minogar apologises to the gnome and says he needs to find Facktore.

The gnome gets annoyed and says, "I already told you! She isn't in here! I know goliaths aren't supposed to be the brighest, but Nebulun help me!! This is ridiculous" as she rubs the back of her head.

Minogar gets annoyed but Marlade puts his hand on his shoulder and winks, explaining that there is a body of water outside if they come to need it.

Minogar inspects the staff in the kitchen and goes up to Panana, he feels that she is infact a gnome. Panana calms down, and levels with the group, she advises them to seek out the two inventors Fibblestib and Dabbledob, as they are the smartest in all of Gnomengarde.

The whole group immediately start laughing at the names of the gnomes. Panana snaps and says that gnomish names are not funny and should be respected. She gets annoyed and snaps at Pog, "Seeing as you seem to be accompanying this group, why not take them to the inventors workshop?"

The group thank Panana, and Marlade heads to the back of the kitchen to the pantry. This room is piled high with small wooden crates. Each contains loaves of green mushroom bread and other foodstuffs collected and kept by the gnomes. He decides that now is not quite the time to be stealing from these gnomes. He says maybe later we shall steal something.

Pog asks Marlade what he just said, Marlade says maybe later we shall eat something. Pog says that later you can eat all the rewards you want! But first you must help us out. Pog realises that it will be up to the king what the adventurers get, "I mean, Ill try my best to convince the King to reward you! I promise!".

Marlade says he will just take Pog if not.

Pog smiles and says it is forbidden to leave Gnomengarde as a gnome!

The group decide to head back south and get pog to lead them, they head back a slightly different way and go past the battle crab room. \page

Chapter 18


Parked in alcoves in this otherwise empty room are two gnomish contraptions. Each resembles a crab with a barrel for a shell, six articulated metal legs, and a pair of forward-facing pincer claws. A hatch on the top of each barrel opens to reveal an interior compartment equipped with a small, leather-padded seat surrounded by levers, pedals, and gears. The barrels are not airtight.

The gnomes built these crablike contraptions to grip and move other objects, rather like crude forklifts. However, the contraptions are so clumsy that they are useless for delicate work. They are just small enough to navigate Gnomengarde’s 5-foot-wide passageways.

Marlade asks Pog if this room is dangerous, Pog explains that Facktore made these as a defence incase they are ever attacked, they are harmless while no one is piloting them. Marlade asks if any are likely to blow up, Pog assures him that they are safe, and that the chances of them fitting inside are small anyways.

Marlade asks if there is a threat of shapechangers happening right now, why aren't they being used? Pog explains that they have an issue in the tight corridors of turning the crabs around. "But, I hear that Facktore has been working on a much better invention with crossbows and everything! Come, let me show you now!"

Marlade interupts and says he hears the invention is not so good. Sasha goes up an investigates one of the crabs, she thinks that one of them could fit inside, but it would be a squeeze.

The group decide to leave the crabs for now and carry on heading south back to where they met Pog. On the way they pass through Facktore's room and Minogar makes a joke that Facktore should really tidy up the place.

As they approach the room with Ulla, Pog rushes ahead, but they hear him shouting in a panic, "Ulla, Ulla? Where have you gone?"

Pog rushes up to the ledge where she once stood and breaks down, sobbing. The group go up and inspect the area for clues but can't find any. Marlade tries to console Pog, but he comes across as insincere. Mira just says can we go to the inventors workshop already?

Pog looks up snivelling, and explains that the kings orders were for a gnome to always be guarding this spot, and with Ulla being eaten, his duty falls on him to remain here.

Minogar picks up Pog like a baby and cuddles him, saying all will be ok. "Oooh, you are very warm... goliath..." Pog says. Minogar swiftly puts the gnome back down and walks away disgusted. Pog sits there and pouts.

Pog at least says to the group that he can give alternate directions to avoid the trap they have set, and so the group begin to head back out.

To the west, a female gnome comes walking in. Pog looks like he has seen a ghost and starts shouting. "Ulla?! You're alive!!"

"Yes, im alive, whats the problem?" Ulla begins to look confused. "We thought you were dead!" Pog shouts. Sasha says to Ulla that she thought she would have been watching this spot. Ulla explains she just nipped outside to "relieve" herself.

Sasha explains to Ulla that Pog assumed she had been got by the monster.

"Oh he is so dramatic isnt he!" Ulla says, "I'm surprised you have kept him with you this long, he can be so annoying!" "Pog," she continues, "Go and show them to the King's chamber or wherever you were going, let me get back up there."

Mira and Marlade aren't sure and both look closely at Ulla, they think she is normal though. Pog offers to take the group further into Gnomengarde, they head west back into the outside, a rope bridge is before them, the waterfall gushing away to it's left.

Chapter 19


The waterfall plunges 60 feet, its mist lightly obscuring a 35-foot-long rope bridge firmly anchored to 20-foot-high ledges. The bridge looks to be perilous to cross, and sags so that its midpoint is only 15 feet above the water.

Pog skips across the bridge and turns back to the group, realising they haven't followed him across, "Follow me!" he shouts.

The group cross one by one, they all make it across, Minogar is last to cross. His large goliath frame is probably not going to serve him well here, he thinks.

Pog starts to chant, "Minogar, Minogar!" and the rest of the group do as well. Minogar walks across, and makes it to the other side, breathing heavily. Pog jokes that they have gone the wrong way and need to go back. \page

Pog leads them from the bridge back into the mountainside, inside they see a new room. This area is lightly obscured by mist from the waterfall. The larger eastern part of the room contains two rapidly spinning devices that look like turnstiles fitted with stacks of long, sharp blades spaced 1 foot apart. The northern turnstile spins counterclockwise, while the southern one spins clockwise.

Pog scampers off underneath the fans as though they aren't there and disappears around a corner. The group hear a "click" and the fans whir and slow down to a stop. They hear Pog shout its safe and to follow.

The group navigate around the fan blades, their razor sharpness is apparent as they glint in the dim light from the entrance. When the group are all safely past, they ask Pog to turn the fans back on, just in case.

Minogar points to the fans, and says "Facktore?" to Pog. Pog isn't sure what he means, and Minogar clarifies that he is asking if Facktore made these. "Oh no, these were made by the great Fibblestib and Dabbledob! Infact, they are just through here, come, come!" Pog leads the group on.

As the characters approach this area, they overhear an argument in Gnomish between two rock gnome recluses a male named Fibblestib and a female named Dabbledob. As Gnomengarde’s foremost inventors, they are trying to dream up an invention that will cure King Korboz’s madness. Fibblestib’s proposal is a “sanity ray.” Dabbledob thinks that’s dumb, and wants to build something called a “straitjacket” instead.

The two gnomes hear the group arrive and ask them which invention they believe has more merit, the group decide on "straitjacket". Dabbledob goes to high five Mira for suggesting it, and has to jump to met her palm.

Minogar asks what the hell they are actually talking about, Fibblestib explains that the king has locked himself away, they believe he has lost his mind and are thinking up inventions they could build to restore it.

Sasha asks if they have seen Facktore recently, they say they think they spoke to her last a few days ago, but try to avoid her when they can. The gnomes offer to give them directions to Facktore's workshop, but Sasha says they suspect she has gone missing.

"Not another one!" Dabbledob exclaims. The gnomes explain to the group that they would help the gnomes out to try and prevent the disappearances, but their priority is the king's health right now. Fibblestib says that the King can be really dramatic, but then realises what he said, "Please don't tell him I said that!"

Sasha assures the gnomes they won't say anything, but asks why he is being dramatic. The gnomes believe he has locked himself away after hearing of the disturbances, fearing for his own life. Sasha asks the gnomes if they could arrange a way for them to speak with him, to which the gnomes advise to just knock on his door, they say he is at least speaking to people. But not making much sense.

The group asks where the king is, and Pog offers to guide them. Marlade realises that these could be the inventors that the Townmaster wanted them to find, Sasha says before they go and see the king, would the inventors be able to help them?

She tells them of the cursed boy and if they know a way to cure it? The inventors say certainly and ask her to describe the curse. Marlade says that the curse responds to healing in an inverse fashion and seems to do damage.

The gnomes whisper amongst themselves for a moment and then face the group looking like they have solved it.

"Have you tried..." Fibblestib says slowly, "A potion... of healing?"

The group tell him that they have tried that and it doesnt work. His face quickly drops, "Oh. Well erm..." The gnomes talk amongst themselves again, a bit more energised. The group hear them mutter, that could work, that wont work, we could try, there is only one way to know!

The gnomes turn again, they say they know what invention to build and will help the group after they have helped them with the king.

The group follow Pog north from the workshop to the king's chambers

Chapter 20


The group arrive at a door, this one different to the ones they have seen so far in Gnomengarde, this one has a regal quality to it. It's crafting ornate, and the colour of which is a deep scarlet with gold trimmings.

They bicker amongst themselves as to whether they should knock again or just kick it down. Mira says she wants to just knock, but Marlade and Minogar want to just drag the king out and throw him infront of the inventors. Minogar asks everyone to stand back as he prepares to knock down the door.

"Please don't do that!" Pog pleads with Minogar, "I will get in trouble!" Minogar just tells Pog to wear a fake mustache and all will be fine. Pog takes this as his queue to run away, he does not want to risk it.

Before Minogar can kick the door down, Mira insists they just knock and stops him. He goes up to the door and knocks himself. He hears a strange voice on the other side, "Whooo iisss ittt??". The voice sounds unhinged and crazy.

Mira says they are here to save you.

"My fwends have come to saaavveee meee have theyyyy??" the voice pauses and shouts, "Nice try! But im not opening that door!" \page

"I'm gonna keep my Gnerlki safe with meeee"

Mira tries again, and says they are just trying to help.

"I bet you are," the voice says, "I bet you are trying to help me be... conssuuuuummmeeeddd..."

Mira starts to get annoyed and asks why he would lock himself away while gnomes are being killed.

"Its the only way to be safe, Its the only way to be safe", the voice keeps repeating. Mira says he understands but they are trying to help.

"SHUSH GNERKLI, they can't hear you!" the voice shouts. The group hear a muffled voice in the background of the room.

"Lock myself away, its the only way to be safe, Lock myself away, its the only way to be safe" the voice starts repeating again.

Mira turns to Minogar and says ok kick the door down.

Sasha mentions that have they even checked if the door is locked, so they check.

Its locked.

The group stands back and Minogar prepares to rush forwards to kick the door. Sasha starts to play her flute to inspire Minogar.

"Muuuusssiiccc, i hear muuuussssiiiccc" the voice says.

Minogar slams into the door with all his might and tries to kick it in, but the door is too sturdy and barely moves. He damages his foot.

Marlade decides that now is the time.

He is also unsuccessful and hurts his foot on the door also.

Minogar sighs and decides to knock again.

"Knocking! Knocking! Why always knocccckkkkiiiinnnnggggg?" the voice shouts.

Minogar goes close to the door, and professes his love for the king infront of everyone in an attempt to get him to open the door. He says he has many trinkets and gifts for the king, he runs his fingers across the door and hopes he can return his love.

There is no response.

Minogar sighs and levels with the king, he says he knows they have an issue with a shapechanger and that they have killed these before and genuinely here to help. Minogar listens closely to the door to try and hear his response but it sounds like the king left long ago, and is further back in the room shouting at whoever he has captive. The king hadn't been listening.

Left with little option, the group head back to the inventors. On the way they see a door that they hadnt been through, as Pog was no longer with them, they decide to enter.

The door is unlocked and leads to the room with the inventors inside, but on a ledge further up. The only thing of note up here is a pedastal that has a closed book on it.

The title is written in gnomish but in brackets underneath in common it reads "Magick of Gnomengarde".

Minogar reads the spells, then attempts to take the book, however the book explodes and he is sent flying backwards. He picks himself up and dusts himself down, then the group carry on back to the inventors.

"Ah, did you speak to the king?" Dabbledob asks, she also mentions she saw Pog running through earlier, crying.

Minogar says not to worry about Pog, he is always crying, but if they see him with a mustache, they should send him their way.

He also mentions to the inventors that they didn't have much luck with the king.

The gnomes hear this and say they did warn the group he had gone insane.

The group ask the gnomes about a potential other person in that room, they think they heard?

The inventors explain that that is likely Gnerkli, the other King. Korboz has hidden him in his room to keep him "safe".

Mira asks if they have any explosives. The gnomes say Facktore would have been the best person to ask about that, she makes all the weaponised inventions. They go on to say that their inventions are way more sophisticated, but strictly non-militant, so can't really help the group here.

Minogar doesn't buy their claim that their inventions are superior and mentions he thinks that that "straitjacket" idea earlier was stupid. He asks if they have any idea of any leads at all to find this monster?

The gnomes explain that the first two people to go missing both worked in the storeroom, they say it is a room full of barrels near Facktore's workshop. Mira asks when this all first started, "Ah, about a tenday ago," Fibblestib says.

The group decide their best shot is to head back to Facktore's room and try to find the barrel room.

Chapter 21


Leaving the inventor's workshop, the group once again enter the room with the fans, which are still spinning from earlier. They hit the switch to turn them off and proceed through.

Sasha casts Mage Hand and uses it to flick on the switch again, the fans start spinning again.

She tries to bring the hand back to her, but it fizzles away as soon as it returns. \page

> ##### Mage Hand > A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again. > >You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it. > >The hand can't attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds.

They arrive at the rope bridge again, Minogar panics and bolts it across the bridge. The rest of the group follow normally.

Once again, they find themselves in the room with the gnome guards, Pog has returned to Ulla and they are both stood atop the ledge.

"Any luck?" Ulla asks

The group continue on but mention to Ulla that they think they now know where the monster is.

They come to a fork where one side leads back to Facktore's workshop, the other leads to a room that has barrels in it, the group head in.

This room contains twelve forty-gallon barrels set into wide alcoves. Each barrel is secured by a wooden brace. The barrels in the south alcove have been tapped with wooden spigots. Two of those barrels are half full, and two are nearly empty.

The group split up and begin to investigate all the barrels.

It seems that the barrels are all looking to be normal, but Mira goes to one in the far corner and taps it with his hand.

Suddenly the barrel begins to morph and a purple tendril forms and tries to grab him, but his reflexes are sharp and he leaps back to avoid it. The tendril starts to flail about and the barrel continues to morph. It sprouts multiple eyes and a gaping maw for a mouth with razor sharp teeth, smiles at the group.

Mira rushes forwards and slashes at it with both of his swords.

In the panic however, he misses with both swipes and the beast - the mimic - once again tries to grab him. It succeeds and wraps its long pseudopod around him and constricts. Mira screams in pain.

Minogar draws his greataxe and rushes forward, he slips on a puddle of wine on the floor and goes crashing into another set of barrels. Some of the wine from the barrels starts to drip into his open mouth.

Marlade loads his crossbow and fires at the mimic, hitting it in it's eye. The mimic screams out in agony but keeps its grip on Mira.

Sasha moves closer to the fray and throws a dagger at the beast, but sadly misses and hits the wall behind it. She then decides to take out her flute and boost the morale of the group.

Mira hears the tune and with new found vigor, attacks at the mimic with her swords, making contact this time and leaving the creature looking rather bloody.

The creature is persistent though and remains in control of Mira, it lunges forwards and tries to bite. But Mira is able to push it back and avoid being bitten.

Minogar picks himself up, and takes another swig of wine. He swings his greataxe into the monsters bulbous flesh and the monster squeals. The purple flesh bounces against the axe but he is able to create a decent tear.

Marlade casts guiding bolt at the creature, as four bolts of light are summoned and smash into the mimic, dazing it.

After this act, the monster calms down and releases Mira. It starts to murmur in common, "ssstttooppp, pleeeasssee" it hisses.

The group initially lower their weapons, and look at each other confused. Sasha casts blade ward on herself to increase her defence just incase.

Mira looks over at the mimic and asks who it is, and if it knows whats happening to the gnomes.

The mimic licks its lips and says "Of course, I know whats happening to the gnomes, they're delicous!".

Mira realises the mimic is the one who is eating them.

"Initially they were tough, with not much meat, but i've grown quite a taste for them!"

Mira goes on to ask why gnomes though?

"Normally, I wouldn't even eat gnomes but ive been forced to relocate"

Mira asks who sent the mimic here.

"Nobody sent me here, I was driven out, it was that darn dragon, I had to run and hide in this cave as it flew around overhead, and as i was hiding, this little gnome came wandering in looking for wine. So i gobbled him up! Easy pickings i say."

Mira asks what the creature would normally eat instead of gnomes.

"Normally... adventurers... like you" the mimic gives them a toothy grin. \page

Minogar then asks the mimic why should they keep it alive in that case?

"If you let me live, I swear, I will leave this place and never return."


Mimics are shapeshifting predators able to take on the form of inanimate objects to lure creatures to their doom. In dungeons, these cunning creatures most often take the form of doors and chests, having learned that such forms attract a steady stream of prey.

“Sometimes a chest is just a chest, but don’t bet on it.”

X the Mystic’s 3rd rule of dungeon survival

Mira and Minogar look at each other and both shake their heads, Minogar turns to the mimic and says it is gonna have to better than that.

"Is that so," the mimic ponders for a second.

Realising it has no choice, it begins to fight to the death and lunges once again at Mira.

Mira slashes with her sword reactively, and the beast squeals out in pain and begins to melt. It slowly becomes a purple puddle on the floor before slowly seeping into the stone and leaving a dark mark where it once stood.

Minogar goes over to the puddle and inspects it, there are multiple bones and bits of skeleton. He sees a small skull and picks it up, presumably Facktore's skull. He decides to take it with him.

The group decide now is the time to tell the king what they know.

Chapter 22


On the way back to the inventors, they once again pass the two guards.

"I heard a lot of commotion," Ulla says, "Are you guys alright?"

Minogar says they found the monster, turns out it was a mimic that had been eating all the gnomes and it was hiding in the barrel room.

"Of course Pog!", Ulla shouts, "It was in the storeroom! Thats where they both worked, Orryn and Warryn! They worked in the storeroom!"

Minogar says they still need to get an audience with the king to tell him its safe.

Mira says they have Facktore's skull but are unsure if thats enough to prove it to the king.

The guards decide to tell the group about a hidden passage in the rear of the throne room that will take them straight into the king's bedchamber. They tell the group that to get to the throne room the must head once again to the inventor's workshop and head as west as far as they can.

The group continue on, they cross the rope bridge and stand outside the room with the fans. Sasha once again casts mage hand to disable the fans. But as she casts her spell, large butterfly wings also sprout from her back. She turns around confused, as she had not intended to also do that?

With the fans disabled, the group head through into the inventors room.

"How did it go?" Fibblestib asks before realising what has happened to Sasha. Both gnomes suddenly burst into laughter.

"Ahaha, you must have cast a spell didn't you?"

Sasha asks if they like her new wings.

The gnomes explain that Gnomengarde was built in a magical place and its walls are coursing with wild magic.

Wild Magic

Wild magic is a kind of magic that can’t be controlled, and Gnomengarde has long been a source of it. When a creature anywhere in Gnomengarde map casts a spell, an additional effect might occur.

Sasha explains that they found Facktore, but not in the way they wanted too, as Minogar shows them the skull.

The gnomes recoil in fear and ask if the group did that. The group reply no and that it was a mimic that ate her, and that they have defeated the beast.

"Ah, thats probably what caused the king to go mad, I bet some object morphed and attacked him, and thats why he doesnt trust anyone!"

The gnomes point the group in the direction of the throne room, and the group arrive at two shut large wooden doors, with a wooden beam closing them.

Marlade lifts off the wooden beam and the group slowly open the door.

The room is not lit at all, so Minogar lights a torch.

The throne room is the biggest room they have seen here so far, but is mostly empty, towards the back situated atop a stone dais are two squat thrones made of scrap metal and sized for gnomes.

The group move over behind the thrones and inspect the back wall. Sasha sees the outline of what appears to be a secret door.

Marlade sweats.

Marlade goes up to the door and takes a deep breath, it opens no problem.

Minogar leads the way with his torch into the dark corridor, it appears to lead to a dead end, but they see light seeping through some cracks and realise it is another secret door, they open it and enter.

They see an extremely well furnished room, this is clearly the domain of someone very important. However, everything that could be counted as furniture is pushed up against the main door to this room.

In the centre they see two gnomes, both wearing crowns. One is staring at the group in horror, the other is tied to a chair with a sock in his mouth.

Sasha speaks to the gnome who is stood up, who they believe to be King Korboz. \page

She says they have found who has been killing the gnomes and that they have proof.

"Proof! Proof? You say you have proof! Gnomes have been killed" Korboz rambles.

Korboz freezes for a moment, and it appears that he has become more lucid.

His demeanor changes and he starts to sound more regal and calm.

"You found the monster did you? Its all over?"

Sasha explains the incident with the mimic.

"Ah, that explains everything," he turns to the other king in the chair, "Gnerkli, it was a mimic."

Gnerkli tries to say something, but the sock muffles it. Korboz goes over to the chair and remove the sock from Gnerkli's mouth, he takes out a vial and drips it onto what appears to be glue holding Gnerkli to the chair. Gnerkli gets up and thanks the adventurers.

Sasha asks who this person is who was tied to the chair, the kings explain that they rule together and introduce themselves properly.

The group ask Korboz why he tied the other king to the chair, and Korboz explains that it was for his own protection. The group seem concerned about his methods, but carry on.

Gnerkli gives the group a look as if to say "help me" but is smiling on the outside.

Minogar kneels down to Gnerkli and asks if he is ok. Gnerkli says he will be fine, and offers them a reward for their troubles.

Mira explains about the cursed boy that they need to save, Gnerkli says that their best inventors should be able to help them. Mira tells the king that they wont help until they know you are ok.

Minogar also pipes up and says what about if the reward is treasure instead? Korboz says, "Of course, if it is treasure you covet, you may have that instead."

The group decide that it would be best to save the boy. Korboz smiles and says you can have both.

Gnerkli leads the group into the treasure room, he unlocks the door and the group goes inside. The room contains a jumble of nonfunctional gnomish gizmos, as well as loose gears, twisted bits of metal, and other scraps that the gnomes use to cobble together new inventions.

Gnerkli pulls out an amulet from the pile and gives it to Mira, he pulls out a pole and shows that it can retract and expand on command and hands it to Minogar.

The group thank the king but seem disappointed. The gnome king laughs and says he will stop messing with them, he pulls out a chest and gives the group 250 gold pieces to split amongst them. The group then head back to the inventors with Gnerkli to explain that the king is well and to get their invention made.

Fibblestib and Dabbledob see their king alive and well, and ask the group what they needed making again. Sasha reminds them about the cursed boy and the inventors turn to their workstation and start banging and whirring and swearing.

"Ahah!" they turn around and give a gizmo that they hand to Mira, it has a gem on top with 4 legs and a big button that says "Press Here".

Minogar looks at the invention and asks if they can write the instructions in Giant. "Right away" the gnomes excitadly say, and begin to engrave.

"Errm, what is giant for 'Press Here'?"

Minogar spells it out and they oblige. He looks delighted at the new message (which secretly says 'Nipple Juice') but he isn't going to tell anyone.

The group now decide now is the time to head back to Phandalin with their invention, the wave goodbye and head out of the inventors room. This time they head north into a new room they havent been in yet.

The floor of this cave is strewn with the remnants of old campfires. Four side caves serve as sleeping areas, with five small wooden cots crammed into each one. Eight rock gnome recluses sleep soundly here with two gnomes in each side cave.

The group attempt to quietly sneak past to the other exit that leads outside, but Marlade shouts to find out why the rest of the group are sneaking.

"Whats all the shouting?" one of the gnomes rises up from his slumber and says, rubbing her eyes.

Minogar just says they are on their way out.

The half asleep gnome just says "Ah ok, carry on then" probably still dreaming and slams back to sleep once again.

The group exit the room and are now on a 30 foot ledge above the waters they saw when they entered the area. Sasha decides to try out her new butterfly wings and grabs Mira and they both flutter gently down to the ground.

Minogar ties Marlade with some rope and gently lowers him down the ledge. The goliath then slides down the ledge no problem.

The group begin to walk back to Phandalin and turn around and look once more at Gnomengarde, and thinking about the adventure they had here.

As the group leave the place, Sasha wings begin to fade as the wild magic wears off...


Session 05 - 29/04/2020

Chapter 23


Returning to the familiar town of Phandalin, the group waste no time returning to Qelline Alderleaf's home.

Inside, they see Carp lieing in bed, with his mother leaning over him. Sasha says they have returned, and Mira begins to take out the gnomish invention the "Discombobulatinator". She places the gadget on the boys chest, and she sees his breath has become very laboured.

Nothing appears to happen so far, so she moves it onto his head... Again the gadget does nothing. Mira asks if anyone has any ideas?

Marlade reminds them that the gnomes put instructions on the device. Minogar looks closer to the device and sees the markings the gnomes made, next to a big red button that says "Press Here". Minogar places it back on the boy's chest and presses the button. The device starts to undulate around and the boy starts to lift off the bed and crashes back down.

Suddenly, four shadows appear in the four corners of the room and begin to march towards the heroes. Mira sends Misty - his panther - to attack the furthest shadow, but it misses with it's claws. He turns to another shadow and fires his bow at it, the arrow ends up firing straight through it.

One manages to come up to Minogar and drain his strength, and does a lot of damage but Minogar manages to absorb most of the damage, thanks to his Stone endurance. Another comes up to Marlade and manages to drain a lot of his vitality. The other two attack Mira and her Panther, but they do not land a hit.

Marlade casts guiding bolt at one of the shadows, and it explodes in a brilliant flash of light into nothingness. He then casts healing word on himself to bring up his vitality.

Sasha then moves towards a shadow, and swings her longsword at it, but she sadly drops her sword onto the floor. She decides the best course of action at this point is to inspire Mira with her Bardic Inspiration.

Minogar smells the bloodlust and goes into rage and swings his greataxe at a shadow, the shadow screams out in pain, but to Minogar the shadow feels strange as his blade slices through it. The shadow remains, looking vicious as ever.

Mira attacks with his shortsword, and using the inspiration from Sasha, lands a decisive hit, but also feels a strange sensation when slicing the shadow. He follows up with another slash, and the shadow begins to breath heavily. Misty attacks another shadow and lands a bite, the shadow screams but the cat does not manage to bite anything off.

The shadows go in for another round against the heroes, but they manage to deflect them all.

Marlade uses Toll the Dead on one of the shadows, the hit lands, but the shadow laughs in Marlade's face maniacally. Marlade then casts sanctuary on the Panther, to protect her.

Sasha then throws her dagger at one of the shadows, and manages to poof it into nothingness! Minogar then rushes over to the next shadow and swings his axe at it, he lands a decisive hit. Mira takes out his longbow and attacks the shadow next to her Panther the arrow goes through the shadow, and the wound heals back up again.

Marlade then tries to hit one with a guiding bolt, but misses the attack. Sasha takes out her longsword and swings at a shadow, and lands a decent hit! Minogar follows up with his greataxe he slices the whole shadow in half and the shadow once again reforms after screaming!

Mira takes her shortswords and slices with both of them at the shadow, the shadow screams once again, and reforms once again.

Sasha takes her shortsword once again and slashes at the shadow, it is heavily breathing like another before it. She then casts Bardic Inspiration on Minogar. Minogar uses this inspiration and funnels it purely into his axe, which glows red hot and he fizzles the shadow away.

Mira attacks the final shadow with his shortsword, and now the shadow is heavily breathing, he follows up with his other sword and destroys it.

The boy begins to stir.

"Who are you?" the boy says. Mira explains that they saved his life, his mother comforts him and explains that he was in a bad way and that these heroes saved him. The boy removes the device from his chest, and Minogar asks him if he remembers what happened.

"Yes, I was playing near a cave, and a mage came and showed me many magic tricks",

Minogar interupts and warns Carp that he should not have gone off with strangers.

"He said there was candy in the cave, and the next thing I know ive woken up here!".

Qelline thanks the group and offers the group a reward. Mira says he doesnt want money off an old lady, and Minogar rubs his hands. She manages to find 5 or so coppers and puts them in Minogars hand, who proceeds to take them, but Mira orders him to give them back. They bid each other adeiu. \page


When the group managed to get to level 3, we decided to run custom scenarios in order for them to attain their new class abilities.

Minogar - A Grizzly Encounter

In the Sword mountains, Minogar the goliath is in search of the "bear spirit". He wants to add the beasts power to his own, in order to be able to withstand the most deathly of punishments in battle. He has been out here for almost three days, and has seen no sign of the beast thus far. Tonight, however, things are different. As he cooks his latest kill over a campfire, he sees a vision in the flames. In the flames, he sees the entrance to a cave and what looks to be a large bear, standing on it's hind legs.

He begins by lighting his torch on the campfire and wandering around the cold landscape in the dark, trudging through the snow. He comes across some trees in the dark and inspects their bark. Nothing out of the ordinary stands out and he presses on. Next, he comes to a raging river, and nearly falls in it, but his reactions are swift and he is able to grab for the riverbank and pull himself back up.

Further down stream, he finds a small island in the river near the bank. He leaps onto it and finds that it is relatively stable. Unable to press on further - as the current is too great - he tries to jump back to the shore. He loses his footing slightly and falls into the ice cold water. Thrashing around for a little bit, he eventually composes himself and gets back onto the dry land safely.

Minogar continues to search through the snow around the southbank of the river. He manages to use his torch light to see another island to the east, the distance of which does look like it can be jumped.

He gets a good run up and leaps across onto the snowy bank of this new piece of land. On this outcropping, another tree stands, but much larger than the ones from before. He decides to take out his greataxe and chop it down, using the trunk as a makeshift bridge to cross the river.

Once across the river, now on the northbank he sees another unlit campfire, which he lights with his torch. Surrounding him are more trees, snow and what looks to be ruins of an old village. Minogar inspects the buildings and the trees, and sees on the trees that there are what appear to be bear claw marks.

He continues north, and finds his path is blocked by a load of boulders, they look fresh as though they have recently fallen from the cliff side, as no snow has settled on top of them yet. The goliath uses his rage to move these boulders out of the way, and reveals the entrance to a cave. It is the cave he saw in his vision.

Inside the cave, it is full of ice and a polar bear comes out and attacks! Minogar launches a javelin at the bear and manages a hit. The bear roars and charges at Minogar it bites into the goliath's flesh but the goliath seems to not care. The polar bear also claws at the barbarian and lands a good hit.

Minogar then swings his axe at the paw that the bear just used, and manages to slice it off. The bear rages and bites at Minogar, it tries to regain its balance.

The barbarian swings once again at the bear, but misses and causes it to move backwards. The bear lurches forwards and bites at Minogar's neck, Minogar uses his stone's endurance to withstand what would otherwise be a mortal blow. The bear is confused by this, and begins to move away, Minogar uses this opportunity to attack its exposed underside.

Minogar ends the fight, he brings his greataxe down hard on the beasts skull and the bear dies.

He crouches down and takes a tooth and some fur from the bear, he also takes some blood and puts it on his face. He also consumes the heart of the bear, and calls out for the bear spirit. The bear spirit answers saying he has done well, and to come and meet it. Minogar notices that on the other side of the cave, some light is entering, this is infact a tunnel!

Outside, the sky is different here, the sun is shining down and it almost feels warm. He is above the clouds and can see a cliff edge that has a figure stood on it, looking back at him.

As he approaches, the figure looks like a huge man with an axe, however he has the head of a bear. Minogar approaches and shouts out to it. "Minogar, you have done well, it is I, the bear spirit." It begins, "You have come to me for my strength, I see?"

Minogar agrees.

"Then answer me, these questions three."

"Why have you chosen the path of the barbarian?". Minogar explains that he wants to be the strongest.

"Why have you chosen the path of the bear?". Minogar explains that he wants to be strong, like the bear.

"Will you use these new powers for good, or evil?". Minogar pauses, he says he cannot say now. But that he can say he will do justice by these skills, and right many wrongs.

The bear spirit nods, and holds out his paw. Minogar places the fur and teeth in his grasp. The bear spirit closes his eyes and begins to fade away.

An amulet falls to the ground where it
once stood, Minogar looks down and
picks it up, it is the Amulet of the Bear
and it will allow him to use the bear's
gifts in combat.

The sun begins to disappear,
and the illusion is broken.
Minogar feels extremely cold
and collapses. Moments later,
he wakes up in a field outside of
Phandalin, he looks down and
sees the amulet, still around
his neck...


Mirazumin - A Familiar Feline

Mira is currently enjoying a spot of respite in the town of Phandalin, when he overhears an old lady shouting that her fish is being stolen. He decides to investigate what is happening and sees a black panther running off to the north, while the old woman stands there shaking her fist.

Mira asks what happened, and the woman explains that that cat is always stealing food from her. The old woman goes back inside in a huff, and Mira heads north into Neverwinter Wood following the cat's tracks.

The woods are darker here, due to the trees overhead, blocking the light. Mira uses his inate tracking abilities to try and see where the panther has headed.

Looking around yields some results! He spots the unmistakable marks of the panther's paws and begins to follow them.

Eventually, he comes across a scene. A bird has been savaged and its remains are scattered on the forest floor. Mira inspects the blood and deduces that the kill happened not long ago. He believes he is hot on the trail of the panther.

Mira mutters to himself that he has a horrible cat.

He continues through the forest, following the trail of paws where he can, and comes across another oddity. In the overgrowth, he sees the paws leading right into a bush, and a panther sized hole where it seems that it burst through into the bush.

Mira bends down and crawls through this hole. He then finds a hairball on the ground after crawling through.

Again, he inspects the hairball. And between gags, deduces that the hairball is very recent.

He presses on.

Eventually, Mira comes to an opening in the trees, the light is brighter here and he sees a large lake to the north. At the lake, Mira sees the remnents of a campsite, presumably belonging to one person. The campfire is still lit and burning away, but no one seems to be there at the moment.

At the east side of the lake, sat on a stone taking a drink, he sees Misty, his old panther! He approaches slowly, and tries not to startle the panther. But as he approaches, the panther immediately notices Mira and pokes it's head up.

Mira shouts out to the cat, and the panther approaches, cautiously.

Mira explains that it is me, and the cat tips its head. It remembers and runs up to Mira! The ranger and pet are reunited and embrace.

But whilst this is happening, the canopy moves. Mira notices that one of the trees nearby, is not actually a tree and is walking towards them, looking angry!

Mira tries to slash at the tree with her shortswords, but they just clink and clang against the bark. Misty then leaps at the tree and tries to bite it, but also just scrapes the tree bark.

The tree then focuses on Mira and tries to smash him with his tree arm, it slams into the ground and Mira leaps out of the way of the collosal strike.

Mira continues to slash at the tree but the tree doesn't seem to care, it only leaves a slight scratch. Mira casts Hunter's Mark on the tree, as it is now his only focus. The tree slams into Mira again with its other arm, and lands a devastating blow.

Mira reels back and looks around, he continues to attack with his shortswords, but damage does not appear to be happening to this giant tree. He casts Zephyr Strike to move faster, and he escapes the grasp of the tree. He moves over to the campsite and lights an arrow on fire on the campfire.

The tree begins to give chase, but it cannot move as quick. Mira loads her bow and fires a flaming arrow at the tree, clipping its shoulder and beginning to set it ablaze!

Realising this is working, Mira loads another arrow and lights it as before. He fires right at the centre mass of the tree and lights it ablaze again. The tree is now on fire properly and slowly starts to crumble. The tree falls down with a thud, and smolders in the forest's shadow.

Mira hears behind him, a slow clapping. He turns around and sees an elven figure with a huge bow on his back, smiling and nodding at Mira.

"That was impressive!", the ranger says. "Good idea with the fire!"

Mira asks who he is.

"Ah, forgive me, where are my manners. Allow me to introduce myself, I go by the name 'Falcon'. I am a local ranger of Neverwinter Wood and that right there is actually my camp site!". Falcon smiles and continues, "I saw you take down that beast with your pet and I would like to offer you a visit to my home if you are ever in the area, I know this area well and love to help adventurers such as yourself!"

Mira asks how he could find his house in the future.

Falcon comes closer and marks the location of his Hunting Lodge on Mira's map.

Mira thanks Falcon and heads back to town with Misty.


Marlade - A Dream of Savras

Marlade awakes to find himself in a room, the room is barely lit and he is struggling to get around. Through the darkness he comes across a column, a pillar it seems that has an unlit torch on it. He fumbles around for his flint and tinderbox and lights the torch.

The room begins to illuminate slightly. He is stood in what appears to be a small chapel or shrine of some sorts, the ceiling is very high and supported by six pillars, all of which have unlit torches on them sans the one he just lit.

To the south of the room, he sees a small stone altar with a stone eye carved into it. The the north is a pair of huge wooden doors.

Marlade goes around and lights all the torches one by one, until the room becomes very bright. There are no windows in this room. Marlade goes to the altar, he examines around it. He looks to see if there are any gaps, but does not find anything out of the ordinary.

He looks deep into the eye and sees that the eye is very intricate, and has been designed by someone with clear skill. He recognises the symbol as his own god, Savras.

Marlade heads to the north doors, and tries to pry them open. But there are no handles to grab and the door seems to be unnaturally sealed. He cannot even see through the gap.

Marlade heads back to the altar and prays to Savras. He prays as hard as he can, but nothing happens.

He heads behind the pillars and tries to find something, he notices that the pillars are smooth marble and the floor is also. But the walls of the room are decaying slightly unlike the rest of the room.

He begins to turn off and on torches, seeing if that could affect the door. This doesnt seem to resolve to anything.

He sighs and goes back to the altar and reaches out to touch it.

As he touches the eye, the vision changes and he finds himself in another location. He is now stood outside with the sun setting over his right shoulder. In front of him he sees a massive ruin standing in a vast field, behind it far in the distance, he sees the sword mountains.

Surrounding the ruins are four towers at the corner of each square as it were, three of which has crumbled away, and one that is still just about standing. The one still standing is to his left and is the closest to him.

Marlade moves forward to the ruins and comes to a gatehouse, it stands twenty feet high and it's outer doors have been smashed to flinders and a rusty iron portcullis blocks the south exit. He looks through the portcullis and can see a large building with two large wooden doors on the front, which look like the outside to the doors he saw previously. Judging by the architecture the building has a single story, but it is very high. The roof is tiled and red, but the building has seen better days.

Marlade goes to the side of the portcullis and sees a gap in the wall that has become rubble, through this he can see some of the grounds around the building. The lawns of which are not kept in good condition anymore.

He goes back north outside of the gatehouse and heads across to the tower that is standing.

As he walks towards it, an orc pops it's head up and sees Marlade, he readies his bow and aims at Marlade. Marlade puts his hands up, but the orc fires.

As the orc's arrow hits Marlade, the vision changes again.

He finds himself in a village, a ruined village. But it appears to have been ruined for some time. The buildings have been totally razed but the outline and some walls still remain.

Marlade is stood with his back to the sun that is rising, he sees a forest that stretches to his right shoulder, to his left he sees a trail and behind him he sees a ranch in the distance.

He tries to look around the village and see if it is familiar, but it appears completely alien.

Then he looks at the trail and sees that in the distance, appears to be the ruined building he was at previously.

Marlade begins to head that way but remembers the orc that shot him, so he decides to look around the village first.

As he looks around he finds an interesting building, it looks like it could once have been a shrine. He tries to deduce what the shrine is for.

Sadly, it is too destroyed and cannot recognise the deity. But he knows it is not to Savras.

He carries on wandering around the town, but suddenly is frozen and cannot move.

He hears wardrums and marching in the distance. It gets louder and louder.

He hears war cries and what sounds like barbaric chanting. It keeps getting louder and louder and the voices seem to be increasing.

Suddenly, he sees himself surrounded by blood thirsty orcs on all sides and they slowly surround him and raise their weapons.

Marlade wakes with a start.


Sasha - Some Bardic Inspiration

Sasha is currently in Phandalin, and has recieved a letter in the mail. She opens it. Inside a lute falls out, it looks extremely ornate and has her name engraved on the side. She picks up the lute and wonders what it is about and read the following letter:


We have not been formally introduced you and I, but I believe now is the time for our paths to intertwine. Becoming a great Bard takes dedication and practice and I would like to invite you to the College of Fochlucan in Silverymoon.

Upon arrival you will be expected to choose a path to follow to refine your Bardic Skills.

Please see attached a gift, it is a Lute engraved with your name on it! (Why not give it a go right now?)

I look forward to seeing you soon, Lothouryte

Master Bard of Silverymoon

Sasha strums the lute and the notes ring true, a pink glow begins to eminate from the lute and produces a small portal about the size of her head infront of her.

