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Lightweight - LWC Util

A lightweight Lightning Web Component Utility library for common javascript functions and generating lightning-datatable data structures with both data and columns.

Blog (Datatable)

Package Info

Info Value
Name Lightweight - LWC Util
Version 0.6.0-2
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000T7ZBIA0
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000T7cPIAS

Javascript Functions

Utility functions

// Import the custom Utils, only import what you require in your code
import {handleError, copyTextToClipboard, handleDownload, selectText, removePreAndPostFix} from 'utl/util';

// Outputs a lightning alert with a javascript or Apex error message

// Copies text to the clipboard

// Create a file download when you click on a certain link
handleDownload(template, fileName, fileExtension, mimeType, content, addTimestamp);

// Selects text inside an element for easy copy and paste

// Remove the field pre-and postfix i.e. utl__Field_Name__c will become Field_Name

Modal functions

The utility also has a number of modals for outputting data. You can use one of the below examples

// Modals
import cmModal          from "utl/cmModal";
import ldtModal         from "utl/ldtModal";
import multiLdtModal    from "utl/multiLdtModal";
import textModal        from "utl/textModal";
import textareaModal    from "utl/textareaModal";
import colorPickerModal from "utl/colorPickerModal";

// The color modal returns the color code (#CCCCCC) on close for you handle
async handleOpenColorPickerModal(color) {
    const colorCode = await{
        color: color,
        size: 'small'
    // If all went well, udate the color
    if(colorCode !== undefined){

// The Lightning Datatable Modal does not require any callback by default as it is for outputting a table
handleOpenLdtModal(header, ldt){{
        header : header,
        ldt: ldt

// The Text Modal does not require any callback by default as it is for outputting lightning formatted text
handleOpenTextModal(header, content){{
        header : header,
        content: content

// The 
        // Modal info / content and if the textarea is disabled
        size             : 'small',
        label            : 'Modal label',
        content          : this.textareaContent,
        disabled         : false,
        // Download info
        fileName         : 'DataGraph',
        fileExtension    : '.json',
        fileMimeType     : 'application/json; charset=utf-8;',
        includeTimestamp : true,
        // Button visibillity for all types of buttones
        copyButton       : true,
        downloadButton   : true,
        prettifyButton   : true,    // Only works for JSON
        closeButton      : true

// Method to open a Modal with multiple data tables, see Apex below
                header    : "Detailed Data Graph Metadata",
                tableList : this.dataTables,
                size      : 'medium'
 * Example of multiple data tables and their (optional) header that are going to
 * be displayed using the multiLdtModal
List<Map<String, Object>> dataTables = new List<Map<String, Object>>{
    new Map<String, Object>{
        'key'    => '1',
        'header' => 'Table 01',
        'ldt'    => new utl.Ldt()
    new Map<String, Object>{
        'key'    => '2', 
        'header' => 'Table 02',
        'ldt'    => new utl.Ldt()

Codemirror Methods

In version 4.0 the code editor plugin "Codemirror" version 5.65.16 last updated at 20-11-2023 has been added as a lightweight implementation for LWC. I have no idea if it is implemented correctly, but it seems to work pretty well. I ported this when LWC just was released and never really updated it since besides the version. It's pretty cool though and works well, but don't judge the code too much.

[Documentation update to follow soon]

// Internal indicator that code mirror has loaded in the child component
codemirrorLoaded	= false;

// CodeMirror textarea Always set some default values
codemirrorClass     = 'ta';
codemirrorTheme		= 'default';
codemirrorMode		= 'text/x-markdown';
codemirrorValue		= '';
codemirrorSize      = {width: "100%", height : 250};
codemirrorDisabled	= false;
codemirrorSave      = () => {};
codemirrorLoadingComplete = () => {this.codemirrorLoaded = true;}

// Textarea methods are used for commonly used Codemirror settings
// Get access to the textarea methods, single textarea

// Get access to the text area methods, multiple textareas can be set by class name

// Full access to the CodeMirror instance, this gives you full control
let cm = this.template.querySelector('.textareaClass').cm;
<!-- Theme picklist -->
    value        = {codemirrorTheme}
    onvaluechange= {handleThemeChange}
    variant      = ""
    label        = "Editor Theme"

<!-- Mode picklist -->
    value         = {codemirrorMode}
    onvaluechange = {handleModeChange}
    variant       = ""
    label         = "Editor Mode (Language)"

<!-- Example of a CM Textarea in a form component -->
<div class="slds-var-p-around_small">
    <div class="slds-form-element">
        <label class="slds-form-element__label" for="cm-ta">SQL Query</label>
        <div class="slds-form-element__control">
            <div class="slds-box cm-ta" id="cm-ta">
                    class             = {codemirrorClass}
                    theme             = {codemirrorTheme}
                    mode              = {codemirrorMode} 
                    size              = {codemirrorSize}
                    value             = {codemirrorValue} 
                    disabled          = {codemirrorDisabled}
                    onsave            = {codemirrorSave}
                    onloadingcomplete = {codemirrorLoadingComplete}
/* CSS for the CM Textarea */
    padding     : 0px !important;
    border-color: #747474 !important;

Lightning - Datatable Classes

The utl.Ldt class has the purpose of representing a full lightning data table object. It's goal is create both the data and the columns in Apex instead of half in Apex half in Javascript.

