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Carbon Black Alliance Feeds

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Carbon Black 4.0+ ships with support for threat intelligence feeds. The Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) contained in the feeds are compared to the sensor data as it arrives on the server. Any activity matching an IOC is tagged; users can search for the tags and, optionally, sign up for immediate e-mail alerts.

Feeds allow Carbon Black servers to use freely available threat intelligence, proprietary customer threat data, and provides a mechanism to feed threat indicators from on-premise analytic sources to Carbon Black for verification, detection, visibility and analysis.

The Carbon Black 4.0 server supports three types of indicators:

  • Binary MD5s
  • IPv4 addresses
  • DNS names

The feed format, described below, is designed for simplicity. This should make it easy to add support for feed data from any input source.

Feed structure

  • Feed: a Carbon Black feed
    • FeedInfo: Feed metadata: name, description, etc
    • Reports: a list of report
      • Report metadata: title, id, URL
      • IOCs for this report

A feed is a JSON structure with two entries:

  • feedinfo
  • reports

The feedinfo structure is a list of basic feed metadata. reports is a list of report structures.
Each report has report metadata and a list of IOCs.


feedinfo is a JSON structure with the following entries:

name status description
name REQUIRED Internal name; must be unique per Carbon Black server.
display_name REQUIRED Display name for the user interface
provider_url REQUIRED Human-consumpable link to view more information about this feed.
summary REQUIRED A short description of this feed.
tech_data REQUIRED More detailed technical description, to include data sharing requirements (if any)
icon OPTIONAL A base64 encoded version of the image to use in the user interface

An example feedinfo structure, from the script:

  "feedinfo": {
    "provider_url": "",
    "display_name": "Tor Exit Nodes",
    "name": "tor",
    "tech_data": "There are no requirements to share any data to receive this feed.",
    "summary": "This feed is a list of Tor Node IP addresses, updated every 30 minutes.",
    "version": 1,
    "icon": "...."


A report is a JSON structure with the following entries:

name status description
timestamp REQUIRED Time this report was last updated, in seconds since epoch (GMT).
id REQUIRED A report id, must be unique per feed name for the lifetime of the feed. Must be alphanumeric.
link REQUIRED Human-consumbable link to information about this report.
title REQUIRED A one-line title describing this report.
score REQUIRED The severity of this report from 0-100, with 100 most critical.
iocs REQUIRED The IOCs for this report. A match on any IOC will cause the activity to be tagged with this report id. The IOC format is described below.


CB 4.0 ships with feeds version 1 and supports three kinds of IOCs:

  • IPv4 addresses
  • domain names
  • md5s

iocs is a structure with one or more of these entries:

name status description
ipv4 OPTIONAL A list of IPv4 addresses in dotted decimal form
dns OPTIONAL A list of domain names
md5 OPTIONAL A list of md5s

An example reports list with two report structures, each with one IPv4 IOC, from the script:

  "reports": [
      "date": 1380773388,
      "iocs": {
        "ipv4": [
      "link": "",
      "id": "TOR-Node-",
      "title": "As of Wed Oct  2 20:09:48 2013 GMT, has been a TOR exit for 26 days, 0:44:42. Contact: Adam Langley <>"
      "date": 1380773388,
      "iocs": {
        "ipv4": [
      "link": "",
      "id": "TOR-Node-",
      "title": "As of Wed Oct  2 20:09:48 2013 GMT, has been a TOR exit for 61 days, 2:07:23. Contact: GPG KeyID: 0x1F40CBDC Jeremy <>"


Carbon Black Alliance Feeds






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