She carries on playing the lute, and hears a voice from the other side of the portal, "Ooh, thats very nice dear!". She then puts her hand in the portal and hears the voice exclaim, "Oh! Perhaps you should look through the portal!". Sasha then looks through and sees a small office with a blue dragonborn lady sitting there. She looks quite elderly and begins to speak. "Ah, you must be Sasha, I see you got my message."

Sasha explains she did.

"Silverymoon is months away of your current position, so i thought i would employ the magic of this lute to produce a portal for you, i see it hasnt quite worked how it should, one second."

Sasha hears the dragonborn fumbling around in the background, and the portal grows to be big enough to step through. Sasha steps inside.

"Pleased to meet you Sasha, I am Lothuryte, I am here to be your guide around the college."

"Have you chosen a college per chance?"

Sasha explains that she has chosen Valor.

"Ah, so Pyria, allow me to take you there now!"

Lothuryte begins to lead Sasha through the college and takes her outside into the courtyard. Sasha sees an elf in dark blue armor, playing a trumpet. She stops playing the trumpet and speaks to Lothuryte. Lothuryte then turns to Sasha and explains that she will leave her with Pyria.

Pyria asks if Sasha has been enjoying being a bard so far, and that the college of valor can help with inspiring her friends in battle. They discuss past adventures and Pyria realises that Sasha is a good fit.

Pyria sets the first challenge and explains that she should be good at inspiring others. She explains that one of the new recruits is not the best at playing her instrument and it is driving everyone slightly mad. Sasha then asks where she was last seen. Pyria says she is a blond elf, she plays a trumpet and wears a green apron, and is fond of cabbages.

Sasha begins to search around the grounds of the college, she heads north and sees a male elf practicing with a sword muttering to himself how good he is. Sasha introduces herself and asks if he has seen a bad trumpet player around. The elf explains that he thinks he saw her south, near the sheds.

Sasha heads south to the shed but does not see anyone inside. She continues around the grounds and finds a few farms, one of which is carrots another that is beetroot and a final one that is cabbages.

She heads over to the one that is growing cabbages and can hear this god awful sound. She goes around the corner and sees a female elf playing a trumpet, quite content. But the sound is awful.

Sasha taps her on the shoulder, "Oh hello, I dont think we have met" the elf says.

Sasha introduces herself and the woman explains her name is Nymue. The exchange pleasantries about what instruments they play. Sasha then explains that Pyria has sent her to play with Nymue.

They play their instruments together, but Sasha secretly casts Bardic Inspiration and Nymue's music becomes much better.

Sasha then heads back to Pyria, who is happy to see Sasha, "I heard you just now, Nymue sounds way better!"

"I have a final task for you though, to test your abilities. These two cubes, move them at the same time."

In front of Sasha are two one-metre squared stone cubes about ten feet apart.

She casts Unseen Servant and uses the servant to move the other cube at the same time. Pyria claps and is about to bestow the knowledge of Valor to Sasha.

However, a purple one eyed beast begins running through the college and attacks the pair. Pyria begins to attack the beast and Sasha inspires her and keeps her alive with her abilities.

After the fight, Pyria tries again and says that wasnt part of the test. She bestows the gifts of valor to Sasha. Lothouryte comes out of the college at this point, face beaming
and explains to Sasha that it is time to go for
now and that they will surely meet again.

Lothuryte plays her harp and a portal
opens up, similar to before, with
Phandalin on the other side of it. Sasha
steps through and waves goodbye to
her new friends.


Chapter 24


The group meet up a week later at the Stonehill Inn, and as they approach the inn, they notice that outside of the inn there are now guards. The guards aren't threatening them, but it does seem odd.

Minogar goes up to the guard on the left of the door, and greets him asking why there are now guards posted outside. The guard explains that there was an incident a week ago where someone was dragged out of the inn and he has not been seen since. They mention they are on the lookout for a cleric. Minogar tells the guard that they are the people that helped find the missing boy, and asks what the world is coming to?

The guard agrees and opens the door for them and allows them inside. Inside they see a four seat table, unoccupied and all take a seat.

Minogar sits down and tells everyone that he killed a bear in the dark, he had to light fires in the cold and his torch was going out! He met the bear spirit and got an amulet of his powers from it.

Sasha goes next, and explains that she went to bard college, she shows the group a lute that she got, with her name on it! She explains that the lute can speak to the leader of the bard college when played. She tells of how she helped a beginner improve on a trumpet, and was about to pass. But this thing attacked them, but thankfully she had help in combat from the other bards!

Mira goes next, and explains that Misty ran away. Mira met a villager who was complaining that Misty had stolen a fish. He followed her into the woods and used the clues to try and track her. He then found Misty, who then recognised her, but a tree awoke and attacked them both. He found that if he lit his arrows on a flame, it would do more damage to the tree. He also mentions that afterwards a guy came out of the woods and offered for the group to visit his house sometime.

Marlade then goes and says that he actually hasn't gone anywhere and he has had a weird dream. He pulls out a huge weighty tome with a thud on the desk. The group peers over and sees written on it "My Dream Journal". Marlade goes on to explain that in this dream, he was initially stood in a room in an altar to his chosen deity.

He touches the altar and is then transported outside, he sees ruins infront of him, which he believes is where he was a moment ago. There are four towers around it, where three of them are completely destroyed and one is barely standing. When he goes near to this tower, an orc popped up and shot him in the arm. The vision changes and he wakes up in a ruined town, he wanders around it and hears loud noises in the distance, and a horde of orcs appear and attacked him. This ended the dream, he explains that he believes its related to the mountains in the distance, and he believes its a vision bestowed to him from Savras.

Minogar asks him if the ruins looked like Phandalin, but Marlade believes it is somewhere else. He describes that it was also near a barn. Minogar explains that he was raised by orcs, and that when they are in large numbers, they are a force to be reckoned with. Listening to Marlade's recollection again, they realise that the position of the sun has a bearing on where things are.

The group pull out the world map, and using Marlades description try to work out what place fits the description. They come to the conclusion that it must be somewhere near Conyberry, as it has the mountains to the south and the forest to the west.

They now ponder where to head next, Sasha reminds them that the Townmaster promised a reward for finding the boy, which they still have not claimed.

Before they leave, Minogar goes up to an old lady in the inn, who is talking to the barmaid. The barmaid asks if he wants a drink, he explains that he saved the boy, and the barmaid offers it for free, for helping the boy.

The group head over to the townmaster's house, the house is twice the size of all other houses around it and the door is ornate of metal construction. Minogar looks through the window and sees him slumped in the chair. Mira taps on the window and he wakes up with a start, he beckons the group to come in, and that the door is open.

The group enter and the townmaster thanks the group for all they have done, and realises they are here for the reward he promised. His colour flushes out of his cheeks slightly and he asks the group to come closer, he explains that he unfortunately requires one final favour that has just come up before he can part with his money. They don't like to hear this, and begin to get annoyed with the fat old fool. \page

He promises to increase the reward, but it must be kept quiet. He explains that there have been worrying rumours of a white dragon being spotted in the area, and that he has some dwarves excavating to the south, who need to be warned. Minogar asks why can't he send his town guards to do it, and Harbin explains that the guards are not disciplined enough and would spread it around town. Marlade asks him to show him on the map where they are, to see how much of a detour this is going to be.

Mira worries that the dwarves won't believe them, so Harbin writes a note for them to show them. The group don't quite want to go yet and worry that he will betray them again, Marlade threatens the townmaster and Harbin repeats that he will pay them on return. Minogar slams his axe down on the table and also threatens the townmaster, the townmaster holds steady and asks the group to listen, he is thankful for them helping the town, but time is of the essence! He implores them to trust him on this.

Mira takes a more diplomatic approach and explains that they have not seen any money, Sasha also helps to persuade. The townmaster realises that he has been a bit harsh and lets the group have 100g between them now and promises a further 900g to completely reconcile his debt to them.

Sasha asks what the dwarves names are that they are to meet. Harbin tells them they go by the names "Dazlyn Grayshard and Norbus Ironrune" and explains that they are business partners prospecting for gold.

The group set off for the excavation, they eat a meal on the way, and Minogar shares one of his with Marlade.

Chapter 25


The canyon’s rocky walls rise to a height of eighty feet. At the end of the canyon, a twenty-foot-high wall of black stone has a broken gate carved into it, with one stone door hanging precariously by a hinge and the other door missing. Beyond this open gate, in the shadow of a great mountain to the east, lies a ruined settlement. All is quiet.

The group press forwards through the giant gates, they see the outlines of the ruined settlement scorched into the earth, they also see a still lit campfire still crackling away.

Mira peers at the ruins and can only make out crushed dwarf remains, that do not appear to be recent.

Minogar lights a torch using the campfire and continues on. A partially collapsed, ten-foot-high wall separates this courtyard from the settlement west of it. Three heaps of rubble are piled high in this area. Hewn from the canyon’s back wall, a thirty-foot-high temple facade features steps rising to a stone platform. Cut into this facade is a ten-foot-high open doorway flanked by crumbling, life-sized granite statues of cloaked dwarves. Evil grins can be seen on their weatherworn faces.

They can also hear what sounds like people eating, beyond the piles of rubble. Beyond the rubble the group go, and see two dwarves sat there having a picnic. "Ooh, a goliath! ave not seen a goliath for yeerrrs!" one of them pipes up, "Norbus, look at the size o' that one!". The other dwarf looks over, "Yeah, Dazlyn, thats a, thats a specimen and harf! What can we do for ye?"

Minogar goes up to the dwarves and explains that they have a message from Harbin, "Harbin? Oh that old rascal," Norbus states, "Is he still fat?". Minogar agrees and asks the dwarves if they have anything to drink?

"Would ye like a waterskin?"

Minogar looks inside the bottle, and asks if there is any ale inside. "Aye, its got 4 pint o something in it alright!". Minogar doesnt trust the contents and hands it back.

He begins to explain that this mining operation is going to have to stop, but the dwarves explain that this is actually a temple to the dwarven god Abbathor, and they are intending to plunder it for treasure.

They go on to explain that they hit a bit of a snag, and that a yellow "thing" attacked them inside. They offer the group some sending stones in exchange for them heading inside and clearing out whatever it was.

Marlade takes a stone, and Mira takes the other. Minogar and Mira head in first, and enter a dusty foyer and see a door to the north, they investigate and see the room is full of rubble. They head back into the foyer and head east into what looks like a mini temple with four pillars holding up the roof. At the end of the room they see a blood stained limestone altar.

Mira heads up to the altar and takes a closer look, he then touches the altar and sees a yellow globlule drop infront of his face, and a big gelatinous blob falls from the roof. Mira stabs at the jelly with her shortsword and the jelly undulates around.

Sasha rushes in and slices at it with her longsword and slices the blob in half! But both halves seem to move of their own accord! \page

Marlade then casts Toll the Dead against the blob, the necrotic damage causes it to rot slightly and shake.

Minogar begins to rage, and tries to use his torch to hit one of the blobs. Sadly, he swings way to hard and misses, the torch goes out leaving him and Marlade without vision in this room. The blob lashes out a Minogar and hits him with its tendrils.

Mira then attacks with her shortsword and pierces the blob, the blob undulates. Mira then rushes back to the dwarves attempting to get to the campfire. Sasha retreats from the situation. Marlade lights one of his torches to restore sight to him and Minogar. Minogar then moves back from the blobs and tries to reassess the situation. The blobs follow the group but can't move as fast.

Mira goes up to Marlade and lights his arrow on Marlade's torch. He fires the arrow at the blob, but misses and pings the back wall. Sasha inspires Mira with her flute. Marlade casts Toll the dead once again on one of the blobs, and it looks like it has nearly completely rotted away.

Minogar lights his javelin on fire from Marlade's torch, and throws it at the blobs. The javelin pierces the ooze and causes it to burst. Only one ooze remains. Mira then lights her arrow again and shoots between Marlade and Minogar a flaming arrow that whizzes past them and lands square in the oozes underbelly. Sasha then inspires Marlade with her flute. Marlade then casts Toll the dead and damages the blob badly. Minogar lights another javelin on fire and throws it at it. The ooze squeals and bursts!

Mira then heads south in the room, and another yellow tendril comes down from the roof and attacks again! Its another yellow blob!

The blob lashes out at Mira and lands a couple of strong hits. Sasha then casts cure wounds on Mira to bring her health back up. The group all gang up on the new ooze, taking care not to slash it and destroy it with fire damage. They are triumphant once again, and the ooze bursts!

The group decide to head back outside to the dwarfs, "Did you find any treasure?" the dwarves ask. Minogar says they have not. "There should be some treasure in that temple, we are sure of it!" the dwarves exclaim.

Session 06 - 06/05/2020

Chapter 26


The group return inside and look around the room which contained the slimes. Mira notices the outline of a door to the north of the room. Mira tries to kick the stone door and it moves back slightly, grinding against the floor. Minogar comes up and tries to open the door normally with a push and it opens.

They enter a new corridor, with rubble to the left and a normal door to the right. They head to the door and Minogar listens at it. He does not hear anything on the otherside. The group enters the room. This room contains three stone bed frames pressed up against the wall, they are empty.

Mira and Sasha notice something odd again about the south wall in this room. Sasha goes and investigates and sees another stone door, she pushes it open.

The next room contains an empty stone font and a stone wardrobe. Sasha looks inside the wardrobe and sees rotted remains of two suits of red leather armor. The logo on them Marlade recognises as the symbol of Abbathor - the dwarven god of greed.


Abbathor is the dwarven god of greed, he is associated with Trickery and is an evil god.

His symbol is a Jeweled Dagger, pointing down.

His followers revere Abbathor and he tests them by tempting them with gifts. If the follower succumbs to his or her greed, Abbathor doles out punishment.

To the south of this room is also a normal door, which Marlade opens. It reveals another corridor with a normal door across from them, to their left is a load of collapsed rubble, which has a faint green glow emanating through it. To their right is what appears to be a dead end, but Mira notices that it is actually another secret door.

He enters and sees a fork, to the right is a dead end and to the left is more rubble with what appears to be remnants of yellow jelly on it.

Mira nopes out of there.

The group head back into the corridor with the green glow, and open the other door. Inside this room is another collapsed room full of rubble, there is a skeleton buried in it. Mira goes and investigates the skeleton, he bends down and sees that it is the size of a dwarf, it is also wearing the rotted leather armor that Sasha found in the wardrobe, so they deduce it must be a priest of some kind. It appears to have been killed when the room collapsed.

Around its neck, Mira finds a necklace that bears the symbol of a tiny jeweled dagger. Marlade recognises that as the symbol of Abbathor once again. He also recognises that the etchings on the necklace say "Greed is good". Mira takes the necklace.


The group decide to head back into the main room where the jellies were. Sasha notices something odd about one of the pillars. She finds that this one has a secret cavity on it. She smashes it open and a load of skulls fall out onto the floor. But in the cavity is a small stone coffer.

Sasha grabs the coffer and opens it and finds fifteen gemstones, presumably offerings to their god.

Mira spots another secret door to the south, and Minogar opens it. It reveals another corridor that has a normal door at the end. Minogar listens to it, but hears nothing.

It opens into another perpendicular corridor, to their left is another door and to their right leads back to the dwarves. The group head to the other door, Mira opens it and reveals a partially collapsed room full of rubble. The group dig through the rubble but do not find anything.

They decide to head back to the corridor with the green glow, they begin to clear out the rubble and Marlade fetches the two dwarves to help them. It takes the group six hours to clear the rubble and it reveals a corridor into another room.

This room contains rubble to the south covered in green dust, to the north they see a statue holding a green gem and glaring at it with a crazy smile.

Marlade tries to check for magic in this room, but finds none. Marlade proceeds to grab the stone with Minogar stood next to him, the statue explodes and debris smashes into them both knocking them to the floor. Minogar managed to react and move out of the brunt of it, but Marlade was not so lucky.

Sasha proposes they give the gems to the dwarves, but Minogar disagrees. The dwarves ask if they are ok after the explosion. Mira says he found a necklace and shows it to the dwarves. They recoil and don't want to take it when Mira offers. The group decide now is the time to head back to Phandalin with the dwarves.

Chapter 27


As the group leave the excavation, they return to the ruined settlement and begin to go through the large gates, Minogar stops the group and warns the group that he can hear an orc warband. He looks and sees around four orcs heading their way, and tells the group to hide, quickly!

The group rush north and hide behind one of the buildings in the ruins.

The orcs come through the gates, one of them speaks to a much larger orc, presumably the leader. "Tulgan, do you think this will do?"

The larger orc replies, "Yes, this will do nicely, its not quite home, but it will do."

The other then realises something and says, "Shush, shush, Tulgan... stop. Can you smell... something?"

Tulgan sniffs. "Yes... I can smell... dwarf!"

Mira says to the group why cant they just throw them out? But Minogar warns that they should not. Tulgan means trouble.


Tulgan was an exiled sibling of Lorgru, the king of the Many Arrows tribe.

He and Minogar used to be allies and together overthrew Lorgru. However Tulgan betrayed Minogar once his usefulness had ended and slayed most of his tribe.

Minogar holds a grudge against the orc to this day. Tulgan currently leads the Icebrood Tribe, most of which were slain by Cryovain - the white dragon.

Tulgan looks up at the giant statues near the entrance of the excavation. "Hmm, this land was once dwarven" he says, "Maybe the dwarves are still inside"

The orc then scans his immediate area, "This village has seen better days, shall we see what we can find?"

The orcs then seperate and begin to turn over the ruins, searching for treasure or weapons.

Realising they are going to be found, the group start frantically whispering to decide what to do next. Mira decides that because he knows orcish, he will step out first and try and convince them to go.

One of the orcs sees Mira as he rises. "Halt, who are you?" the orc shouts.


Mira explains who he is, "Why are you here? Come, rest of you, interloper over here!" the orc responds. The other orcs all come and gather around Mira.

Two of the orcs raise their javelins and point them at Mira.

"Well, why are you here?" the orcs tone becomes more violent. Mira gets annoyed and says he is trying to say, he is here to explore the place.

"Hmm, do we want witnesses Tulgan?"

Mira pleads that he didn't see or know anything. Minogar senses trouble and pops up, he tells the orcs to put down their weapons.

Tulgan then turns to Minogar and his demenour changes. He seems quietly happy to see Minogar, but in an ominous way.

"Minogar... so we meet again."

Minogar says that he expected the next time they meet would be on the battlefield, with Minogar slaying the orc in battle.

"Ha, and now you are hanging around with elves. Look at how low you've gotten, you were once a man of honor... dignity... now you're weak. Pathetic!"

Mira looks down at Sasha as if to say can you believe this guy?

"Let me tell you what's going to happen now, Minogar" Tulgan continues, "We are going to skin your friend alive, and make you watch!"

As Tulgan says this, Minogar gets angry and raises his javelin. Marlade pops up and stands infront of Mira and casts guiding bolt at an orc. The orc goes pale as the bolts fly in his direction and tear him to shreds.

Mira slashes with her shortswords at another orc and glances the shoulder of the beast. Misty then runs in tries to bite the orc, but the orc bats the panther away. The orc then swings it's axe at the panther but it slams into the ground.

Minogar rages and takes his greataxe out, he swings it at a third orc. The orc deftly moves out of the way and grins at Minogar.

Sasha then moves in and throws a dagger at an orc, and manages to clip it in his shoulder, it screams out in pain at the bard.

The dwarves start to cheer the group in the background.

An orc then swings at Mira but his armor withstands the blow. Another orc comes to his aide and also swings at Mira, landing a crushing blow to his skull, knocking him unconscious.

Tulgan then rages and tries to hit Minogar with his greataxe, but his rage is too great and he misses the attack.

Marlade then moves across the battlefield, provoking an attack from an orc, which swings at him with his greataxe. Marlade is clipped very heavily along his back. He rushes over to Mira and uses Spare the Dying to prevent him slipping away to the void.

Minogar shouts to the dwarves to get Mira out of there. He then swings at the orc that attacked Mira. He lands a solid hit with his greataxe and slices into its neck, the orc chokes on his blood and dies.

Sasha attacks the orc she threw a dagger at with her longsword, but misses. She goes over and picks up her dagger.

The dwarves gingerly come in and drag Mira out of danger to the back of the fray.

An orc swings at misty and wounds the panther badly. Tulgan flails for Minogar again, solely focusing on him but smashes part of the ruins instead.

Marlade then casts Toll the Dead on an orc but the orc resists the spell. Minogar swings at another orc instead of Tulgan and takes off the head of the orc. The head rolls away with its tongue out.

Sasha takes a hammer from Marlade and attacks an orc with both a dagger and a hammer, leaving it very bloodied.

The dwarves tend to Mira and help him up. The bloodied orc turns to Sasha and tries to hit her with his axe and lands a good hit.

Tulgan continues to focus on Minogar and swings his greataxe at the goliath. Minogar then uses his stone's endurance to reduce the damage coming in, but Tulgan's strike still breaks through and leaves him bloodied.

Marlade then casts Healing Word on Mira and uses Toll the Dead on an orc, blood pours from the ears of the orc and it screams out in agony as it dies.

Mira uses her longbow to attack Tulgan from a distance but misses the orc as he flails around chasing Minogar.

Minogar screams at Tulgan and swings his greataxe at him, shouting for the Threefury tribe! The axe hits his metal shoulder pad and it buckles, Tulgan screams out in agony and his bloodlust rises.

Sasha throws her dagger at Tulgan, which sticks into his back. She also throws her hammer at him and it lands on his shin, causing him to stumble slightly.

Tulgan, now bloodied and alone, goes into a frenzy.

He swings for Minogar - foaming at the mouth - and lands a massive crushing blow.

Marlade touches Minogar and casts Cure Wounds on him. He also casts Sanctuary on Minogar, preventing attacks against him.

Mira uses his Clockwork Amulet to guarantee a hit with his longbow and the arrow straight into his chest, Tulgan laughs and pulls the arrow out of his chest.

Minogar says to Tulgan that he betrayed the Threefury tribe, after all those years. "You are not one of us, you are a goliath!" Tulgan shouts. "We orcs are proud, we dont ask for help!"

Minogar says he will soon be dead, and swings at Tulgan with his greataxe. The axe buries into his chest and Tulgans eyes start to turn red with pure rage.


Sasha grabs her dagger out of Tulgan, and swings her longsword at the orc, but loses her footing slightly and misses the swing.

Tulgan then swings for Minogar, breaking the Sanctuary and lands a hit on Minogar's shoulder. His frenzied state allows him to swing again but his bloodlust takes over and he swings at Marlade, but the cleric jumps out the way.

Marlade casts Toll the Dead on Tulgan, he topples over and Minogar grabs Tulgan by the chest and says that this is for the Threefury tribe. He severes the orc's head from his body and keeps it as a memento. The headless orc's body slams into the floor.

The group loot the orcs and take their weapons. They decide to head back to Phandalin with the dwarves.

Chapter 28


As it is night time, the group decide to camp outside the excavation site instead of travelling in the dark. The group manage to sleep without intrusion but the group do believe they heard a dragon roaring and flying overhead at one point in the night...

Arriving back in Phandalin, they bid the dwarves farewell, who thank the group and head to the Phandalin Miner's Exchange.

Phandalin Miner's Exchange

The Miner's Exchange is a trading post where local miners have their valuable goods weighed, measured and paid out. In the absence of any local lord or authority, the exchange also serves as an unofficial records office, registering claims to various streams and excavations around the area.

There isn't any real gold rush in Phandalin, but enough wealth is hidden in the nearby streams and valleys to support a good number of independent prospectors.

The exchange is a great place to meet people who spend a lot of time out and about in the countryside surrounding Phandalin.

The group decide now is the time to visit the Townmaster again and get their reward. As they arrive at the house, they notice that the curtains are all drawn. Sasha knocks on the door, and the group wait. There is no answer from the door.

Mira steps forward and tries the door, it has been locked.

Minogar decides that they should sell the weapons they picked up earlier, and maybe they will see him around town. They head over to Barthen's Provisions.

As they enter Barthen welcomes them, they ask if they can sell some weapons, but he explains that he does not buy weapons and armor. He points them over to the Lionshield Coster and advises them to speak to a woman called Linene and explains that anything martial is sold there.

Mira then shows him the necklace he got in the excavation and asks if he wants to buy it. Barthen accepts Mira's offer of 50gp.

The group also sell their gems to the dwarf and he happily buys them at the market value.

They head over to the Lionshield Coster, hanging above the front door of this modest trading post is a sign shaped like a wooden shield with a blue lion painted on it.

Lionshield Coster

This building is owned by the Lionshields, a merchant company based in the city of Yartar, over a hundred miles to the east. They ship goods to Phandalin and other small settlements throughout the region.

This shop sells armor or weapons, which are stored in the back room, all of which are available for purchase. However, the owner won't sell to people they perceive are a threat to the town.

Minogar opens the door and enters, they see a human woman stood behind the counter, giving the group a funny look.

"Can I help you?" she asks.

Minogar begins to tell the woman that they want to sell some axes to her.

"Where did you get them?" the woman interupts Minogar as he is telling her, she seems impatient with the group. Minogar explains that they had to take them from orcs.

"Stolen weapons? You are trying to pass of stolen weapons to me?"

Mira says they are not stolen. "But you just told me you took them from orcs," the woman continues, "Sorry, this is a reputable business, we arent interested. Good day."

She turns her attention and begins to fill out what looks like an order book.


Marlade asks Sasha to try and persuade her to buy the weapons. Sasha explains that the weapons were actually procured in an honourable way, but the woman does not buy it. Sasha explains that the goliath is mistaken, and that they were actually gifted to the group by the orcs.

Minogar uses this moment to act daft and acts like he doesnt know where he is. Sasha says that look, we have to deal with this all the time.

The woman thinks for a second, "Your friend clearly is insane... hmm. Perhaps I misjudged you."

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Linene, normally I get to know new people before I buy and sell weapons from them. But I think me and you have clicked! So these weapons, lets take a look"

The group show the axes to Linene, and Linene begins to make casual conversation about the goings on of the town. Sasha tells Linene that they saved Carp recently, Linene didn't even know he had gone missing, but is impressed none the less.

"So, are you adventurers in that case?" Linene asks, and the group says they are.

"Because, I heard a rumour that there is a lodge in Neverwinter Wood. The ranger there apparently knows a lot about the land, perhaps he could be of some use?"

Mira explains that he has actually met the ranger she is talking about, Falcon, before.

"Ah, im telling you what you already know!" Linene laughs, "Well I bet you havent heard this one. West of Phandalin, there is a tower, ships are drawn to this like moths to a flame and are doomed to crash on it's rocks... I bet those wrecks are filled with treasure!"

Marlade asks Linene if she has seen the Townmaster, but she assumes he is just at his house.

Mira asks when she saw him last. Linene explains that Harbin is a bit of a recluse and hasn't seen him for at least a tenday now.

The group sell their axes to Linene, and decide to head back to the Townmaster's house.

Minogar knocks on the window, and shouts for Harbin. But there is no response.

Minogar knocks on the door again, and really bangs it this time. Mira says they should break in. Minogar checks around the house incase there is any sign of him, but finds nothing. He does notice that all of the curtains on the building are drawn however.

Marlade thinks this a sign of somebody who doesnt want to pay.

Sasha says he just might be out, but Mira says that they have just been told that he doesn't go out often.

Sasha casts Knock on the door and the tumblers move and it opens. As they enter the building, they notice that all the drawers in the place are empty and open. But it doesn't look like it has been robbed, more that whoever was here left in a hurry with all of their things.

Mira notices a note on the table.

To whoever finds this,

I thought I could cope with being the townmaster in a time like this, but with rumours of a dragon roosting nearby, I dont want to take my chances!

Dont follow me.


Mira looks for signs to see where he has gone, he finds a tuft of Harbin's clothes on the door frame. He gets his panther to sniff it and hopes she can track him, but the cat just looks confused. Mira deduces that he can't have been gone for more than half a day.

The group try to see if there are any footprints on the path outside, but the footpath is too well travelled for them to make out any specific prints.

Minogar inspects the chair he saw him sleeping in before, and smells where he once sat. He corroborates with Mira that he has been gone no more than half a day.

The group debate amongst themselves whether they are gonna kill him or not if they find him. Marlade and Minogar think they should, but Mira and Sasha are against it, they just want their money.

Marlade believes that he has ran off with all the town's money and debates whether they should tell the town or not.

They decide they aren't going to tell the town, so that when they find him they can keep all the money.

The group decide to start their investigation back at the Lionshield Coster. "Back so soon?" Linene asks.

Sasha explains that Harbin has done the dirty on the whole town and ran off with all the gold. She shows Linene the letter he wrote.

Linene however focuses on the more pressing issue of the letter.

"There is a dragon roosting nearby?! You have to tell the town!"

Sasha tries to gloss over the subject and says that don't you think its bad that Harbin has just left?

"You need to shout this out in the town square! People need to know!" Linene starts to panic.

Marlade explains that dragons come and go, and that money is forever.

"Dragons most certainly do not come and go! There haven't been sightings around these parts for years!" Linene starts to have a panic attack.

Sasha tries to calm her down, and tells her to breathe.

Linene calms.

"You said earlier that you are adventurers. You should speak to Daran Edermarth he was a former adventurer like you, and should know of a way to take this dragon down!"

Mira asks Linene not to tell the rest of the town while they do this. She says she won't, as long as they head for Daran straight away.

The group do so and cross the Town Green to get to Edermarth's Orchard.

They see apple trees with a farmer with a straw hat, pouring a bucket of apples into a barrel whistling away.

Sasha shouts hello and asks if he is Daran.

The farmer tips the brim of his hat up and looks over at the group. "Hello? I am Daran, who are you?"

As Daran lifts his hat, the group notice slightly spiky ears and realise that he is half-elven.

He has long grey hair and stands very tall, he looks old but still very capable.

Sasha introduces the group and they all exchange pleasantries. "Pleased to meet you," Daran says, "Are you new to town?"

Sasha cuts to the chase, and explains that Linene has asked them to talk to him.

They explain that the townmaster has gone and Sasha shows him the note.


"I think you are missing the point of this note... Theres a dragon." he doesn't seem to bothered about that fact, but is surprised the group aren't more worried.

He tells the group of a sword that is rumoured to be able to defeat dragons, Lady Algondar's sword. He tells them that it is rumoured to be buried with her where she fell in battle between Phandalin and Neverwinter off the High Road.

Sasha asks how much he believes this legend.

"I believe its our best shot, I mean no offence by this, but I believe that - as you are - you would not win..."

Session 07 - 14/05/2020

Chapter 29


The group spend a week in Phandalin preparing to travel, when the time comes they decide first to head west in search of the tower that Linene spoke of.

They follow the trail closely and rest for two nights, nothing eventful happens and the group have a pleasent journey to the coast.

As they near the sea, Mira spots something in the distance.

Below the high cliff that hugs the coastline, an outcropping of rock is nearly surrounded by water, with only a narrow causeway connecting it to the beach below.

Atop this outcropping is a stone building surmounted by a lighthouse tower. An eerie green light pulses from this beacon, shining westward out to sea.

With each green pulse of light, they hear the thump of a slow-beating heart.

The group approach the coast and see the tower in the distance, a long rock path leads up to a small island that holds the tower. To their right they see the sandy beach and a giant crab, that appears to be waving at them?

Mira believes the crabs waving to be friendly, and suggests to the group to go and approach it.

They carefully make their way down the cliff onto the sand and walk up to the crab.

"Well met!" the crab exclaims as the group approach.

Minogar greets the crab and says they have heard rumours of wrecks containing treasure around the tower.

"Yes, five shipwrecks are spread around the rock beneath the lighthouse. I'll fetch treasure from one of these wrecks if you help me." the crab says.

Minogar says what is the help it needs?

"I have a master, she is a dead sea elf named Miraal. She haunts the nearby cave, can you lay her to rest?"

The group says they can do that, and ask the crab's name. The crab says he has never been named, so the group name him "Ranal".

Ranal then warns the group of a couple of things.

"Evil harpies nest atop the rocky outcropping and there are sharks in these waters, but the one to fear is a mean old brute named Daggermaw. She'll bite your head off and take pleasure in it."

The group ask if the crab knows anything about the tower, but it explains that it has never been inside. They ask if anyone else has ever entered, and Ranal says he saw an orc enter long ago, but he is probably dead now.

Climbing back up the cliff, the group head across to the cave the crab had pointed too.

Sasha heads inside first, cautiously.

Inside she sees the corpse of an elven woman, but it has webbed hands and feet as well as what appear to be gills on it's neck. It has started to decompose and its not clear how long it has been here.

As Sasha approaches the corpse, a ghostly spirit bursts out of it, looking deranged. It screams at the group. "What brings you here?" the banshee wails.

The group say they want to help.

"Help? Help Miraal? How do you suppose you can help?"

Minogar asks the banshee if she has unfinished business of any kind.

"I do, Moesko. He took my spellcasting focus, an opalescent conch, as a trophy. You need to return it to me, and then I can be laid to rest." the banshee grows angry at saying this.

Minogar asks where this conch is?

"Up in the tower," the banshee grows more impatient. "You will find him. Refuse! And I will kill you all!!" the banshee starts to scream madly.

Mira gets annoyed at the banshee saying they are just trying to help it.

The banshee starts to grow in annoyance and begins to cast a spell. Its eyes begin to glow white. The group run off towards the tower.

As the group approach the island with the tower on it, steps lead up the cliffside to the tower's entrance. And as they climb the whirling staircase, harpies emerge from above and start shouting and jeering and throwing rocks at the group.

The group continue through the abuse up the stairs and arrive at the entrance to the tower.

At the top of the stairs, a rocky plateau spreads out some 80 feet above the water. Two wooden doors have rusty iron hinges and handles, as well as decorative lightning bolts carved into them.

Sasha checks to see if the door is locked, it is unlocked and she opens it into a foyer.

This 15-foot-high room is empty. Through a dirty window in the south wall, the party can see two ships’ masts jutting crookedly from the water.

There are two double doors to the north west and a single wooden door to the south, both have the lightning bolt symbols on them.

The group decide to head to the south.


Minogar opens the door and inside they see what looks like a shrine.

The walls of this fifteen-foot-high room are adorned with frescoes that depict ships being tossed on stormy seas, with a dark and terrible god looming above them and smiling. Set into the west wall is a dirty, salt-encrusted window. A stone altar with lightning bolts carved into it stands against the south wall. A metal rod descends from the ceiling above the altar, splitting in two before it embeds itself into the stone.

Marlade tries to recognise the deity in this room, but it eludes him, he has never come across this particular god. However, based on the markings and the state of the temple, he knows the god is not good.

Mira looks at the altar, nothing really strikes out at him. Mira sees another door in this room to the south. He checks it and it isn't locked. Mira opens the door, the sounds of angry harpies fills the room...

Chapter 30


A ledge enclosed by a 3-foot-high stone retaining wall serves as a nest for the harpies. The harpies line their nest with rotting vegetation and the bones of previous meals, which they hunt up and down the coast.

Sasha attacks first, she throws her hammer at one of the harpies and hits it in the head, the harpy gets annoyed and growls. She throws her dagger at it as well, but misses.

Her dagger falls into the sea below.

Sasha rushes outside and tries to get a footing to the side of the harpies, one of the harpies slashes at her with its claws but misses.

The harpies start to sing.

Marlade and Mira are both entranced by the song and become charmed.

Another harpy flies over to Sasha and hits her with its claws, wounding her badly.

A final harpy flies over to Mira and hits him with its claws and its club, wounding him gravely.

The group begin to regret going outside.

Marlade rushes towards the singing harpy, still charmed. As he gets closer though, the effect wears off. He casts guiding bolt at the singing harpy, but misses. He casts sanctuary on Mira.

Minogar enters a rage and attacks the nearest harpy to him, the harpy screeches out in pain as his greataxe slices off one of its wings.

Mira, still charmed, moves towards the singing harpy. But he remains charmed throughout.

Misty, his panther runs through to help. A harpy manages to whack it with its club as it runs through though.

The panther bites at the harpy who is singing, and hits it on its shin. It carries on singing.

Sasha, feeling cornered, swings her longsword at the harpies, but they all back away and dodge.

She starts to cast bardic inspiration on Minogar. The harpies all swarm at Sasha, she manages to dodge a few attacks, but one of them digs its claws into her.

Another hits her with it's club. Sasha is looking bloodied.

Another harpy attacks Minogar and hits him with it's club. The barbarian does not look phased.

The singing harpy continues.

Marlade casts healing word on Sasha, seeing how damaged she is. Her wounds start to heal up, but she still looks bad.

Minogar swings at the harpy nearest to him again, using the inspiration from Sasha. He lands a powerful blow on the stub where the harpy's wing was.

Mira breaks free from the song's effect. He takes both of his swords and attacks the harpy that was charming him. He cleaves up its back and damages it badly. The sanctuary wears off. It fixates on Mira.

Two harpies swarm at Minogar and attack him, but he withstands most of the damage with his raging.

Another harpy attacks Mira with its claws and digs in.

Marlade casts Cure Wounds on Sasha and Healing Word on Mira. Both are looking much better now.

Minogar slashes once again at his target, getting annoyed that it still won't die. He clips off its other wing, covered in blood but is still alive.

Mira slashes at the harpy that was singing and disembowels it, as it falls dead. The group cheers as they realise they can turn the tide here.

Marlade again casts Cure Wounds, this time on Mira. Who is now fully recovered. He casts Healing Word on himself and is also looking very good.

Minogar once again attacks the very bloodied harpy, he slices it in half and it drops to floor dead.

The group feel better and exclaim to each other that there are only three more to go!

Mira attacks another harpy and Sasha helps him with it, he manages a critical hit and plunges both his swords into its chest. The harpy is looking very bloodied, but is still alive!

Misty also lunges at the harpy and bites it on its leg.

Sasha casts Cure Wounds on Misty, and the panther is now looking a lot better.

Marlade casts Toll the Dead on a harpy, it takes a bit of damage but generally is ok.


Minogar swings at another harpy after slaying his last kill. He takes its head clean off and its body slumps to the floor.

Mira attacks one of the remaining two harpies, using the inspiration he had from Sasha before. Taking both his swords and slashing at a harpy. The harpy squeals and focuses on Mira.

Sasha slashes her longsword at the harpy and slices it down it's arm.

The harpy still focuses on Mira though, and claws at him.

Marlade casts Toll the Dead on that harpy, the bell rings and the harpy covers its ears but takes a lot of damage.

Minogar seizes this opportunity to slash at this harpy and he cuts it in half, the top half falls to the floor in a slump and the bottom becomes rigid and stands there gushing blood.

Mira moves to the final harpy and attacks it with both his swords, it leaps back and hovers out of reach to avoid the swings.

Sasha also swings with her longsword, but the harpy still hovers out of reach.

It lands back on the ledge and attacks Marlade, he takes the hit like a champ and casts Toll the Dead, but the harpy resists it.

Minogar once again swings at the harpy with his greataxe, he lands a massive blow and leaves the harpy looking worse for wear.

Sasha runs across the battlefield to get away from the final harpy, but it lunges after her with its claws, it lands a hit as he runs past leaving a vicious wound on her side.

She casts Cure Wounds on Marlade and he looks much better.

Marlade casts Toll the Dead, but the harpy once again resists it.

Minogar slices once again, and the harpy is now looking near death.

Mira takes his shortsword and cuts it in half. The bottom half constricts and stays stood on the ledge, as the top half falls down cliff and tumbles into the waters below...

Chapter 31


Minogar decides to look around the battlefield for some loot, he sees that each harpy has a club, but is more interested in a potion that he finds. It is a potion of waterbreathing.

##### Potion of Water Breathing You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this potion. Its cloudy green fluid smells of the sea and has a jellyfish-like bubble floating in it.

The group go back inside the shrine, and take a short rest. Minogar looks at the lightning rod sticking out of the roof.

He looks around the statue to try and find hidden compartments. The altar to the south starts to spark as he does this.

Minogar then says should they try to commune with the statue, but Marlade reminds the group that he thinks the god is evil.

The altar sparks again, and the group move back. Mira goes up to the altar, it stops sparking as he looks closely. But then sparks again as he moves back. The hair on the back of his neck begins to rise.

Marlade tries to discern if there is any magic causing the altar to spark, it appears to be charged magically. But he doesn't believe it's dangerous.

Mira decides to touch the altar, tiny sparks crackle in his eyes and they turn blue. He is now empowered with the storm, and the altar stops sparking.

The group head back into the foyer and listen, they hear the heart beat from before, but it is now echoing all around and is much louder.

They head through the double doors and into a circle room with a spiral staircase. They head up one level to a door on their right.

