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Lightweight - Data Cloud Util

A lightweight set of Data Cloud utilities to ingest or query data directly from your Salesforce org.

Installation Instructions

Salesforce Data Cloud Utility and Ingestion API UI Setup Instructions


Building a Data Cloud Ingestion API Utility on the Salesforce Platform

Stream platform events directly from Salesforce into Data Cloud using the Ingestion API

Dependency - Package Info

The following package need to be installed first before installing this package. If you use the managed package you need to installed the managed package dependency and if you use the unlocked version you need to use the unlocked dependency.

Info Value
Name Lightweight - Apex Unit Test Util v2
Version 2.4.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6OXIA0
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6Q9IAK
Github URL
Name Lightweight - LWC Util
Version 0.6.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000T7ZBIA0
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000T7cPIAS
Github URL
Name Lightweight - Apex JSON Util
Version 0.7.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000T7m5IAC
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000T7nhIAC
Github URL
Name Lightweight - Apex REST Util
Version 0.11.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6gHIAS
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6htIAC
Github URL

Optional Dependencies (!! Still recommended !!)

This package is built to be used with a custom Data Cloud Auth Provider. The auth provider utility is highly recommended for error handling.

Info Value
Name Lightweight - Auth Provider Util v2
Version 0.12.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000MVUzIAO
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000MW1FIAW
Name Lightweight - Data Cloud Auth Provider
Version 0.5.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6y1IAC
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6zdIAC
Name Lightweight - Salesforce Auth Provider
Version 0.4.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000MCLtIAO
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000MCNVIA4

Package Info

Info Value
Name Lightweight - Apex Data Cloud Util
Version 0.8.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000TKD3IAO
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000TK9pIAG

Custom Metadata Configuration

In order to callout to the Data Cloud Ingestion API you will need to create a configuration record for each Ingestion API Connector you want to connect to. This object links the Data Cloud Named Credential, Ingestion API Connector and target object name together.

In the field mapping metadata you can specify a mapping between sObject fields and the target fields to create a declarative ingestion API field mapping.


This objects holds the configuration for a specific ingestion API connector.

Field Name Description
utl__Ingestion_API_Connector_Name__c The ingestion API connector Name
utl__Ingestion_API_Target_Object_Name__c The ingestion API Target Object Name
utl__Named_Credential_Name__c The Data Cloud Name Credential Name, this needs to be a named credential that directly connects to the Data Cloud API.
utl__Salesforce_Named_Credential_Name__c The Named Credential Name for the Org that hosts data Cloud (This is for future use and not required yet)
utl__sObject_Name__c The primary SObject name that is related to the target object. This is fully optional and used for header generation mainly.


This objects holds the mapping between an sObject source and target. Technically it doesnt have to be an sObject but it is the main function. This mapping in used int he utility functions to create a mapping between the source and target field and is especially required for platform events.

Field Name Description
utl__Data_Cloud_Field_Type__c The field type in data data cloud, valid values are: "textField", "numberField", "dateField", "dateTimeField" or "uuidField". The uuidField is a textField but used to generate test data.
utl__Data_Cloud_Ingestion_API_Configuration__c Lookup to the parent configuration record
utl__Source__c The sObject field name to map
utl__Target__c The Data Cloud Object field name to map to
utl__Is_Primary_Key__c Indicator if the field is the primary key (can be used for generating deletion queries)
utl__Is_Event_Time_Field__c Indicator if this field is an event tiem field (can be used for generating deletion queries)

Method Signatures

Configuration Metadata methods

// Method to get all the metadata including child records based on on the API Name
utl__Data_Cloud_Ingestion_API_Configuration__mdt configRecord = utl.Dc.getMetadataRecord(String mdtConfigName);

// Method to get the metadata configuration labels and names in a ready to use LWC picklist format
List<Map<String,String>> mdtOptions = utl.Dc.getConfigMetadataRecordsPicklistOptions();

// Method to get the metadata configuration labels and names in a ready to use LWC picklist format
// With a fitler for Data Cloud Named credentials only. This is the name of a DATA CLOUD named credential
List<Map<String,String>> mdtOptions = utl.Dc.getConfigMetadataRecordsPicklistOptions(String namedCredentialName);

Utility methods

// Method to get list of picklist options with only Data Cloud Named Credentials in a ready to Use LWC picklist format
// Works based on endpoint that end with ""
List<Map<String,String>> ncOptions = utl.Dc.getDataCloudNamedCredentialPicklistOptions()

// Method to get a list of field metadata that is sorted by the order in column from a Data Cloud Query result
// When removePostfix is set to true, the __c is removed from the custom fields
// See the class format below
utl.Dc.FieldMetadata[] = utl.Dc.getFieldMetadata(Map<String,Object> metadataMap, Boolean removePostfix)

// Method to create an ordered set of column names from a Data Cloud (query) Metadata response
// Uses the getFieldMetadata() method, see below for details
Set<String> columns = utl.Dc.getOrderedColumnNamesFromMetadata(Map<String,Object> metadataMap);

// Format of the utl.Dc.FieldMetadata Class
class FieldMetadata{
    String  name;
    String  type;
    Integer typeCode;
    Integer placeInOrder;