We can argue where where this action belongs... In my opinion if you generate dynamic tables and need to send the header and type information from Apex to be stiched together in Javascript, you should do it fully in Apex.

If you have a static table, you should probably manage the headers in Javascript. So before you implement this, make sure you are doing the right thing for your code.

This class is simply a class representing the data structure of the Lightning Datatable as described here:

All methods wit hthe exception of the toJSON() method return the full class so you can chain all the methods. This makes it easier to create large tables and make it more readable if done correct.

For data time values see the formatted documentation

HTML Implementation

    key-field               = {ldt.keyField} 
    data                    = {} 
    columns                 = {ldt.columns}
    hide-checkbox-column    = {ldt.hideCheckboxColumn}
    show-row-number-column  = {ldt.showRowNumberColumn}
    onrowaction             = {handleRowAction}

Javscript Implementation Example

// Custom Utils
import {handleError} from 'utl/util';

// Apex Classes
import getTable      from '@salesforce/apex/YourClass.getTable';

// Loading indicator
loading = false;

// Lightning data table
ldt = {};

// Method that calls an apex Method that returns a Lightning Data Table Object (utl.Ldt)
        this.loading = true;

        // Execute apex
        .then(apexResponse => {
            // Set the table to the response
            this.ldt = apexResponse;
        .catch(error => {
            this.loading = false;
        this.loading = false;

Apex ult.Ldt Example

This is an example of what the Apex LWC controller could look like. See full details below.

public static utl.Ldt getTable(){
    try {

        // Create a key value pair table
        utl.Ldt ldt = new utl.Ldt()
            .addKeyValuePair('Key 01','Key 01')
            .addKeyValuePair('Key 02','Key 02')

        // Return the data table
        return ldt;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());

Lightning Datatable (utl.Ldt) Methods

Method Data Type Description
setupKeyValue() utl.Ldt Setup the table as a key value table. This creates a table with two columns: "key" and "value". With the header names "Key" and "Value"
setupKeyValue(String keyLabel, String valueLabel) utl.Ldt Setup the table as a key value table. This creates a table with two columns: "key" and "value". The key and value headers are user defined
setKeyField(String keyField) utl.Ldt Setter for the keyField variable
setHideCheckboxColumn(Boolean hideCheckboxColumn) utl.Ldt Setter for the hideCheckboxColumn variable
setShowRowNumberColumn(Boolean showRowNumberColumn) utl.Ldt Setter for the showRowNumberColumn variable
addColumn(utl.Ldt.Col col) utl.Ldt Method to add a column object to the table. See the details on the utl.Ldt.Col class below
setData(List<Map<String,Object>> data) utl.Ldt Method to set the full data variable at once
addRow(Map<String,Object> row) utl.Ldt Method to add a single row of data
addKeyValuePair(String key, Object value)) utl.Ldt Method to add a key / value pair row
toJSON() String Use this method to export the Data Table to a structure that can be read by the LWC controlling Javscript. Don't serialize your self if you use custom "classes". This also will ommit any null values.

Lightning Datatable Column (utl.Ldt.Col) Constructors

Method Description
Col(String label, String fieldName) Constructor to create a new column with a label and a field name, this defaults the column type to "text"
Col(String label, String fieldName, String type) Constructor to create a new column with a label, field name and column type (text, number, URL etc. See documentation)

Lightning Datatable Column (utl.Ldt.Col) Methods

Method Data Type Description
setCellAttributes(CellAttributes cellAttributes) utl.Ldt.Col Method to add cell attributes to a column. See the details on the utl.Ldt.CellAttributes class below
setColumnKey(String columnKey) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for columnKey variable
setEditable(Boolean editable) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for editable variable
setFieldName(String fieldName) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for fieldName variable
setFixedWidth(Integer fixedWidth) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for fixedWidth variable
setHideDefaultActions(Boolean setHideDefaultActions) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for setHideDefaultActions variable
setHideLabel(Boolean hideLabel) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for hideLabel variable
setIconName(String setIconName) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for setIconName variable
setInitialWidth(Integer initialWidth) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for initialWidth variable
setLabel(String label) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for label variable
setSortable(Boolean sortable) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for sortable variable
setType(String type) utl.Ldt.Col Setter for type variable
setTypeAttributes(TypeAttributes typeAttributes) utl.Ldt.Col Method to add type attributes to a column. See the details on the utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes class below