They head through the door and it reveals a balcony outside. As they step out, from this vantage point, the party can see the shattered masts of the five shipwrecks west of the lighthouse. Enclosing the rooftop is a 1-foot-high stone wall with a 2-foot-high iron railing atop it. A similar railing circles the walkway of the lighthouse beacon, which is 20 feet above this area.

To the south they see a 10 foot tall wrought-iron lightning rod that reaches towards the sky. They head back inside the tower and climb it to the top.

The beating heart sound at this point is really loud and is nearly deafening them.

The pinnacle of the lighthouse beacon is partly open to the elements and surrounded by a narrow walkway topped by an iron railing. Three open archways allow the
beacon’s pulsating green light to
spill westward over the


Sasha goes to the edge of the balcony and looks out to the sea, the other three characters look to the source of the light, which is a still-beating heart, floating in the air 5 feet off the floor. The heart has been magically enlarged to ten times its normal size.

The characters are blinded from the green light temporarily and wait until their vision is restored.

Marlade casts detect magic and senses necrotic magic in the room, presumably what is keeping the heart alive.

He realises the heart is also protected from all kinds of psychic damage and is locked in place.

Minogar slashes the heart with his greataxe, it blinds him again as he does this, but he slices it down the center and it begins to bleed out. The heart beat becomes more faint.

Marlade follows up with a Toll the Dead cantrip, but to his horror he ends up restoring the heart back to health as though Minogar had never hit it.

Minogar slashes again, cursing Marlade for wasting his vision against this thing.

He succeeds in slicing it in half this time, the heart falls to the floor in two fleshy clumps. The green glow fades to nothing. The heart implodes, leaving no trace behind.

The group decide to look around the room, they look out to the shipwrecks and can see three sharks - about 15 foot long - swimming around the wrecks.

They head to the base of the tower and head through a single door to the north. As they enter the room, this 15-foot-high room has two north-facing windows. A barnacle-encrusted chair stands against the south wall. Sitting in the chair is Moesko, an anchorite of Talos clad in armor made from giant octopus hide. Resting in his lap is an opalescent conch he took from Miraal the sea elf.

Beneath his armor, Moesko has a hole in his chest where his heart used to be. Moesko is dead and slumped in the chair.

Minogar notices the conch on his lap, and rushes to grab it. He also takes the clawed gauntlet that is in his right hand.

The group head back to the banshee with the conch. As they enter the cave, the banshee forms infront of them and asks for the conch.

As Minogar hands over the conch, the banshees twisted face becomes calm, she resembles a youthful elf once more. She smiles at the group warmly and fades away.

Minogar decides to search through the elf's corpse and finds a Cloak of Billowing.

They return to the talking crab, and the crab has already detected that the elf has returned to the beyond. He offers to fetch some treasure from a wreck for the group. He disappears for a few moments and emerges from the sea with an enchanted greataxe. Which Minogar swiftly takes.

The crab slowly shrinks and returns to its normal self. It scuttles away quickly into the sea.

The group decide to climb back up the cliff and take a long rest. They see a few dozen baby turtles struggling to make their way to the sea.

Session 08 - 19/05/2020

Chapter 32


The group awaken from their long rest, the morning brings a slightly colder temperature this day. Dew is forming on the grass around them and there is a slight damp feeling to the air.

They look out to sea at the tower they were in previously. Behind it they see a storm brewing out to sea.

The group decide that because of this, they should head off somewhere else. They deliberate where to go.

They remember the commendation that they had from Justice Keenseeker, the knight they met in Phandalin. It says they should seek out Lord Dagult Neverember in Neverwinter.

Using this knowledge, they head north towards Neverwinter, sticking to the main road. As they travel, Minogar mentions they should also search for the ruins that Daran spoke of.

The group camp for two nights as they travel north. About halfway to Neverwinter, when they are camping on the second night, they see fireflies fluttering all around them. Like little yellow lights slowly bobbing up and down.

The fireflies appear to the group as though they aren't actually randomly moving around, and are actually trying to lead them somewhere.

Sasha leads the group as they follow the fireflies, the moon has come out in full and the night has cemented itself. The group have now gone off the main path and are in the middle of a field.

The grass here is longer than near the path and comes up to their knees. The group see boulders and stones, but nothing matching the description of the place they are searching.

Sasha continues to lead the group, following the fireflies. They come to a mound, a thirty-foot-high hill rises ahead of them, its top too flat to be a natural occurrence. Jutting from the grassy hilltop is a row of ten-foot-tall, bone-white rocks that arc toward the sky like outstretched talons.

The fireflies they were following start to encircle the stones in random directions. Marlade and Minogar light torches and the group go to the stones. Sasha carries on leading the group, and they start to inspect the jagged rocks.

Mira looks around and comes to realize that the hill they are stood on is shaped like a dragon, and the rocks they are looking at make up its spikey spine. He also realizes that there is a hidden entrance below one of the rocks.

When they open up the entrance, the fireflies all shoot down into the opening.

Mira leads the group down, it is a spiral staircase made of mud and rocks. They descend down, and emerge into a dug out room with exits in each of the four cardinal directions.

The fireflies have formed three groups and are moving around the north, west and south exits. As the group approaches a cluster, the fireflies move back into their respective tunnel, as if beckoning the group to follow.



Deciding to stick together, the group head west and follow that group of fireflies first.

Keeping their distance constantly, the fireflies move back through the tunnel and Mira follows them first. As he follows, the ground collapses beneath him as a pit opens up.

He falls onto a load of rusty swords, about ten feet down. The pit is five feet across and is as wide as the tunnel. Mira is bleeding out at the bottom of the pit, and decides to cast Cure Wounds on himself. The bleeding stops and the group decide how to get him out and how best to cross this new obstacle.

Minogar tries to reach down and grab Mira, but its just out of his reach. Mira jumps up and attempts to grab his hand. He jumps up but misses the hand, and hits the swords again.

Minogar throws some rope down to Mira, he grabs it and they attempt to haul the elf out of the pit. They manage to haul him up and Mira is now out of the pit.

Minogar says why not just jump across the pit. Mira tries to jump across the pit, but as he leaps, the edge of the pit where he jumps off falls away and he begins to tumble into the pit again. Minogar reacts and tries to grab him before he falls, but just misses as he reaches out, Mira tumbles into the pit again and takes some more damage.

Minogar jokes that they will be killing dragons in no time!

Sasha suggests to Minogar for him to jump across instead and try pulling Mira up on the other side.

He leaps across and lowers down the rope to Mira to get him out again. Mira is starting to tire, so as he climbs the rope he slips and falls back into the pit, taking damage. They try once again, but the rope is starting to strain, and snaps.

Mira once again falls back into the pit.

Minogar hangs himself onto the ledge of the pit in attempt to let himself be a ladder. His massive goliath arms strain as Mira climbs up, but it works and Mira is now out of the pit and on the other side!

Mira takes out another rope and throws it across to the other two, Sasha and Marlade watch as the rope lands on their side of the pit and begins to drag back into the pit. They stand confused as it falls in. Mira throws it again and tells them to catch it!

Sasha grabs the rope.

She hands it to Marlade and attempts to jump the gap. Sasha leaps across but it looks like she isn't going to quite make it, Minogar quickly grabs Sasha as she lands on the other side and begins to fall back. She is now on the other side.

Marlade now stands on the other side with the rope in his hand, smiling at the group.

Marlade ties the rope around his waist and tries to jump the pit. He shuffles across in his little robe and does a piddly little jump, and begins to tumble face first into the pit.

Minogar reacts quickly and tugs on the rope that is tied around Marlade's waist, sadly his palms have become sweaty and the rope slides through his fingers.

Marlade slams head first into the ground and takes critical damage on the swords. One of the swords stabs right through his chest and he is looking really bad.

He immediately casts Cure Wounds on himself and manages to slightly seal the wound, he casts it again and heals the wound completely.

Mira throws a potion of healing down to him, and Marlade manages to catch the potion, he drinks it and recovers to near full strength.

Minogar lowers himself down, similar to how he did for Mira earlier. Marlade begins to climb him and decides now is a good time to tickle Minogar, Minogar does manage to hold on but tells him to knock it off!

They are now all out of the pit, and in a new room. The fireflies begin to disperse around the room and disappear, the group hear them laughing as they do this.

This new room contains four sarcophagi, buried into the walls. The group each pick one and open it. The group nominate Minogar to go first, as he opens it, he sees the remains of a body, it is now a skeleton. Based on the equipment it is buried with, it must be a dead bard. There is a lute next to it. He beckons over to Sasha to take a look, she comes over and inspects the lute.

It feels very magical in her hand, but she feels bad taking it from a grave, so initially puts it back.

Mira then opens another sarcophagus, again he sees a skeleton, but this one has no possessions so has no idea what or who it once was.

Mira then goes over to another sarcophagus and opens it up, again, it contains a skeleton but this one has a necklace around its neck.

He peers closer and sees the necklace has five beads on it, all containing small miniature flames suspended presumably by magic.

Mira decides to keep the Necklace of Fireballs.

Sasha decides based on this, to actually take the lute. She asks Minogar to pass it to her though, just in case. Minogar picks up the Instrument of Illusions.

He starts to play it and realises he can create illusions. A dancing Lanar appears in the room and the group laugh.

Minogar passes it to Sasha. They inspect the final sarcophagus and this one just contains a skeleton with no other equipment.

Sasha realises that the group now has to go back over that pit. Minogar suggests to make a bridge with one of the sarcophagus's lids.

They grab the nearest lid and use it to cross the pit. It starts to crack as Minogar goes across but they do all follow and make it across.

They head back into the first room, and the two remaining groups of fireflies are hovering around the north and south exits.


Chapter 33


Once again, the fireflies move back as the group approach, the group decide to head south this time. They move much more slowly and check the ground. Mira leads the group and spots something funny about the ground before the next room, the mud is very flat in a five foot square.

He investigates the ground, Minogar looks as well, they see that this must be the trap. They pat the ground and it falls away, revealing a similar trap to before, with rusty swords at the bottom.

Minogar leaps across, and the group decide to just let him explore for now. He sees a small cavern, the fireflies do what the others did and disperse around the room, laughing away and disappearing.

To the east he sees a small tunnel, that he could probably crawl through. To the south he sees a pile of bones, but he cannot tell what kind of creature the bones belong too. He reports back to the group, telling them about the bones and the hole in the wall.

Sasha then leaps across the pit.

She inspects the hole in the wall, to her, it is still a small hole but not as claustrophobic as if the goliath was to crawl through it.

She also goes over to the bones and looks closely at them.

As she approaches, the bones start to rise slowly and forms into a skeletal horse. It stands there looking at the group, or looking with where its eyes would be. It acts as though it sniffs Sasha.

Sasha strokes the bones, but the horse does not mind.

The horse wanders around and Minogar also pats the horse, it does not mind.

Sasha goes back over to the hole in the wall, she starts to crawl through the tunnel. Completely surrounded by earth, she presses on around a corner, and then around another. Shuffling along, she does not notice a pressure plate that she triggers as she is crawling.

The trap is sprung and the tunnel collapses around her!

Unable to see or breathe, Sasha starts to panic. She cannot even muster a shout without earth falling into her mouth!

Minogar sees the tunnel collapse infront of him and immediately starts frantically trying to dig into it. Sadly, Sasha crawled quite far into the tunnel, so Minogar has a long way ahead of him to dig. His goliath strength and endurance allows him to continue.

Sasha begins to choke, she cannot hold her breath anymore.

Minogar keeps shouting for Sasha and digging frantically, and Sasha begins to suffocate. Minogar begins to tire, and Sasha goes unconscious.

He keeps digging, lactic acid building up in his arms, but he presses on. He sees a leg, and grabs it with all his might. Sasha is looking in a bad way, and is not breathing at all.

Minogar panics and tries to give her a potion of healing, but as she is full of mud she cannot injest the potion.

He decides to start dragging her back to the group, she starts to turn purple and blue. Minogar is sweating profusely thinking that she isn't gonna make it.

But miraculously! She coughs up the mud and stones she had swallowed, and breathes once again! Delirious and not sure where she is, she sees Minogar above her looking concerned.

The tunnel collapses once again, but the pair are out of it. It seals up to prevent anyone entering again.

Sasha casts Cure Wounds on herself to restore lung function properly. She stands and Minogar stops crying.

The horse comes over to Sasha and nudges her with its head, seemingly to check if she is OK. Sasha strokes the horse.

The undead horse crouches down, as if beckoning to Sasha to ride it. She mounts the horse and it stands upright.

She notices that it has a collar, it has rotted away over the years, but still contains the words "Lady Alagondar...".

Sasha names the horse, "Lady".

She sees if the horse will follow her commands and is able to ride it around the room with ease.

The pair then trot over to the pit and Sasha encourages it to jump.

However, the horse does not even try to jump, it just effortlessly walks over the pit as though it was not there!

Minogar follows and leaps back across the pit to rejoin the group.

The group head back into the first room. Only one group of fireflies remain, to the north. Again, the fireflies move back to beckon the group to follow.

Sasha rides the horse and leads the group north following the fireflies once again, she detects another pit in the tunnel. Sasha decides to just walk over it with the horse, the fireflies again, whizz around the room laughing and disappear.

This room contains two sarcophagi either side of the room, buried in a similar fashion to other room. Sasha peers around a central pillar and sees the edge of a hilt.

As she moves around the pillar, she sees a sword sticking out of the ground in a pedestal.

The sword is extremely ornate and is the size of a full longsword, the gunmetal blade shines in an almost ethereal pattern. Its hilt is shaped like two open dragon wings in a bold navy colour and the pommel ends with the head of a dragon breathing fire out pointing upwards.


Chapter 34


Sasha reaches out for the sword and grasps it. She pulls the Dragon Slayer Longsword out of it's resting place and twirls it around. The blade looks foreboding, as she moves it around it feels like it would do a lot of damage to something if it was to hit it and yet, doesn't feel heavy in her hand.

Minogar starts to come down the tunnel to the room where Sasha went, he moves slowly and checks for traps.

As this is happening, Sasha suddenly gets whacked to the floor from an unknown force, she cannot see the assailant. The group hear the commotion and wonder what is going off.

Marlade also follows Minogar to the northern room, and checks for traps. Mira also joins the group and sees the trap, he sets it off safely. It opens up the same as the other two and contains rusty swords at the bottom.

Sasha gets up, and casts Cure Wounds on herself. Minogar leaps over the trap and joins Sasha, to his surprise, she is looking very panicked. To his horror he feels something swinging at Sasha, she feels the wind rushing too, and manages to dodge the swings.

Marlade also tries to jump across the pit, this time he manages to get across and join the other two in the room with the sword.

Mira also jumps across the pit, she asks Sasha what is happening. Sasha explains that something is swinging at her, she quickly mounts the horse and rides it south out of the room, leaving the group behind.

Bewildered, the group struggle to work out what has happened. Minogar suddenly gets knocked prone from an unseen force. He uses his Stone's Endurance to absorb the hit.

Marlade decides to follow Sasha and jump over the pit, as he jumps though, he gets caught and falls into the pit.

Mira uses his Primeval Awareness to detect what could be attacking Minogar, he detects that there is an Invisible Stalker in the room, that is an elemental.

Minogar runs over to Marlade who is in the pit. The three of them all feel a massive rush of wind go past them and Sasha is knocked off of the horse by the stalker. The horse rears and panics, not knowing what just happened.

Marlade tries to grab Minogar to climb out of the pit.

Mira moves around the pair and leaps across the pit to follow the gust of wind. Sasha picks herself up off the floor and casts Blade Ward on herself.

Minogar pulls Marlade out of the pit, Minogar jumps across the pit, leaving Marlade on the other side. The stalker attacks Sasha again, but her Blade Ward dampens the blow.

Marlade leaps across the pit, following Minogar, he enters room that Sasha is in and casts Detect Magic. He doesn't detect that magic is causing the stalker to attack.

Mira shouts over to Sasha to get rid of the sword.

Sasha drops the sword and moves away from it. Minogar moves behind Sasha, ready to defend.

The stalker keeps attacking Sasha though, and knocks her unconscious. It swings again at Marlade and hits him hard against the wall. Marlade goes over to Sasha and casts Cure Wounds on her. Sasha gets up, but looks very damaged. Marlade also casts Healing Word on himself to recover from the last hit.

Minogar tries to reach out around Sasha to try and work out where the thing is thats attacking.

The stalker continues its assault on Sasha and once again, knocks her unconscious. Marlade picks a location and casts Guiding Bolt, but it doesn't connect with anything. He also casts Sanctuary on Sasha, in an attempt to protect her.

Mira rushes over to the sword and picks it up. Sasha starts to come around again, but is still on the floor. Minogar swings around his greataxe near Sasha, but hits nothing.

Mira is now hit instead of Sasha by the unseen force and is knocked over. Marlade casts Detect Magic on the sword, he notices that the sword has got some kind of curse on it, and is what is summoning the stalker to attack.

Mira takes the sword and spins around with it, but doesn't manage to hit anything.

Sasha starts to look critical, and is slipping away. Minogar rushes over and uses a Potion of Healing on Sasha. She manages to get back up again, but is extremely shaken.

Mira feels a gust of wind twice as it swings at him, he steps back to avoid the attacks.

Marlade uses his Staff of Defence on Mira to cast Mage Armor on him. Mira drops the sword where he stands and moves away from it.

Sasha casts Cure Wounds on herself to recover from her ordeal.

Minogar uses a reckless attack on the sword, and chips the blade. A massive clang echoes through the room and the sword slides across the floor.

Mira gets hit again by the stalker, but his mage armor protects him from the blow. Marlade casts Cure Wounds on Mira to keep him alive.

Mira decides now is the time to escape, and rushes towards the entrance. Sasha follows suit and runs away with Mira. Minogar also decides that he should escape from this thing. The group leave Marlade alone in the room with the thing.

The stalker attacks Marlade and knocks him unconscious, the group do not know he has been attacked.


Miraculously, Marlade manages to stir, and get up. He stumbles back to the entrance to join the group outside.

The group wait outside, and wait for the thing to come, but it never does.

Sasha listens at the entrance and hears a faint wail of the horse being attacked. Then no sound at all...

Chapter 35


The group are stood, the moon still in the sky, they are extremely tired and contemplate taking a rest and coming back.

Minogar says that because the sword was dropped near the entrance, he feels he can quickly go down and grab it.

The group debate, but decide to let Minogar try to get the sword.

Minogar slowly heads down the staircase once again. He does not hear any noises or commotion. However, when he approaches where the sword was dropped, it is no longer there.

He sees a broken pile of bones where Lady once stood. He sees that the bones have been shattered, and looks like the stalker destroyed the horse.

Minogar notices that while he has been stood looking, nothing has attacked him. He heads north again, and jumps across the pit, however, he loses his footing slightly but manages to grab the other side. He hauls himself up on the other side.

He goes over to the pedestal and is shocked to find the sword is back in the pedestal, the chip he gave it before when he hit it has been removed.

Beside him are two sarcophagi, he inspects one and finds it contains a skeleton. He checks the other one which also contains a skeleton, but this one is wearing rusty armor. He looks closely at the armor, and sees that it has some text on it engraved. But there is too much rust to read it anymore.

The others outside start to get worried about Minogar, but decide to wait a while longer.

Minogar gets annoyed and swings his axe at the armor, it leaves a massive dint in it, and a massive ding echoes through the tunnel. The rust falls away from the armor, and he is able to read the words, "Tanamere Alagondar".

Lady Tanamere Alagondar

Lady Tanamere Alagondar was a royal scion of the Alagondar family in Neverwinter

Not much is known about Lady Tanamere Alagondar. It is said that she and two parties of adventurers fought and killed a green dragon named Azdraka that terrorized the High Road sometime during the era Neverwinter was ruled by the Alagondar family.

After being mortally wounded in the battle, her dying wish was that she and her fallen compatriots were buried with the corpse of Azdraka beneath a barrow near where the dragon fell.

According to legend, the Dragon Slayer longsword she wielded to slay Azdraka was buried there with her to this day.

The group outside hear the loud clanging noise, and start to worry what is happening. They decide to wait longer though as they believe they would hear more noise if he was in trouble.

Minogar stands near the sword and feels like he is being watched.

The group decide they have waited long enough, they head down into the barrow once again. The three of them arrive at the pit to the north, Sasha shouts over to Minogar to get out of here.

Minogar tells them that he found some armor with the name of "Tanamere Alagondar" on it.

The group decide the best course of action is to leave the barrow and prepare better for this. Minogar goes to jump over the pit, which he has succeeded everytime so far, but his overconfidence gets the better of him and he falls into the pit.

The swords dig into his legs and he screams out. He tries to jump off the swords to grab the ledge.

Sasha begins to help him get out of the pit, he grabs her hand but his goliath weight is too much and he ends up pulling the high elf into the pit with him as they both fall back in.

Minogar decides to just pick Sasha up and lift her out of the pit, Sasha climbs out. Mira comes to help, and Sasha and Mira both hold some rope down to try and lift Minogar out of the hole.

Minogars hands are too sweaty to grab ahold of the rope. He starts to climb out of the pit with the rope. Sadly, the rope snaps trying to hold his weight and he goes crashing back into the pit.

Sasha casts Mending on the rope, the rope is now as good as new. Minogar grows impatient and just tries to jump up again. He gets a much better footing this time, and manages to climb out.

The group leave the barrow and head back to the main path, the sun is beginning to rise. They are shattered and so set up camp and decide to take a long rest.

After the rest, the time is now midday and Minogar is awoken by someone tapping him with their foot.

"Hello there!" a squeaky voice exclaims, as Minogar opens his eyes and sees a halfling male with a huge backpack rubbing his hands over him.

"Im a wandering merchant, sorry to bother you, I thought I would talk to you first, erm, because you're the biggest!", the merchant continues, "Could I interest you in some wares, maybe?"

Minogar sighs and gets up, visibly annoyed to have been woken up from his nap.

"Oh, oh!" the merchant realises he has annoyed the goliath, "I can, err, come back some other time, no problem!" and begins to scurry away.

Minogar decides to shout out to him and ask what has he got?

"Oh?!", the merchant turns back around, surprised and rushes back over to the group.

He takes out a small ring from his inside pocket and holds it up to the group, "Ah sorry, I thought you weren't interested... I've got a..." he thinks for a moment.

"A ring of invisiblity!", he exclaims, he quickly follows up with, "It is a single use though, I must warn ye!!"

"And just for you, my goliath friend, I will sell it for only 50 gold pieces, on this day only!!"


Minogar isn't sure, and asks what it does.

"Ah, its in the name! Its the ring of invisibility, its got.", the merchant cuts himself off, "Normally, this would be 5000 gold or higher, but I just like the look of you, goliath, you're very big and strong!"

Marlade comes over and looks at the ring. The merchant notices the cleric coming over and shows it to him instead.

Marlade recognises that the ring is indeed magic, but he cannot say if the merchants claims are true, but they could certainly be.

"So what do you say? Today only! If you come back again, this item will be 5000 gold!"

Minogar asks if it really does work.

"Well, ive never tried! As it is single use, I don't want to waste it!"

"I stole it you see, from a dragon's hoard. A wizard identified it and told me it is a 'Ring of Invisibility'"

Minogar offers 20 gold.

"35... final offer" the merchant says.

Minogar accepts the offer. The merchant bids them farewell after doing business and heads south down the path.

Sasha realises that she knew the Invisibility spell all this time, and tells the group...

The group sigh and turn their attention north. The spires of Neverwinter city are visible on the horizon...

Session 09 - 26/05/2020

Chapter 36


Except they don't!

The group come up with a plan to get the sword instead. Sasha now knows she can go invisible and they feel they can now take on the creature. She mentions that she also knows Faerie Fire to see where it is.

The plan is for the group to stand nearby, while Sasha goes invisible and tries to swipe the sword. Mira mentions that it could also be a good idea to build bridges over the pits.

Minogar suggests going over to the woods to chop down a tree, and take some wooden planks down with them.

Mira leads the group back to the hidden entrance to Dragon's Barrow. The group decide to split up, Sasha and Marlade decide to stand watch at the barrow, and Mira and Minogar head east towards Neverwinter Woods to get some wood.

They arrive at the trees, and feel a strange magical sensation in the air. Mira feels uneasy but Minogar jumps forward and says chop it! He cleaves the nearest tree and with one mighty slash, he fells it. He begins to cut up the lumber into planks and produces five 6-foot planks.

They each pick up two each, and begin to head back. Minogar decides to lead the way, they begin to argue and they realise they are stood in a field and unsure where the barrow is.

Mira now leads the pair and he manages to get lost even further.

Marlade and Sasha are wondering where the pair have gotten too, as it has been a while. Marlade decides to pray for planks instead, as he believes his god will deliver sooner than his fellow adventurers.

Meanwhile, Minogar and Mira are
still wandering around, they orient
themselves with the sun and realise
they should have been heading

Marlade is trying to convince Sasha to
also follow Savras, his god. He attempts to
convert her, but she replies instead,
trying to convert him to the "religion of music".
She begins to play
her instrument.

Minogar and Mira
overhear Sasha's
signature song and
decide to follow it
back to the barrow.

They arrive back with
the group and Marlade
believes that it was Savras'
will that brought them here
and thanks his god.

Sasha argues that it was actually the power of
music that brought them here.

The group decide to plan ahead before they
head into the barrow this time. They decide
to use the sending stones and send Sasha in first, invisible. Sasha will take a sending stone, and report to Marlade what she sees. The whole group will go down initially and take a plank each, to build the bridge over the pit.

Sasha leads the group down into the barrow, they enter the familiar chamber and see the three groups of fireflies buzzing around the north, west and south exits. Unlike the other day though, they don't appear to move as the group get closer.

Mira goes up to the nearest group, and swats at them. They fly around but quickly rejoin back into a group and vibrate more. Marlade inspects the fireflies, and recognises that they aren't actually fireflies. He doesn't know what they are, but he knows they are bad news.

He casts Turn Undead on them, just to see what would happen.

Surprisingly, they start to fly away as quick as they can! Marlade shows off the Sasha that Savras granted him this power, but Sasha just jeers back at him.

The group arrive at the pit, and use the planks to create a bridge across. They take a deep breath and Sasha heads towards the sword first.

She heads into the room once again, and sees the sword, in its pedestal.

Slowly, she approaches the sword, as she walks towards it though, the spell wears off on the fireflies and they buzz around in front of Sasha.

Marlade rushes forwards and casts Turn Undead again. The fireflies once again retreat back, and Sasha can move forward. She sees the familiar hilt of the sword, and casts Invisibility on herself. As she does this however, the fireflies all slowly fade, and become invisible.

She approaches the sword and decides to lift it.

However, the sword won't budge...

Sasha, grasps it harder and tries to yank it out of the pedestal. The sword does move up slightly, but she feels like something is pushing the sword back down...


She feels a slight breeze around the sword. She casts mage hand to assist her in pulling it up. This time however, the thing resists much harder and Sasha hears it growling, annoyed that someone is trying to steal the blade.

Sasha takes out her sending stone and speaks to Marlade, she explains that she in danger, and asks whether she should leave or if they are coming to help. Marlade hears the message and sends back a command to pray to Savras. He gets the rest of the group and heads towards the room with Sasha.

Sasha curses Marlade and begins to panic.

The other members begin to cross their make-shift bridge.

As each one crosses, the plank begins to bow. But the bridge holds up.

Minogar waves around his torch in the room. He sees the shadow of Sasha, gripping the sword and a shadow of some fireflies towards the back of the room, but nothing else.

Marlade casts Detect Evil and Good, he detects that the sword itself has been cursed, and standing above the sword is an invisible elemental, pushing it down.

Marlade starts to prepare guiding bolt against the elemental, but the invisible stalker realises this and attacks at him. Marlade uses Shield to block the first attack but is struck by the second. Sasha shouts to the group that they should probably get out of here!

Minogar rages and swings his greataxe in the space around Marlade but it just whiffs through the air. Marlade fires his prepared guiding bolt but it flies around the room and doesn't find it's target. The stalker attacks Marlade again, and he deflects a blow but is hit by another attack from the creature.

Mira shouts to Sasha to use Faerie Fire! Sasha tries to pull on the sword again, but is once again met with resistance. Minogar uses a Reckless Attack to swing above the sword but once again, makes no contact.

Marlade casts another guiding bolt, but it once again flies around the room, making no contact with anyone.

Sasha and Minogar feel a gust of wind rush past them, as the stalker goes for Marlade once again. He blocks the attack with his Shield spell.

Sasha moves back slightly and casts Faerie Fire. As she moves back however, she get a very weird sense of unease and realises that she is stood right where the stalker is. She moves back again and sees a blue outline of what looks to be a human woman.

Sasha quickly realises it must be the ghost of Talamere Alagondar!

Sasha decides to cast Bardic Inspiration on Minogar, and Minogar walks up to the ghost and speaks her name.

The ghost slowly turns towards Minogar, "How do you know my name?"

Minogar explains that he read it on a suit of armour nearby, and that they met her horse. "Why have you come to this place?" the ghost asks.

Sasha stops being invisible and asks if her horse was called Lady. "Bit of an odd request, no. She was known as 'Wind'". The bard goes on to explain that she met the horse recently and that it was kind.

The ghost cuts her off and asks again, "Why have you come to this place?"

Sasha explains that they have come here in the hope of using this sword for good, but the ghost believes they are here to steal it. Marlade nods, and the ghost notices. Sasha explains that the cleric is a bit of a fool and to ignore him. The ghost accepts that explanation.

Sasha explains that they were told about this sword, and they are in desperate need of it.

The ghost ponders a second, "You seem like a decent person, but I deem you not worthy."

Sasha asks what would make them worthy.

"Should you wish to claim this sword for your own, you must find another artifact of mine. My helmet, wear the helmet, and I shall give you my sword."

Sasha asks where it could be.

The ghost explains that she was buried here many centuries ago after defeating a green dragon named Azdraka, who was terrorising the High Road. She explains that the dwarves took the helmet to bury it elsewhere, lest the grave be robbed.

Mira asks where the dwarves were from, and the ghost explains they came from the dwarven lands to the south.

Marlade ponders this information, he recognises the name Alagondar as the previous rulers of Neverwinter, before Lord Dagult Neverember became Lord Protector. They were the legitimate royal family, and remain to this day. As the previous true king of Neverwinter never left any heirs, Lord Dagult rules in his stead until a true heir is found.

With this information, the group decide to leave the barrow. They believe that now they should actually go north to Neverwinter to see what they can find out about the Alagondar family.

They continue north up the High Road and it begins to get dark. They set up camp and the night passes without incident.

In the morning, they continue along the High Road and travel for most of the day, they can now see in the distance, the spires of Neverwinter. But Marlade knows that at night, the gates of Neverwinter are sealed to protect it from monsters and threats at night and explains that they probably won't make it before sundown. The group set up camp again.

They camp near the moat outside of the city walls, they sleep peacefully through the night.



Chapter 37


The group are awoken by the sound of the drawbridge being lowered nearby. They are currently near the south-east gate to the city, before them - across the now horizontal drawbridge - stands two guards at the entrance.

Walking up to the guards, the group approach. Sasha bids them a good morning, and one of the guards impedes their path and puts his hand up, in a sort of "this is what I do everyday" sort of motion. As the group approach the gate, they expect to hear sounds of a busy city, yet it is eerily quiet around this part.

The leftmost guard asks them what their business is at Neverwinter, the group says they are tourists.

"Tourism you say? Why have you come to this part of the city?", the guard states, looking bemused.

Minogar explains they have an invitation to speak to the Lord Protector, and hands the commendation to the guard.

The guard inspects the note and takes a moment. "Ok, yes. We can take you to Lord Dagult," the guard says, "But I must ask first, what is wrong, with him?" and the guard gestures towards Mira who looks taken a back slightly, the guard raises his spear at Mira.

The group realise the guard is referring to Mira's eyes that are glowing bright blue and sparking slightly, from when he touched the altar back at the tower by the sea.

Mira, still confused, says he doesn't understand why they think something is wrong with him?

"You appear to be a servant of Talos to me!", the guard exclaims, "You've come to bring destruction to the city!"

Marlade quickly realises what has happened and explains that they have it wrong. They have actually recently destroyed a shrine to Talos, they do not worship him.

"Normally, I would trust a man of god, cleric, but this is not natural," the guard appears not to be convinced by the group's explaination.

Sasha backs up Marlade and explains they are peaceful people, the guard stops, he lowers his spear, "Very well. But don't let there be any funny business, I'm watching you!"

The guard's tone becomes friendly once again. He explains that Neverwinter is split into four districts, the one behind them is the Ruined District, named so due to a great calamity that destroyed a large portion of the city fifty years ago.

He goes on to say that they can lead them to Lord Dagult, who currently resides in the Hall of Justice, in the Protector's Enclave to the west.

The group decide to accept their invitation to be lead to the Hall of Justice. The guards lead them to another entrance to the city, to the west. This gate looks similar to the other one but behind it there is much more life and commotion.

The group see crowds of people, many merchants trading and shouting about their produce, kids running around and birds in the air. They are lead up some stairs and before them they see, looming over the skyline of the Neverwinter's elite is the Hall of Justice. A great parthenon like structure that is forboding as it is beautiful. Its marble arches supporting a solid greystone roof that appears to reaching out up to the heavens itself. At the front of the building are marble steps, leading up to a giant dark oak door that is currently open, allowing the gentle breeze inside.

Districts of Neverwinter

Bluelake District

Towards the north-west of the city. Contains most of the markets and tradesmen in the city, as well as many inns and taverns.

Protectors Enclave

Towards the south-west of the city. Contains most of the cities nobility as well as it's churches and places of worship. Bathhouses and upmarket shoppes are common here.

Ruined District

Towards the south-east of the city. Once was the central point of trade in the city, is now a shell of it's former self, containing mostly empty buildings and thieves.

Tower District

Towards the north-east of the city. Primarily the magic part of the city, contains the famous Cloak Tower as well as the mysterious Shard of Night

The burgandy carpet that trails up these steps is inviting and they wonder what could be inside?

The group enter and the first thing they notice is the overwhelming military presence inside.

Guards line the walkway either side, none moving an inch as they stand steadfast in their duty. Beyond the walkway, three more guards are stood, shoulder to shoulder blocking view of the events presiding behind them.

The sound of a booming voice fills the hall, presumably of Lord Dagult and sounds to be sentencing a near-do-well in his midsts.

The group head up the carpet to the three
guards, who do not let them past this point,
behind the guards, they see some familiar faces.

Standing either side of a prisoner is Urzal
Desecrate, the red dragonborn
paladin from the Zhentarim
Hideout and Justice
Keenseeker the Knight who
was in Phandalin.

The prisoner is currently robed and
hooded so they cannot make out who he is
currently. Beyond the three, up a huge flight
of stairs, sitting somewhat bewildered on
a throne is Lord Dagult Neverember.

Dagult begins to speak, "So Justice,
this man. You say he is Iarno
Glasstaff? Could you reveal his
face to me?"

Justice replies, "Yes Sire." and
goes over and drops the mage's
hood back

As Justice flips back the hood of the
prisoner, the group immediately
recognises the tattered hairstyle
of the mage they fought in the Zhentarim hideout,
looking a lot more disheveled and unkempt this time.


Dagult addresses the mage, "Hmm, it would appear we have finally captured you Iarno. Oh how you have let me down. I sent you to aide the people of Phandalin, not terrorise them!"

"Sire, allow me to speak. You don't understand", the mage pleads.

Lord Dagult nods and permits him to talk.

"I had no choice, the Zhentarim they-" the mage begins.

Urzal cuts him off, visibly annoyed as his voice cuts through the mage's sentence, "You had every choice! And need I remind you, this is not the first time you have been found parlaying with 'undesirables'"

"Hmm, yes, Im do have to agree with Urzal here Iarno, as a member of the Lords Alliance, you are held at a much higher standard than a commoner. We should be beacons of justice and virtue. Simply being associated with organisations such as the Zhentarim is enough to warrant punishment." Dagult says

Urzal continues, "He captured a young farm boy my Lord. The Zhentarim were about to use him for their own purposes had some adventurers and I not helped him to be freed!"

Dagult stops for a second, "Oh, is that so. Is that them over there?" he points at the group behind his three guards.

Urzal, confused for a second, turns behind him over his shoulder, "Oh, ahem, yes incidentally that is them."

Dagult looks amused, "Excellent, what a great coincidence. Guards, let them through. Adventurers, why not enlighten me on what really happened in Phandalin?"

Minogar explains that they had been told by the townmaster that there was a missing boy in the town, and that they were tasked with finding him.

He goes on to explain that they travelled into the depth of a cave to the east of Phandalin, and that they found Iarno at center of the lair.

Iarno interupts and says this is all lies.

Minogar continues, and says they found him controlling the Zhentarim.

"Hmm, is that so?" Lord Dagult asks, "Yours and Justice's accounts do seem to match. Do continue."

Minogar says they confronted him, and he gave up very quickly, he explains that he believes Iarno wasn't one for fighting, but was willing to put the Zhentarim against them, all just to try and bring back Nezznar, the black spider.

"Hmm, Nezznar," Dagult looks annoyed at hearing the name, "Urzal, you know this, Nezznar, do you not?"

"Yes, sire. The elf in their group actually helped take him down, five years ago!"

Mira nods his head triumphantly.

"In that case," Dagult begins, "I believe you lot to be very capable, allow me to quickly deal with this first, and I will speak to you all after. Goliath, as you are the one accounting the story, how would you deal with this prisoner?"

Minogar says that whilst his crimes are heinous, he believes Iarno does still have use and information that could be valuable, he suggests he be kept alive and simply imprisoned for his crimes.

Lord Dagult nods, and seems to be in agreement, "Very well Goliath... Your sentence is jail? Not execution?"

Minogar confirms.

"Very well," Dagult says, "You have a lot of mercy..."

His face changes, "More
than me, Iarno, I
sentence you to die in
the morning, you will
spend one night in a cell
and tomorrow, you will
hang. Urzal, Justice, take
him away."

Urzal and Justice lead him
away to the corridor to the
east. Lord Dagult then
approaches the group.

He supposes to the group
that they haven't visited this
place on a whim, and asks
what he can for them.

Minogar shows the
commendation to Lord Dagult
and explains they are here to
aid Neverwinter.

Lord Dagult explains the
problem in Thundertree, an old
druid who lives there has been
sending letters to the city that
there is a dragon in the ruins of
the village, threatening his way
of life. He warns that the dragon
may decide to turn it's attention
to Neverwinter at any moment.

Dagult goes on to explain that
the druid has sent these kinds of warnings before, but
they have never ammounted to much. He does not want to
waste his - already strethed thin - city guards to go an inspect, so asks the adventurers to go instead.

The group discuss amongst themselves for a moment, Mira is concerned and feels that the group is not prepared to face a dragon yet. Minogar begins to ask Dagult a couple of things, Dagult responds that he is pressed for time, but will answer.

Minogar explains that they will need to prepare in Neverwinter first, before heading out to Thundertree, he asks if accommodation could be provided so they can be fully rested. His second question is to spend some time with Iarno before he is to be hanged.

Lord Dagult explains that the prisoner will be dealt with, he thanks the group for their aide for capturing him, but won't allow them to see him. However, he does grant them a royal ribbon that they can show to the innkeeper in the Fallen Tower, who will know that Lord Dagult has requested they be permitted to stay, free of charge.

Minogar protests, and explains that he has many questions to ask Iarno, but Lord Dagult interrupts and explains that they will be conducting a thorough investigation before he is executed. He asks the adventurers to leave now, as he has other business to attend to. The rest of the group comply, and begin to exit the hall, but Minogar stands defiant.

Begrudgingly, Minogar starts to storm out of the hall, but throws a jaded look towards the Lord Protector.

Immediately, Lord Dagult rises from his chair, and instructs his guards to block the goliaths exit.

"What was that look you gave me, goliath?!"

Minogar turns, and sighs. He explains that it is important they speak to Iarno, now.

Lord Dagult's tone changes, he becomes more stern.


"I, am the ruler of this realm. You dare address me like that again, I will have your head. That is your warning."

Minogar decides to stop protesting, and turns to leave. The guards let him pass, and Lord Dagult sinks back into his chair, not looking away from the goliath until he has left the building.

Chapter 38


The group stand outside the hall of justice, and discuss what to do next.

They decide to do a quick bit of shopping, they go to the nearest market and buy more rope to replace those that snapped earlier, they also buy some potions of healing.

As the group is buying things in the market, a strange looking fellow stands really close to Marlade and Minogar, looking to see what they are doing. Minogar turns around and asks what the guy wants. But he does not respond.