Query methods

// Method to execute a Data Cloud SQL query, uses V1 by default
// Note: This works based on the name of the Data Cloud Named Credential, not a configuration record
utl.Rst callout = utl.Dc.executeQuery(String namedCredentialName, String query);

// Allows to specify a different query API valid values are "v1" or "v2"
// Note: This works based on the name of the Data Cloud Named Credential, not a configuration record
utl.Rst callout = utl.Rst executeQuery(String namedCredentialName, String query, String apiVersion)

Data Graph Methods

 * Data Graph METHODS
// Method to get a list of all Data Graph Metadata
// Note: This works based on the name of the Data Cloud Named Credential, not a configuration record
List<Map<String,Object>> dgMetadataList = utl.Dc.getAllDataGraphMetadata(String namedCredentialName)

// Method to get a a single instance of the a Data Graph Metadata
// Note: This works based on the name of the Data Cloud Named Credential, not a configuration record
Map<String,Object> dgMetadata = utl.Dc.getDetailedDataGraphMetadata(String namedCredentialName, String dataGraphName)

// Method that queries the Data Graph and returns the JSON Blob from the Data Graph API response based on the data graph name and a record Id
// The record Id needs to be bassed of the primary key field
String dgJsonBlob = utl.Dc.getDataGraphJsonBlob(String namedCredentialName, String dataGraphName, String dataGraphRecordId)

// // Method that queries the Data Graph and returns the RAW JSON Response based on the data graph name and a record Id
String utl.Dc.getDataGraph(String namedCredentialName, String dataGraphName, String dataGraphRecordId)

Streaming ingestion methods

// Method to asynchronously call the ingest API, in this case due to the "future" nature of callout
// we are required to serialize the sObjects using JSON.serialize(sObject[] records)
// Use this on (platform event) triggers
utl.Dc.streamRecordsToDataCloudAsync(String mdtConfigName, String serializedRecords);

// Method to synchronously call the ingest API with the records and the config from the metadata record
utl.Dc.streamRecordsToDataCloud(String mdtConfigName, sObject[] records);

// Method to synchronously call the ingest API with the records and the config from the metadata record
// This method takes a list of object maps as the record parameter
utl.Dc.streamRecordsToDataCloud(String mdtConfigName, List<Map<String,Object>> records);

// Method to call the ingestion API with a custom generated payload and the option to test the payload
// against the payload validation endpoint
utl.Dc.streamDataToDataCloud(String mdtConfigName, String payload, Boolean isTest)

// Method to generate a mapping between source and target object that can be used with the
// streaming API
Map<String,String> fieldMapping = utl.Dc.createFieldMapping(Data_Cloud_Ingestion_API_Field_Mapping__mdt[] fieldMappingRecords);

// Method to generate an ingestion API payload based on a mapping taking a list of SObjects as input
String payload = utl.Dc.createIngestStreamPayload(sObject[] records, Map<String,String> fieldMapping, Boolean prettyPrint);

// Method to generate an ingestion API payload based on a mapping taking a list of object maps as input
String payload = utl.Dc.createIngestStreamPayload(List<Map<String,Object>> records, Map<String,String> fieldMapping, Boolean prettyPrint);

Bulk ingestion methods

// Method to orchestrate the bulk API ingestion from start to finish in a single transaction
// !! This is very limited in what it can handle is size and exists for test purposes only !!
utl.Dc.ingestBulkCsvDataInDataCloud(String mdtConfigName, String operation, String[] csvFiles);

// Method to create a new bulk ingestion job, return the Id on success
// Valid operation are 'upsert' or 'delete'
// Note: this uses the metadata configuration as it needs the ingestion API details
String jobId = utl.Dc.createIngestionBulkJob(String mdtConfigName, String correlationId, String operation);

// Method to get a list of all Bulk ingestion jobs for a certain Ingestion API Connector
// Note: This works based on the name of the Data Cloud Named Credential, not a configuration record
List<Map<String,Object>> jobTable = utl.Dc.getBulkIngestionJobs(String namedCredentialName);

// Method to get all info for a specific job
Map<String,Object> jobInfo = utl.Dc.getBulkIngestionJobDetails(String namedCredentialName, String jobId);

// Method to add a CSV to the ingestion job
// Note: Uses Named credential
utl.Dc.addCsvToIngestionBulkJob(String namedCredentialName, String correlationId, String jobId, String csvData);

// Method to update the ingestion job state to 'UploadComplete' or 'Aborted'
// Note: Uses Named credential
utl.Dc.updateIngestionBulkJobState(String namedCredentialName, String correlationId, String jobId, String state);

// Method to delete a bulk job
// Note: Uses Named credential
utl.Dc.deleteIngestionBulkJob(String namedCredentialName, String correlationId, String jobId);


Example 01 - Stream Data Async from a trigger on a platform event

trigger SmartDeviceEventTrigger on Smart_Device_Event__e (after insert) {
    // Stream the data to data cloud

Example 02 - Stream Data Directly from Apex

// Create any list of the SAME objects
sObject[] records = new sObject[]{ 
    new Smart_Device_Event__e(
        Action__c        = 'Switch State',
        Device_Type__c   ='Lightbulb',
        Status_Code__c   = 1,
        Status_Reason__c = 'Switched On (1)',
        Timestamp__c     =

// Stream the data to data cloud instantly (note from triggers or platform vents it needs to be async)


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