Lightning Datatable CellAttributes (utl.Ldt.CellAttributes) Methods

Method Data Type Description
setAlignment(String alignment) utl.Ldt.CellAttributes Setter for alignment variable
setClass(String class_x) utl.Ldt.CellAttributes Setter for class variable
setIconName(String iconName) utl.Ldt.CellAttributes Setter for iconName variable
setIconLabel(String iconLabel) utl.Ldt.CellAttributes Setter for iconLabel variable
setIconPosition(String iconPosition) utl.Ldt.CellAttributes Setter for iconPosition variable
setIconAlternativeText(String iconAlternativeText) utl.Ldt.CellAttributes Setter for iconAlternativeText variable

Lightning Datatable TypeAttributes (utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes) Methods

Method Data Type Description
setColor(String color) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for color variable
setMenuAlignment(String menuAlignment) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for menuAlignment variable
addRowAction(RowAction rowAction utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Method to add a row action to the actions column. See the details on the utl.Ldt.RowAction class below
setDisabled(Boolean disabled) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for disabled variable
setIconName(String iconName) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for iconName variable
setIconPosition(String iconPosition) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for iconPosition variable
setName(String name) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for name variable
setLabel(String label) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for label variable
setTitle(String title) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for title variable
setVariant(String variant) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for variant variable
setIconClass(String iconClass) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for iconClass variable
setAlternativeText(String alternativeText) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for alternativeText variable
setClass(String class_x) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for class_x variable
setCurrencyCode(String currencyCode) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for currencyCode variable
setMinimumIntegerDigits(Integer minimumIntegerDigits) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for minimumIntegerDigits variable
setMinimumFractionDigits(Integer minimumFractionDigits) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for minimumFractionDigits variable
setMaximumFractionDigits(Integer maximumFractionDigits) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for maximumFractionDigits variable
setMinimumSignificantDigits(Integer minimumSignificantDigits) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for minimumSignificantDigits variable
setMaximumSignificantDigits(Integer maximumSignificantDigits) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for maximumSignificantDigits variable
setStep(Decimal step) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for step variable
setDay(String day) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for day variable
setEra(String era) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for era variable
setHour(String hour) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for hour variable
setHour12(String hour12) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for hour12 variable
setMinute(String minute) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for minute variable
setMonth(String month) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for month variable
setSecond(String second) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for second variable
setTimeZone(String timeZone) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for timeZone variable
setTimeZoneName(String timeZoneName) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for timeZoneName variable
setWeekday(String weekday) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for weekday variable
setYear(String year) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for year variable
setLatitude(Decimal latitude) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for latitude variable
setLongitude(Decimal longitude)) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for longitude variable
setLinkify(Boolean linkify) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for linkify variable
setTooltip(String fieldName) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for fieldName variable
setTarget(String target) utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes Setter for target variable

Lightning Datatable FieldName (utl.Ldt.FieldName) Constructors

Method Description
FieldName(String fieldName) Default constructor to generate the value {fieldName : value}

Lightning Datatable RowAction (utl.Ldt.RowAction) Constructors

Method Description
RowAction(String label, String name) Default constructor to set the label and the action name
RowAction(String label, String name, String iconName) Constructor that allows you to add an icon to the actions drop down

Data Examples

Data can be added in a couple of ways. Either the full data set at once or a row at a time.

// Add one row at a time
utl.Ldt ldt = new utl.Ldt()
    .addRow(new Map<String,Object>{
        'FirstName' => 'Action',
        'LastName'  => 'Hank'
    .addRow(new Map<String,Object>{
        'FirstName' => 'Fois',
        'LastName'  => 'Gras'
// Add a full data set
utl.Ldt ldt = new utl.Ldt()
        new List<Map<String,Object>>{
            new Map<String,Object>{
                'FirstName' => 'Action',
                'LastName'  => 'Hank'
            new Map<String,Object>{
                'FirstName' => 'Fois',
                'LastName'  => 'Gras'

Column Examples

Key/Value pair

One of the most common types of tables I use are key value pairs to display some form of JSON data. I created a specifc set of methods to create this type of table.

Key Value
Key 01 Value 01
key 02 Value 02

To create this table you can simply use this code:

utl.Ldt ldt = new utl.Ldt()
    .addKeyValuePair('Key 01','Key 01')
    .addKeyValuePair('Key 02','Key 02')

Actions column

If you want to create an actions drop down menu you have to create a column of type 'action' and add the row action type attributes. You can set an initial width as well so the label shows. Optionally you can add a row action with an icon

utl.Ldt ldt = new utl.Ldt()
        new utl.Ldt.Col('Actions', null)
                new utl.Ldt.TypeAttributes()
                    .addRowAction(new Ldt.RowAction('Set Password', 'set_password'  ))
                    .addRowAction(new Ldt.RowAction('Set Color',    'set_color', 'utility:color_swatch'))


A URL fields points to a field that contains the URL

utl.Ldt ldt = new utl.Ldt()
        new Ldt.Col('Field Label', 'Field_Api_Name')
                new Ldt.TypeAttributes()


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