The guy starts to walk away, and the group decide to follow him from a distance. He walks north across the city, and arrives a tavern shaped like a massive ship. The sign outside reads the "Beached Leviathan".

Beached Leviathan

The Beached Leviathan is a three-decked inn and tavern located in the Bluelake District of Neverwinter that caters to sailors, smugglers, slavers, merchants, and others arriving by sea.

It was built in and around the refurbished wreckage of the pirate ship Leviathan.

They can hear commotion and loud shouting coming from inside, as well as jovial music.

They decide to enter, inside they see to their left, a group of shady looking individuals arguing with a guy leaning over a table. The guy is explaining himself to them, but they seem to be having none of it. To their right, they see three more near-do-wells sat taunting the nearest barmaid, but she seems to be enjoying it and giving as good as she gets.

Further to the right, up the deck, they see a knight and a dwarf sat together, who seem a bit out of place in this tavern, and furthest to the left, up deck, they see a man sat laughing on his own, and two barmaids behind a bar, ready to serve drinks.

They head over to the group arguing with the guy leaning over the table. The guy also seems a bit out of place here. He seems to be dressed for an expedition, not sailing the high seas.

As they approach they overhear the man explaining to the others that they can keep what they find, but they don't seem to want to agree to whatever he is suggesting.

The man notices the group approach, "Oh, don't think ive seen you round here before?"

Minogar says they have been here forever, "Ah, Neverwinterites I see," the man says, "Fancy a job?"

Minogar squints and asks what kind of job.

"Ah," the mans face looks detected, "You don't seem keen, if you're not keen, it don't matter, it don't matter."

He waves his hand at the group and goes back to trying to convince the pirate looking group.

The group stand a bit bewildered. But he immediately turns back to them, "See, you looked like capable people to me, to be honest... But I guess I was wrong. I was wrong!"

Mira begins to explain that they only said what they said because they have accepted many jobs so far, but never got rewarded for them.

The guy interupts, "Do you want me to just tell ya the job? Then it's up to yous whether you wanna take it or not?"

Mira says please.

"So the consortium, ya know, THE consortium, right? The ones that hold all the money and that in Neverwinter, well they've asked me to find out why the shipments from the Mountain's Toe Goldmine have stopped. If ya don't know, the Mountain's Toe Goldmine is the one right next to that town, err, Phandalin!"

The group look at each other.

He continues, "If you were to accept this job, I can take you there in my caravan, it's currently parked outside the gates of the city, take us about two days I reckon. I can bring you back aswell if you want, no harm done. I can wait until you're ready to go as well, if need be. I can't give you a reward myself, but anything we find, you can keep, I don't want it. So long as we find out for consortium whats stopping the shipments, I'm all good!"

The group discuss with each other, they did not want to go back to Phandalin so soon, but feel his offer is fair. They say to him that they will think about it for now.

They decide to head over to the man further left, the one sat on his own.

As they get closer, they see a grey beard and an eyepatch, his attire seems to suggest he was once a pirate. He notices the group approach and raises his glass - full of ale - to the group and cheers loudly.

"Welcome to the Beached Leviathan!" he shouts.

Mira says thanks, and Sasha asks if he is a regular, he responds, "HA! You could say that, Im the owner!! Whaaeeeyyy!", he cheers and downs his pint.

The group cheer with him, but look confused. "Sounds like you guys could do with a drink! Sandrine, Jyseria, one on the house!" he exclaims.
He gestures
to the
and makes
a circle
with his
index finger.
The two women
behind the bar
scurry around and
one comes across
to the group with a
tray of beer, one for
each of them.

They thank the
waitress and
cheer the


Minogar and Sasha both down their drinks, Mira and Marlade take a sip. Minogar and Sasha both start to feel a bit merry at this point.

The pirate begins to speak, "So, ya been ta Neverwinter long? Don't fink ave seen you round ere before!"

Sasha giggles.

"I don't gerrit," the pirate says

Mira explains that she is a bit tipsy, and explains they just arrived.

"Ah, an ye came to me, I see! Of all the taverns, ya came to the Beached Leviathan, good on ye!" He looks over to the barmaids again, "Sandrine, Jyseria!" and makes same circling motion as before with a big grin on his face.

They rush around again, and produce four more pints for the group. "Cheers!" the pirate shouts, and once again downs it in one. Mira and Marlade stand now with two pints, but still slowly sip. Minogar and Sasha also decide to start sipping slowly.

"Yer a bit shy aren't you, come on, we are having a good time," the pirate goads the group.

Mira explains its been a long day, and asks what they are even celebrating anyway?

"We celebratin life itself!"

Mira nods, and agrees.

Minogar asks the pirate's name, "The names Harrag, I used to be a pirate back in the day, around the Moonshae Isles! I could tell you a story or two."

Minogar says he has a question for him, "Go on, my goliath friend!" the pirate says.

He asks if Harrag knows anything about talking to a prisoner in the city that is about to be hanged.

Harrag laughs, "Sounds like a friend of yous is in trouble, ay? Where is he being kept?"

Minogar explains he is in custody of Lord Dagult.

The pirate spits out his ale, "Oh, your friend, he dead." He looks more solemn now, "There is no way of getting into that place, I'm telling you now. The only way you could get him out, is to get arrested yourselves, and break him out from the inside, but that would be stupid and I would never recommend it, so don't do it!" he winks.

Sasha says he is a bad influence.

Harrag changes the subject, "Hey, here's one for you, did you know, and i've heard this same story from quite a few of my patrons... that to the south, there is a white dragon that's been spotted flying around?"

The group explain that they know about it, and they believe it flew over them whilst they were asleep.

Mira asks him if he has ever heard of Lady Alagondar, "Alagondar?" he says, "that rings a bell. Weren't they the kings before Lord Dagult was? Oh I don't know much about it, but I could tell ya, next door - I mean, I'd rather you stay here and spend money in my place - but the woman next door was well into that royal family you on about there."

Mira laughs and says they aren't really spending money. Minogar downs his drink, the pirate shouts, "Get that goliath another drink!" and smiles.

He does the circling motion, and his waitresses begin to make a new drink and hand it to Minogar. Mira hands some money to Harrag, and Minogar pats him on the shoulder and says its been amazing. "Good luck goliath", and Harrag bids them adieu, he leans back to far on his chair and falls off, but is still waving on the floor.

Chapter 39


The group head to the building next door, it's sign reads the "Driftwood Tavern". It looks much more upper class than the previous tavern, and due to this, only Mira steps inside. Minogar and Sasha are still a bit tipsy from before, and Marlade offers to watch them outside.

He heads inside, and sees a woman to his left, behind a bar, she looks very well off. To his right he sees multiple tables with quite a few patrons.

The woman behind the bar notices Mira, and speaks. "Hello, can i help you?"

Mira puts on his best posh voice and asks for a pint of beer.

The woman looks a bit taken a back and says "Pint of beer?! We do not serve that here"

Mira quickly changes his mind, and asks for a glass of wine.

"Ah, just one moment, let me pour you one! That will be... ten gold please."

Mira looks shocked and repeats the price back at the woman.

"Is that a problem?" the woman asks innocently.

Mira swallows and says that it is not, and buys a glass, he sits at the bar.

The woman asks Mira, "Are you new in town, I don't believe we have met?"

Mira explains he has just arrived, and is trying to get familiar with the city, he introduces himself.

"Ah, my name is Madame Rosene, I am the owner of this place. Welcome to Neverwinter, on behalf of the Driftwood Tavern!"

Mira thanks Madame Rosene, and asks if she has owned this place for a long time?

"This has been passed down
through my family, my mother
passed it to me, her mother
passed it to her, and I will
pass it on to somebody im

Mira asks Rosene if
she has heard about
the dragon. "Ah, yes!"
Madame Rosene
replies, "I have
heard about the
green dragon to
the east."

Mira explains
that the rest of
her group were
about it also,
and that
they are
too shy
to come


"Oh, don't be silly! They are welcome to come in!" Madame Rosene says with a smile.

Minogar has begun to sober up, but Sasha is constantly smiling at everyone and hasn't blinked both eyes at the same time for a while.

Marlade advises Mira that they shouldn't come in.

He enters, and Madame Rosene notices him. "Ah, a man of god i see, welcome to the Driftwood Tavern! May I ask what deity you worship?"

Marlade replies, explaining he worships Savras, and asks if she worships a deity herself.

"Hmm, yes, I worship a similar god to yourself. A god of knowledge. By the name of Oghma, to be honest, most of the city worships Oghma. Or Tyr. You may find you aren't among your peers here when it comes to your spirituality, but they will accept you as a cleric."

Marlade says thats the god thing about knowledge gods, they are more understanding.

"Do you seek knowledge, today? Friend?" the woman asks of him.

Marlade thinks for second, and says always.

"Very well." Rosene responds, a bit confused. "Would you like a drink?"

Marlade politely declines and says he is only after knowledge.

Mira does ask her if she knows anything more about the dragon.

"It's funny you should mention the dragon actually, because I am infact a descendant of the previous royal family to Neverwinter, I am a direct descendant specifically of a Lady Talamere Alagondar! I don't know if you have heard of her?"

Mira explains that they know of such a woman.

"Yes," Madame Rosene continues, "Legends say, that she destroyed a dragon years ago and she is buried somewhere between here and Phandalin."

Mira says he is very interested in the stories of Lady Alagondar, he asks if it is true that her sword was buried with her and her helmet taken and buried elsewhere.

"Ah yes, obviously its all legend but as the legend goes, the dwarves took the helm and buried it in secret." Rosene explains.

"The idea, was that humans would know where the sword is kept, and the dwarves where the helmet was kept, lest someone evil find them both."

Mira says thats good to know, and thanks her for the glass of wine.

"Ah, but you have barely touched the wine, I don't want to charge you for something if you didn't like it!"

Mira tries to be polite, but ends up taking back the money. Madame Rosene explains that she will finish the wine instead, and immediately necks the glass in one. Mira and Marlade are a little surprised by this.

Mira moves away from the bar and stands near the nearest group of people at the next table. They consist of two female elves and one human male. He overhears them talking about wanting to take down a dragon to the east, and he can hear them discussing what they know about Lady Alagondar's sword.

Minogar and Sasha have sobered up slightly and Minogar leads Sasha inside.

Sasha tells everyone to shush and says it looks very classy.

Mira goes over to the elves, who notices Mira after a couple of minutes, but he overheard them say "Lady Alagondar's Sword"

The nearest one turns to Mira, "Hello? Who are you?"

Mira says he couldnt help but overhear them talking about Lady Alagondar's Sword.

The elf looks a bit panicked, "No we weren't. We weren't talking about anything! We were talking about, err, we were talking about", she whispers quickly to the next elf, "Thea, what were we talking about?!"

The other elf says she doesn't know and to shush.

"We were talking about, a sword. We were. Gonna. Build?"

Mira says that maybe he misunderstood them, and asks why they would be building their own sword?

"Why would you need to know?" the elf says suspiciously.

Mira apologises and just says he is curious.

"What do you know about Lady Alagondar?" the elf tries to turn the questioning around.

Mira says that he knows she used to be queen, he thinks?

The elves believe thats all he knows.

Mira goes on to say he just wishes to know more about her, and just overheard them talking about her.

"Are you in pursuit of her sword as well?" the elf asks.

Mira says he might be, but doesn't know where the sword is.

"It is just a legend, but it is said she is buried with it. But we have no idea where the tomb is located." the elf explains.

Mira believes them to be lieing, and that they know more than they are letting on.

The group decide to sit down and discuss a plan away from the other adventuring party.

Minogar says to the rest of the group that they have been helping people that they have just met, and that they saved the boys life. They initially did it for money and did it for some good.

Sasha points out that Harbin ran off with the money.

Minogar goes on to say that they are actually quite good at being adventurers and he believes they should stick together in the future, and they can do a lot more good and make a lot more money, together than apart.

He says he considers them all his friends now, and that he would give his life for them. They all respond, and agree, explaining they would do the same for each other.

The group decide that more good can be done at the moment by inspecting Thundertree, and they can win favour with Lord Dagult by doing so.

They also decide that they can help the guy who wanted to take them back to Phandalin, if they explain they want to go to Thundertree first.

They leave the Driftwood Tavern, and head back into the previous tavern, the Beached Leviathan.

Inside, they see that the man offering the job has moved on to talking to the knight and the dwarf in the top right of the tavern.

They head over to the man. They overhear him talking to the knight and the dwarf. The knight is saying that he serves Lord Dagult and that he cannot leave to help him, and the dwarf is saying he is with the knight.

Minogar goes up to the dwarf and says friend in dwarvish,

"Hi, there," the dwarf says, "How you doing? Ooh, your dwarvish is a bit rusty!"

Minogar asks if he knows anything about the helmet of Lady Alagondar.


"Ah, I do infact know about Lady Alagondar, we were just talking about her infact! Far to the south, the dwarves speak of an abandoned fortress containing her very helmet!" the dwarf starts looking concerned, "Ye wantin to go to the fortress?! Ye wantin to go to Axeholm?!"

The dwarf starts to laugh.

"Is that what your saying to me lad?"

Minogar looks concerned and asks why

"Ye don't want to willingly go to Axeholm, my boy! Its haunted to the nines! What are you doing!?"

Minogar flexes and says look at the size of me.

"I am looking at the size o' you, look at this guy," and he points to the knight, "He be one of the captains of the guard," he turns to the knight, "Would you go to Axeholm, Sir?"

The knight says deadpan, "No, I certainly would not."

The dwarf continues, "See, he certainly wouldn't even set foot in axeholm! Have you been drinking some of the stuff Harrag gives out? Anyways, Axeholm is haunted by, you name it, banshees, ghouls, I don't even know what else. Long ago, the dwarves there worshipped the god Abbathor, the dwarven god of greed, one day, one of their sacrafices was not good enough for him, so he cursed the fortress, and now everybody inside, is now a rotting ghoul! Do you really want to go there? For some helmet, that might not even exist?"

Minogar says that they have a cleric.

"Oh, haha, they've got a cleric," the dwarf jests.

"Hah, why didn't we think of a cleric," the knight says sarcastically, "Oh yes, because it's suicide."

Marlade now wants at all costs to get the helmet, to prove a point.

The man offering the job from before comes up to the group, "I overheard about you wanting to go to Axeholm? Maybe I should revise my offer, I'll take you as close as I dare to Axeholm, if you help me with the mine."

The group agree to the deal, but Mira mentions that they did promise to Lord Dagult to visit Thundertree first, the man agrees that that should come first, and that he will wait.

Minogar realises they don't know his name, and asks him.

"My name, is Don-Jon Raskin! The Don-Jon Raskin himself! What's your guys names?"

The group introduce themselves. Content that the group will help him, he waves and leaves the tavern to set up his caravan.

The group now decide now is the time to get some rest, and head off over to the east side of the city, to the tavern that Lord Dagult told them about.

As they arrive at the Fallen Tower they see it is one of the most popular taverns in Neverwinter.

The tower was once the home of a local wizard, Llomnauvel "Firehands" Oloadhin. His tower was invaded by members of the Arcane Brotherhood years ago, and while he was not able to defeat them all, his final spell destroyed the tower.

The spell left behind a side effect: clear and solid-seeming phantom images of the mages as they were hurled down from the tower. The now crumbled tower has been some-what restored to a single story, and is now bustling with life inside.

They go up to the mage behind the bar and show the ribbon that Lord Dagult gave to them, he agrees to put them all up for free tonight, and they rest for the night.

Session 10 - 02/06/2020

Chapter 40


As the group went upstairs to retire for the night, they bumped into a female tiefling. They briefly spoke to each other and found that they had similar goals and ideals. They agreed to meet up again downstairs in the morning as the night was long in the tooth.

The group walk down stairs the next morning, and see the tavern as full as ever. Near the stairs, Xena has saved a table for them and they all sit. Minogar calls a waitress over and they all order some food and drinks. They find out that Xena has lived in the city since birth and believe she could be of use to the party.

Minogar asks Xena if she has ever travelled outside of the city, to which she replies that without anyone to visit, there is little need. The group ask her if she wants to accompany them on their next excursion. Xena asks what they had in mind, and Minogar says they are planning to head to the Ruins of Thundertree.

Xena thanks the group for the invitation, and asks what she would need to do, in order to be helpful. Minogar explains that they have always been a bit short in the magic department. Xena takes this cue to use Prestidigitation to make smoke appear to come out of Minogar's ears. He initially panics, and Xena explains with a smirk that she does dabble in magic.

The group seem impressed, and Sasha asks Xena how she feels about waterboarding. Xena looks panicked at this question, as Minogar glances across to Marlade. Xena says that sometimes actions such as those are necessary, and with this Sasha accepts that Xena would be a good fit!

Xena checks that that was a hypthetical question, and the group slowly nod...


The group explain to Xena about the dragon that Lord Dagult told them to check at Thundertree, and the group discuss how long they want to spend here before heading out.

The group seem confident, until Xena asks if any of them are good at healing broken people, to which the group seem confused by. Xena asks if they have ever seen what a dragon does to people? Mira explains that they only need to scout the place for the dragon, and report back if it exists. Its a bonus if they kill it, but not required.

Xena seems more calm. She explains that Thundertree is a bit of a trek, if they were to go. She asks the group if any of them want to join her to see the execution that is happening today, there is not much entertainment in Neverwinter, so she takes what she can.

The group realise she is referring to Iarno. Minogar thinks this an opportunity to speak to him before he dies.

Minogar and Sasha agree to accompany Xena, whilst Marlade and Mira wait here for them to come back.

The three arrive outside of the Hall of Justice once again, however, today there is a huge crowd gathered outside on the street, and everyone is cheering and jeering. They see that on the marble steps infront of the building there is a platform set up, with a noose and a trapdoor.

Justice Keenseeker is stood a top the platform to the side, at attention with a massive greataxe in his hand. Lord Dagult is center stage, riling the crowd up with a rousing speech whilst holding a captive Iarno Glasstaff.

The three try to get a good view, as the crowd is jostling them around, and even the goliath is struggling to get a good view through raised hands and being moved about.

They hear Lord Dagult's booming voice, "Iarno Glasstaff, by the power invested to me as Lord Protector of the realm, I sentence you to die... Do you have any last words?"

Iarno slowly looks up, they see that he is even more dishevelled than before. He mutters a few words, "The Zhentarim will come for you Dagult," as he turns to the Lord Protector, "We know what you really are!"

Lord Dagult does not seem phased by this, and turns to Sir Justice, and nods. "Do it."

Justice walks up behind Iarno, and places a bag over his head, he leads him across to the noose and places it around his neck, checking it is tight.

He moves back, away from the mage. And to the side of the platform is a wooden lever, ready to be pushed. Justice stands with his hand on the lever, and pauses for a second.

He quickly yanks the lever, and the trapdoor beneath Iarno falls away. The crowd cheer as the mage begins to fall. As he falls, he unexpectadly begins to fade away, and the noose that once held onto his neck, drops and dangles as though no one was ever there.

The crowd fall silent, and no one says a word as everyone begins to process what just happened. A moment passes, and women in the crowd begin to scream and voices are heard shouting "He disappeared!", "Where did he go!?"

Lord Dagult registers what has gone off and starts looking round, he starts barking orders to his men to disperse and find the mage, as his guards scurry off in all directions and start jumping into the crowd to search. He shouts to Justice to come back inside, and they both swiftly walk back into the Hall of Justice. A couple of his guards follow and shield their Lord from behind.

Back in the crowd, the three are being jostled around even more and are still in a state of shock. Minogar tries to look around for Iarno but cannot see any trace of the mage, he sees confused guards shouting at random citizens.

Xena mentions she knows a safe secret passage they can use to get back to the tavern, as it is becoming dangerous in this area.

Back at the tavern, the re-sit down with Marlade and Mira and explain what they just witnessed. They decide now would probably be a good time to leave the city for a bit and head over to Thundertree.



Chapter 41


They head east and set up camp next to the river. The river flows through Neverwinter and is fed from Thundertree and beyond, so it is easy for them to find.

They wake up in the morning and continue east, as they approach Thundertree Xena casts mage armor on herself.

Gradually, the trail becomes an old, overgrown lane winding between dilapidated buildings choked in vines and brush. Ahead of them, in the middle of the settlement, rises a steep hill, upon which stands a stone tower with a partially collapsed roof and an adjoining cottage. A dirt road hugs the base of the hill and wends its way between old stone houses, many of which are roofless ruins with interiors open to the weather. Other buildings appear more or less intact. The whole place is eerily silent.

They also notice a wooden sign nailed to a post, it reads: "DANGER! Plant monsters AND zombies! Turn back now!"

The group explore around the ruined overgrown town, and approach the first building they see. A weathered signboard by the door of this large building shows the faded image of a workhorse holding a flagon of ale. The building is sagging and dilapidated, but it is more intact than the ruins across the road.

Mira knocks on the door, and he hears a dull growl coming from the other side, and the door starts to bang from the other side. Marlade decides to cast Turn Undead and the knocking stops.

Minogar walks up and kicks the door down. Inside, they see two zombies that are covered in what appears to be dust walking into the far wall, trying to get away.

As they enter the room, the zombies growl and turn back around slowly. Minogar rages, and Mira walks up to one of the zombies and uses his shortsword, he slices right into the zombies torso, but a puff of ash bursts forth from the zombie, but Mira manages to avert his gaze and it doesn't blind him.

Marlade tries to identify what the creatures are, but has no idea.

The zombie nearest Mira, lunges at him but Mira moves out of the way. The other one jumps over the bar and tries to slam into Marlade, but misses.

Minogar uses a reckless attack on the nearest zombie, and cleaves it completely in twain. Again, ash spouts from the zombie, and goes into his eyes. Minogar carries on swinging and tries to hit the other zombie, landing a hit, which also gets cleft in twain.

There is a door to another room in this room, and it is banging. The group turn towards it. Xena tries to kick open the door, but fails, and pushes against the door. Whatever is on the other side of the door is pushing against it.

Mira also goes up to the door and tries to open it, but the already strained door collapses and two more zombies are on the other side who immediately attack Mira, one of them grabs at him and rips a part of his shoulder.

He slashes at one of them with shortsword, and averts his gaze as he does this to avoid the ash.

Misty then jumps up at the one Mira attacked, and rips apart the zombie. Marlade casts Turn Undead on the remaining zombie, and attacks it with his staff as it turns away. The zombie turns around and growls. The zombie attacks at Marlade and Mira uses her Sentinel training to attack the zombie as it is distracted.

Sasha takes her longsword and attacks the final zombie, and cleaves it in twain. The group head into the other room. Around them they see that this building used to be an old pub. The first one is a bar and the other room is a storeroom full of barrels.

The barrels are all full and have taps attached. Marlade decides to open one of the barrels, and foul smelling beer spatters onto the floor. Marlade carries on opening the taps, to the rest of the groups protest, and they all start gushing out this foul smelling liquid, which begins to flood the room.

Mira rushes over and closes the taps.

They are now stood, ankle deep in smelly liquid.

Minogar looks out of one of the windows and sees that nature is reclaiming the building, its completely overgrown and the plants are growing into the building through cracks and holes.

Minogar thinks there may be something else inside the barrels, Sasha protests saying it looks to be abandoned ages ago. The smell starts to get to people and Xena throws up.

Marlade remains in the room with the barrels and smashes the barrels open with his mace. As he does this, the liquid pours out of the barrels rapidly and knocks him over.

The rest of the group leave as the room floods.

Marlade looks into the barrels, but they are now empty. He leaves the building.

The group carry on through the main path in Thundertree, they arrive at two cottages, these ruined, side-by-side cottages look as though they might have been the homes of prosperous shopkeepers or well-off farmers in their time. All that remains are collapsed walls and piles of debris. Several young trees have grown up in the midst of the ruins.

Mira walks inside, and does not spot that hiding in the rafters are these little twig beings that drop down. Sasha rushes in and uses Vicious Mockery on one of the creatures and curses at it. The creature covers it's ears and screams as it takes damage.


Minogar rushes in with his greataxe and smushes one of the twig creatures with the blunt face of his axe, he then turns to the other one and does the same, like a weird game of whack-a-mole.

He then notices a third one to the south of the building, that screams as he sees his friends be killed, it tries to claw at Minogar, slashing him across the chest.

Mira takes out one of his swords, and slices it's head off.

Surrounding the group now are three piles of twigs, Sasha heads to the south of the building and rummages around the overgrowth.

She finds a chest, the lock of which has rusted over the years. So she is able to open it with a bit of force. Inside she finds the leftover money from the store, presumably used for change.

The group go outside, and see a tower a top a slight incline, also overgrown. However the top of the tower is clear of all the overgrowth.

They head up a winding path, at the top of the hill stands a round tower with a cottage attached. Both are in good condition, although half of the tower’s roof is gone. A door leads into the cottage, and several arrow-slit windows are visible in the tower. The group can’t help but notice an eerie quiet in the area and a strange, acrid smell in the air.

The group stand outside the tower and can see the top of it, they hear this slight rumble, and a giant green scaly head pokes it's head out and looks at the group.

"Ah, visitors I see," as the green dragon's head begins to speak, "How can i help you today?"

Everybody turns to Sasha, who greets the dragon as nice as she can.

"You seem far from home, young elf" the dragon says, and Sasha says they are just visiting.

"Ah, so you thought you could just come to my domain did you? Im glad, I was getting quite hungry..." the dragon's face becomes an unconfortable smile to the rest of the group, who start to feel unease.

Mira asks the dragon what does a hungry dragon eat?

"Whatever I want," the dragon says through it's toothy grin. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't swoop down their now and gobble you all up!"

Marlade tries to convince the dragon that he doesn't taste good as he is covered in spoiled beer.

"I've had cleric before, your meat is tender, from lack of combat!"

Sasha agrees with Marlade and tries to
persuade the dragon they taste foul. The
dragon sniffs the air and agrees
that the cleric smells awful.

"In that case, give me one
reason I shouldn't just kill you,
for intruding..."

Mira says they weren't
intruding, they were just
looking around.

"This entire town is
mine," the dragon
explains, "What kind of
dragon would I be, just to
allow you to come in here and freely
waltz out again, with your heads?"

Mira asks what did he do with the druid?

"With the what?!"

Mira says nevermind, realising he has just revealed to the dragon something he should not know.

"There is a druid around?! Tell me where Ranger, druid is a delicacy, you may get out of this alive after all..."

Mira says he does not know, and thought he had already eaten him.

"LIES!" the dragon shouts, "Tell me, or I will eat your friends first!"

Mira gets annoyed and tells the dragon that he is telling the truth and does not know.

At this point, the dragon gets annoyed at Mira for the way he is being spoken too. He swoops down and begins to attack the ranger.

He bites at Mira's torso and takes a huge chunk of flesh out of it, Mira drops to the floor suddenly.

The dragon continues, slashing at Mira with both of his claws, disemboweling him.

Mira, dies from this quickly as the blood loss is significant. Minogar rushes over and grabs the remains of Mira, or at least, what he can grab and rushes back down the hill. The dragon swipes at Minogar, but misses and the rest of the group try to escape.

Xena uses Scorching Ray against the dragon and manages to hit it in it's shoulder with a ray of fire, which leaves a scorch mark, but the dragon blows on it to remove the char.

Seeing the group flee, the dragon laughs and returns to the top of it's tower.

The group now huddle around Mira's corpse and come up with a plan. They need to find the druid and hopefully he can revive him.

They survey the town, and notice that one of the buildings is not as ruined as the others. This small house appears to be in better condition than the ruined and dilapidated structures nearby. The doors are reinforced with heavy iron bands, and thick shutters protect the windows.

Minogar knocks on the door, believing this to be Reidoth's home and shouts out for him, explaining that one of their members has fallen and they need his help.

There is no answer.


Xena also knocks on the door, she pleads with Reidoth to answer, and that they don't really want to be bothering him, but they are in a bad spot.

To the left of the door, is a small crack. Through this crack, a squirrel appears and looks up right at the party. As this happens, it starts to morph into an old man.

Xena greets the man, explaining that they danced with a dragon and their friend here got into difficulty.

The man nods, "Venomfang."

"Your friend, not good." the druid says.

Minogar asks if there is anything he could do to help.

"Materials" the druid replies.

Xena asks what does he need, the druid replies "Rare oils, unguents, worth 1000 gold, or 1000 gold and I use my own."

Xena explains that if he has his own, can't they just use it?

"Hard to come by, difficult to replace", the druid says, to which Xena explains that so is their friend.

The druid ponders, "How much you have?"

The group combine their totals and come up around 100 gold short. Xena tries to persuade him to let them off the other 100 gold.

"Something of equal value, 100 gold." the druid says.

Xena takes out her arcane spell casting focus, and offers this to the druid.

"Valuable to you, too valuable" the druid says, he raises his hand and rejects the gift, "I'll do it, the money you have, sufficient"

He asks Minogar to place the body on the floor, and he does so.

"Not the same, your friend will be," the druid warns, "Are you sure?"

Minogar looks confused, and asks in what way.

The druid shakes his head, "Never the same"

Minogar asks what he will lose

The druid explains, "Memories retained, appearance not the same."

Minogar asks is it not just possible to heal him back to how he was.

"The only way, this, only way. Only magic I know, that bring back in this condition."

The group decide to let the druid go ahead. The druid goes back into his building, and returns with various oils and ointments. He places his hands on the body and says to the group, "One hour, you wait."

The group decide to wait inside his building while he does the spell.

An hour passes as the group discusses what they know about dragons, and Marlade explains that green dragons usually breathe poison.

They head outside, hopeful to see their friend once again.

Reidoth releases from Mira and turns to the group as he heads back inside, "It is done."

Chapter 42


Standing before the group, looking confused, is a Rock Gnome.

The group looked confused, and the Rock Gnome asks them what just happened to him.

Realising it is Mira, Minogar says not to worry and its all good now.

Misty goes up to Mira, slightly confused, she can smell that it is Mira but does not recognise him so is currently tilting her head at him.

The group whisper amongst themselves, without Mira hearing as to whether they should tell him or not. Marlade believes they can just roll with it forever and never let him know.

Xena walks up to Mira, and tries to summarize the situation, she tells him about the dragon attacking him and takes out one of her daggers and using the blade shows him his face in the reflection of the steel.

Mira is taken a back, and cannot believe he is now a gnome. He jokes that they should have left him dead.

The group go inside and talk to Reidoth once again, "Realized what I mean, have you? he says.

Mira thanks the druid for bringing him back, but asks if there is any way to get his old body back.

"Not the way the spell works, reincarnate you have, new life you now lead. Memories I kept for you, body has to change."

Mira pleads and asks if he knows of any way in the world to get his old body back.

"Get used to it, you will, not too bad, could be worse".

Minogar asks Reidoth why he chose a rock gnome.

"Wasn't my decision, will of the gods"

Minogar asks which gods decided.

Reidoth bluntly says, "Druidic gods"

Marlade mutters to Sasha that this is why he worships legit gods.


"Did as you asked," the druid continues, "Friend alive" and points to Mira. The group sigh, and thank the druid.

Marlade thinks for a moment, and realises that his cleric path will at some point potentially unlock a way to restore Mira to his old self, using divine intervention.

Minogar brings Reidoth to one side and explains that they met his dragon neighbour, "Hmm, yes, troublesome, he is", the druid states.

Minogar asks why is he here?

"Can't get rid of him"

The goliath asks him if he has any proof they could use to show he is here to Neverwinter.

"Asked Neverwinter eons ago, for help, they send you, your friend die, I thank Neverwinter. Not. Dragon not know im here, reveal myself not, too dangerous. Proof you require, I not possess"

Xena agrees that the dragon doesn't know he is here.

"Dragon best not know," and Reidoth stares inquisitively at the group, "What have you done?"

Xena reaffirms that the dragon doesn't know he is here, and that all is good.

Reidoth decides to believe the group, for now.

Xena invites the druid to come with them,

"I cannot, need to monitor the threat, incase it moves"

Minogar asks if Reidoth knows a way to defeat the dragon.

"Grow more powerful, I suggest"

Sasha explains that they could do with some proof to show Lord Dagult.

"Already sent letter, Lord Dagult know"

Sasha explains that Lord Dagult doesn't believe the druid.

"Hiding in my home, not wanting to be seen, too risky."

The group start to wonder if they can use Mira's new form as proof that the dragon killed him.

Marlade jokes that he would introduce himself as 'No longer Mira, but Mira the gnome!'

Sasha argues at this point, the cost of trying to bring back proof of the dragon could be too high, and they should just hope that the Lord Protector will believe their eye-witness accounts.

Chapter 43


They decide to head back to Neverwinter, they camp outside the city gates as they arrive at nightfall. Once again they are awoken by the drawbridge being lowered in the morning.

They head into the city and proceed to the Hall of Justice, they advise Minogar to behave when they enter, and not to annoy Lord Dagult.

They enter and see the familiar hall. However, this day, Lord Dagult is not standing proud, he is slumped to the side in his chair, and hasn't noticed the group enter. He does not look amused.

They approach the guards at the top of the first stairs, that block access to Dagult, the middle guard asks, "What is your business?"

Xena explains they are here to speak to Lord Dagult, regarding prior business investigating a dragon in the Thundertree area.

"Ah, you are the ones he sent to Thundertree?"

The group nods.

"Have you the commendation?"

Minogar produces the document and the guard stands to the side, allowing them an audience with Lord Dagult Neverember.

The group approaches the stairs infront of Lord Dagult's throne. Xena bows, and the others follow suit.

"Ah, heroes," Lord Dagult speaks, "I see you have brought guests. I believe we haven't met tiefling and gnome. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm not in the best of moods currently, but I am Lord Dagult Neverember, Lord Protector of the realm. How can I help?"

Mira explains that they have actually met before.

"Oh sorry, I'm not very good with names and faces, could you remind of your name again gnome?"

Mira tells him his name, and says he used to be an elf.

"You used to be an, elf?" Lord Dagult says, bemused, "Rrright. And tiefling?"

Xena states her name, and explains she signed on to help the group.

"Have we met?" Lord Dagult asks.

Xena explains that she has lived here all her life and has seen him from afar.

"Very well, to the rest of you, what news do you bring from Thundertree?"

Sasha explains that it is not good.

"Don't come to me with more bad news," Dagult says.

Mira says that it was that bad, he sort of died.

Dagult gets annoyed at this point, "What is this?! Do you take me for a fool? You bring back bad news and a gnome and say he was an elf? I have never heard of such things."

Sasha says that it is true.

Lord Dagult is visibly upset with the group at this point. "I am starting to lose patience with you lot, you come in with this gnome. I presume you are with the gnome, correct?"

Sasha starts to say that the gnome was their wood elf friend.

"You as well?!"


Xena asks if he has a mage or something that could advise him on matters of the arcane. She agrees that she can see how this is 'irregular' but it is also the truth, inconvenient as it may be.

Lord Dagult appears to be coming around, "We are followers of the light, is this spell of a holy nature?"

Xena explains that she is not an expert in magic such as this, and that they did what they had to to get their friend back.

Lord Dagult turns to his nearest guard and whispers in his ear. The guard marches down the steps, past the group and into another room. He returns moments later with Urzal, the red dragonborn.

Urzal stands next to the group and addresses Lord Dagult, "Yes? My lord? What is it you require?"

Lord Dagult replies, "I'm sorry to waste your time Urzal, do you know anything... have you ever encountered somebody being able to change their race? This gnome before you, he says that he was once an elf."

Urzal realises, "An elf? Mira? Is that you?"

Mira covers his face and says it is him.

Urzal questions the gnome, "If you are Mira, you will know the answer to this question... How did we meet?"

Mira says outside the cave, and Urzal says no, their initial meeting.

Having only just come back from the dead, Mira's mind is still cloudy but he does manage to remember how they met. He explains that Urzal was working for the other side, and they went to a castle to find a captured dwarf. When they met Urzal breathed fire on the group. But it turns out a bugbear was manipulating his mind, and when the group freed him, Urzal joined them, vowing revenge on the black spider.

Urzal reaches down under his top and produces an item, the 'memorandum obscura', which the bugbear - Grol - used to block his memories.

He turns to Lord Dagult, "Lord Dagult, on my honour as a Paladin, this is Mira. Only he could know what happened that day."

Lord Dagult stands up, "Very well Urzal. I trust you," he sighs, "So the rest of you have bad news for me I take it? First of all, can you explain, how did this elf become a gnome?"

Sasha explains that they went to Thundertree, to see if the druid was telling the truth.

Urzal interupts at this point and scolds Mira, "Mira! Do you not remember! That tabaxi we met years ago came from Thundertree and warned us not to go there! Instead we went to Wave Echo Cave! Sorry Bard, do continue"

Sasha continues, explaining that they met a dragon before they met the druid, and the dragon was too quick. It attacked Mira and killed him.

"So you are saying the dragon does exist?" Lord Dagult asks, "Reidoth was not lieing?!"

Sasha confirms it to be true.

Lord Dagult looks dejected and says, "I haven't told you this, but I have also heard rumours of another dragon, to the south. Tell me," he swallows, "The colour of this dragon that you met, was it white?"

Sasha says that it was green.

Lord Dagult looks down, "Tyr help me," he proclaims, "there are multiple dragons out there?!"

Sasha says it seems to be that way.

Minogar pipes up and explains it made it's home in a tower, and is being watched over by the druid - Reidoth. The goliath goes on to say it was he who brought back Mira from the dead.

Sasha says that they had to give him all of their gold in order to do this so they are a bit poor now.

Lord Dagult hears this and says, "Well you have fulfilled the task I gave you, the reward was 100 gold... I will increase it to 200, for your troubles"

The group thank the Lord for his kindness.

"Adventurers, as you have proven useful, I will bear you in mind if I need any more aide. For now I have other things to deal with."

Minogar also tells Lord Dagult that the dragon goes by the name 'Venomfang'.

Lord Dagult nods, "Very well."

The group bid him one final thank you and head back out of the Hall.

Xena asks only for the 13 gold pieces she started with from the group's reward. She explains that she had never left Neverwinter before today, and is probably going to return to that policy. She bids the group farewell, and says maybe they will see each other again.

The group say to her, till next time, and she leaves to continue her adventure alone...

Session 11 - 09/06/2020

Chapter 44


The group decide to spend the next four weeks in Neverwinter, enjoying the city life.

Sasha and Mira start playing songs once again, and convince Harrag to let them play every week at the Beached Leviathan.

Minogar also decides to carry on learning Dwarvish and to do a spot of Pit Fighting on fight nights, also at the Beached Leviathan.

Marlade decides now would be a good time to relax and earn some rest from his travels.

However, Marlade does start to get this weird voice in his head from time to time, it seems to taunt him and tell him things that would annoy him, he does not recognise the voice.

Furthermore, the city has put up posters around the districts asking for any information on Iarno Glasstaff and to bring him to Lord Dagult for a 5000 gold piece reward, dead or alive.

They decide to see Don-Jon Raskin, and take him up on his offer to be taken to Axeholm.

They walk through the city towards the gate they were going to meet Don-Jon at, as they enter the Protector's Enclave there are many crowds of people around them, as it is always busy. However, as they are walking through, Minogar keeps noticing they appear to be being followed, he believes it is an elf.

Minogar whispers to the rest of the group, explaining he thinks they are being followed. Mira responds saying he has noticed this as well...

Marlade jokes that it could be one of Mira and Sasha's fans!


Minogar looks again now the group has stopped, and can see the elf through the crowds once again, she is a woman and he recognises her as Gilme Birdiir, an elf monk he fought in the Beached Leviathan in a pit fight.

The elf looks angrily at Minogar.

Minogar explains that he may have used an axe in a fight against that elven woman over there.

The elf moves closer to the party, she approaches Minogar and says the he owes her a fair duel. She says he did not fight honorably in the pit fight and that she has come to reclaim her honor.

Minogar threatens the elf to leave now, before he uses his axe again.

She challenges him to one on one combat, here and now, to settle this.

Sasha and Mira look shocked, but Marlade says should they start taking bets on the street for who will win?

Minogar believes that if he fights now, he will be arrested.

Gilme calls him a chicken, and says if he does not fight he has no honor.

Minogar laughs and says just know that you did get defeated infront of everyone in the Beached Leviathan.

Gilme advances and tries to punch Minogar, he uses his Stone's Endurance to absorb the hit, and dodges a second punch that she throws.

Sasha uses Dissonant Whispers on the monk, which hits and causes the monk to step back, who shouts at Sasha that this should be a one on one!

Sasha responds to this by casting Bardic Inspiration on Minogar.

Marlade sidles up to Minogar and says he can help him restrain the monk if he wants.

Minogar rages at this point, and decides to try punching back at the monk, who just dodges both strikes.

Mira uses Ensnaring Strike on his weapon and tries to hit the monk with his Shortsword, but the monk leans back out of the way of the swing.

Gilme once again shouts one on one, to the group, and tries to attack Mira. But Mira is quick and moves back out of the way.

Marlade casts Command on the monk, and tells her to Flee.

Minogar decides to carry on throwing punches, he misses the first swing but connects with the second, the monk casts Shield in response however, and the barrier absorbs the blow.

Mira swings again with his Shortsword, and Ensnaring Strike comes into effect, snaring the monk in place.

Gilme tries to flee at this point, but can't because of the vines, she tries to break free from them but can't. She tries to hit Mira, but can't reach from her current location.

Sasha tries to convince her to stop fighting, but the monk replies saying he has no honor.

Minogar says they should just fight again in the pit, not in the streets.

Gilme asks to be released from the vines, to which Mira does.

The monk casts Jump on herself, and Minogar notices this and tells her to wait, he is impressed by her bravery and asks her name.

The elf looks annoyed and says Gilme Birdiir, she scolds Minogar for not remembering from the fight in the Beached Leviathan.

While Minogar and Gilme argue, Marlade starts to fuss Misty, and Mira notices this and tries to get Misty to come. Misty, not sure of Mira's new form stays with Marlade.

Gilme says she will be waiting in Neverwinter for Minogar, and they will fight again. Using Jump she leaps backwards and leaves the party.

The group decide to carry on towards where they were going to meet Don-Jon.

Chapter 45


They arrive at the gate where they were to meet Don-Jon, and Marlade hears the voice again, "I will retrieve what is mine, I always do..."

They see Don-Jon with his caravan, "Howdy, partners!", he says, "It feels like forever ago that I saw you last!"

The group thank him for waiting for them

Don-Jon sighs and says, "No problem, but I do have something to tell you guys, you see, the consortium, they spoke to me the other day and I told them my plan of taking ya'll to Axeholm and then to the mines. They're ok with it, but on one condition, they want us to go to the mine, first. They don't think that if I take you to Axeholm that we're ever gon' see you again, so ya know, we do their job first to keep them happy, keep everybody happy? I will still take you to Axeholm after, that's no problem."

Mira looks suspicious and says they need some kind of guarantee that he will take them there.


"What kind of guarantee you need?" Don-Jon asks, "I'm a man of my word, to be honest I know you guys quite well, and i've heard rumours of Axeholm myself, and I'm not gonna downplay it, its a dangerous place and I think you guys are being stupid. But I do believe I will see you again if I take you there! I'll leave it to you guys, shall we go against the consortium or not?"

The group decide they can go to the mines first, and hop into the caravan. Don-Jon marks Axeholm and Mountain's Toe Goldmine on their map and sets off south down the High Road.

The caravan continues through the night as the group sleep, he carries on because he wants to arrive at the mine within two-days.

Don-Jon turns from the front and looks into the back, "So what you guys been up to in Neverwinter? Anything interestin'?"

Minogar says they have had a lot of fights

"A lot of fights ya'll say? You a pit fighter, goliath?"

Minogar nods,

"I used to be a pit fighter myself, I wasn't any good at it, but I tried!" Don-Jon says, "Too much getting hit yourself, I can deal it out, but I can't take it!"

Minogar asks if he ever won,

"Against the small ones!" As Don-Jon winks at Mira. His tone changes, "So can I ask, why Axeholm? What are you guys hoping to get from this place?"

The group whisper amongst themselves as to whether they should tell the truth.

"Is it a touchy subject?" Don-Jon laughs, "I can keep my mouth shut"

Minogar says not to worry about it.

"Ah ok, Ill shut ma mouth then!"

As the caravan arrives at the first turn towards Phandalin, someone is walking on the road and raises his hand towards Don-Jon, who stops the caravan and starts talking to him. The group can overhear parts of the conversation and the new guy is asking where they are headed and if he can just tag along for a little bit?

Don-Jon turns to the rest of the group and asks if any of them mind if they just give this a guy a quick lift to outside Phandalin?

The group agree, and Don-Jon asks his name,

"The name's Francis", he says.

Francis goes around and sits up front next to Don-Jon, he gives the rest of the group a thumbs up as a thank you.

The caravan continues for a few yards, when all of a sudden, Francis takes out a dagger and holds it up to Don-Jon's neck. Startled, he stops the caravan.

Francis turns to the rest of the group, "Right, you guys in the back! Give us all your valuables or this guy is getting it!"

Marlade tries to cast Command on the bandit, and tells him to jump. He complies and immediately jumps upward, the dagger slicing Don-Jon under his chin.

"Enough of the games!" Francis shouts, "Give me your gold, or I swear, I'm gonna kill him!"

Sasha casts Vicious Mockery on Francis, who covers his ears in pain. Mira jumps out of the caravan and tries to hit Francis with his sword, but he forgot he is now a gnome and his height disadvantage means he struggles to hit Francis. He instructs Misty to attack, but she loafs around.

Don-Jon tries to elbow at
Francis but misses and Francis
restrains him further.

Marlade casts Toll the Dead on
Francis but he resists it.

Minogar rages and uses a
Reckless Attack on Francis, he
smashes into Francis's torso
with his greataxe, Francis
tries to kill Don-Jon but due
to the Vicious Mockery from
before, he isn't able to
carry it out.

Unbeknownst to the
group, his accomplises have
been stealthing towards the
caravan and jump out, five
more bandits join the fray, one
of them tries to attack Mira and
hits him with his Schimitar,
another attacks Misty and also
hits her.

Sasha jumps out the caravan
and attacks the nearest bandit
with her longsword, she hits him
and he starts to stumble.

Mira attacks another with
his shortswords and tries to get Misty to attack but she is still loafing around.

Don-Jon continues to try to elbow Francis, he hits and knocks him away, releasing the dagger from his throat.

Marlade casts Spiritual Weapon outside of the caravan, where a spectral weapon appears, he uses it on one of the bandits and slashes him.

Minogar tries to attack Francis again he smashes once again into his torso, knocking him unconscious.

Sasha uses her longsword on the bandit she attacked earlier, she slices through him and kills him on the spot.

Mira continues to attack the other bandit with his shortswords, he slices through his legs and brings him down to his size, he stabs him straight in the face and kills him.

He once again tries to get Misty to attack, and she listens this time, but the bandit she attacks is able to coax Misty into not attacking him and Mira gives Misty a glare as she ignores his orders.

Don-Jon now sees Francis being unconscious, he mutters that he is getting too old for this shit, and elbows Francis's unconscious body. Francis falls off the caravan and drops dead.

Minogar moans that he stole the kill.

Marlade casts Toll the Dead on a bandit, who drops dead from the bell tolling in his ears. Marlade also uses his spectral weapon to attack another bandit. Sasha rushes over with her longsword and finishes him off slicing him in two.

The final bandit begins to flee, Mira takes out his longbow and fires an arrow at the fleeing bandit. He fires true and hits the back of his calf and he begins to stumble, Mira then instructs Misty to attack the bandit who rushes after him and savages him to death.

Don-Jon looks shook and thanks the party for being there, he says if he was alone he would have been a goner.


The group search through the bodies and find 150 gold pieces in total, which they split. Minogar also finds a Ball in a cup on the leader. He tries to catch the ball in the cup, and succeeds!

While looting, Marlade hears another voice, "Oh no, not that way, I would not have gone that way!" but it sounds like it is just mocking Marlade.

Minogar also hears a voice, but they arent aware that each other is hearing it, "I knew you'd go that way, I would also have gone that way"

Marlade casts Detect Evil and Good but doesn't detect anything around him.

The group continue on the caravan and arrive at the gold mine. Don-Jon leaves the caravan at the road and they continue to the entrance of the mine on foot.

As they walk, Minogar explains that he heard a voice to the rest of the party. A low ridge rises to their right, beyond which they see the Sword Mountains scrape the gray sky. But closer in, something is strewn across the rocky ground ninety feet ahead.

“Well, ain’t that something,” says Don-Jon, pointing at what appear to be six dead orcs.

The group go an inspect them, who are all strewn about as though they were running from something. Mira inspects the bodies more closely and notices that there is no snow around and yet there is frost on them.

Don-Jon looks to the rest of the group, "Cryovain, looks like he saved us some trouble!"

The group ask if Cryovain is the white dragon people have been talking about, to which Don-Jon says it is. He asks if they have much experience with dragons?

The group laugh nervously.

"Well the good news is, " Don-Jon says as he reaches down, "Is the dragon killed these at least three days ago, so he is probably not around..."

The group loot the bodies and take their weapons back to the caravan, with intent to sell them later on.

They continue on towards the mine.

Chapter 46


Hidden among bushes, a tunnel burrows into the foot of a soaring, snow-capped mountain. Above the mouth of the tunnel is a wooden plank with the words “Mountain’s Toe” carved into it in Common.

Don-Jon turns and explains that he has never actually been in the mines before, so won't know much about the layout. He leads them to the mouth of the cave.

At the entrance they see two female looking individuals but they are super furry and have what appear to be, rat faces.

They put their hand up to the group as they approach and asks what their business is?

Don-Jon goes forward and introduces himself, he explains that the consortium sent him to check why they haven't been recieving their shipments lately?

The guards say no but that they can take them to the leader if they want.

Don-Jon asks the group if they should agree to this? He says he thinks the group can handle any trouble if there is to be any.

He says, "If it gets a bit hairy, we can leave - pun intended!"

The group groan, and Don-Jon asks the guards to lead the way.

One of them stays guard as the other leads the group through the mine. Minogar lights a torch and Marlade casts Light.

The rat guard arrives at a door and unlocks it, leading them through. The door creaks and they continue deeper into the mine, they arrive at another door, the otherside of which the group can hear the noises of someone giving a speech to a crowd.

The rat opens the door and returns to her guard post.

Inside, the group see a female rat person giving a rousing speech to six humans, the female is clearly the leader and is explaining the benefits of becoming a wererat.

The leader notices the party and stops her speech, she introduces herself as Zeleen Varnaster and asks what she can do for her visitors?

Don-Jon starts, "Ah, Zeleen, the names Don-Jon, we have come to find out why our shipements have stopped. I must say, I haven't seen much mining since I got here."

Zeleen turns and says, "We don't need to mine, this is our home now."

Don-Jon looks unconfortable but says, "Ah, well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the consortium owns this mine and you are kinda trespassing!"

Zeleen responds, "I don't believe we are, finder's keepers and all that!"

Minogar says he does not believe thats how the law works!

Zeleen turns to the goliath and says it was empty when they got here.

Sasha asks Zeleen then who are these people?

Zeleen explains that they are the new recruits and asks the party if they want to join and become a wererat.

The group politely decline, and whisper to Don-Jon why the mine was empty, he says that as far as he knew the work was going ahead.


Don-Jon tells the group this is creeping him out a bit, he is not used to this sort of thing. Minogar offers to take the wererats out, but Don-Jon thinks this is just a misunderstanding. He does ask the party that he would like to know what happened to the miners though.

Minogar turns to Zeleen and just asks where the miners went as they should have been here?

Zeleen says she has no idea. But unconvincingly.

Mira asks where they came from, Zeleen tells a story of how she found a cursed rat that turned her into a wererat and she was able to defend her town from bandits, until they overwhelmed the group and they had to flee, and thats how they got here.

Mira asks how many of them there are, to which Zeleen responds why they would need to know this?

Don-Jon asks Zeleen if they mind if they just take a quick look around, Zeleen thinks for a second and says "Sure..."

The group start to wander around the mine, they still do not see any miners, they find store rooms full of rotten food, which concerns Don-Jon as it is odd how nothing has eaten the supplies. He decides it best for him to return to the caravan and the rest of the group carry on investigating.

They find small cots and rooms that have been ransacked, its all very strange.

They come to a door that is locked, Minogar tries to smash the padlock with his axe but it doesn't break. Sasha casts Knock on the padlock and it falls to the floor.

The group enter and are in a passage, this has a steep slope leading upwards though, that is hard to get a footing on.

Sasha rushes up the slope and to her horror a strange giant worm thing attacks her! Mira tries to rush to Sasha's aide and rushes up the slope, he slashes at it with his shortsword across its face. It has big bug eyes with a small mouth and huge whisker type tendrils coming off its face.

Marlade casts Sanctuary on Sasha from the bottom of the slope.

Sasha takes her longsword and tries to attack the thing, and gores the side of it, green blood spills onto the floor. The thing tries to hit Sasha but misses, and tries to bite her instead, it latches on and tears a chunk of flesh from Sasha's arm. Mira uses his sentinel ability to attack once again, but misses the swing.

Marlade uses Guidance on Minogar to boost his abilities. Minogar rages and runs up the slope, he attacks the beast with his greataxe and cleaves up his belly. Its guts start to fall out and it hisses at Minogar.

Sasha takes her longsword and attacks it again, it continues to bleed out, and in desperation it scuttles upside down onto the roof and tries to use one it's tentacles to hit at Minogar.

It does hit, but Minogar resists being poisoned.

Mira takes out his longbow and shoots at the beast, but it pings on the roof.

Marlade can now see the beast as it is on the roof and uses Toll the Dead on it, its now looking like it's on it's last legs.

Minogar takes out his greataxe and smiles at the beast, he tears from one end to the other of the beast, it screams and gets higher and higher pitch as his axe travels up it, and the two pieces fall from the roof, covering Minogar in green blood.

Minogar carves it up and takes it meat for later. The meat is green and smells funny but he quickly stuffs it into his pockets.

Sasha continues in the cavern and it comes to an opening that looks outside onto a field. She is stood ontop of a 20 foot drop and can see the field.

This field contains a ring of ten earthen graves with pickaxes sticking out of the ground where headstones ought to be.

Sasha tells this to the party, and Marlade thinks it might not be a bad thing, people might just die in the mines all the time?

The group continue to search around the mine, they find more strange cots and eventually come to another locked door.

Mira listens at the door, he can hear seperate voices that sound very weak, and he recognises the accent as dwarvish. Sasha also listens as she can understand dwarvish, she says they are debating whether to leave or surrender and another is saying they have killed enough of them, and that they are outnumbered.

Behind them, the group hear the sounds of squeaking approaching...

Session 12 - 14/06/2020

Chapter 47


As the party are listening at the door, Marlade hears the squeaking approaching and around the corner comes a swarm of giant rats! The group battle against the beasts and manage to slay most of them, however one injured rat skulks off and manages to escape, it heads back towards the wererats.

Minogar then turns to the door and rages, he kicks it as hard as he can, but the door just buckles slightly and a boom echoes around the caves.

Minogar gets even more annoyed and kicks right on the lock, the door flies through to the wall on the other side of the now revealed room, inside he sees two dwarves and says he means no harm. The dwarves look unconvinced, witnessing the door hit the other side of the room.

As the group walk inside, they see a further three dwarves. These dwarves do not appear to be in the best of shape however, and are looking very frail and hungry.

The first dwarf turns to the group and weakly asks who they are.

The group explains that they came with Don Jon and heard there was some trouble here in the mines.

"Took a while..." the dwarf weakly begins to say, "Have you met... them?", seeming to refer to the wererats.

Minogar explains that they have.

"Are you here to save us? Have our prayers... been answered?"

Minogar turns to Marlade who is nodding with a smirk on his face to the dwarf.

"Hmm," as the dwarf turns to Marlade, "A cleric?!... It seems you were right, Bori, praying to Savras has brought aid to us."

The dwarf coughs, "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Duli. Duli Mountainriver. I suppose, after all this, I am now the acting foreman."

Minogar gives each of the dwarves some of his rations, and they begin to perk up.


The dwarf thanks the goliath for his kindness and explains that they did try to fight the wererats but were overcome.

The dwarf believes they are waiting for them to all starve.

He explains that their weapons were powerless against the wererats, and that they have been hiding here ever since.

Mira asks how many there are, and the dwarf explains that there were only around four before, but there could be more now...

Sasha enters the room with the dwarves and sees a tunnel at the back, she asks if anyone has been through it - they say it is too small for them to fit through.

Mira picks up a rock and throws it into the tunnel, it goes quite far and he hears it rattle on the floor. The tunnel turns a corner though, so he cannot see further.

The gnome enters the tunnel and begins to crawl through, the base of the tunnel feels reinforced, so he deduces that this has been dug out for a purpose.

He slowly crawls through it as it winds and starts to see light coming in. Mira emerges outside, and realises this is another exit to the mines.

He decides to return to the group and explains what he saw.

The group decide to repair the door that Minogar kicked down, Sasha casts Mending on each hinge and Minogar uses his strength to bend the door back into shape.

They leave the dwarves in the room and decide to shut the floor for now to hide the dwarves, they begin to discuss how to get these dwarves out

As they are talking however, they notice a squeaking sound. They turn around and see a giant rat staring at them, seemingly smirking.

Minogar uses his ability to talk to the rat, and asks why he is here. The rat explains that he has alerted the others and that they are coming!

Minogar begins to throw a javelin at the rat, to which the rat runs forward and tries to bite Minogar, but he dodges it. He now takes out his axe and attacks the beast.

He kills the rat in one blow and it lets out a squeak, but the group hears the sounds of running footsteps and weapons clanging coming towards them.

Around the corner comes Zeleen, the leader of the wererats, with a crossbow. Zelline fires at Minogar and hits him with a bolt. There does appear to be more people coming through, judging by the commotion behind her.

Mira fires his longbow at the wererat, which hits but the bolt appears to not affect the beast at all...

Marlade summons a spiritual weapon and attacks Zeleen with it, the damage from the magical weapon seems to stick, she seems shocked that it has managed to harm her.

Minogar takes his torch and swings it at the wererat, but the fire doesn't seem to phase her.

Sasha uses Vicious Mockery to hurl abuse at Zeleen, but she resists the cantrip.

Zeleen tries to bite Minogar, he shakes off the wererat but she tries to bite him again, he dodges successfully.

Behind Zeleen come the humans from before, but they are looking a bit hairier than before. As they enter they morph into the wererat creature resembling Zeleen.

The group face down the wererats, the wererats relentlessly try to bite the party and infect them with their curse, but they manage to dodge or resist their attempts.

In the end, the group manage to defeat Zeleen first, but as they do so, the other humans immediately revert to their normal forms and stop attacking - looking confused.

The group lower their weapons and begin to speak to the humans. It is revealed that they have no memory of this place and they only remember meeting Zeleen in human form and then her transforming and biting them. They reveal that they are from a ranch nearby and aren't sure where they are.

The group decide to investigate this ranch that the humans are talking about. They lead the dwarves and humans out of the mines and begin to head back up to Don-Jon's caravan.

Chapter 48


The dwarves mention they would like to return to Neverwinter and speak to the Consortium, the humans wish to return to the ranch.

As they are walking north, Sasha hears a voice in her head. The group begin to discuss this - as they have all heard this voice at some point - they believe they are all going crazy.

They arrive to where Don-Jon had parked his caravan, but they do not see it. Instead they see him slumped on the floor, no caravan in sight.

They begin to rouse him and he comes to.

"Oh, Howdy guys, err, where's the caravan?"

The group explain that it appears to have disappeared.

Don-Jon tries to remember, his face drops as he does so. "Ahhh, nooo, they took it... Some orcs came and rushed me, making off with ma dang caravan!"

The group ask which direction, but Don-Jon explains that he was hit before he saw where they went.

Minogar notices that the tracks on the caravan have sunk into the earth where it was parked, and looking at the depth of the tread, he deduces that they headed east along the triboar trail. He believes that these tracks should be easy to follow to find the destination of it.

The group deliberate over what to do with the humans, dwarves and the caravan. Don-Jon pleads that time is of the essence if they are to get his caravan back.

They decide to send the humans and dwarves back to the mine for now, and the group and Don-Jon head along the triboar trail. Don-Jon says he is joining them no matter what as it is now "personal".

Minogar leads the group and follows the tracks, they head in the direction of Conyberry following the triboar trail. Halfway along the trail, it starts to become night and they decide to quickly camp for the night, believing that the orcs will have stopped as well.

After their rest, morning breaks and they decide to have
a quick chat. They begin to discuss the "voice" they keep
intermittently hearing, Don-Jon actually perks up
hearing this and explains that he too started hearing
voices around the time he met the group to travel
south from Neverwinter, but they stopped when
they went to the mines.

Marlade explains his current theory, he
believes it to be a certain individual who
escaped capital punishment in

"Iarno, you talking 'bout?" Don-Jon
asks, "Yeah, I think I saw the poster,
how did you guys meet him?"


Marlade says he was doing weird stuff with kids or something

"So how do you think he is messing with you?"

Marlade says he believes that it could the staff he currently has, he says to Don-Jon that he stole it from Iarno after defeating him.

"Do you mind if I take a quick look?"

Marlade hands over the staff, Don-Jon is surprised at how ornate it is, and recognises that it is magical. He advises the cleric to investigate it further, as he cannot.

Marlade casts Identify on the staff, to get its properties. It is revealed that the staff has got a divination spell on it that is allowing someone - or something - to track the wearer.

The cleric defiantly decides to keep the staff regardless. Minogar also decides to inspect the staff, he decides to speak into it and asks for Iarno.

The group hear a voice laughing, it morphs into Iarno's voice, "So, you finally figured it out." he says menacingly.

Minogar asks where he is, but the mage ignores his question, "Ah, on the Triboar trail now i see... quite far from Neverwinter! Did you enjoy my little 'party trick'? I saw you in the crowd."

The barbarian jokes that he did infact enjoy it, the voice continues, "Your little tiefling friend, quite resourceful isn't she? You all got out of that situation pretty quick."

Minogar decides to try to bond with the mage, he explains he has distain towards Lord Dagult.

Iarno's voice, changes slightly, sounding slightly surprised as to what he is hearing. "Erm, yes? Are you serious when you say this, or is this in jest?"

Minogar explains that he tried to stop him killing the mage, because he wanted to speak to him first, but got on the wrong side of the Lord.

Iarno responds. "Interesting. Interesting... can I ask, would you be interested in a 'partnership' in order to dethrone Lord Dagult?"

The group start to perk up and listen, Marlade begins to chuckle.

Iarno continues, "See, the Zhentarim, I know that your first impression of us is not good. But all we want is order, and the Alagondar family ruled over Neverwinter and it prospered for centuries, Lord Dagult we believe is a usurper. He has taken the throne for himself. We know of a legitimate heir to the throne. We would like to instate this individual in his place."

The group ask who the individual is, but Iarno remains tight lipped.

The group believe it is the woman who runs the Driftwood Tavern.

Minogar says to Iarno that they will not attack the mage if they see him again, the mage responds sarcastically, "Oh, how kind."

The barbarian goes on to explain that perhaps the mages intentions have been misunderstood and he is not that bad, so if they ever meet face to face again, perhaps they should have a talk.

Iarno pauses, "Ok... is this a pact of some sorts we are building, are you wanting to join the Zhentarim?"

Minogar says it is a truce for now.

Iarno asks him to take out a blade, the goliath looks confused. "Do as I say if you wish to join us."

Minogar says that he didn't necessarily say he was joining the cult. Iarno explains that he has the information that he needs, but he will need to make a pact first. "If you wish to accept this pact, take out a blade, cut your hand, and place it on the floor."

Minogar remains still and silent for a moment.

He gives the staff back to Marlade.

As he does so, he hears Iarno once again, "Disappointing."

The group continue to the east, and arrive in the ruins of Conyberry. Marlade recognises the place from his vision, but it is not quite the same, some buildings have shifted around, but it looks like it could be the place.

The tracks that Minogar is following continue east from here, Marlade explains that his vision actually took him south he believes.

He puts it to the group to decide what they would like to do, and they decide to carry on after the caravan for now. In the distance, they see a ranch.

The tracks lead up to the ranch itself.

The group decide to camp one last time before heading towards the ranch as it is getting dark once again. In the morning Sasha is awoken by something licking her face.

A cow has gotten curious and has wandered over to the party. Sasha pushes it away and a bell around its neck rings slightly, Sasha grabs it to stop it ringing and the cow stands staring at her.

She wakes up the rest of the party, and they all stare at the cow.

Don-Jon decides to walk around the cow, "Wow, this looks like someone's prized cow, this aint wild. Hold on, this cow is branded." He peers at the cow's rear end, "BAK. Whoever that is, it must belong to them."

Chapter 49


The group decide to take the cow with them into the ranch to find its owner, Don-Jon attempts to goad it but it won't move from it stands. Sasha also tries but with a bit more finesse, and the cow follows her.

Butterskull Ranch occupies a large plot of land on the north side of the Triboar Trail, nestled between two hills. Beyond a ramshackle wooden fence stand corn fields, an apple orchard, gardens, and pasture land. A path breaks off from the trail to lead to a two-story farmhouse next to a pond. West of the farmhouse are the charred remains of a barn and smithy that have been burned to the ground.


The group move up towards the farmhouse, and parked outside is their caravan! However, they inspect it and Don-Jon calms his horses down. Minogar looks into the back for his axes, but all the weapons appear to be missing.

Minogar decides to go up to the farmhouse and listen, he can hear orcish being spoken, they are arguing over who gets to keep what they have found.

Mira comes up and looks through one of the windows. He sees five orcs arguing in what appears to be a dining room, they are shouting at each other with the axes on the table.

However, they all seem to have at least one axe equipped to begin with.

The group prepare to smash the door down and surprise the orcs. Minogar rages and kicks the door which makes a really loud thud but doesnt open. He kicks again, this time the door completely collapses, but they end up in a small porch area, not the room with the orcs they saw. They hear the orcs getting ready to attack from a door to their left. There is another door to their north where they can also hear noises of orcs getting ready to fight.

The group begin to fight these orcs, the commotion is loud and causes all orcs to come and rush the party, orcs run down the stairs into the porch, the orcs they saw at the beginning rush through and orcs from the other door come bursting in. Don-Jon also joins the commotion and gets knocked down but uses his resilience to get back up and retreat from the combat scene.

The group are eventually victorius and a lone orc runs off upstairs. The group split and follow it, one up stairs in the porch and another up stairs in the dining room, they are able to pincer the orc upstairs in a hall and finish it off.

They count the bodies and there are 12 orcs that they have defeated.

The group gather up the axes and put them back into the caravan.

Mira looks around upstairs and finds a 'Three-Dragon Ante' playing card set and a 'Dragonchess' set.

Marlade rummages around an office upstairs and finds what appears to be wages, he takes the gold, silver and copper pieces.

In the master bedroom, Sasha finds a piece of Mithral Armor, a chest piece.

The group carry on looking around the house, Sasha heads into the cellar.

The cellar has a dirt floor, walls of mortared stone, and an eight-foot-high plank ceiling braced by wooden pillars. Tied to a chair is a large figure with a burlap sack pulled over his head. Shelves along the walls are lined with skulls made of butter and protected by a thin coating of wax.

The bound figure is Alfonse Kalazorn, also known as "Big Al", Sasha goes over to help him, and asks who he is.

"Are they gone, did you get rid of them?" The human asks, Sasha says they are gone.

"Oh good, please tell me you are here to save me and not kill me!"

Sasha jokes that it depends and Big Al looks scared, but she explains that she is messing with him.

Big Al introduces himself to Sasha, he says that the place got ransacked by orcs who killed his remaining ranch hands and that he is the only one left.

Sasha says that the good news is that they found his cow, and Big Al explains that that is "Petunia" his prized cow! He offers some treasure for Sasha if she releases him, to which she agrees and does so.

After being untied, he explains that he has some Mithril Chain hidden away upstairs, but Sasha explains that she already found it. Big Al laughs and says she can keep it then I guess!

Don-Jon asks Big Al what they grow or sell here, and Big Al explains that they make butter usually, their best seller is a butter block shaped like a skull. The locals in Phandalin go mad for it.

Big Al continues, "Erm, I know you have just saved me, but can I ask you a favour. Obviously im pretty down at the moment, and the orcs killed my ranch hands, if you ever pass anybody looking for work. They can find work here and lodging!"

Sasha says they may know some people, referring to the humans from the mine.

The group all meet up back on the ground floor, and come up with a plan. Don-Jon goes with his caravan to fetch the humans from the mines. They offer their services to Big Al to help him rebuild and the group go back with Don-Jon to the mines, to fetch the dwarves.

They pick up the dwarves and Don-Jon says he will take them with him back to Neverwinter, they all squeeze in and Don-Jon says he will drop the group off at Phandalin, to which they agree, they will make the rest of the journey to Axeholm on foot.


Chapter 50


As the group are traveling with the dwarves, they ask them about the helmet. The dwarves explain that they know of Axeholm, but not much more. The group part ways with each other as Don-Jon rides the caravan of dwarves back up to Neverwinter. As they pull away, the group can hear the dwarves singing a song about Gauntylgrym.


Passed down by dwarves throughout the North for centuries, the Canticle of Gauntlgrym is now something of an anthem for the reclaimed city. It is often sung on the road by dwarven travelers on their way to make a life in Bruenor’s halls.

Silver halls and mithral doors

Stone walls to seal the cavern

Grander sights than e’er before

In smithy, mine, and tavern

Toil hard in endless night

In toast, oh, lift yer flagon!

Ye’ll need the drink to keep ye right

At forge that bakes the dragon.

Come Delzoun, come one and all!

Rush to grab yer kin

And tell ’em that their home awaits

In grandest Gauntlgrym!

The group turn and head south the entrance of Phandalin, this time however, things appear slightly different, it has been over a month since they last set foot in Phandalin, and it appears the locals been busy. The entrance gate to the town is surrounded by scaffolding and it appears the residents are constructing makeshift balistas and artillery, as would be used on a threat from the air.

The military presence has been increased as well, as there are now town guards stationed, where before their were none. However, unlike the guards in Neverwinter these ones are holding longbows and appear to be ready for a ranged battle.

As they enter the town proper, they notice that it is quite busy, there are many posters on the walls of people's houses and inns, telling people to vote for certain people. It would appear they are gearing up for an election, presumably to replace their previous townmaster.

The group head over to Linene's shop - The Lionshield Coster - with an intent to sell all their axes that they looted from the orcs.

They enter and see Linene behind the counter, talking to a human male who is trying to give her a pamphlet but she doesn't want it. The male turns to the group and tries to hand them a pamphlet. Mira takes one and reads it.

"Vote Today! Toblen Stonehill: I will make Phandalin a better place."

Sasha jokes with the man, asking what's all this about, did you lose your townmaster or something?

"Yeah," the male says, "apparently, the townmaster fled. Thanks to his 'note' we have all found out about this Dragon... We have survived for about a month without a townmaster and it feels like now is the time to get a new one. It appears that Toblen Stonehill is the current favourite to replace him, the second favourite - who I don't particulally care for - is Elmar Barthen, who is a dwarf, and I don't want no dwarf running this settlement!"

The group are taken aback by this comment and Minogar says thats a bit racist.

"Huh, coming from a goliath..." the male says.

Minogar attempts to grapple the man but the man is able to push the goliath off him and leaves in a huff.

Linene realises that the party are standing at the door and greets them.

They discuss what has happened since they were last here and Linene explains that she couldnt keep the dragon secret to herself, and the town has pulled together and decided they are gonna stay and fight the dragon if it comes.

The group try to convince Linene that the weapons they have were won in a gamble, but Linene asks why that would be, bit unorthodox to be betting weapons.

Sasha continues to try and persuade Linene, and manages to successfully.

"Neverwinter, ay, some weirdos up there arent there?" Linene jokes and offers to buy the axes off the party.

Minogar tries to sell the axes, and tries to work out the price, but scuffs the sums and ends up selling them all really cheap.

Mira interjects and stops this happening, and Linene agrees to buy them at the correct rate.

Minogar tries to sell some gold nuggets they found from Mountains Toe, but Linene explains that they would need to sell those at the mining exchange.

They head over to the Phandalin Miner's Exchange

The Miner's Exchange is a trading post where local miners have their valuable goods weighed, measured and paid out. In the absence of any local lord or authority, the exchange also serves as an unofficial records office, registering claims to various streams and excavations around the area. There isn't any real gold rush in Phandalin, but enough wealth is hidden in the nearby streams and valleys to support a good number of independent prospectors. The exchange is a great place to meet people who spend a lot of time out and about in the countryside surrounding Phandalin.

As the group enter, they see a counter they see an older looking woman with her hood up, sorting some papers out.

To their right, they see the two dwarves they met from the Dwarven Excavation - Dazlyn Greyshard and Norbus Ironrune

The group start to talk to the dwarves and tell them about their latest adventure in the mines.


Dazlyn asks, "So where you heading nowadays?"

Minogar says to Axeholm.

Dazlyn and Norbus laugh, "Nah, seriously?"

Minogar just looks at them.

The dwarves realise that he is being serious. "You do realise what's there, right?"

The group nod.

"Then why on Faerun would you want to go there?"

The group decide to lie and say its to do with Marlade's worship.

The dwarves explain that Axeholm used to worship Abbathor the dwarven god of greed.

As they are talking to the dwarves, the woman behind the counter rudely interupts and says, "Can I help you?"

Minogar wanders over and glares at her.

"Don't you glare at me goliath, I can bring you down to size!"

Minogar explains that he has some gold nuggets on him and would like to sell some.

The woman inspects the gold and tries to offer 20g for the lot, explaining that the gold is dirty and not good quality.

Minogar decides that she is telling the truth and starts to accept her offer. Mira steps in again and says they are definitely worth more.

Mira decides to offer 70g for the whole lot, and the woman immediately accepts the lot. Marlade rushes forwards but the deal has been done, Minogar turns slowly to him saying it can't be washed there is nothing they can do. Marlade says that its gold, it has a defined value! It literally is money...

The two dwarves turn over to the group and shout, "You could have sold it for a lot more, ya prats!"

The dwarves laugh but then change the subject, "So, are you guys voting? I know who we are voting for, Elmar of course!"

The group aren't sure if they even can vote.

"Yeah, just vote! They don't care! We did haha!" the dwarves say.

The group ask the woman for a voting slip each.

Marlade abstains, Sasha spoils her ballot and Minogar and Mira both vote for Barthen.

The group leave and discuss who they voted for as they head south from Phandalin towards Axeholm.

Chapter 52


The day-long journey to Axeholm from Phandalin takes the party across grassy lowlands that skirt the rocky foothills of the Sword Mountains. The trek passes without incident, though cool winds and rain blowing in from the Sword Coast make the trip far from pleasant.

Thrust out from the base of a dark gray mountain is the entrance to the dwarven fortress — a dark, fifteen-foot-wide passageway flanked by forty-foot-high bulwarks of smooth, seamless stone. An iron portcullis covered with rust blocks the entrance. Arrow slits carved into the bulwarks are dark, revealing no hint of occupation.

The group stand at the entrance and discuss how best to approach this, they don't think just barging right in is the best idea.

They slowly move forward and inspect the portcullis, it is sealed into the floor.

They inspect the arrow slits and believe they could probably just about shove a gnome through it.

Minogar picks up Mira and shoves him inside the closest one on the left.

Mira enters a room and sees infront of the arrow he was just shoved into is a massive arrow pointed at his face, connected to a ballista. Further south in the room he sees more arrow slits, each with loaded ballistas in front of them.

He tells the group what he sees and Marlade advises him to disarm the ballistas.

Marlade steps back from the arrow slit, but Minogar stays and watches.

Mira tries to disarm the ballista, but is unsuccesfull and it goes off and fires straight into Minogar!

He is launched across to the other wall and pinned against it by the metal bolt, it has pierced straight through his chest.

Minogar screams in agony as he begins to bleed out. Marlade goes over and inspects the damage as Minogar carries on bleeding out. Marlade tells the group he has an arrow in his chest.

Marlade and Sasha both try to pull out the arrow, but don't have enough strength to pull it free. The failed attempts cause Minogar to take more damage and he screams out in agony each time.

The group are now panicking at the entrance to Axeholm, with the goliath pinned against the wall.

The sounds of gnashing and clawing approaches...



Session 13 - 18/06/2020

Axeholm (continued)

South of the portcullis, two sealed wooden double doors are banging away. The room that Mira is now trapped in contains a single wooden door that is also banging, and he can hear the sounds of groaning and clawing coming from the other side.

Above the rest of the group - who are trying to free Minogar - notice above them, the ceiling to the next floor is 15 foot high. But in this ceiling are 'murder holes' - places where defenders of this fortress would fire down arrows or pour hot oil onto attackers. But on this day there are no arrows or hot pitch, only undead arms reaching through clawing and grasping to the adventurers below... The floor around these arms appears to be starting to crack.

Sasha starts to panic and continues to try and free Minogar from the arrow pinning him to the wall. Using all her might, she finally frees Minogar from the wall who drops to the floor, but is freed.

Sasha then uses Bardic inspiration on Minogar to aide him.

Mira is in trouble, there are stairs near him which have ghouls rushing down it, one of the them rushes to the gnome and tries to claw at him, it lands an attack and tries to paralysehim but he resists.

Mira disengages and tries to shove himself back into the arrow slit, but can't get out on his own. The door to the left of Mira bursts open - revealing more ghouls - who shamble towards him.

Minogar rushes over to Mira and tries to pull him out of the slit, he uses all his might and yanks the gnome free and starts to flee out of the fortress entrance - gnome in hand.

Where Minogar was pinned against the ghoul, the arrow slit to the right of it, a ghoul starts to force itself through, the ceiling does now crack and three ghouls fall to the ground sscreaming, but land motionless on the hard stone floor.

The doors to the south keep banging.

Marlade casts suggestion on the nearest ghoul and tells it to flee, but the ghoul does not seem to even understand the command and ignores it. The cleric realises that ghouls are immune to charm effects, and casts healing word on Minogar.

Sasha starts to retreat from the fortress also.

The ghouls on the floor suddenly open their eyes and jump up to a standing position, they scream and rush forwards, one attacks Marlade but he manages to dodge it.

The doors to the south keep banging.

The ghoul in the arrow slit starts to come through, as other ghouls are shoving it from behind, blood and bits of flesh are being left behind on the arrow slit as it forced through the tiny hole.

The doors to the south keep banging.

The doors smash open revealing a plethora of ghouls, who all rush forwards and slam into the portcullis, their arms grasping through to the party gnashing and growling.

Minogar joins the rest in fleeing the scene, only Marlade remains at the entrance.

The ghoul is pushed through the arrow slit, and tries to claw at Marlade. Marlade casts shield to block the attack, but the ghoul manages to hit regardless, but Marlade resists being paralysed.

Another ghoul breaks through another arrow slit and attacks Marlade, but Marlade manages to dodge.

More ghouls appear in the arrow slits and begin to force themselves through.

Marlade disengages at this point and decides now is the time to flee with the rest of the group.

The group decide to head back to Phandalin.

Chapter 53


They head over to the Stonehill Inn, Minogar apologises to Mira for putting him in a life threatening situation.

Inside the Inn, they see Toblen and Trilena behind the bar, Toblen is looking more well dressed - presumably to put on a good impression for the election.

The group sit at the bar, Mira sits down first.

Toblen turns to the gnome, "Well howdy there Ranger, I don't think we have met before?"

Mira groans. He explains the situation to Toblen, who laughs and probably doesn't believe the tale.

"Hah, well you guys look pretty beaten up, everything ok?" Toblen turns to Minogar, "What happened to you, goliath?! You have so much blood down your front!"

Minogar explains that he was impaled into the side of Axeholm, he orders a drink.

The rest begin to place orders as well, Toblen interupts and asks if they have voted yet.

The group say they have, "Ah, thats a shame, I was gonna offer you free beers in exchange for a vote! Who did you vote for by the way?"

Marlade says that he abstained and hasn't actually voted yet.

Toblen quickly turns to the cleric and tries to sweet talk him into voting for him in exchange for free beers.

Marlade agrees, Toblen pours a pint and Marlade winks to the rest of the group as he takes a swig.

The rest of the group tell Toblen that they voted for him. He believes the group and pours them all free drinks as thanks.

Toblen pours his own pint and begins chatting to the party, they get talking and the topic of Harbin disappearing comes up. Toblen explains that he has a hunch as to where he is. He explains that up near Thundertree, he owns a logging camp, Toblen says his bet is that he is hiding out there. Toblen asks if they find him, to bring him back to the town, because everyone here would like a "word" with him.

The group thank Toblen and find a table in the inn to have a talk. They discuss the fact that they almost died back there, Marlade believes that picking them off in smaller groups would be a better plan against the ghouls.

Marlade also recalls some lore he has read about Axeholm, Axeholm is a dwarven fortress carved into the base of a mountain fifteen miles south of Phandalin. The site was abandoned and sealed up many years ago after being haunted by a banshee — the restless spirit of a moon elf ambassador named Vyldara who tried and failed to foment civil unrest among the dwarves. The dwarves imprisoned the elf and sent messages to her people, asking that they come to collect her. Before envoys could be sent, Vyldara killed two guards trying to escape, only to be cut down by dwarven axes before she could succeed.


When the elf’s evil spirit started filling Axeholm’s halls with deathly wails, the dwarves abandoned their stronghold, but not before several dwarves slain by the banshee arose as ghouls to feed on their kin. Ghouls and other creatures now prowl Axeholm, while the banshee continues to haunt the fortress’s upper halls.

Marlade also recalls lore about banshees, he knows that banshees can wail but they cannot cast it more than say once a day, they also resist all non-magical attacks.

Sasha remembers she has a lute that she can use to speak to the master bard - Lothouryte - they head outside and she plays the lute.

As the strings reverberate, and start to glow pink, and tiny portal about the size of her head appears and through it the group can see an elderly blue dragonborn female sat at her desk.

Sasha says hello!

"Oooh, who is that?" the dragonborn turns and squints at the party, "Oh, Sasha! I see you have used my lute again!"

Sasha asks if its possible for her to be asking for any guidance from the dragonborn,

"Well, it depends on what it is, is it to do with your Bardic training?"

Sasha explains that she is with her friends and they are embarking on a dangerous mission to axeholm, Lothouryte explains that she has not heard of that place. Sasha tells her how it is full of banshees and ghouls.

"Ah, that sounds like a wonderful place..." Lothouryte says, concerned. "Why, heavens, would you want to go there?"

Sasha says that she was just wondering if - as a bard - there was anything she could do to be of more help there.

"Erm, well this does seem slightly above my remit... Bear with me while I fetch somebody..."

The dragonborn leaves her chambers and the party waits.

A male elf bard comes back in to the room and introduces himself, "Hello. I am Ruben, the master of whispers. Lothouryte says you are in dire need of my information..."

Sasha starts to tell him about Axeholm.

"Could you sort of tell me what region we are talking about? Is this near to Silverymoon?"

Sasha thinks, and says it is near Icespire Peak.

"Hmm, do you know which mountain range that is in?"

She takes out her world map, and tells him it is in the Sword Mountains which is in the Sword Coast region of Faerun.

"Ah, you are miles away from Silverymoon! Haha!"

Sasha now asks if he knows anything about Axeholm.

The bard steps back and appears to cast a spell on himself - Legend Lore. He then comes forward saying he now has knowledge on Axeholm.

##### Legend Lore (Spell) Name or describe a person, place, or object. The spell brings to your mind a brief summary of the significant lore about the thing you named. The lore might consist of current tales, forgotten stories, or even secret lore that has never been widely known. If the thing you named isn't of legendary importance, you gain no information. The more information you already have about the thing, the more precise and detailed the information you receive is.

He explains that Banshee are cursed elves with unfulfilled causes that must be completed for them to pass on. He says most of them covet a gift or an item, which when given to them can cause them to be satisfied and pass on.

Sasha asks if he knows of the name "Vyldara", but he does not. He advises to try and speak to any elves that live nearby, perhaps of a religious persuasion.

The group realise they could ask the elf at the Shrine of Luck. Sasha thanks Ruben, and the portal starts to close.

It is now night time, and they decide that they should rest in the inn. They go back inside and speak to Trilena, who sells them each a room and hands them some keys.

They rest up for the night and head back into the main room of the inn for breakfast.

Breakfast arrives and the party tucks in, however Marlade is not happy with his meal. The inn has given him holy bread and nothing else, meanwhile Minogar is tucking in to a massive meaty dinner.

Marlade says to the waitress to get him his money back, as he does not want this meal.

The waitress argues that each person has had a meal to fit their profession, but Marlade doesn't care.

The waitress heads back to Toblen and the group can see him mouthing to her to go back and sort it.

She comes back over and explains that their policy is not to give refunds.

Marlade says ok, and that incase he will have to torch the place.

"Erm, just one moment," the waitress says and rushes back to Toblen.

They see Toblen get more annoyed and point back at the group, seeming to suggest he is telling the waitress to just make him eat the food.

The waitress comes back. "I have erm, just spoken to the owner, and he doesn't believe you." She reiterates that there is no refund.

Marlade pushes his chair back in a huff as he stands up and marches over to Toblen.

Toblen folds his arms as Marlade approaches and says, "Ah, I thought we had become friends last night Cleric, I gave you free beers - and now you are moaning about the meal we have provided?"

Marlade says that he just wants some eggs.

"Ah, well you see we have no eggs in stock at the moment, the ranch where we normally get eggs from has been struggling lately it seems..."

Marlade makes the case that everyone else appears to have had a good breakfast, apart from him.

Minogar walks up behind Marlade, just to see what is happening.

As the goliath approaches though, Toblen takes it as a threat and his demeanour changes, he begins to offer Marlade his money back. But Marlade decides to
just cast Suggestion instead, but Toblen resists it.
He still looks at the goliath, intimidated, and offers
Marlade the money back.

The group leave the inn, but Marlade casts
Silence on the owners before he leaves.

Marlade heads to miner's exchange
in a huff, and asks for a voting slip.
He angrily puts a cross next to Elmar
Barthen and storms back to the party.


He asks to "borrow" Mira's necklace of Fireballs, but Mira refuses.

The group heads over to the shrine of luck, they see Sister Gaerele praying at the bowl.

Minogar kneels down next to her and pretends to pray.

"Errr, can i help you goliath?" the crone says.

Minogar asks for some advise. They have been told you might be able to help them understand an elf named 'Vyldara'.

As he is talking, the elf panics and moves back in fright of his large presence.

Minogar realises this and stops talking.

Sasha asks if she is sister Gaerele, "Ooh, ooh, hello..." the woman says, she calms down and begins to start to Sasha.

They bond and Gaerele reveals that she can flip a coin and consult the god of luck - Tymora - to see if she will aide them.


Lady Luck, Our Smiling Lady

Tymora is the bright-faced goddess of fortune, the one to whom gamblers and game-players pray in Faerun. Our smiling lady is said to love none so much as those who gamble with the utmost skill and daring. Yet she is thought to watch over all who take risks to better their fortunes.

Someone might say words to Tymora before any endeavour in which a little good luck would help, but not when an incidence of bad luck might occur. One common method of diving the future is to toss a coin to a stranger (typically a beggar) and ask if its heads. If it is, the coin is left with the stranger as payment for Tymora's favour. If it is not, the stranger can choose to keep it (and the bad luck) or return it.

Those who favour Tymora - as distinct from folk who invoke her name by mumbling over the dice - tend to be daring sorts. Adventurers and gamblers make up much of their ranks. They all have the belief that what is good about their lives is the result of having both good luck and the bravery to seek it out. Tymora has worshippers among all sorts of folk: the dashing young noble, the risk-taking merchant, the daydreaming field hand, and the scheming ne'er do-well.

Sasha gives a coin to Gaerele, who flips it, and it landed on heads. "Ah, fortune favours you today."

Gaerele reveals that she is looking for someone or some people to help her with the banshee, she takes out a silver comb from her hair and hands it to Sasha.

"This silver comb, if you show it to the banshee, if she accepts it - I need you to ask her a question and report back to me with the answer. I need to know what is going on, under Neverwinter?"

The group asks why she would need to know this, she explains that she cannot reveal exactly why - but that she is a member of the Harpers - who seeks to know all the can about the realm.


This clandestine network of spellcasters and spies seeks to tip the scales in favor of the innocent, the weak, and the poor within the Realms. Harper agents pride themselves on being incorruptible defenders of good, and they never hesitate to aid the oppressed. Because they prefer to work behind the scenes, they are rarely noticed as they thwart tyrants, depose rulers, and head off any growing force that is rumored to have evil intent. The Harpers has its finger on the pulse of power in the Realms and works tirelessly to even the odds for the downtrodden. Individual Harper agents operate alone, relying on their wits and extensive information networks to gain an advantage over their enemies. They know that knowledge is power, so gathering intelligence beforehand is paramount to their success. They are well-informed and always have access to aid, magical and otherwise. Veteran members have access to secret caches of knowledge stashed all over Faerûn, along with trusted sources stationed in every major town and city.

The organization is always on the lookout for powerful items, expressly to keep them out of the hands of evildoers. To this end its agents use various guises and identities to gain access to carefully guarded secrets such as ancestral maps, buried cities, and mages’ keeps.

The bond between Harpers is strong, and their friendships are nigh unbreakable. Rarely do they operate in the open, but on rare occasions they must, because there is no other choice. When that happens, you can be sure that a fellow Harper is watching closely, ready to emerge from the shadows and help a comrade at a moment’s notice.

“A Harper is first and foremost self-reliant, for once you are autonomous then no one can tempt you into using power as a crutch. You are sovereign unto yourself.

Therefore, a Harper’s soul must be incorruptible. Many believe themselves to be so, but power comes in many guises, and it will surely find your weakness. Of this you may be certain. Only a true Harper can pass this test and transform weakness into strength. That is why we are the hand that stops the tyrant, feeds the oppressed, and asks for nothing in return.

We are the song for those who have no voice.”

Remallia “Remi” Haventree

We have reason to believe there are some "undesirables" trying to exert control over Neverwinter, and we need to know why.


After being given this information and advice, Minogar bows infront of Gaerele and goes to shake her hand with a coin in it

He effectively gives a tip to the Sister, and says that she may well have saved their lives. Sister Gaerele thanks the group.

The group head over to the town green, as they want to find out who won the election before they leave for Axeholm again.

They discuss how they are willing to die together and risk their saves to save people, that they should really come up with a name for the team.

They deliberate for a while but finally settle on a name.

"Phandalin Hurricane Action Team" - or P.H.A.T. for short.

The group decide to wander around the town for a bit, they go past the Stonehill Inn and see through the window that the silence spell has worn off. They continue down the road and come to a new inn, called the Sleeping Giant.

This inn seems a lot more rough and unkempt than the other one, but the group head inside.

Chapter 54


Within, it is dark and dingy. Behind the bar they can see the forehead of what appears to be a woman.

They walk up to the bar and see a dwarf woman standing there with glasses on.

"Helloorrr", the woman says as they approach.

Mira asks if they could have a room for the night.

"Ahhh, yessss, certainlyy. Erm, how many of you is there, I cannot see?"

Mira says four.

"Ok, let me just get out my notteeee boookkk"

She peruses through the book and assumes that they want standard rooms, and that the goliath will want a bigger room.

She offers a price for them all, and the group are shocked at how cheap it is.

In response to this, the dwarf winks and suggests they recommend this place to all their friends.

She also notices that Marlade is a cleric, she whispers to him that he can have it for free if he blesses the place.

Marlade agrees and talks business, he says that today he will pay a lot more for the room to help her out.

They take their long rest upstairs and in the morning they ask the dwarf if she knows where the election results will be announced.

The dwarf explains that Daren Edermarth will be announcing it soon in the town centre.

They head over to the town centre and see a calm crowd gathered infront of a make-shift stage, presumably where Daren will arrive to read the results.

The party wait, and see him start to ascend the stairs, he is reading a note in his hand as he does so.

He stands at the front of the stage and addresses the crowd.

"Morning, ladies and gentlemen - please, settle down, settle down. We have a result for the new townmaster, the results came in. There was 120 votes and - although one vote was spoiled - the winner won by a majority of 30 votes..."

The crowd applauds.

"In second place... Elmar Barthen!"

The crowd claps again.

"And that means, the winner of the Townmaster Election - the beloved innkeeper himself - Toblen Stonehill!"

The crowd cheer as Toblen takes to the stage, Daren claps and moves back to let him speak.

"Thank you all, for voting for me!", Toblen begins, "I will restore this town to it's former glory! Already, I have dispatched some adventurers to bring back our previous Townmaster and will make sure crime is lowered and punishment is enacted in this town - as it should be. Phandalin, under my leadership will one day rival Neverwinter, of that I am sure!"

The group look bewildered as to what just happened.

They head off south of Phandalin and once again walk towards Axeholm.

Some time passes and they arrive at the familiar entrance to the fortress, the ghouls appear to have gone back into the fortress proper, and all is silent.

The group come up with a plan, and decide to make some noise at the entrance, to try and draw the ghouls out in a controlled manner.


Chapter 55


Sasha and Mira begin to play their instruments, and they hear the sounds of ghouls approaching, echoing through the halls.

They continue to play their instruments, and the noise grows louder, they cannot see any ghouls yet.

Suddenly through the double a hoard of ghouls appears and smash into the portcullis once again, too many to count. Their arms start reaching through the portcullis grasping towards the party.

The ghouls start trying to bend the portcullis to get through it. The gate starts to bend slightly and starts to give, the prongs in the floor start to scrape into the rock below.

Marlade casts Protection from Evil & Good onto Minogar, to protect him from the ghouls impending attacks. He also summons a spiritual weapon beside him.

The portcullis now warps upwards from the force of the ghouls, and they scramble underneath it and rush through, like a torrent.

One of them rushes towards Mira and slashes him with its claws, Mira is now paralysed.

Minogar grabs Mira and tugs him away from the ghoul, but the ghoul overpowers Minogar. Mira manages to break out of the paralysis shortly after.

Sasha decides to flee.

Marlade realises the situation is starting to become bad, so he casts Turn Undead, which affects all the ghouls nearby. Around half of them resist it but the other half immediately start to retreat back into the fortress.

He also gets his spiritual weapon to attack a nearby ghoul.

The group now attack the reduced forces of the ghouls and manage to succeed against them! After this, they gather up the bodies outside the fortress and burn them to prevent them reanimating again.

They look back at the entrance of the fortress, and ponder what to do next.

Session 14 - 29/06/2020

Ghouls (continued)

The group discuss either stealthing through the dungeon or doing the noise again.

They decide on making noise outside once again, after taking a short rest at the gates.

Sasha and Mira once again take out their instruments and begin to play.

They wait for the zombies to approach, but they continue to play and yet nothing comes.

They play louder and louder and it starts to echo off the walls back at the group.

A blood curdling scream comes from within the fortress, they stop playing and look shocked...

Sasha takes out the silver comb and holds it infront of her.

Marlade believes the scream is that of a banshee, and thinks it could controlling the ghouls.

The group look up at the hole in the roof where the ghouls fell through. Marlade climbs onto Minogar and Mira climbs on top of them both to try and get a view inside the room.

The gnome pops his head up into the room and sees a large room, with two empty fireplaces either side and two staircases either side leading up into it. He notices that to the south of the room, there is a lot of cobwebs.

Marlade jokes that they should put the gnome on that floor, Mira protests!

They let the gnome down and discuss what to do next.

Minogar lifts the already bent portcullis to allow the others through, he then crawls under himself, the press on south into the fortress through the double doors.

The group enter into a large hall, this great hall has a 40-foot-high ceiling supported by four thick stone pillars. A thick layer of dust covers the flagstone floor. In the middle of each wall past the entrance is a double door. Arrow slits are set high up in the north and south walls, and a small stone balcony protrudes from the wall above the east exit, 20 feet above the floor.

The door to the south has been smashed open - presumably indicating that this is where the ghouls burst into this room.

The group begin to head south, but as they walk into the room, the door to the west starts to bang. Minogar goes up to the door and listens.

He can hear scratching and growling coming from the door, he believes there to be around four or so creatures.

The group prepare, and Mira opens the door, he sees a ghoul that was scratching against the door, amongst other ghouls and one that looks slightly different and smells more.

They take on the smaller troop of ghouls, Marlade notices that the odd ghoul is in fact a ghast. He explains that ghasts usually act as "pseudo-commanders" of ghouls as they are smarter.

They inspect the ghouls closer, and realise they are were once dwarven.


Chapter 56


The group enter the room the ghouls were defending, the floor is strewn with bits of armor and the gnawed bones of dwarves who were killed and eaten by ghouls.

They see three more doors in this room, to the north, south and west. A corridor also goes to the north, to the right of that door.

Mira listens in this room, but hears nothing.

Mira listens to the door to the south, and can hear something tiny that appears to be flapping around. He opens the door and see standing before two blackened hearths are a pair of rusty anvils, which dwarves once used to fashion and repair their armor and weapons.

A fluttering noise can be heard coming from the southernmost fireplace.

Mira looks into the fireplace and looks up, the chimney is blocked and can hear the flapping really loud above him.

Mira moves back and Marlade tries to light the fire.

As he does so, a red bat thing flies out of the fireplace and attacks the party!

Mira tries to talk to the bat, but it ignores her. Marlade tries to figure out if it is aggressive, he realises that it could be a stirge, but as he is thinking, doesn't realise it has landed on him and is trying to bite his neck.

Marlade starts to panic and shouts around the room with it on him, saying its not friendly!

Marlade asks Minogar to get it off him, Minogar grabs the bat and pulls on it, but it has latched onto Marlade too hard and he can't pull it away.

Sasha uses mage hand and gets it to try and remove the bat from Marlade's neck, however the bat still clings on, and Marlade starts to get annoyed.

Mira also rushes over to pull the bat away, but also cannot seem to free it from Marlade's neck.

Marlade decides to just ignore the party and do it himself, he grabs the bat and rips it away from his neck, leaving the claws behind and rips the bat in half, killing it. He holds the flesh in his hand and inspects it. He realises it was a stirge, they enjoy drinking blood.

There is a door in this room leading east, Mira listens and cannot hear anything. He opens the door, Dwarven armorsmiths and weaponsmiths stored their tools here, which still hang from hooks along the walls.

He also sees two chutes in the roof. Marlade uses his light cantrip to peer up it, and they get a faint whiff and realise the chutes probably lead up to some toilets...

They head back into the room with the stirge, and then back into the room that the ghouls were defending.

They listen to the door to the left, but don't hear anything.

Mira opens the door and sees three tattered wool curtains, that have rotted away over the years, each infront of three neglected privies.

The group check each stall one by one, at the final one, Marlade peers into the toilet and an arm pops out!

It doesn't appear to be a ghoul hand, or human. Upon closer inspection - it appears to be ethereal. The group hear a voice shout out "Paper! Please! Paper! Please!"

The group are shocked, but decide to give the hand a voting slip from the election that they didn't use. The hand takes the slip, and disappears back into the toilet.

A moment passes and a pouch flies out of the privy and lands on the floor with a thud. The group hear the voice say "Thank youuuuu..."

Inside the pouch is 10 gold pieces, and Marlade inspects it further, there is also a pendant, the pendant is in the shape of a heart, the heart is translucent and has a smaller pink heart in the centre.

The group head back into the previous room and listen to the final door they have not been through - to the north. They hear the faint sound of what sounds like wind blowing over a hole.

Marlade enters the room and sees dozens of meager cots lie scattered about the floor. A pair of fireplaces stand cold and dark, their rubble-choked chimneys rising 120 feet through the mountain.

The group look around, Minogar peers up one of the chimneys and can see it goes up all the way outside, but there appears to be rubble on top blocking most of the light.

Marlade looks up the other chimney, however this one is pitch black, presumably it is completely covered.

The group head back out of this room, and go up the corridor to the north, to the west they come to another door, they enter this room.

It appears to have once been an armory, the dwarves took all the weapons and armor from this area when they left. All that remains are empty stone weapon racks, wooden mannequins upon which armor once hung, and iron hooks in the walls that once bore shields.

Chapter 57


The group backtrack into the first room they entered in the fortress, and decide to now head east to another closed door, Mira listens to the door before entering but hears nothing, however he does smell the horrible stench of death coming from it.

The group enter and see a large hall, the eastern half of the hall is strewn with debris. The stench of death hangs heavy here.

A corridor lies to the north and a door to the south, there are tunnels in the rubble to the east.


Minogar heads north into the corridor and comes to a small tunnel to his right, about 5 foot tall and wide. He beckons for Mira to come over and have a look.

Mira enters the tunnel and is able to just walk normally, he ascends upwards as he walks and is going in a spiral fashion. He arrives in another room, one story up that appears to have collapsed at the south. The north side of this room has a door.

While Mira ascends, Marlade inspects the tunnels to the east, the stench of death grows more as he explores and he finds a corpse.

Mira opens the door and enters a new room, this room appears trashed leaving behind wrecked cots, chairs, tables, and other furnishings. A blackened fireplace is set into the east wall, there is dim light coming out of it.

Mira looks up the chimney and can see outside, about 20 feet above him.

There is a door to the west in this room and Mira goes to open it.

Marlade has found a dead ghoul in the tunnels and pokes it with a stick, but it does not move.

Marlade decides to burn the body to prevent it coming back.

Sasha decides to fetch Marlade back to the group.

Mira opens the door to the west, and arrives in the room he saw earlier, when Minogar and Marlade lifted him up.

This large chamber extends over the outer gauntlet of the main entrance and contains many former defensive measures. Arrow slits to the north allow outside light to enter, filling the northern half of the room with sunlight or moonlight depending on the time of day or night.

Thick webs are strung between the walls and pillars.

Other defenses include two fireplaces, which were used to heat cauldrons full of oil that the dwarves poured through narrow slits in the floor. Three empty cauldrons are lined up along one of these slits.

Mira decides to back track to the party and tell them what he saw.

Marlade has wandered off from the group again like a toddler, and headed south in the tunnels, the group realise this and rush after him.

The stench of death here has become awful as they keep heading south. Marlade can hear hissing and snarling in this tunnel, but cannot pinpoint where.

The group continue south, into a new room, but before they can inspect the room, they look up as they can hear the hissing coming from above them!

Ghouls and a ghast are hanging on the ceiling and drop down as the party enter the room and begin to attack!

During the fight, Marlade is paralyzed by one of the ghouls and they begin to drag him up some stairs to the south away from the party!

Thankfully he breaks free and they finish off the ghouls.

This fighting has made a lot of noise and brought the ire of the banshee, who appears before the group, who are extremely tired by this point.

An apparation appears behind the group and screams!

Sasha pulls out the silver comb and speaks the name "Vyldara".

"How dooo yooouuu know my name? Leave this place!!" the banshee commands.

Sasha asks if this is hers.

"Who gave you that?"

Sasha says it was sister Gaerele, the banshee appears to calm down and approaches Sasha.

It stares at the comb and takes it off Sasha. As it does so, it wails.

The piercing howl pierces through the halls of Axeholm and everyone except Sasha is immediately knocked down from the force of the attack.

Sasha's friends are now close to death but she decides to talk to the banshee, who ignores her and carries on screaming - staring at the comb.

The other members of the party slip closer to death.

Sasha carries on talking to the banshee, but realises she should probably help someone.

She goes over to Minogar and casts Cure Wounds on him, Minogar heals slightly and sits up.

Marlade starts to stablise on his own slightly, but Mira slips further into death.

The banshee is muttering to herself that they killed her, over and over again.

Minogar uses a potion on Mira, stabilising him and he sits up.

Sasha goes over to Marlade and casts Cure Wounds, he comes to and sits up.

The party has all survived the wail, but the banshee is still in the room - staring at the comb.


Marlade casts Silence in the room they are in, preventing anyone - or thing - speaking.

Mira cures himself a bit more, the banshee realises she has been silenced, and turns to Marlade and casts Horrifying Visage, everyone resists the image though and are not frightened.

Minogar tries to attack the banshee with his magical greataxe, he slashes through the banshee, the banshee seems shocked that he managed to do damage.

She lets out a scream, but no noise comes out due to the Silence spell.

Sasha also tries to hit the banshee with her longsword, but the non-magical weapon appears to do very little to it.

The banshee decides now to use her incorporeal movement to flee the scene through the ceiling.

The group decide to return to the armory and barricade themselves in, they take a short rest.

Chapter 58


The group are becoming very tired now, and night has started to set in (they can see the darkness of night through the fortress's arrow slits)

They debate whether to continue or give up, Marlade says he is done and wants to leave but the others want to press on to find the helmet.

They press on and head north after leaving the armory, they arrive in the room Mira was trapped in when they very first arrived at Axeholm, this area contains seven ballistas pointed at arrow slits, a winch that raises and lowers the portcullis, and a stone staircase

They proceed up the staircase, and are in the room that Mira has been in before, with the cobwebs and the massive hole from when the ghouls fell through.

The floor near the edge looks like it might break if someone was to stand on it.

They can also see 3 old pots in the middle of the room, presumably where defenders would have boiled oil to pour on attackers below.

Mira walks into the cobwebs, and scuttling and hissing is heard from above, as four giant spiders descend on the party!

Some of the spiders fire webbing at Mira, and land a hit, the gnome is now restrained by the web.

Marlade fires his crossbow at the spiders but pings the post they climbed down, one of the spiders tries to bite the now restrained Mira and succeeds.

Minogar rages witnessing this and swings his axe at the spider, he lands a heavy blow and the spider's back cracks.

Mira breaks free from the webbing. Sasha uses her longsword to attack another spider but the spider knocks the sword away.

The spider that Minogar hit, fires webbing at Minogar and restrains him. Mira uses his sentinel ability to stab it, and kills it.

Another spider comes up to the now restrained Minogar and tries to bite him.

Marlade moves over and frees Minogar from the webbing.

Another spider sees this and fires it's webbing at Minogar and restrains him once again, but his axe is freed and he swings on the spot at another spider.

Marlade once again frees Minogar and the group manage to defeat the now damaged spiders.

After this bout, the group are extremely tired and sit on the floor. They stare at each other and really ponder if they want to carry on...

Session 15 - 09/07/2020

Chapter 59


The group decide to investigate around the room, Mira looks out the arrow slits to the north and can see that night has settled in. In the distance, he can see the dim lights of Phandalin. He looks to the east, and expects to see light coming from Gnomengarde, but there is none. There appears to be grey clouds over it instead.

To the south, the group look and can see a room on the opposite side of the main room in the center of Axeholm, they can see a blue shimmering light moving back and forth within it.

Minogar listens to a door to the west of this room, he can hear the faint sounds of outside, owls hooting and wind slowly blowing.

He opens the door slowly and sees a room with a fireplace inside, above the fireplace hanging on a hook is a steel shield, bearing some kind of symbol.

He inspects the shield, the symbol on it is a dwarven gaunlet, clutching a handaxe. Marlade realises it is the ancient symbol of Axeholm, so this shield was constructed here.

They decide to leave the shield for now, and head downstairs in the fortress, they come to a room that they walked past before, near the tunnels. Inside, they find nothing but dust, and decide to shut the door and leave it. They realise that perhaps they could have used this room for a short rest before.

They continue back through the tunnels once again and arrive in the room where the ghouls jumped them and the banshee arrived. They decide to look around it properly this time,

This chamber was once a shrine, as evidenced by wall carvings that depict dwarves carrying censers and observing religious rites. However, the eastern section of the room has collapsed, filling the area with rubble. Gnawed bones scattered among the debris are the remains of a number of dwarves.

Minogar inspects the rubble, he finds a potion of superior healing, and a pendant. Upon inspection of the pendant, it bears the symbol of Abbathor. Marlade decides to take the pendant.

Marlade recognises the carvings on the wall to depict a religious rite to serving Abbathor.

The group head up the stairs to where they saw the banshee flee to last time, Minogar leads the way and can hear the faint sounds of what appear to be a woman crying.

He decides to get Sasha to go up instead, as she has the comb.

Mira backs up Sasha, but keeps his distance.

The crying gets louder as they ascend the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, they come to a corridor, with a door opposite. Sasha listens and can hear ghouls on the other side, scratching and scraping against the door.


They instead head north up the corridor, to the left around a corner, Sasha can see the banshee sat crying leaning against a door. They can see the luminous, wispy form of the female elf before them, its face wreathed in a tangle of gossamer hair, its body clad in spectral rags that flutter around it.

Sasha can hear her muttering to herself that she will never see her family again and asking why did they kill me?

Sasha goes back and gets the rest of the group to come up - quietly.

She explains that she is going to try and talk to the banshee, and that if things go south, come round and back her up.

The high elf approaches the banshee, and explains that she means no harm.

The banshees words come out with a start, "You again?! You have brought enough pain for one day!"

The banshee holds up the comb and asks where she got this.

Sasha explains that she got it from Sister Gaerele in Phandalin.

"Gaerele," the banshee's face drops, "Sweet, sweet Gaerele... I will never lay eyes on her again, she will never know what happened to me... Centuries ago, the dwarves, they killed me. I was their prisoner. She is family you see, return the comb to her, let her know what happened."

The banshee apologises for earlier, and Sasha says it is ok, and takes the comb back.

Before the banshee goes, Sasha decides to ask the Banshee a question, instead of asking what Sister Garaele wanted her to ask - which was "What is going on under Neverwinter" - Sasha instead asks about the helmet.

The banshee explains that he has never come across it, she explains that she can sense a magical artifact nearby... the banshee fades away after this exchange into the great beyond.

The banging where the ghouls were stops.

Chapter 60


Marlade casts Detect Evil and Good, to try and see what happened to the ghouls, he does not detect anything.

Mira - with this information - decides to open the door, he sees four dwarves that look like they were once ghouls, but whatever magic was keeping them in undeath, appears to have worn off.

Further in the room in the center is what was once a bath, but inside it is full of gnawed bones.

The group exit this room, and move across to the room that the banshee was leaning against and head inside. This bedroom was set aside for honored guests, but its furnishings have decayed with age and are covered with dust and cobwebs.

To the south is a fireplace, and Minogar reaches inside, he can see some strange markings on the wall of the chimney, but cannot make it out.

Marlade comes over and has a look, but also cannot make out what they are saying.

They head further west into a final room, this one appears similar to the one before, but slightly less furnished.

Mira inspects the fireplace in this room, but as he inspects it, six red bats fly out and attack the party!

The group flail around as the bats attack them but they manage to fend them all off and defeat them all.

Mira then peers at the fireplace once again and can see a message on the wall. There is a dwarven contraption below it with what appears to be each dwarven letter on it.

Sasha looks at the message and realises it is dwarvish, she reads it aloud.

"It is greater than all the gods, and more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, if you eat it, you will die..."

Sasha ponders the message and keys in the dwarven word for "Nothing."

The group hears a large bolt go behind the fireplace, and it moves forward slightly.

Sasha pushes the fireplace and it reveals a secret vault. Against the south wall of this otherwise empty room rests a 80-pound iron chest with clawed feet. Its built-in lock bears a tiny circular indentation instead of a traditional keyhole. Close inspection of the indentation reveals a tiny symbol of a handaxe clutched in a gauntlet. However, this symbol appears to be a reverse of the amulet's symbol.

The amulet seems to big to be able to fit though.

Mira believes the key might be in the other room, he inspects the fireplace and sees the message that Minogar and Marlade saw previously. Sasha looks at the message and realises it is dwarvish again, and it says "This is the not the one you seek."

They head back to the chest, and Sasha decides to cast Knock on the chest. The chest starts to spring open as the lock is released. Marlade opens the chest.

Inside, he finds a dark blue helmet, the group cheer! It has fearsome glowing red eyes and two gauntlets either side of it. He finds a Dread Helm and Gauntlets of Ogre Power.

Sasha is nominated to hold the helmet, she peers inside the helemt and can see etched inside it, the name "Lady Tanamere Alagondar".

The group continue to search around the dungeon after this, they head back downstairs and find an altar, behind the altar they see what appears to have been a dwarven king, turned into a ghoul like the others but is now just a corpse. They inspect the body and find a ring on his hand. The ring bears the mark of the dwarven gaunlet holding a handaxe, the group realise that this would have been the key to open the locked chest.

The group decide to head back out of Axeholm at this point, they are feeling extremely tired and decide to set up camp away from the fortress in the darkness. Sasha takes watch.


Chapter 61


Sasha is taking watch as the others sleep, she looks out towards Gnomengarde in the distance, and notices the dark clouds over it and ponders. As the night goes on, the clouds start to head towards the group.

While outside, it is not unusual for the night to be cold at this time, but Sasha realises that she is colder than usual, and is starting to shiver. Fine rain starts to fall on the camp site.

Sasha notices that the fine rain is actually snow, which gets thicker and thicker. She can hear in the distance the sound of something large, flapping.

She heads over to Marlade's tent and wakes him up, he notices that it is cold, and Sasha starts to tell him what is happening. Marlade tells her to wake the rest and he will start packing things up.

As they are talking they hear the flapping begin to get faster, and can hear the beast roar. They recognise it as the white dragon from earlier and they realise they have been spotted.

They quickly wake the rest of the group and as fast as they can, explain that the dragon is coming.

The group stamp out the camp fire in the centre, and start to try and get out of the open.

The flapping gets louder, and with a massive thud! The dragon lands in the center of the camp and roars.

They panic at the sight of the beast and begin to flee, Sasha runs off first to the north, followed by Minogar and Marlade who also flee.

The dragon flaps its wings and gives chase to those that ran away from it, it is closest to Sasha and quickly catches up to her knocking her over, it bites and claws at her and knocks her unconscious. It attacks with it's second claw and severely injures Sasha, who is now close to death.

Mira sees this and tries to distract the dragon, but it ignores him.

The dragon bites at Sasha again, and carries off her corpse to the east, holding Sasha in it's feet.

Sasha wakes up, she has a weird feeling.

She remembers the dragon attacking her and biting her.

But at the moment she is lying on a beach in the warmth. She gets up and looks around. A sense of peace and tranquility fills her heart.

Before her she sees a pirate ship. It is huge and looks extravagant.

She notices a crew on it, waving their swords at her from the deck, beckoning her to join them, to sail the seas and go on an adventure.

They throw a rope ladder down to her, she ascends the ladder...

The group lament over Sasha's death, and realise the helmet is gone.

As the dragon flies off, the snow does stop.

The group walk over to where Sasha was attacked, they do not see any loot left behind.

Mira makes a cross where Sasha fell, and Minogar curses Lady Alagondar, saying he will kill her when he next sees her.

Marlade hears a voice in his head, laughing away. "Looks like it's going well, haha!"

Iarno mentions that his offer still stands, he can bring the dead back to life afterall.

The group don't believe that they can even bring her back, as her corpse has been taken away.

They decide to stop talking to the mage, and attempt their rest again. This time, Mira takes watch.

The night passes without any more incidents and they head towards Phandalin, sad and depressed.

Chapter 62


The remaining group decide to help Mira get her rest, they head over to the Sleeping Giant. Mira asks Grifta for a room, she gives her a key and she heads up to bed. The other two stay downstairs. They continue to talk to Grifta, who asks what is wrong with the group, as they appear very tired.

Minogar explains that Sasha was defeated last night by a white dragon. Grifta explains that she has been hearing rumours of that dragon, and that that is why the town is building up it's defences.

While they are talking to dwarf, the doors to the inn open and a person enters the building. The person - a female elf - goes up to Grifta and asks if she has seen an elven bard recently.

The other two perk up and turn to her. The elf asks them if they know of a bard named Sasha.

She explains that she is looking for her sister, who left home on an adventure.

Minogar asks if she happened to play a lute per chance?

The elf says yes! That is her!

Minogar sighs and explains that she used to adventure with them, until recently...

The elf introduces herself as Maryia and that she is Sasha's sister.

Minogar breaks the bad news, and explains that she was eaten by a white dragon.

Maryia sighs and explains that she feared this of her sister.

Minogar says that she died with a cool helmet and comb at least!

The group exchange pleasentries and Minogar and Marlade bring Maryia up to speed with the adventure so far.

Maryia decides to join the group - if they will have her - and avenge Sasha's death.

Minogar sets a challenge for her. If she can engrave Sasha's name in the Stonehill Inn, where she used to play, she can join the group.

They sit around a table in the inn, Mira comes down from her rest and sits next to Maryia, but then realises it is not Sasha, and introduces himself. Maryia realises that the gnome has a weird accent, almost elf like.

The group decide to head over to the Stonehill inn, as they approach however, they notice that guards are once against posted outside. Maryia goes up to the guards first and says hello, they greet her and let her inside.

Minogar and Mira head over afterwards.

"Hmm, a goliath and a gnome, werent we supposed to be looking out for these?" one guard asks another, the other mutters back, "I think there was supposed to be four of them though."


The guards turn to the pair and one asks, "What can I do for you guys?"

The pair explain that they just want a drink.

"Have you ever been here before?"

The pair shake their heads.

"So if I go inside and ask, they won't know who you are?"

The pair shake their heads.

One guard enters the building while the other stays at his post.

Maryia is walking towards the bar, as a guard hurries past her and starts talking to the landlady. Maryia goes up to the guard and asks him if there is any trouble.

"Erm, no. Nothing at all, have a nice day." As the guard walks back outside.

Maryia asks the landlady for a drink.

Meanwhile, the guard comes back outside and tells Minogar and Mira that they can't come in.

The pair ask why, and the guard says that one of their accomplises really upset the landlady the other day, casting spells at them and complaining.

They protest, but ultimately decide to not attempt anything. They sneak round the side and peer through the window at Maryia who is at the bar.

Maryia buys a beer from Trilena Stonehill, the landlady.

Marlade has snuck around the back of the inn during all this, and is peering into the kitchen. No one is in the kitchen currently.

He casts Create Water inside the kitchen, and causes a localised rain cloud inside.

Maryia is conversing with Trilena, who is telling her about Lady's revenge. And comments on how similar Maryia looks to Sasha.

Maryia notices water coming out of the kitchen, but the landlady has not noticed yet...

Session 16 - 16/07/2020

Chapter 63


Mira heads around the back of the inn, expecting to see Marlade. But he notices something odd about the window infront of him. The window is a window into the kitchen of the inn. There is rain falling inside that is filling up the kitchen with water. The window pane itself has an imprint of what appears to Marlade's face with a bit of blood spattered on it. There is an amulet on the floor with the mark of Abbathor on it.

Mira looks at the amulet and recognises it as Marlade's. He heads back around to Minogar.

Maryia takes her beer and says to everyone in the inn, where is this water coming from?

The waitress notices the kitchen is flooding and her and the landlady go and sort it out.

Maryia is now the only person in the inn, besides an elderly lady minding her own business. She heads over to the corner and carves Sasha's name into the table in view of Minogar - who is peering through the window, giving a thumbs up.

Maryia quickly exits the inn.

Mira meets back up with the group, and explains what he found. Minogar confirms to Mira that Maryia is now "in" the group.

Mira shows them Marlade's amulet.

Minogar bites the amulet, he realises it is real and believes that Marlade has been taken.

They head back round to the window where Mira found the amulet.

Inside they see Trilena and the waitress frantically trying to stop the rain, but they haven't noticed them outside.

The rest of the group see the blood and face marking on the window that Mira was talking about.

Mira checks around for any tracks, he sees that the bottom of someone's shoes has been dragged away, towards the south of the inn.

They follow the tracks to the centre of the town, where the tracks appear to stop.

Guards are standing watch in the town centre, and Mira goes up to one of them.

"Hello Gnome, something you want to ask?"

The gnome explains they are looking for their friend, who is a cleric.

The guard explains that he saw who it was, and that they should talk to the townmaster, as their friend is in trouble - it seems.

The group head over to the Townmaster's Hall. Mira knocks on the door, but no response.

Minogar slams into the door, "Just a second," they hear faintly. It sounded like Toblen.

Sure enough, Toblen Stonehill opens the door, "Ah, I wondered when you guys were going to show up, please come in!"

Toblen leads them to a table for them to have a chat, and he sits at the head of the table.

Minogar decides to stand, as the rest take a seat.


"Now listen, I know you have come for Marlade. I had to take matters into my own hands a little bit earlier. I caught him, trying to vandalise my inn. We don't tolerate that here. I intend to return the cleric, and confiscated his stuff, to teach him a lesson, i do intend to return him to you."

Toblen laughs. "Incidentally, before you arrived, I was speaking to some guests in the back, but I will see to them soon. Im all yours for now!"

Mira asks why did they find blood?

Toblen looks concerned, "Ah, yes... I was with one of my friends in the back when we found Marlade, he took offense to what he was doing, and kind of smashed his head into the wall. We tried to get Marlade back here as quick as we could, so as not to panic the town. But yeah, Marlade is fine. If you ever meet my friend, you will understand why. I think he is a red blooded barbarian, much like yourself, Minogar."

Mira asks when they are likely to get him back.

"I can return him to you whenever, I just wanted to talk to you without him for a bit."

Mira nods.

"Ok, did you manage to find Harbin yet? I know the townsfolk are desperate for him to meet justice."

Mira explains that they believe the dragon is higher priority at the moment.

Toblen explains that the town is building up it's defences incase the dragon attacks, and he is currently negotiating with his guests for more support.

Toblen asks the group if they know anything at all about the dragon. Minogar explains that they met the dragon south of Phandalin about a month ago - he does not want to reveal that they met it recently.

Minogar also explains that snow usually signals it is about to arrive.

"Ah. That is good information to know."

The topic of Marlade comes up, and Toblen asks the group to remind him which god he worships.

"Ah, Savras? Did you know there is an abandoned shrine to that god in the sword mountains somewhere?"

Toblen gives a key to Minogar, and gestures to a door to his right, "He is in there."

Minogar walks over to a different door, and opens it towards the back.

As Minogar enters, he hears a familar voice exclaim,

"Minogar! Fancy seeing you here!"

It is the red dragonborn, Urzal, sat with the Kingsguard - Justice Keenseeker.

Minogar calls him a red bastard and laughs.

Urzal explains that they have been talking to Toblen, and asks if Mira is with him.

Minogar explains that he is, and is currently sat with the townmaster.

"Have you managed to sort out his little problem yet?" Urzal asks, "Heh, get it?" as he snorts.

Minogar says they are still working on it.

"Hey, Justice. Do you know anything about curing an elf that's become a gnome?" Urzal says to the knight.

"Pardon?" Justice asks politely.

"Yeah, when I was at the Hall of Justice the other day, one of my previous adventuring buddies came in, and he had been turned into a gnome!!"

"Hmm, no, I can't say I do." Justice responds. He turns to Minogar, "Can I ask, Goliath. How did that even come about?"

Minogar explains that there isnt just one dragon, this one was a green dragon, that didn't appreciate the conversation they had with it.

"Ah yes," Justice begins. "We know of the green dragon to the east of Neverwinter. Funnily enough, that is why we have been sent down here. Lord Dagult has been asked by Toblen for some of his guards, but Lord Dagult isn't keen on giving them out currently."

Minogar asks how many guards Phandalin has at the moment.

"Only a handful, its not gonna be much if the dragon does attack," Justice explains.

Urzal starts, "I believe the approach we should be taking is trying to find the dragon's lair. Attack it at it's source, then it has no where to run."

Minogar asks if they know where it's lair is.

The pair explain that whenever they see it, it is usually flying around or towards Icespire Peak or the sword mountains.

Minogar invites them both back into the other room to speak to the rest of the group.

Mira greets Urzal.

"Hi Mira! I see you still have that little 'affliction'".

Mira says he is getting used to it, and asks how he has been.

"Ah good, Mira. Any interesting tales?"

Mira says they do have tales, but maybe not right now.

Justice and Urzal scan around the room, and notice Maryia.

"I don't believe you were the bard from before were you?" Justice asks.

Urzal says, "Heh, let me guess. She died and has been brought back, similar to you, Mira?"

Urzal laughs, but notices the group looking sad, and stops.

Maryia explains that she is Sasha's sister.

Urzal begins to ask where the other bard is, but realises what has happened.

"Ah, ok..." he says.

Minogar decides now is the time to open the door to where Marlade is kept.

Chapter 64


Inside the room, Minogar sees cobwebs and old crates, he hears muffled screams coming from the corner.

Sat there with a gag around his mouth and his hand's tied is Marlade. Fiercing trying to shout at Minogar through the gag.

Minogar jokes that Marlade is looking well.

Marlade carries on shouting and Minogar goes over and removes the gag.

Minogar asks Marlade if he knows what happened to him, Marlade responds that he remembers a red dragonborn going into a rage and smashing his head into the window.

He also remembers other people being present, and believes he heared them telling the dragonborn not to do what he did.

Minogar lifts Marlade up and unties him. Marlade is looking very annoyed.

Meanwhile Maryia goes up to Toblen and asks if it ok to take back Marlade's stuff.


"I would like to talk to him first to be honest," Toblen replies. "I think Urzal would like to as well."

Urzal turns and agrees, "Yeah... I should really have a word." Urzal looks racked with guilt.

Marlade enters the room at this point and Urzal turns to him, "Marlade, I kind of lost it back there, that was not the right thing to do, would you accept my apolgies?"

A strange look comes over Marlade and he just shrugs and says no.

Urzal smirks, "Fair enough."

Marlade warns him to sleep with an eye open from now on.

Minogar and Urzal just laugh.

Toblen sees what is happening and stands between Urzal and Marlade, trying to defuse the tention.

"Marlade, you aren't really convincing me to give you your stuff back," He says.

Marlade warns him that he will burn down the Stonehill Inn if he keeps his stuff.

Upon hearing this, Urzal and Justice draw their weapons.

Urzal looks over at Marlade, "Are you sure you want to do this, Cleric?"

Marlade begins to cast a guiding bolt on Toblen. Toblen sees it coming and quickly jumps out the way.

Toblen then draws a sword from his side and warns Marlade not to do that again, Urzal and Justice stands behind him to back him up.

Toblen implores Marlade to stand down, and that now is the time for unity amongst themselves. He reminds them of the threats facing Phandalin.

Marlade stands defiant and just says no.

Minogar tries to grab Marlade, with the intent of just getting him outside. He grapples Marlade and starts to drag him towards the door of the hall.

During the commotion, Maryia tries to grab a chest under the table, that contains Marlade's stuff. She tries to drag it away from the rest of the action.

Urzal rages and assists Minogar, he tries to hold down Marlade though. Justice also rushes over to apprehend Marlade.

Marlade uses this opportunity to cast Suggestion on Minogar in an attempt to mind control him. Minogar manages to resist the spell.

Toblen stands up at his desk and shouts over to Maryia, asking her to return the chest. Maryia carries on dragging the chest. He rushes over and tries to pull the chest the other way.

Minogar says to Urzal and Justice to get him out of here, and drags Marlade up to the door itself.

Maryia is still trying to drag the chest, now against Toblen. She tells him to just give up and carries on dragging it away.

Justice rushes over to help Toblen, and pulls on the chest as well. "Stop dragging, or we will attack" Justice says to the elf as he drags it back under the table.

Marlade once again casts Suggestion on Minogar, however this time, Minogar cannot resist. He tells Minogar to kill Toblen.

Hearing this spell, Mira decides to stop being neutral and join in.

Toblen carries on dragging the chest and puts it back in it's original place.

Mira intends to inflict damage on Minogar, as he does not want Minogar to attack Toblen - especially against his own will.

He attacks with his shortswords, but Minogar is able to deflect and absorb the attacks.

Minogar begins to rush over to Toblen, Mira tries to attack him as he moves but misses.

The barbarian swings his axe at a surprised Toblen, but Toblen lets go of the chest and moves to the side, as Minogar's axe smashes into the floor.

Minogar lifts his axe and swings once again in a frenzy, Toblen leaps back and moves out the away.

Maryia uses Sasha's hideous laughter on Urzal, the dragonborn resists the spell.

Misty now runs up to Minogar and tries to bite him, but Minogar manages to move out the panther's path.

Urzal faces Marlade and punches him in the face.

Marlade tries to use Command on Urzal, Urzal resists. He then casts Sanctuary on himself.

Toblen turns to Minogar and pleads with him not to fight.

Mira moves towards Minogar, he tries to attack him once again, but Minogar is able to just absorb the blow.

Minogar tries to attack Toblen once again - still under the effect of Suggestion.

Toblen once again manages to dodge Minogar's swings.

Maryia is confused at the whole situation and casts Vicious Mockery on Minogar. Minogar takes damage, and seems to come to a realisation.

Urzal carries on hitting Marlade with his fists.

Justice moves over to Marlade and also punches Marlade.

Marlade tries to cast Suggestion on Minogar again from a distance. But Minogar resists.

Toblen takes out his sword and tries to hit Minogar, thinking he is still going to be attacked.

He slashes into Minogar with his sword.


Mira tries to explain the situation quickly to Minogar. Minogar, still reeling from the hit, looks back to Toblen and thinks he is the enemy. He swings at Toblen with his axe.

Toblen is not able to dodge, and takes two hard strikes from the barbarian. That cuts a massive X into his chest.

Toblen slumps back on the table, barely clinging onto life. As Minogar asks why he attacked him?

Maryia decides to nope out of there and flees the building.

Urzal stops his rage, rushes over to Toblen and uses lay on hands on him. He tells Minogar to stop.

Justice stays with Marlade, and realising things are going a bit south, decides that hitting Marlade is not going to be enough. He draws both of his shortswords, and as they are drawn the group see them both gleam slightly.

He tries to attack Marlade with both of his swords, but Marlade's Sanctuary blocks the attacks.

Marlade casts Toll the Dead on Toblen, the bell appears next to Toblen and takes a lot of necrotic damage.

Toblen decides to disengage and begins to flee this melee, realising he is unlikely to survive.

Mira also disengages and tries to flee, following Maryia.

Minogar asks Urzal why Toblen was attacking him, and moves over to Marlade.

Maryia waves to Mira and says they should just leave them too it.

Misty follows Mira out of the building.

Urzal moves back to Marlade and rages once again. He attempts to attack Marlade with Carn.

But the sanctuary blocks the attack.

Justice also tries to attack again with his shortswords, but also cannot get past the sanctuary spell.

Marlade casts Command on Justice and tells him to grovel.

Minogar tries to get everyone to stop fighting.

Justice starts to nod in agreement, but Urzal is still in rage and isn't listening.

Urzal tries to attack Marlade again, but is bested by Sanctuary.

Justice then weirdly drops his weapons and starts to grovel on the floor.

Marlade - now not being held down by anyone - moves over to his stuff. He looks at the locked chest and casts guiding bolt on the padlock.

The lock smashes open and Marlade can see all his belongings inside, he begins to take his stuff out. He takes his shield and staff first.

Toblen tries to attack with his heavy crossbow at Marlade, it passes the sanctuary and hits Marlade in the chest.

Minogar decides to stop attacking anyone, and sits at the table with his arms folded.

Urzal tries to cast Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity on Marlade, he then takes Carn and tries to attack the cleric. Visibly annoyed, Urzal's weapon once again bounces off the sanctuary spell.

Justice follows up, he takes his Shortswords and tries to swing them both at Marlade. He breaks through the spell and slices Marlade with one of his weapons. The spell wears off and he swings his second shortsword at Marlade. He knocks Marlade unconscious.

Seeing this, Minogar goes to the door and beckons the others, saying it is now safe to come inside. Everyone puts their weapons away and circles around the now unconscious Marlade.

Urzal is still visibily annoyed and is arguing with Justice that they should take him to face trial infront of Lord Dagult. Justice does agree but does not want to break the party up, he believes they would be of more use kept together.

Toblen walks over, holding his damaged arm. He sides with Justice and says the town needs the aide of this party. He turns to the group and implores them to try and convince Marlade to stand down and help, if they were to wake him up.

Mira says it is probably best if they take him away now - while he is unconscious - and try to sort this out amongst themselves.

Toblen accepts this, but Urzal and Justice say that they will stay nearby, just incase.

Minogar explains that they should also take his stuff, just incase the dragon does attack. Urzal agrees and explains that he will be carrying Marlade's stuff. The group allow this.

The group gather round and carry Marlade over to the Sleeping Giant Inn.

Chapter 65


The group arrive at the inn, Mira can hear commotion coming from within.

Minogar approaches first and opens the door, inside, he sees multiple bandit looking individuals running amock inside. One of the them is playing away on the piano while others are fighting on the tables. Two bandits are leaning over the bar shouting at something hiding behind it. Minogar presumes that it is Grifta the dwarven owner.

Minogar turns back to the party and signals that there is trouble, the group come over to Minogar and he tells Urzal that there are bandits inside.


"Do you get much trouble with bandits in this town?" Urzal asks

Minogar responds that this is actually the first time, and Urzal asks if they have been to this inn before, to which Minogar says they have, many times.

Urzal suggests to just move to another location, but the group says they must help the inn's owner. Realising that the group have connections with this inn, Urzal agrees and nods to Justice.

Minogar walks in, with Urzal and Justice flanking him. The bandits all stop and turn to the group, they seem very initimated by the goliath and dragonborn that have just strolled in.

Minogar asks what is going on here?

One of the bandits at the bar turns around, he is dressed slightly differently to the rest of the bandits, who all turn to him, suggesting he is the leader.

He walks over to the party, holds his hands out to either side and says with a smile, "We're jsut enjoying the festivities of Phandalin, whats the problem?"

Minogar says not in his inn.

"In your inn?!" the bandit asks, "The dwarf back there says it's hers, are you real owners?"

Minogar ignores the question and asks where she is.

The bandit's mouth drops from a smile to a more serious expression and just says she is behind the bar.

Minogar says he wants to see her, behind the bar a small hand pops up and he hears Grifta make a whimpering noise.

Minogar asks if she is ok? "NO!" she responds. Another bandit infront of the bar turns with a smirk and says she is just playing.

Minogar and Urzal both try to intimidate the bandits inside the inn, the leader of which sizes up his potential opposition.

He holds his hands out in front of him and tries to de-escalate the situation, believing combat would end poorly for him.

"Come on lads, lets find a better inn."

As the bandits begrudgingly trudge out of the door, Minogar grabs the leader by the collar and warns him if he sees him again, him and his party of bandits will all be dead.

The group enter the inn, and place Marlade on a table. Minogar jokingly says welcome to P.H.A.T. to Maryia, as though this is an everyday occurence.

Minogar goes up to Grifta, still hiding, and checks she is ok. The dwarf explains that this happens a lot and she just hides. Minogar is surprised to learn there are multiple gangs that always try to take control of parts of Phandalin.

He assures her that they are watching over the inn.

Urzal and Justice suggest that they should have an "intervention" with Marlade when they wake him up.

Urzal asks the group what the plan is before he wakes up.

Minogar explains that Marlade has always done things his way, sometimes he can be reasoned, sometimes not. But lately it feels like he is mostly not.

Urzal and Justice explain that there are multiple threats mustering around the Sword Coast and that Phandalin needs to be in a position to defend itself, something that the Phandalin Hurrican Action Team could help a lot with.

Minogar taps Marlade on his shoulder and tries to wake him up.

Marlade wakes up and sees the ceiling of the Sleeping Giant Inn, with everyone sat around him.

Minogar explains where they are.

Marlade says he will remember this, and chastises the party.

Justice mentions to the group that staying in Toblen's good books would be a good idea, and that he happens to know that Toblen has big plans for the group.

Marlade interupts and says that this special townmaster is also the innkeeper who barred them from his place.

Justice smirks, and explains that Toblen actually told him about that.

"As I understand it, he barred the group because of YOU cleric. I mean technically, we should arrest you for what you did right now, as using magic on civilians is against the law."

Marlade says they should arrest Toblen for running a dubious restaurant, as he feels his money was stolen in exchange for poor food service.

Marlade is quite persuasive and Justice ponders, "Ah, I didn't realise you had such a history with him. I mean, I don't condone the violence but-"

Marlade interupts saying that Justice shouldn't have been violent to him earlier when he smashed him into the window.

Justice sighs, "That was Urzal... But still, he shouldn't have done it. I believe he did try to apologise for it. And yet, you were casting spells again, so we arrested you. Well within the law."

Mira explains that he has known Urzal for ages, and is well known to be a bit short with his temper.

Marlade still is not convinced by this, and remains defiant - he believes everyone here is against him now.

Justice gives up and says "I'll leave it to you guys."

Marlade says why should he even stay with this group at this point.

Maryia puts her hand on his shoulder and explains that this is all new to her, she has lost her sister recently, and wishes to avenge her. She asks if Marlade would still want that.

Marlade calms down a bit and agrees.

Realising that Marlade is now no longer threatening, Urzal walks up to him and places his scaly hand on his chest.

Urzal's palm glows yellow as he casts cure wounds on Marlade, allowing him to stand up off the table.

Justice opens the chest and begins to hand his stuff back.

He gives the stuff over Marlade bits at a time, his armor, his rations etc.

But as he grabs the staff and begins to pass it, he stops and looks at it.

He mutters to Urzal, and the dragonborn comes over. They turn their back to the party and whisper, still inspecting the staff.

Urzal quickly turns around to Marlade. "How long have you had that staff, Marlade?" He asks with quickness in his voice.

Marlade says he was there, it was from Iarno.

"Hmm, yes." Urzal thinks, "But, it's different now, somehow. Have you noticed anything about this staff?"

Marlade nonchantly explains that Iarno talks to them all from time to time.

Urzal's eyes narrow, "Please tell me you haven't been carrying this around all this time?!"

Marlade just shrugs and says yeah.

"In the name of Tyr!" Urzal exclaims, visibly worried.

He turns to Justice and nods.

Justice, seemingly understanding Urzal's intentions without a word, places the staff on the floor and steps back.

Urzal draws Carn and raises it above his head.


With a smash he plunges the axe into the end of the staff, despite Marlade's pleas not too.

The crystal at the tip of the staff smashes into tiny fragments on the floor.

After a moment, the pieces start to vibrate and rise, they slowly turn into pink swirling mist.

Everyone in the inn suddenly hears the voice of Iarno start laughing, but it becomes far more gutterall.

"Hah, Urzal, Justice" The voice says mockingly, "You do realise that Lord Dagult now has no chance with you down here!"

The pink mist spreads around the party and portals start to open up inside the inn, swirling green and purple.

Unknown abominations begin to enter through them...

Session 17 - 21/07/2020

Chapter 66


As the group stare at the portals, they can see the surface of it undulating, and the more they stare, they realise they can start to see into - what appears to be - another plane of existence.

The more they look, the more they realise that this plane is not like anything they have ever come across before, it's shapes and lines hard to focus on and it's swirling colours, completely mistifying.

The portal nearest the north side of the inn starts to bulge. An abomination, green and scaly, begins to enter. It appears to be floating, about the size of the human's in the group. Its sole orb-like body containing one large bulbous eye and a single mouth with teeth like old gravestones. Four tentacles come off of it's body and lash around the room, at the end of each is a lizard like eye, rapidly glancing in all directions.

As it opens its mouth, it reveals a long pink tongue that it starts slinging around in front of it.

Mira rushes forwards and tries to attack the creature with his swords. Mira lands an attack on the creature, which appears to be visibly stunned that it was even damaged!

The abomination - a spectator - fires an eye ray using one of it's tentacles at Mira in response. Mira manages to dive out of the ray, but it then goes on to hit Justice. As he hit he stands motionless and falls down like a statue, clearly paralyzed.

Urzal rushes forward and tries to hit the spectator with Carn, landing a decisive blow. His magical weapon slicing through the spectator easily, and the spectator begins to go back into the portal.

Maryia casts dissonant whispers on the creature, the creature tries to resist it, but ends up flopping on the floor. Lifeless. Maryia then uses this opportunity to cast Mantle of Inspiration on the group, which buffs the party.

The other two remaining portals start to undulate like the first, Misty reacts and leaps at one of the monsters as it comes through, they both appear to be spectators like the first.

Justice manages to resist the paralysation and stands up.

One of the spectators fires beams of different colours, one at Misty and one at Minogar, Misty is now paralysed from the beam but Minogar resists. The spectator carries on moving and grabs at Marlade. Minogar uses this opportunity to attack the creature as it moves past him and slices it through the back.

The spectator succeeds in grabbing Marlade and begins to drag him back towards the portal that it entered through.

Maryia lunges forwards with her longsword and slashes at it, she lands a hit, but the spectator seems determined to get Marlade through the portal.

Minogar takes his greataxe once again and swings recklessly at the beast, but misses. He follows up with another swing and slashes right through it's eye. It releases Marlade and falls to the floor.

Full of bloodlust, Minogar rushes over to the final portal and attacks the Spectator that is entering through it. He leaps across the table and slashes into the beast - the beast starts to look frightened and freezes on the spot.

The spectator - in it's panic - just lunges at Minogar and tries to bite him, but Minogar easily dodges it.

Mira launches an arrow with her longbow at the creature, but misses the portal.

Urzal then throws a javelin at the Spectator which goes straight in it's eye and it screams out in pain as the javelin still sticks out of it's eye.

Maryia then uses dissonant whispers on the creature, she sings a horrible tune across the room into the creatures ear and it screams in pain as it falls to floor in a heap.

The portals now start to undulate again, but this time, they are starting to collapse.

The portals all disappear one by one, but as the north one disappears, a large ethereal hand appears from it and grabs Marlade. It lifts him up in the air infront of everyone and goes back into the portal, with a flash, taking the cleric with it!

Seeing this, Urzal reacts quickly and grabs Carn. He shoves the battleaxe into the portal, lengthways, to try and stop it from closing.

The portal does continue to close - but at a slower rate - Urzal turns to the group and gestures his head into the portal.

Mira immediately jumps in, followed closely by Minogar.

Maryia stands, unsure of what to do, Carn starts to crack under the pressure of the portal, Maryia decides to jump in, just as she hears the sound of metal crumbling behind her, and a dragonborn shouting.


Chapter 67


The three see themselves floating around, unsure of where they are. The commotion of the inn has left them behind, and they feel at peace.

Its hard for them to focus on each other, they appear to be in motion but they do not feel like they are moving. It's hard for them to focus on anything - almost as though vision and sound in this place is not correct.

They appear in this strange plane, all around them are floating islands, below them - on the ground - is a grey circle. As they look at an island, it appears to shrink into nothingness then grow again somewhere else.

In the center of the island they are on, they can just about see a human mage, practicing spells.

Minogar recognises the mage and calls out to him, he believes him to be Iarno.

"Yes?" the mage responds, his voice booming all around them.

Minogar is taken a back slightly from the voice, but asks where they are.

"You have made it very tricky for me, Urzal, I was able to track you all - before Urzal did what he did. You are all proving to be a right slippery bunch of characters." the mage responds.

Minogar asks why even track them?

"Hmm, well i'm always interested in what you guys have been up to", The mage says tauntingly, "You have been very busy, it's very interesting."

Maryia and Mira are both in shock as to what they are witnessing, and are unsure what to say.

Minogar looks back to Iarno, and asks what he wants from them.

"Not for me to say right now, I guess I now have what I needed. Your friend... he will serve me well. His visions... very insightful."

Minogar says they won't let him keep him.

Iarno laughs, "I don't see how you have much of a choice. You are in my domain now, look around you!"

As he says this, he projects a massive image of himself behind where he is standing, to indimidate the group.

They realise it is a simple illusion however.

"Anyway. I Have business to attend to... perhaps we shall meet again? But, remember, cross the Zhentarim, and we shall kill your friend."

With a flash, the mage teleports to an unknown location, leaving behind a grey triangle where he once stood.

The group decide to explore at this point.

They notice that as they move around, it is hard for them to find their feet, as though they are moving through something not quite solid.

They head towards the centre of the island, where Iarno was stood, but before that is a slight drop. Mira grabs a rock off the floor, but as he does so, his hand sort of goes through it, and doesn't seem to respond at all to his touch.

Instead, Mira throws an arrow down the drop. It lands on the floor below. Seeing this, Minogar jumps down.

He lands, and it feels as though it didn't hurt at all. He felt - as he was falling - that he didn't weigh as much as he normally does. Mira follows and feels a similar sensation.

Minogar leaps forward with all his might, but as he is in the air, he realises that he can change trajectory slightly in the air before he lands, just using his mind.

He focuses intently, and lifts himself off the ground. Amazed, the others see him do this and he tells them to just try it!

Mira gives it a go first, and his little gnome body also rises off the floor and begins to float.

Maryia jokes, and asks if this is a regular day for them?

She closes her eyes and focuses really hard, now all three of them are slowly floating above the ground.

Mira tries to move over to Minogar, just with her mind, and is able to.

Slowly, the group become more confident with their new found abilities in this plane.

They play around for a few minutes, bounding around the island.

They turn their attention to the triangle left behind by Iarno. It has started to fade away slightly since he first cast it.

Maryia believes this to be the remnants of a teleport spell. Explaining that Iarno has teleporting himself to another plane of existence that only he knows. She can't discern where he has gone.

They decide that they should start to look for a way of this place. They head over to another island, that has a faint grey circle on it, similar to the circle on the floor when the entered.

One by one, they enter the grey circle, and as they do so they disappear.

They find themselves once again floating in nothingness, then the familar view of the inn morphs into shape around them.

##### Astral Plane The Astral could be reached from almost any point in a Prime Material plane or first layer of any Outer plane by spell, psionic ability, or device. It was described as a barren place of other-dimensional nothingness extending in all directions. What little solid substance that floated in the bright, gray void was typically chunks of matter broken off from their original plane.

The Astral had no gravity but objects did retain their mass so you could throw small items or push off from large objects to move in the weightless environment

Time in the Astral flowed at the same rate on a Prime Material plane but the effects of time were slowed almost to a stop―a thousand years in the Astral plane felt like only a day to the traveler.

Creatures did not go hungry or age while in the Astral plane. For that reason, its mortal inhabitants needed to return to the Material Plane in order to have children or to reach adulthood.


Chapter 68


They reappear back in the Sleeping Giant Inn, but seemingly at the location where one of the other portals were - not the one they entered through.

Things are odd though.

They appear to be the only people in the inn, and it is night time outside. Everything has been tidied up and there are no signs of any previous commotion.

Minogar looks behind the bar, to see if Grifta is there. Realising she isn't he leans over and starts drinking beer from one of the taps.

Maryia looks out of the back window, and can see the lake around the back of the inn. The water is calm and she can see the moon shining on the surface of the lake. However, the moon appears to be nearly full.

This is odd to Maryia as she remembers that the last moon she saw the other night was a crescent moon. Suggesting a few weeks has passed since they went through the portal...

She explains her theory to the group.

A slightly tipsy Minogar turns to her and asks what she is on about, a bit loudly.

He decides to inspect for himself.

Sure enough, he sees the moon on the lake, matching her description.

He turns to the rest of the group, and says oh god. Its nighttime!!

Maryia asks if he saw the moon, to which Minogar responds that yes, the water had indeed eaten it up...

Maryia glares slightly and asks how much beer he just had.

Mira notices someone sneaking up behind them.

"Who is it!!!?" A squeaky voice exclaims.

They turn around and see the source of the voice. It is grifta, in her pyjamas, holding a metal pipe like a weapon. "Who are you?!!"

Mira apologises for being too loud.

Grifta squints and realises who it is, she sighs slightly in relief. "You scared the crap out of me, it's you guys!"

Minogar begins to walk over, but stumbles over some chairs.

"How did you get in here?" She asks, puzzled.

The group seem confused at the question.

"You've been gone for days! No one has seen or heard from you, where have you been?", she asks, concerned.

Mira says its a long story they can't explain, and they aren't quite sure themselves.

"We all thought you had died. We all saw you jump into the portal, it closed, then we never saw you again... Urzal and Justice searched, but gave up and went back to Neverwinter."

Mira comments that it was not becoming of Urzal to not follow them inside.

Grifta explains, "He didn't have much of a choice, his weapon shattered after the bard went through the portal, and it shut behind you all. He was really upset. It might be worth talking to them if you see them, they have blamed themselves and believe to have sent you to your deaths..."

Minogar asks that during this time, has the dragon attacked, or been spotted.

Grifta explains that luckily, it still has not attacked the town. Realising that the group are just as confused as she is, Grifta offers them free lodging for the night. She just asks that the group meet back up in the morning - after some rest - to catch up on all that went off.

Chapter 69


After their rest, the group return downstairs. They see Grifta, cleaning glasses behind the bar.

Mira offers a good morning to the dwarf.

"Morning! How was your rest?" She replies.

Mira says it was nice and well appreciated.

"Great!", Grifta explains, "I wanted to speak to you all about what you have missed, since we last saw each other..."

Mira asks her to continue.

"The two guards from Neverwinter headed back," Grifta turns to Minogar, "Toblen forgives you, Minogar. He does not blame you for what happened, when you see him next though, I will warn you that he is covered in bandages! The town itself has finally finished the fortifications on the gates, so we are quietly confident that if the dragon comes this way, we can defend against it. Thankfully, Lord Dagult has also pledged some more guards to this town, news that has made Toblen in a very good mood!"

Grifta looks concerned for a moment, "There was something else though, have you ever met 'Qelline' before? Qelline Alderleaf, she runs the farm to the south. She has been looking for you after hearing you were in town, and was hoping you would pop in and see her? Apparently Carp - her son - is very excited to see you, and he has something he wanted to show you... It's probably a silly kid thing, but might be worth it if you have time?"

Minogar alludes to the fact that he has a lot to do, and hasn't even had a drink yet...

Grifta takes the hint and pours him a pint, she says it is free because they have been so helpful.

Minogar asks about the bandits that were in the inn the other day.

Grifta explains that he has actually reminded her, she mentions that since then, no bandits have even been seen inside of Phandalin! Grifta believes it is due to the increased Guard presence in the town, thanks to Lord Dagult.

The group thank the dwarf, and decide to head to the farm, they pass by the townmaster's hall on the way and decide to pay Toblen a quick visit.

On the way, Mira and Minogar fill Maryia in with how they saved a little boy from the Zhentarim.

The time is early morning and they are standing outside the hall, there is a slight spell of rain hitting the party.

Minogar approaches the double doors, but they are locked. He knocks firmly on the door.

They wait.

Nothing seems to happen. Minogar knocks louder, but again, they wait, and nothing happens.

They carry on knocking, and listening at the door, but no one seems to be in.

The group deliberate whether to carry on trying or move on, but Minogar says it might be worth checking the windows to see if everything is ok.

Mira looks into the hall, he can see the lights are on, suggesting someone is in.


Maryia has gone round the back and peered through a window, she sees two chairs in this room, she remembers this was the room that Minogar went into mistakenly the other day.

Minogar believes he might still be asleep.

Mira finds a back door to the building. He tries to open it, and it is unlocked. Inside, he sees a mini-storeroom, with a fireplace and crates of food.

Minogar goes to the other side of the building and looks through a window, he can see what appears to be a bedroom, with a bed in it, a cat is asleep on the bed, and he can see the corner of another bed, but cannot see if anyone is in it.

Mira enters the building through the back, he enters through another door in this room, and finds himself in a small bathroom.

This room has another door leading out of it, which he opens.

As he opens it, Minogar can see a door in the room he is looking at open, and they realise they can see each other. Mira waves quietly at Minogar and sneaks around the room.

He sneaks up to the cat, and pets it. The cat purrs in it's sleep.

As Mira turns around, he can see the other bed. Toblen is in it, snoring away. He notices that Toblen is bandaged, quite badly.

Mira decides to leave him, and sneaks back out of the room.

The group leave the hall how they left it and decide the best thing to do now is head to Alderleaf Farm.

Chapter 70


As the group walk towards the farm, they see the pastures and animals in fields.

They approach the back of farmhouse, and Minogar recognises the trough, it was where Lanar was waterboarded. He tells the others about this incident.

The group head towards the entrance of the farm, and see one of the ranch hands tending to some pigs.

Mira greets the man.

"Mornin'" He responds, "Don't think we've met? The name's Narth."

And he offers his hand to the gnome as a gesture to shake hands.

Mira shakes his hand, Narth continues, "I don't think I've met you either - bard - but i know you! I know you Goliath!"

He squints and smiles at Minogar.

"Have ye all come to meet young Carp again? He is very excited to see you!" Narth explains.

Minogar asks where he might be.

"Ahh, if y'all speak to Qelline over thar, she will surely be able to point ye in the right direction! I don't know where he will have gotten too! When I saw him last, he was playing with 'Pip' - Toblen's young boy"

The group head over to Qelline, who hasn't noticed them yet. She is currently chopping logs on a big tree stump.

As she places the next log down and readies her axe, Minogar quickly swings his axe at the log and chops it.

This makes Qelline jump and she turns around with a start!

"Oh! Ohh! Its you Minogar!" She says. "And erm, erm, have met before?"

The other's introduce themselves to the Halfling woman.

Minogar says that they were told Carp wanted to speak to them.

"Oh yeahh, erm he is playing around the side - with Pip. Where the vegetables are being grown. He will be very excited to see you!"

Qelline goes on to explain that since he was rescued she has noticed that her son has become a lot more confident and almost bigger in himself, it's hard for her to describe, but she is very proud.

The group listen, and can hear the sounds of two children play fighting.

They head over to the vegetable plots and see two boys dressed up.

The first, a smaller boy - but human, is dressed up like a mage, with a long stick that he is pretending is a staff. They recognise this boy as Pip Stonehill, Toblen's son.

The other boy, larger than the other, but of halfling, is dressed like a fighter/paladin thing, with a smaller stick in one hand and a wooden lid in the other - like a shield - they recognise this as Carp Alderleaf.

They notice that the boy is a bit larger than when they last met, and he is hitting the other boy quite hard, and saying "Die Iarno Die!"

But, the group look more closely, part of Carp's costume is a helmet - which seems to be too big for him - and keeps falling over his eyes as he swings his stick and he keeps adjusting it back.

Maryia can't tell why the group are so curious with the helmet, but Mira sees that it is strikingly similar to the Dread Helm that they got in Axeholm, only it looks like Carp has attempted to paint it a different colour, and poorly. They also see that it is too big for him and he keeps having to adjust it to get it out of his eyes.

Minogar decides to sneak on Carp, and pick him up. Carp screams as he is lifted. Minogar turns him around and roars at him.


Carp initially is frightened, but then laughs as he realises who it is.

Minogar puts Carp down and explains that he came because he heard that Carp wanted to see him.

As he does so though, Carp gives Minogar what he calls a "Halfling Hello" and punches him the privates.

Minogar goes oof, but finds it quite funny.

"Can you see me Minogar," Carp says, "I'm dressed up like you, when you saved me from Iarno!"

Minogar is still reeling slightly from the punch.

"Wheres Marlade, Wheres Sasha?" Carp asks.

Maryia sidles over to the boy.

"Are you Sasha? You look... similar?" Carp squints.

Maryia explains that she is actually Sasha's sister and that she has unfortunately passed.

"Passed? What does that mean?"

Maryia explains it means she is no longer with us anymore.

"Oh, has she gone off to Neverwinter?"

Maryia decides to give up and just say yes.

"Oh ok" and Carp smiles.

Minogar comes in and says actually, its somewhere a bit farther.

"Ah, Luskan?" Carp asks, "Further to the north?"

Minogar thinks for a moment, then also just says yes.

"Oooh, it's really cold up there," and Carp pretends to shiver, "I don't wanna go there..."

Carp explains that he doesn't like cold.

Minogar asks what he does like.

"I like adventurin' I wanna be adventurers like you!"

Mira says that is nice, and maybe he could join them one day when he is older.

"I could join you now!" Carp seems to realise and holds up his pretend sword, "Look, look, I've been practicin' with my stick! With my shield!"

He adjusts his helmet, "And a fancy helmet that I found!"

Mira asks him where he found the helmet.

Carp turns to his friend Pip, and whispers "Should we tell them?"

Pip nods.

"We found it," Carp says, "It was lieing in a field."

Mira asks Carp if he would give the helmet to them.

As he asks this, Carp stops smiling and holds the helmet with both hands and steps back.

Mira goes on to say they could pay him for it.

Carp whispers to Pip again, but this time the party cannot hear it.

Pip then nods to Carp after they finish talking.

Carp turns to the party, "How about, we strike... a deal?"

Mira asks what deal.

"I give you the helmet. And you take me with you on your adventures!"

Mira stands shocked for a second, then says one moment to the boy.

The group turn and talk amongst themselves without Carp listening.

The group all agree that he is just a child and they can't take him with them!

They first think they should tell the truth about Sasha, but then realise they don't want to scare the boy.

Minogar says why don't they just take him shopping and tell him thats an adventure.

Maryia decides that it probably would be best to just tell the truth to the boy.

She goes up to him and kneels down to his level, and says hello and tell him her name.

"Hello Maryia," Carp responds. Pushing the helmet back up that has fallen over his eyes.

Maryia explains that Sasha and the other adventurers actually found this helmet, and went through a great deal of pain to find it.

"Where did you find it?" Carp asks.

Maryia says they found it in a dungeon, full of monsters.

Carp actually seems to get more excited hearing the story.

"OOh monsters!" Carp exclaims, "Do you know what?"

Maryia explains there were ghouls and ghasts and even a banshee!

Carp rubs his hands, "Oooh Banshees! Scary!" but spoken in a more excited way than afraid.

Maryia goes on to say that they came up against the banshee, and Sasha made it leave, leaving everyone safe.

She goes on to say that the group then found the helmet, at the end, as a big reward for fighting in the dungeon.

"WOW!" Carp says, amazed at the story. "But it's my favourite thing," He holds on to it again, "It's my favourite thing right now."

Maryia explains that it is very important to her though.

Carp pauses for a second, and slowly takes off the helmet and stares at it in his hands.

They see his lip do a little tremor as he puts on a brave face and hands it to Maryia.

"I'll give it you," He says as he holds it out, "But would you take me on an adventure? Just a little one?"

Maryia agrees to a little one.

"Where were you gonna go?" Carp asks.

Maryia begins to explain that they were going to go collect some items from town.

Carp squints, "This sounds like shopping. My mum takes me shopping all the time."

Maryia quickly says no! But Carp is not convinced. He turns to Minogar.

"Minogar, you know all the adventures, where are you really going."

Minogar also tries to fob off shopping as an adventure, "This sounds like shopping again!" Carp exclaims and begins to take the helmet back.

Carp finally turns to Mira, "Gnome, you are probably not gonna lie. Where are we going, on adventure?"

Mira thinks.

"And if you say shopping again, i'm gonna cry." Carp says in a huff.

Mira thinks, and says what if they went to get a sword?

"A SWORD?! I'll go with you to get a sword!!" Carp shouts excitedly!

Mira turns to Minogar and says just a short one.

Minogar says it will be fine, they could probably go to Neverwinter.

"Neverwinter! I've always wanted to go to Neverwinter!" Carp says. "I'll give you the helmet, if you take me to Neverwinter!"

Mira says no.

"I'm sure my mum will say yes!" Carp protests.

Minogar patronisingly says that if his mum does say yes, he can come with us. However, he believes she wont.

"Ok! Deal!" Carp says. "If my mum says yes, I'll then give you the helmet and we can go on an adventure!"


Mira says wait, give the helmet now and then see if his mum says yes.

Carp says for them to shake on it, to which Mira complies.

Carp holds out the helmet, and Mira takes it.

He inspects the helm closely, he sees the paint smeared on it, but can recognise that it is indeed the Dread Helm. He belives that this helm could potentially alert the user of Dragons nearby, perhaps with glowing eyes.

Minogar gives a gold coin to each of the boys.

Carp stays close to the group as they head to Qelline. Minogar picks him up and puts him on his shoulders.

Qelline sees the party heading towards her, and appears happy that Carp is having a good time.

"I see you found him then!" She says.

Minogar says that he might have just saved Phandalin.

Qelline notices that Carp isn't wearing his helmet, "Oh, did you give them your helmet, Carp?"

Carp responds excitedly, "I did! They said they are gonna take me on an adventure!"

Qelline looks suspiciously at the group. "Ah, are they?... Where we're you intending to take him? Hmm?"

Mira explains that they said they would only take him on an adventure if Qelline is fine with it.

Qelline immediately responds, "Well, of course i'm fine with it, you saved him once."

Mira gives Qelline a death stare, and the other laugh that she has just agreed.

Carp shouts, "Yay! That means im going!!"

Minogar says they could just take him to Dragon's Barrow, it should be fine.

"Dragon's Barrow?! That sounds AWESOME!!" Carp shouts.

Carp jumps down off Minogar's shoulders and rushes inside the house.

The group can hear clattering and banging around inside the house.

He emerges from the house, looking proud.

They don't know where he has gotten these items from, but he now has a set of chainmail on him, that fits him. Along with a crossbow and a shortsword on his back. Looking totally ready to go.

"Lets do this guys!" As he stomps over to the party, fist pumping the air.

Minogar says he looks awesome!

Carp thanks Minogar.

The group decide to head to Barthen's first on the way. They convince Carp that they will continue after it and that they aren't tricking him.

Chapter 71


Outside Barthens, the group head inside, they see a drow elf to the side, sorting shelves.

Barthen waves at the group, and the group see a teenager looking human behind him, appearing to help him out.

"Mornin' Long time no see!" Barthen says.

Minogar says it has been a long time, and says a swear word in dwarvish.

Barthen rolls his eyes and smiles, "I see you have been practicing!"

He goes on to explain that business has been creeping up slowly back to normal, and that the town seem to be getting used to the threat of the dragon nowadays.

Minogar asks if there have been any sightings lately.

"Erm, in the town, no, thankfully not. But there are always reports coming in of it being further a-field. They come from all over the place to be honest."

Mira buys some thieves tools from Barthen, Barthen gestures to his assistant to fetch some. Mira also asks for some chalk and Barthen gets some out of a drawer nearby. Mira buys the tools and ten pieces of chalk.

The rest of the group buy some rations from Barthen.

Barthen makes small talk and asks where they are headed next, the group are reluctant to say so make up a boring story.

"We are going to a dragon's place!!" Carp shouts, as the rest of them try to get him to shut up. Minogar takes Carp outside.

Barthen laughs and winks at the boy.

As the group leave, Mira goes over to the drow elf, still packing shelves.

Mira stands there and says hello.

The drow elf turns slowly, and isn't sure. "Erm, Good Morning?"

Mira stands there and politely says Good Morning back.

The drow elf seems very shy, and Mira's attempts to talk to him seem to just make him more awkward.

Minogar stands behind him and whispers in his ear, asking what his name is.

The drow elf turns quickly, "Oh. Hi. Err. Ander?"

Minogar says that is a nice name.

Ander looks more confused, "Ok... Erm... Do you want anything?!"

The group notice he is trying to cover his pockets, as if he thinks they are trying to rob him.

Mira says they mean no harm.

"Yeah... Everyone says that before you get your pocket's picked..." Anders replies.

The group decide to leave.


Before they leave town, they decide to give Toblen another try, as it is later in the day now.

They arrive once again at the townmaster's hall, and Mira knocks.

He hears Toblen shout "Just one second."

Toblen opens the doors and greets them.

"Hello? Oh, it's you guys." Toblen then realises, "OH! ITS YOU GUYS! Come in, come in! We have much to discuss!"

They head inside into the hall.

The group all sit around the table as Toblen sits at the head of it.

"So, you have to tell me! Where have you been? It's been a while, since the errm... 'Event' shall we say?" Toblen says, and grasps at his side, it appears he is still in pain from the fight with Minogar.

He smiles and turns to Minogar, "How you doing Minogar..."

Minogar looks concerned, he says he is fine and asks how Toblen is.

"Ah, Im good. Urzal and Justice came and told me everything after the incident in the inn. They also told me that during our fight, Marlade 'tricked' you or something with a spell, so it wasn't really you attacking me?"

Minogar says it was definitely mind control.

"It is what it is I guess," Toblen says as he swings his arm back, "The old arm is getting there though, hah, you pack quite a punch. I wouldn't want to cross you in a bar fight!"

Minogar says it's a good he missed all those attacks, and then corrects himself and says he doesn't remember a thing...

Toblen adjusts himself, "I did want to talk to you guys, since you have been gone. Justice and Urzal had come down from Neverwinter to talk to me, before the incident with Marlade. Well, we were discussing the defences around town, against this dragon, thankfully, Lord Dagult has agreed to send more soldiers down to Phandalin. I fear though, it might not be quick enough. Would you potentially, I know i'm asking a lot here, be up for attacking the dragon where it lairs? I believe waiting for the dragon to attack the town is just foolhardy."

The group ask Toblen if he knows where the lair is.

"I'm afraid not, all we ever see is it flying around, but it seems to head back to Icespire Peak a lot."

Minogar explains that they currently searching for the right 'tools' to take down the dragon. He says they need the last remaining piece, which they are heading for now.

Toblen asks how they intend to find the dragon.

Minogar explains that the helmet they now possess may aide them in finding it.

"I'm not sure if it's bravery or stupidity, but I admire your courage!" Toblen laughs.

Toblen goes quiet for a second. "I suppose you may want to know what the reward for this endeavour is going to be."

The group just sit there, but expectantly.

"I know you had some rough dealings with our previous townmaster, and I will be frank with you. The gold reserves in this town are not in a good state, its in an even worse state since Harbin left. If you could somehow find him, it would be a massive help. I bet he has hid a stash of gold or buried it somewhere. He might even have it on him."

Toblen does explain that he is currently negotiating with Lord Dagult to try and get a comparable reward for them, but he believes that his negotiating position would be much stronger after they defeat the dragon.

The group agree, as they trust Lord Dagult will pay up.

Minogar also explains they intend to take Carp with them, on a little adventure.

"I wondered why he was hanging around you lot." Toblen smiles.

Minogar explains that he has actually been a massive help, and got them back an artifact they had lost.

They look over at Carp, sat at the table, who is now beaming with pride.

The group head out, as Toblen wishes them luck.

Leaving town, the group head westwards over to the high road. At the crossroads of the Triboar trail and the high road, they decide to stop at a nearby inn as it gets dark.

Chapter 72


An oddly shaped building sits at the juncture of the Triboar Trail and the High Road. Two entrances into the building are apparent: a smaller one at the northern corner, and a larger one, suitable for beasts of burden and wagons, near the first.

Mira opens the doors, and the group head inside, they notice that hay is on the floor, suggesting it also doubles as a farm.

As they enter, they realise they are in quite a lively looking tavern, a bard is playing music on the stage, a young halfling woman is humming to herself who appears interested in the group. Behind the bar they see a human male cleaning glasses, with a woman sat at a table - presumably his wife - looking over some records. Two human males are also sat at another table near the window, talking.

The group head over to the bar.

"How you doin' there gnome? Welcome to the Wayside Inn!"

The group orders some beers and takes a drink. The bartender explains that the first pint is always on the house.

"So, what brings you to the Wayside Inn?"

The group don't want to tell him.

He laughs, "Silence I see, am I touching a nerve?"

Mira says they are going to Neverwinter.

"Ah, Neverwinter - the land of 'prosperity'!" He says as he holds his hands up, "Its all a lie. Although, I once wished to own my own place in Neverwinter, but I think now I would much prefer Waterdeep."

The group compliment the inn.

"Ah Thank you," he says, "You can thank Martisha for that!"

He gestures over to his wife sat at the table, who gives them all a surly look and goes back to looking at papers.

The group then ask if they can stay the night, and pay for some rooms. The bartender hands over keys for each of them, but Minogar and Carp decide to share a room.

He explains how to get up to the rooms, up the stairs. As the group turn they see another man that they didn't see as they entered the inn, sat under the stairs at a table.

Minogar seems to recognise the man, he realises that he looks strikingly similar to Lanar.

In the heat of the moment, Minogar shoves everyone to the side, he heads towards him with his drink and sits opposite him.

"Hello?" the man asks. "Who are you?"

Minogar just stares at him.

"Have we met before?"

Minogar just stares at him.


"You are scaring me now," the man laughs nervously.

Minogar breaks his silence, and asks if he has ever been near Phandalin.

"Erm. Yes?"

The barbarian says he looks very similar to someone he met before.

The man nervously says, "Well, I don't think we have met before, I'm sure I would remember a goliath!"

Minogar asks his name.

The man thinks for a moment, "Whats your name?"

Minogar says his name is Clarence Horseshoe, pretty unconvincingly.

"Erm, Ok... Clarence, no offence, but that is an odd name for a goliath."

Minogar says to keep it as Mr. Horseshoe, they don't know each other that well.

"My name, is Turnel." Turnel says.

Minogar looks disappointed, but decides that Turnel is lieing.

The goliath levels with Turnel and explains that Clarence isn't his real name, he tells him his name is actually Minogar, he points to the rest of the party behind him, who are waving, and explains they are a group called "Phandalin Hurricane Action Team".

He goes on to tell him about Lanar, and how he unfortunately passed away.

Minogar apologises.

"What was this individual's name?" Turnel asks.

Minogar says Lanar.

Turnel's eyes widen, then he looks calm. "My name is Lanar..."

Minogar seems surprised.

"The fact you knew my name, before I told you, as weird as it is, makes me believe your story, goliath."

Minogar asks if he ever came across anyone strange.

Lanar explains that he meets many people in his travels. "Can you be more specific, perhaps?"

The barbarian explains that a shapeshifter once stole his identity, and if the name 'Iarno Glasstaff' means anything to him?

Lanar shakes his head, "No. Erm, wait. Do you mean 'Lord Albrek'? I know of an Iarno Albrek."

Minogar asks him to continue.

"Yeah, I'm trying to remember, as there was a big story about it. He was sent down to Phandalin, to help out... I can't remember why, but basically he ended up committing crimes in the town instead, he was captured and brought to Lord Dagult. But he escaped, and is still on the run. I don't think they have found him."

Minogar buys Lanar a drink for that information. He asks Lanar what he does.

"I travel around, mainly between Neverwinter and Waterdeep, selling goods. Whatever I can find usually."

Minogar asks if he sells any potions.

"Potions? Let me look." As he lifts a giant sack onto the table. "Erm, I sell a couple, I got some potions of climbing, two of them."

The group buy the potions off him.

Minogar asks where he normally hangs around to see him again, Lanar says he will go to the 'Fallen Tower' a lot in Neverwinter.

The group recognise this as the inn they stayed at.

Minogar thanks Lanar for his time and the group head upstairs.

The group split up into each of their rooms, and Minogar tries to calm a frantic Carp down to get him to sleep.

He was not successful.

Session 18 - 06/08/2020

Chapter 73


A new dawn breaks, Minogar wakes up and looks over to Carp to check on him.

But he is not there! Minogar gets up with a start, and checks around the bed.

He stands looking at the pillow for a few seconds, before slowly reaching his hand out and touching it. His hand touches the pillow, he was checking to see if he had turned invisible...

The group all wake up and meet in the hallway outside their rooms.

Minogar explains that Carp is missing.

The rest of group are shocked that he lost the boy, but not surprised.

Minogar looks out the window and can see the High Road trail below, with the ocean stretching out beyond it.

They all decide to head downstairs, looking for the Halfling boy.

As they head down the stairs however, they look around the bar.

It is much less busy this morning, with only the owner and his wife present. However, they notice, at the bar, sat sipping orange juice - in deep conversation with the owner - is Carp, in his armour.

Minogar sneaks up behind Carp, he taps the right shoulder of the boy, but moves over to the left.

"Ahh! What was that?!" the Halfling shouts!

He slowly realises who it is and his shocked face becomes a smile, "Minogar!" and he laughs.

"I was telling my new friend about the adventure that we are going to go on!"

Minogar scolds the boy for disappearing.

"Sorry... I got really excited and went downstairs..."

The group decide to let him off for now, and order some breakfast from the owner behind the bar.

"Mornin' there barbarian!" the owner says, "Just been taking care of your little friend here!"

The group order three bacon and egg breakfasts.

Minogar checks if there is a vegetarian option, but the owner doesn't seem to understand.

The owner nips to the kitchen and tells the cook what to prepare, as the group find a table and discuss where they are headed.

They tell Carp they are heading to Dragon's Barrow, Minogar begins to tell Carp how there is a real dragon there, but Mira says there isn't.

They explain that they needed the helmet to get the Dragon sword.

They also explain to Maryia what they already know about Dragon's Barrow, and explain about Lady Alagondar.

Carp perks up hearing the name "Alagondar", and says his mother used to tell him stories about them.


Minogar explains that Lady Alagondar is now dead, and stares at the boy.

"Like Sasha?" the boy replies, innocently.

Maryia says that isn't cool, but Carp isn't sure what he has done.

Carp says he wants to be dead like Sasha and be far away on an adventure.

The group try to explain to Carp what death actually is, but he doesn't seem to understand.

Maryia says it might be best to clean up the helmet before going, as Carp has painted it.

Carp sulks slightly, "What do you mean? I thought I did a good job!" he protests.

Minogar says they can't paint it, as its not theirs.

Mira believes that a bit of paint on the helmet won't affect it, as it is magical.

A half-orc woman carrying a load of trays appears from the kitchen, and walks over to the group.

"I've got three bacon and eggs?"

The group all put their hands up and the half-orc hands over their meals. Realising that Carp has no meal, Minogar gives his over to him, and orders a new one from the half-orc.

Carp moans that the bacon is really stringy.

Minogar gets slightly annoyed, as he sacraficed his meal, but lets it go.

The half-orc emerges from the kitchen once again,

"Will this do you, Barbarian?"

She smiles at Minogar and places the food infront of him, as she does so, she places her hand on his shoulder and gives him a wink. Minogar sits there and looks at the food infront of him, he notices that he has considerably more than the rest of the party.

Maryia points out that he seems he has a "friend" there!

But Minogar is already tucking in, not paying attention.

Moments pass, and noticing that everyone has finished their meal, Carp pipes up, "Are we ready then?? Are we going to go?!" barely containing his excitement.

Maryia decides now is the time to have a quick chat with Carp, and sets some ground rules. She explains that under no circumstances should he wander off on his own. They also tell him that he is now an honorary member of Phandalin Hurricane Action Team.

Carp sits behaved as the group tell him not to annoy the ghost lady when they see her, and that they can't help him if he is not nearby.

"I'm sticking with you, Minogar" he says.

Minogar wonders for a section and inspects Carp's armor. He tries to see if it is Mithril, but it feels like standard chain mail in his hands.

The barbarian pats the halfing on the shoulder, and the group leave the inn. (Without paying!!)

Chapter 74


The group decide to head north as the crow flies over the plains to get to the Barrow faster.

As they progress, they come to a small clearing with trees surrounding it, a small stream flows to the west infront of them, about knee height. A log has fallen across the stream, becoming a makeshift bridge.

Minogar decides to pick up Carp and wade across through the water. The current isn't strong and he is able to walk across. Mira and Maryia both decide to cross over the log itself, balancing so as not to fall into the stream.

As Minogar wades through the stream though, he can see a branch sticking out of the log underneath, hanging off this branch, is a pouch. It is about the size of his hand and is sealed, but appears to contain lots of items inside.

Minogar tells the other two to be careful, as there is a pouch on the log. Maryia laughs and says it is just a pouch, why are they so scared?

She picks up the pouch as she crosses the log.

They listen, after everyone is across. They can hear the stream splashing along and birds chirping in the sky.

Maryia notices something odd in the bushes near the stream. She peers into them, but cannot see anything, she explains to the group that she feels something is up with the bushes.

The other two move over and peer in, Mira looks into a section of the bushes, as he looks into the bush, he sees a rough looking individual staring back with bloodlust in his eyes, a crossbow in his hands, pointing directly at the gnome!

The bolt launches from the crossbow directly into Mira's face, dealing heavy damage to the gnome!

Four bandits pop up out of the bush and begin to assault the party, they recognise them from the inn a few days ago. Their leader turns to Minogar and slashes at him with his scimitartwice, but Minogar blocks both attacks. Annoyed, the leader pulls out a dagger and sneakily stabs the barbarian dishonorably.

Minogar rages and slams his greataxe at the Leader in retaliation, but misses both swings in his blind fury.


To the west of their position, in another set of bushes, more bandits pop up and begins firing on the party!

Misty is hit with a stray arrow, but doesn't look too harmed.

Maryia uses dissonant whispers on the bandit that Mira saw, he resists the spell, but it still affects him and causes him to tremor.

The bard then uses her bardic inspiration on Mira.

Mira then attacks the bandit with his shortsword and slices his head clean off!

The gnome then follows through and slashes another bandit with his other sword, and slashes across his abdomen.

To the southwest, another group of bandits pop out of the bushes and fire arrows at the group, one heads straight for Carp!

The halfling does manage to dodge the attack, but another arrow is fired and hits him in the leg.

Full of confidence, Carp rushes towards this group of bandits, he takes his sword and tries to attack the bandit who shot him. He misses his swings and is now unsure of what to do!

The bandits grin at the child.

Misty rushes over on Mira's command to aide Carp, she rushes forwards and pounces on the bandit, but the bandit shoves the panther off.

One of the bandits to the west fires at Misty and hits her again!

Another bandit manages to hit Carp with an arrow, his armor is protecting him, but is clearly in distress!

The leader once again attacks Minogar, missing once again with his Scimitar, but hitting with his concealed dagger!

Minogar tells the bandit what would happen if he saw them again, and attacks with his axe, he slices through the bandit twice, in an "X" pattern and rushes through the now-corpse and attacks another bandit behind him, covered in blood.

The other bandit is mortally wounded and is in shock that a barbarian just burst through his captain!

Maryia is hit by a stray arrow in the battlefield, glancing her shoulder.

She then tries out a new spell, "Hypnotic Pattern" in an attempt to charm the bandits. However, they all manage to resist the charm!

Hypnotic Pattern

You create a twisting pattern of colors that weaves through the air inside a 30-foot cube within range. The pattern appears for a moment and vanishes. Each creature in the area who sees the pattern must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes charmed for the duration.

While charmed by this spell, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of 0.

The spell ends for an affected creature if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to shake the creature out of its stupor.

She then uses Mantle of Inspiration to buff Carp, Mira and herself.

Mira then uses a sneak attack on a bandit with the inspiration from Maryia, he kills the bandit in cold blood and moves on to attack another bandit, killing this one aswell!!

The gnome has now dispatched all bandits from the original group, and they turn their attention to the other groups of bandits, specifically the ones attacking Carp.

One of the bandits slashes at Carp and the halfling takes a bit of damage, but blocks most of it with his armor.

Another bandit attacks Misty, which slices up the side of the panther, leaving it badly wounded.

Carp shouts, "No! Misty!" witnessing the poor panther in pain, and a strange look comes over him.

His eyes glow a similar colour to the portals in the inn from before, a spell fires out of his hands at the bandit that attacked Misty. The bandit is hit and dies instantly!

Carp calms down and doesn't seem to recognise what he has done...

Mira and Minogar look at each other, worried.

A bandit near Carp decides to move back, but fires the crossbow at Carp, the arrow hits Carp badly and knocks him down.

Minogar rushes to Carp's aide and rushes through the stream to his side. He uses his rage to attack the bandit who attacked Carp, he smushes the bandit effortlessly and keeps slamming the axe into the husk of the bandit's remains.

He takes out a javelin and throws it at a bandit, it misses but he launches a second one into the shoulder of the bandit, which sticks into him!

Maryia tries Hypnotic Pattern again, on the bandits attacking her. She manages to hit them all and they all become charmed! The three bandits immediately stop attacking and stand still.

Mira takes out his longbow and fires it at the final bandit who is not charmed, who already has a javelin sticking in his shoulder. The arrow lands right in his eye and he drops to the floor in a heap!

The group turn to the remaining three bandits who are all still charmed.

Minogar takes out a rope and ties them up whilst the charm is still in effect.

The barbarian punches one in his face, to break the charm, but his goliath strength means that the man is now nearly dead. The thud of the punch breaks the trance of the other two.


Minogar warns them that they are going to die for this.

"What do you want?" the bandit who was punched asks.

Minogar asks why they were here, waiting for the party?

The bandit spits out a tooth, "You don't remember us?"

Minogar says he does know them.

The bandit smirks, "Then you know why we attacked you! Trying to get rid of us, we were the kings of Phandalin till you came! Whatever we said in that town goes, and you and that dragonborn came along, and made us look like fools!"

Minogar patronises the bandit.

"Well, we did own Phandalin, it was Violet Crows - I mean erm - bandit territory!"

Minogar says the bandit is not giving him much reason to keep him alive.

The bandit sulks, "Dont kill us. I can give you gold!"

He gestures to his pockets, as he is tied up and can't reach them, the other bandits do the same.

Mira asks where they got the gold from.

The bandits try to lie and say they didn't steal it, but no one buys it.

They go on to explain - realising no one is buying the lie - that they steal from so many people, it would be hard to know exactly.

Minogar then punches the bandit again, killing him.

The other two look petrified and say they will tell the party whatever they want to know!

Minogar says that they can go, back to Phandalin, and behave.

Whilst telling them this, Carp comes over to see what is going on. Minogar notices that Carp has a look about him - similar to when he "greeted" Minogar back on the farm - the halfling walks up to one of the bandits, and punches him in the groan, explaining that it is just his halfling hello!

"Please! No more torture!" the bandit shouts.

They manage to shuffle around and grab a pouch out of the now dead bandit's pocket. They throw it at the party's feet and it makes a chingling sound as it hits the floor.

Minogar warns them that if they are not helping out Phandalin when he sees them next, he will kill them. And the party decide to let them run off in the direction of the town.

Maryia sees the pouch on the floor, and realises it matches the one she picked up on the log. She opens it up and inside are just a load of rocks.

Minogar opens the other pouch, on the floor, but this one contains ten gold pieces.

The group go around looting all the bandits and find a lot of gold on them.

Mira heads over to the captain and finds more gold on his person. He also finds a "Ball in Cup" similar to one Minogar found from the bandit called "Francis" who attacked them when they were riding with Don-Jon.

The group decide to continue north to Dragon's Barrow, after a short rest.

Chapter 75


The group arrive at the familiar location of the Barrow, and see the spikes sticking out of the ground. The night has set in and a glow is eminating from the entrance.

They take out the helmet and Maryia is chosen to wear it. Minogar leads the group down the stairs into the barrow itself, cautiously.

The goliath heads down into the entrance room, and can see the three groups of wisps buzzing around. As they all enter the room, the fireflies move over to Maryia and seem to be inspecting the helmet.

A slight scratching sound can be heard from the helmet, and the group realise that they are scraping the paint off of the helmet.

Once all the paint disappears, they stop buzzing and they change.

Before the group, stand three ghosts, a bard, a wizard and a dwarf.

They are standing proud staring at the party.

Maryia tips the helmet at them, and they respond in kind.

Minogar also tries to communicate with them, but they seem to only respond to the one wearing the helm.

"Woah, look at these!" Carp exclaims, "Ghosts! They look really cool!"

Maryia asks the ghosts to lead her to Lady Alagondar, but they do not seem to understand her request. They remain stood in the room looking at her.

Maryia asks Minogar which way, and the goliath explains to head north from here.

As she moves, the ghosts follow her through the place.

The group arrive at their makeshift bridge, and head onwards into the room with the sword.

However, they are greeted by a sinister sight. Surrounding the sword, are the three adventurers that Mira met back in Neverwinter, who were also looking for this sword.

But, they have been sliced into pieces and are now corpses on the floor. It appears they tried to just take it by force, and failed.


The three ghosts move to the back of the room and watch Maryia.

Carp asks what they are, and Minogar just says they are sleeping.

Mira takes out the chalk, ready.

Maryia goes up to the sword and shouts out for Lady Alagondar, but nothing happens.

She decides to touch the sword. As she does so, the form of Lady Tanamere Alagondar forms infront of her, looking solemn.

"I see you have returned..." she says, "With my helmet."

She holds out her hands towards the helm on Maryia's head, and politely asks if she could take a look.

"Allow me?" Tanamere says.

Maryia removes the helm and holds it out towards the ghost.

Tanamere holds it in her hands, and the party see the hands begin to glow faintly. She focuses intently on the helmet, and the eyes light up.

She hands it back to Maryia, it is now empowered.

Empowered Dread Helm

This dread helm has now been blessed by Lady Alagondar, and it's power restored.

Wearing this helmet gives you advantage on all rolls to hit against Dragons.

It's eyes will also glow red if a dragon is nearby.

Tanamere steps back after this and stands with the other ghosts.

Maryia steps forward, helmet equipped and pulls on the sword.

The Dragon Slayer Longsword is now in possession of the Phandalin Hurricane Action Team!!

Dragon Slayer Longsword

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

When you hit a dragon with this weapon, the dragon takes an extra 3d6 damage. For the purpose of this weapon, "dragon" refers to any creature with the dragon type, including dragon turtles and wyverns.

Tanamere carries on talking after Maryia retrieves the sword.

"The Alagondar lineage blesses you, elf, and the rest of your party. I hope these items serve you well, as they did for me in life... We must go now, I leave the fate of the world up to you."

Her and her party fade away, giving one final wave.

Minogar turns to Carp and says mission accomplished!

The group decide to start looting the bodies of the fallen adventurers, but before they can do so, a familiar voice fills the halls.

The laughter of Iarno taunts the party.

"Very good trinkets you have there!"

Minogar asks if he has anything better to do?

"Heh, I'll give you something to do!"

His voice fades away and the group look at one another. The ground around them starts to vibrate, then shake hard.

The floor beneath them begins to raise and the ceiling above them begins to collapse and they can now see the night sky above.

It appears as though the dungeon itself - the dragon's skeleton - is being reanimated!

The group are now outside in the night sky, and the dragon's skeleton lets out a roar, and begins to look around for them!

Maryia's helmet is glowing bright red, and she takes her newfound Longsword and drives it into the tail of the beast.

The sword cleaves through it like it is nothing and shards of bone fly everywhere!

Mira uses a sneak attack on the dragon, and stabs into it with his shortsword!

Minogar rages and moves towards the center of the beast, he comments how big it is!

He smashes his greataxe into its centre of mass and shards of bone fly off some of it's ribs.

Realising where the party is based on it's damage, it turns on the spot and tries to bite Maryia, but she dodges out of the way!

It then claws at Maryia, and slices her across the chest, and follows up with another swipe, but Maryia does manage to dodge this one!

Mira uses his sentinel training to attack the beast in retaliation and stuns the creature in place!

Carp runs up to the head of the beast and swipes at it with his sword, surprising he manages to get a critical hit! He smashes into the side of the skull wiping out half of the dragon's skull, surprising everyone!

Maryia takes her Longsword again, and swings at the beast's head as well.

The sword smashes straight into the skull of the beast and disintegrates it!


With the head destroyed, the dragon just slumps to the ground in a pile of bones.

"We killed a dragon!!" Carp exclaims, "That was the best adventure ever!!"

And he gets that excited that he starts rambling incoherent nonsense.

The group tell him he was very brave and did very well!

They head north back to where the bodies were, and loot them. They find gold pieces but Mira manages to find a couple of gems, a Carnelian and a Ruby.

The group realise they have become tired, and fashion a makeshift shelter with the dragon's bones. They rest for the night.

In the morning, they step outside and are greeted by the morning sun with a slight rain. They realise that Dragon's Barrow as it once was, has been totally destroyed.

To the south, Minogar spots a man riding towards them on a horse. They wait for him to ride closer.

As he rides closer into view, they realise that he is infact not human at all. Instead, it is a centaur riding towards them, he raises his hand to suggest a greeting.

Minogar raises his hand back.

The centaur keeps his hand raises as he approaches the party and begins to speak, he explains that he has been tracking what he believes to be a Wood Elf by the name of Mira.

He says it is odd, but his tracking has lead him here, and it seems his tracking is off as the scent matches the gnome infront of him.

Mira begrudingly explains that it must be him. The centaur asks if the name "Falcon" means anything to him?

Relieved that the centaur seems to not need an explanation for why he is now a gnome, Mira says that he does.

The centaur begins to explain, "Falcon has sent me to find you all, it is urgent! Apparently, he told you to visit his home a while ago but you have yet to venture there?"

Mira sighs and explains that they have always had something else to be doing!

"Its Talos! The cult of Talos, they are mustering their forces to attack his home - his lodge!"

The group deliberate whether to help him or not, and Minogar asks how far his lodge is. Knowing where he is, Mira shows him on the map, right in the heart of Neverwinter Woods.

Maryia mentions that they should probably take Carp home, but the halfling protests saying how he now wants to see this "Falcon" character!

The rest of the group feel that he can take care of himself, so decide to let him stay.

They accept the centaurs offer and prepare to head into the Neverwinter Woods.


Session 19 - 13/08/2020

Chapter 76


They ask the centaur his name, who reveals that it is "Xanth".

Xanth leads them through the woods in the direction of Falcon's lodge. The group get the feeling that many creatures large and small are constantly watching them as they pass through the magical woods.

They rest for the night inside the woods itself as Xanth and Maryia take turns keeping watch.

The morning arrives, and they are awoken by rain hitting the tent. Mira has noticed that the further into the woods they go, the more the rain seems to fall.

Mira uses his Primeval Awareness to try and sense the presence of creatures nearby, but ends up sensing so much that it is hard to make use of it.

The continue towards Falcon's Lodge, and the canopy above starts to open up. They hear the sounds of a river flowing getting louder and louder.

Soon enough, they come to a stream and look to their left, the stream is being fed by a large waterfall in the distance.

The waterfall falls down a rather large cliff but inside the waterfall itself, seemingly carved by higher beings, is a statue of a knight - half emerging from the falls - holding his sword by the hilt, into the ground.

The water rushes either side of the statue, as if he is holding back the water himself.

Mira spots that on each of it's arms appears to be chests of some kind. As well as this he notices that on the sword's scabard is a message.

The group head upstream to try and read it, "To find what you seek, you must be willing to salute."

Minogar lifts up his arm and salutes at the sun. It starts to hurt his eyes.

Mira asks Xanth for advise, who asks if the party have anything to assist with climbing?

Mira remembers that Minogar has a potion of climbing, who promptly takes it out and drinks it.

Minogar feels empowered and faces the cliff.

Maryia stands ready, to cast a spell on Minogar if he falls.

Minogar begins to ascend the cliff, the rest watch in suspense.

He continues to climb up the cliff as the team give him words of encouragement.

He starts to amble across to the arm of the statue, a raging torrent falls to his left side, that splashes him every now and again.

The surface of it's arm is moss covered and damp, it is very slippery and Minogar can see the chest before him.

It is very precarious, but Minogar is able to get across the slippery arm to the chest. He notices that it is not locked, but shut.

He can't detect anything odd about the chest and begins to open it.

As he does this, Mira and Maryia see the other chest fade away.

Inside the chest, Minogar finds many gold pieces and a diamond placed on top.

Minogar gives a thumbs up to the people below, Maryia stays standing ready and Mira gives a thumbs up back.

The goliath walks back, but is slipping and sliding a lot more, he does manage to get back to the cliff face.

He begins his descent, still under the effects of the potion. He touches the ground once again.

The others congratulate him, and explain that the other chest disappeared.

The group decide to press on and Xanth carries on leading them towards Falcon's Lodge.

Chapter 77


They decide to rest one final time as night is setting in, before visiting Falcon.

In the morning, Xanth points to the rest of the trail, explaining that Falcon's Lodge lies beyond this, he explains that he has fulfilled his promise and guided them to his lodge and that he must now return to his people, to protect them.

He wishes the party luck, and advises the group that Falcon's old helper - Corwin - is a cranky old bat, so to be weary of him.

The group see him trot away to the north east.

A thin fog surrounds a fortified compound standing in a clearing on the east side of a narrow river. A ten-foot-high log palisade surrounds the compound, whose main building is a two-story stone-and-wood affair with a high-pitched roof, gables, window shutters, and a stone chimney. Attached to the main building is a blocky tower of gray stone, its high roof lined with battlements.


Other structures include a two-story stable house and a gatehouse whose flat roof is enclosed by iron railings. A stone bridge spans the river, ending before an oaken door set into the gatehouse’s outer wall. Mounted next to the door is a bell with a short rope hanging from its clapper.

The group walk across the bridge and Mira rings the bell.

Above them, looking down from the gatehouse, an old man's head appears.

"Yes?...", he asks in an almost fed up tone.

Mira explains that Falcon sent for them.

The old man interupts his explanation, "Names?" he asks - almost as though he has to do this too often.

The group give him their names.

"Ok, one second... follow me." he sighs. As he descends a ladder behind him to let the group into the complex.

Maryia whispers that this must be Corwin, "Pardon?" He asks. But Maryia says it was nothing.

"So what did ode' Falcon want you for?" he asks the group.

Mira explains that they were told that the lodge was under attack.

Corwin looks confused, "Under attack?"

"Attack from who?" he continues.

The group say the cult of Talos.

Corwin leads them into the lodge, a second-floor trophy gallery opens up above an oak dining table surrounded by tall-backed chairs on the main floor. Two iron chandeliers hang from the high rafters.

"Wait here, do not touch anything!" he commands the group as he heads up the stairs.

The group decide to wait, but Minogar wanders around the room looking at the "trophies", heads of large beasts mounted on the walls, each looking more monstrous than the last.

A large human man walks down the stairs, Mira recognises the individual on sight. It is Falcon the Hunter, he wears a fur-lined cloak over his studded leather armor. He stands 6 feet, 6 inches tall, and has black hair and broad shoulders. His eyes are as blue, cold, and sharp as ice, and he sports a neatly trimmed beard.

Falcon moves with the casual confidence of one who fears nothing, and he greets every concern with nonplussed indifference. He loves good wine and treats other people as he would like to be treated — fairly and with patience.

As he descends, he greets the group with confusion, "Can I help you?"

Mira begins to awkwardly explain his current "predicament" of no longer being a wood elf, but as he goes to do so, Misty rushes over to Falcon, who recognises her immediately.

"Haha," he laughs as he gives the panther a fuss, "I would recognise you anywhere! Misty, wasn't it? So where's Mira...?"

Mira explains it is him, and that it is a long story. He explains how a green dragon killed him and he was brought back by druid magic and found himself in his current body.

Falcon grits his teeth slightly and asks, "Venomfang?..."

Mira nods.

"I know of him," Falcon explains. "I must be prompt though, I have brought you all here for a reason. By the way, did Xanth - a centaur - find you all? Because he will still be looking for you if not?"

The group put his worries at ease, and explain that it was indeed Xanth who brought them here.

"Very good, now, I don't know if you will have come across these before, but have you ever encountered the "cult of Talos"?"

The group look bewildered.

"It might help if I explain what I do first, see. Nobles of Neverwinter - the adventurous sort - will come to me in order to explore the woods without fear of being killed or eaten. They are willing to pay a hefty sum for this privilege, and because of this, they could turn up at any moment. So it goes without saying that the longer I spend here in my lodge, the better. To the east of here, a mansion, of similar construction to what you are standing in now, has been overtaken by half-orcs. They worship the god 'Talos' who is the lightning god of war, and it makes me very worried for the forest if they were to gain the power they seek. They could summon all manner of despicable creatures should they succeed. As I am just one man, and need to be kept here. I require a trustworthy group to be able to go over and check what is really going on, maybe dispose of them if needed. Are you that party?"

Maryia looks Falcon up and down, smitten. She was not listening to a word he just said.

Taking this silence as the group being undecided, Falcon decides to sweeten the deal. He brings out a pair of 'Boots of Elvenkind' and offers them as a reward, he explains that these will make the wearer silent when moving.

Minogar isn't convinced, and is more worried about the white dragon attacking the sword coast. He explains this and says he is not willing to trade their lives for 'slippers'.

Falcon takes off a bow from his back, it glows green and seems to pulsate.

"This is my trusty bow, I call it 'Rhengar', if you were to fire an arrow from this, the chances of hitting your target are magically improved!"

Minogar turns to Mira, as if to say it is up to you.

Seeing the silence fall over the group again, Falcon decides to ask,

"You mentioned a town in the sword coast, can I ask which town is under threat?"

Mira explains the town of Phandalin is under threat from a white dragon.


"A 'white' dragon?" Falcon asks, confused.

Mira confirms.

"I had heard of the green dragon, but not of a white. Can I ask, do you know where this dragon resides?"

They say they vaguely know, but aren't exactly sure.

"Hmm, I might be able to offer you a third thing. You say you do not know exactly where this dragon is, perhaps I can help you with that?"

The group look interested.

"I won't be able to tell you where the dragon is, but I might be able to show you somewhere that could yield an answer for you."

The group all start to come around, realising that this could be crucial information that could help with their main objective.

Mira asks how far away this Manse is that he needs them to inspect.

Falcon marks it on their map and says it should be about half a day to travel across to it.

The group take him up on his offer, Falcon explains that the place is just known as the "Woodland Manse", the group bid him farewell and set of east into the forest towards that location.

Chapter 78


Following a trail through the woods, they come to a foggy clearing, in the midst of which stands a crumbling two-story manse all but hidden beneath thorny ivy. The large house is set atop a six-foot-high stone foundation, and the main entrance has a balcony above it. Pumpkins grow wild in patches around the manse, with several wild boars feeding among them. The boars snort with contempt as the group draws near.

Mira decides to sneak up to the nearest window and peer inside. What used to be some sort of laboratory lies in ruins, its furnishings broken and heaped against the walls. In the middle of the room, painted on the floor with mud, is a ten-foot-wide symbol depicting three lightning bolts joined at their tips. Where the lightning bolts converge, a half-orc wearing hide armor performs an eerie dance while consuming the entrails of a dead possum. Standing around the half-orc are several small twig figures.

He sneaks back over to the group, and explains what he saw. As he does so, a boar has come over and is interested in the party.

Minogar uses his Speak with Animals ability to converse with it.

He asks the boar what's going on?

"Pumpkins, yummy pumpkins!" the boar replies.

Minogar agrees and asks what is going on in the house, but the boar just keeps telling him how much he loves pumpkins.

"Do you got pumpkins? Give me some pumpkins!" as the boar oinks.

Minogar convinces the boar that there are loads of pumpkins in the house, the boar responds by shouting pumpkins over and over again, the other two just hear the boar start to squeal loudly!

The boar collects all the other boars and gathers them up into a group and they all start smashing the entrance door, this creates a lot of noise and they smash through and run amok inside.

The group notice that a boar near the entrance did not join in.

Minogar goes up to it, he sees that it is eating a pumpkin, but it seems to not be enjoying it.

The goliath greets the boar, but the boar seems to ignore him.

Minogar accuses it of not being a hog at all.

"Can you understand me?" it asks.

Minogar says he can.

The boar looks shocked, "Ohhhh... I mean - oink!"

Minogar laughs and says not to be afraid.

"I will admit, this is a first." the boar responds.

Minogar says he appears very smart, for a hog.

"Yes... funny that." the boar responds. "What brings you... over here?"

Minogar says that all the boar's friends like pumpkins and that there are a lot of pumpkins in the house, and yet this one seems not to too bothered by the pumpkins.

Panicked the boar explains that he loves pumpkins, and goes to eat one. But is visibly disgusted by the taste.

Minogar begins to head back to the group, who are watching him.

They see that as he turns his back on the boar, the boar starts to stand on it's hind legs and seems to morph.

Maryia shouts across to Minogar as the boar becomes a half-orc, wearing robes that seem to signify the storm god Talos.

It conjures lightning in it's hand and fires it at Minogar, which just misses and flies past his shoulder, hitting the nearby trees.

Minogar turns around and immediately enters a rage. He swings wildly at the half-orc but misses every attack!

Mira fires his longbow at the half-orc and hits him in his shoulder, Maryia follows up with Vicious Mockery and taunts him.


The half-orc fires another lightning bolt, again this misses Minogar and nearly hits Mira!

Minogar responds with a solid hit from his axe into the half-orcs shoulder, who looks visibly shaken by the sheer power of this hit!

Carp follows this with a shot from his longbow, and the arrow hits the half-orc in the neck as he begins to bleed profusely, Maryia finishes the half-orc with Vicious Mockery, and the sheer psychic trauma caused by her insults causes him to drop dead in the pumpkin patch.

The group now decide to head into the manse, they follow the trail of destruction left by the boars and can hear them still knocking stuff over and running around within.

Stone steps climb to a portico with a stone balcony overhanging it at a height of ten feet. Vines wrap around the balcony’s support pillars and its crumbling stone railing. The ground-floor entrance features a double door with a giant boar’s head crudely carved into it - now smashed through thanks to said boars. An unmarred double door stands closed on the balconyabove.

Mira goes in first and sneaks across to a smashed door, he sees a courtyard beyond it. Stone steps lead down to a flagstoned courtyard that has a pillared arcade to the east. Seven windows on the upper level overlook the courtyard, in the middle of which is a five-foot-wide stone well with thick vines erupting from it.

Guttural snorts and yells erupt from the southeast corner of the manse, signaling the presence of orcs nearby.

Mira recognises that the orcs are speaking in orcish, and appear to be planning some sort of attack.

A boar wanders over to Mira and starts to sniff him, he gets annoyed by it.

Minogar listens to the boar, it is asking Mira for some pumpkins.

Minogar goes over to it and tells it that the pumpkins are with the big green people.

The boar wanders off into the courtyard, Mira takes a look at the vines erupting from the well. He reognises that it is actually a 'Gulthias Tree' the roots of which will extend deep underground. Due to the fact it is growing in a well, it has grown into a malformed version of itself, with twisted wood and narrow gaps between it's curling branches.

Minogar decides to send the boar across to the tree, as it does so, four humanoid vine creatures emerge and surround the boar. They rip the boar to pieces and turn to the two standing at the door. One of the vine creatures notices another boar that has wandered into the courtyard through a different entrance, and runs across to it.

The Vine blights begin by casting a spell that produces grasping vines in the floor around them, it grasps at members of the party that are near the blight and tries to restrain them. The party slice and dice the vines as they are captured and continue fighting.

During the fight, Minogar fights a blight that moves to the southwest of the courtyard near a door that has been smashed in. As it nears death, it runs south into the room and alerts the creatures that Mira saw earlier.

Minogar can hear the sounds of many twig blights that rush through the narrow opening all at once, and the group can pick them off one by one.

He also hears the sounds of a larger creature that appears to eventually run upstairs and above their current position.

When a vine blight is defeated, something takes over Carp again - a similar effect to when he fought those bandits - and his eyes glow pink. He resurrects one of the blights as a zombie like version of itself and he is able to use it to assist the party.

However, this is short lived as the toll of the spell seems to overwhelm the halfling as he collapses shortly after and his thrall seems to attack anything it sees.

The group do manage to defeat all of the larger vine blights and are left with many twig blights surrounding Minogar and Misty.

However, they hear a window open above them and a half-orc begins to shout!